
12345English Class-8

Chapter 1: Vocabulary (61 videos)
1.1: Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences)
  1. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 1
  2. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 2
  3. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 3
  4. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 4
  5. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 5
  6. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 6
  7. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 7
  8. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 8
  9. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 9
  10. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 10
  11. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 11
  12. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 12
1.2: Dictionary Skills
  1. Dictionary Skills
1.3: Use of Thesaurus (synonyms)
  1. Use of Thesaurus (synonyms)
1.4: Foreign Words
  1. Foreign Words and their Plurals
  2. Foreign Words and their Sentences
1.5: Antonyms (Words and Opposite)
  1. Creating Opposities of Words by Adding “un, in or im”
  2. Synonyms & Antonyms Part 1
  3. Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc)
  4. Exercise Opposites-Join Word to Picture
  5. Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  6. More on Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  7. Describing Words-Opposites
  8. Exercise-Describing Words-Opposites (tall/short, big/small etc)
  9. Asim Wants a Cap (Story/Opposites: tall/short, big/small etc)
1.6: Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
  1. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  7. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  8. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  9. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  10. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
1.7: Abbreviations
  1. Abbreviations (syllabus based)
1.8: Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes
  1. Root words and Affixes- Explanation and Examples
  2. Prefix and Suffix
1.9: Minimal Pairs
  1. Minimal Pairs Part 1
1.10: Word Pairs
  1. Pair of Words (Commonly Confused Words) Part 1
  2. Pair of Words (Commonly Confused Words) Part 2
  3. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  4. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  5. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  6. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  7. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  8. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 6
  9. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 7
  10. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 8
  11. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 9
  12. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 10
  13. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 11
  14. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 12
  15. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 13
  16. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 14
  17. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 15
  18. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 16
  19. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 17
  20. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 18
  21. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 19
  22. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 20
Chapter 2: Pronunciation and Spelling (43 videos)
2.1: Long and Short Vowel Sounds
  1. Vowels Introduction (letters a,e,i,o,u)
  2. Exercise Vowels Introduction
  3. Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  4. Exercise-Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  5. Exercise-Short and Long Vowels Combined
  6. Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
  7. More on Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
2.2: Letter Blends with Sounds (short and long vowel sounds)
  1. Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
  2. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
  3. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
  4. Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
  5. More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
  6. Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
  7. More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.3: Different Sounds of “Y”
  1. Different Sounds of “Y”
2.4: Homophones (words with similar sounds but different meanings)
  1. Homophones (words with same sounds but different meanings)
  2. Homophones Exercise
2.6: Four Letter Rhyming Words (Ending with ake/ock/ook/ing)
  1. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  2. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  3. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  4. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  5. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  6. Rhyming Words (join pictures/match columns)
2.7: Pronunciation: Silent Letters in Words
  1. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
  2. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.8: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
  1. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
  2. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
  3. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
  4. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
  5. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
  6. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
2.8: Pronunciation and IPA Symbols
  1. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in English (Introduction)
2.9: Double Consonants
  1. Doubling Consonants
2.10: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc.)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
2.11: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc.)
  1. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  2. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
  3. Syllable Stress: Word Form
2.12: Affect of Letters on Sounds of Other Letters
  1. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 1
  2. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 2
  3. The sound “ul” at the End of Words Spelled “le”
  4. Words that Break the Rule of “se” Pronounced as “z” and End in “ze”
2.13: Spelling Tripple Consonants
  1. Spelling Tripple Consonant (recognizing letter patterns for spelling)
2.14: Intonation Patterns
  1. Intonation Patterns with Examples
Chapter 3: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose/ Poetry) (24 videos)
3.1: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
  1. Comprehension of a Descriptive Essay Part 1
  2. Comprehension of a Descriptive Essay Part 2
  3. Comprehension of a Comparison and Contrast Essay Part 1
  4. Comprehension of a Comparison and Contrast Essay Part 2
  5. Comprehension of a Cause and Effect Essay Part 1
  6. Comprehension of a Cause and Effect Essay Part 2
  7. Comprehension of an Argumentative Essay
  8. Comprehension of a Letter Part 1
  9. Comprehension of a Letter Part 2
  10. Comprehension of a Story Part 1
  11. Comprehension of a Story Part 2
  12. Comprehension of a Play Part 1
  13. Comprehension of a Play Part 2
  14. Reference to the Context
3.2: Reading Comprehension Skills (Poetry)
  1. Comprehension of a Poem Part 1
  2. Comprehension of a Poem Part 2
  3. Comprehension of a Poem Part 3
3.3: Analogy, Simile and Metaphor (use/practice)
  1. Analogy Part 1
  2. Analogy Part 2
  3. Analogy Part 3
  4. Analogy Part 4
  5. Analogy Part 5
  6. Use of Simile: Activity
  7. Use of Metaphor
Chapter 4: Grammar (218 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction)  (Practice Test)
  1. Parts of Speech (introduction)
  2. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
  8. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  9. Interjections (explanation with examples)
4.2: Types of Nouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Masculine/Feminine (girl/boy, father/mother etc)
  2. Masculine/ Feminine (man/woman etc)(explanation/activities)
  3. Gender Nouns
  4. Proper Nouns (explanation with examples)
  5. Common Nouns (explanation with examples)
  6. Concrete Nouns (explanation with examples)
  7. Abstract Nouns (explanation with examples)
  8. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-1
  9. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-2
  10. Singular and Plural Nouns (explanation with examples)
  11. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (explanation with examples)
  12. Use of Much and Many
  13. Collective Nouns (explanation with examples)
  14. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 1
  15. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 2
  16. Nouns with Different Meanings in Different Numbers
  17. Number of Compound Nouns
  18. Animate and Inanimate Nouns and their Possessive Forms
  19. Possessive Forms of Animate Nouns Activity
  20. Exercise-Collective Nouns
  21. Compound Nouns (explanation with examples)
  22. Exercise-Nouns-Mixed
4.3: Types of Pronouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Personal Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Possessive Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Relative Pronouns & antecedent(explanation with examples)
  4. More on Relative Pronouns
  5. Exercise-Relative Pronouns
  6. Joining Sentences by inserting “Who”
  7. Joining Sentences by inserting “Which”
  8. Joining Sentences by inserting “Which or Who”
  9. Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
  10. Pronoun Antecedent Agreement (Activity)
  11. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-1
  12. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-2
  13. Exercise-Kinds of Pronouns Mixed
  14. Exercise-Pronoun Antecedent
  15. Interrogative Pronouns
4.4: Types of Prepositions  (Practice Test)
  1. Prepositions (explanation with examples & exercise)
  2. Prepositions of Place
  3. Prepositions of Time
  4. Prepositions of Reason
  5. Prepositions of Movement or Direction
  6. Compound Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  7. Exercise-Compound Prepositions
  8. Confusing Prepositions (until and by)
  9. Use of Since and For
  10. Preposition of Agent
  11. Preposition of Instrument
4.5: Conjunctions  (Practice Test)
  1. Conjunctions(3 types)(explanation with examples)
  2. Joining Sentences by inserting “or, and, but”
  3. Joining Sentences by inserting “so or because”
4.6: Articles  (Practice Test)
  1. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Articles
  3. Special Use of Article “An” and “A”
  4. Some Common Uses of Article “The”
4.7: Kinds of Adjectives  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Kinds of Adjectives
  3. Order of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Order of Adjectives
  5. Degrees of Comparison (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Degrees of comparison
  7. Absolute Adjectives
  8. Possessive Adjectives
  9. Regular Adjectives
  10. Irregular Adjectives
  11. Some More Types of Adjectives Part 1
  12. Some More Types of Adjectives Part 2
  13. Some More Types of Adjectives Part 3 (Activity)
  14. Forming Adjectives from Nouns Part 1
  15. Forming Adjectives from Nouns Part 2 (Activity)
  16. Use of Determiners
  17. Comparative Adjectives with ‘the’
  18. Adjectives with Reference to “Than”
4.8: Kinds and Positions of Adverbs in a Sentence  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Kinds of Adverbs
  3. Position of Adverbs in a sentence (explanation with examples)
  4. Position of a Single Adverb in a Sentence
  5. Degrees of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Change Adjectives into Adverbs
  7. Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation
  8. Adverbs of Reason
  9. Words used as Adjectives and Adverbs Both
4.9: Types of Sentences  (Practice Test)
  1. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  2. Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
  3. Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
  4. Direct and Indierct Object
  5. Statements (explanation with examples)
  6. Imperative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  7. Excalamatory Sentences (explanation with examples)
  8. Interrogative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  9. Changing a Statement into an Interrogative starting with “How Long”
  10. Wh-Question Words
  11. Use of Question Words
  12. Tag Questions
  13. Changing Statements into Negatives and Interrogatives
  14. Optative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  15. Exercise-Types of Sentences
  16. Identifying Expressions w.r.t. Types
4.10: Phrases and Clauses  (Practice Test)
  1. Phrase (explanation with examples)
  2. Preposition and Object of Preposition
4.11: Kinds of Verbs and their Forms  (Practice Test)
  1. Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
  2. Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  3. More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  4. Use of B Form-Is Am Are (pictures/sentences)
  5. Present Past and Past Participle forms of some Verbs
  6. Use of “Used To”
  7. Forming Verbs from Nouns
  8. Verbs of Doing and Verbs of Being
  9. Transitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  10. Intransitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  11. Auxilliary Verb (explantion with examples)
  12. Linking Verbs (explantion with examples)
  13. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
  14. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
  15. Simple Past Tense (practice)
  16. Finite Verbs (explanation with examples)
  17. Non-Finite Verbs (explanation with examples)
  18. Present and Past participle (explanation with examples)
  19. Exercise-Present & Past Participles
  20. Gerund (explanation with examples)
  21. Infinitive (explanation with examples)
  22. Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
  23. Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
  24. Modal Verbs (explanation with examples)
  25. More on Modal Verbs
  26. Exercise-Modal Verbs
  27. Use of ‘Can’ and ‘May’
  28. Use of ‘Should’ and ‘Must’
  29. Use of ‘Could’ ‘Might’ and ‘Would’
  30. Use of Must & Must Not
  31. Various Forms of Verbs (Practice)
4.12: Present Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  4. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Present Perfect Tense (Uses&Formation)
  6. Present Perfect Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation & examples)
4.13: Past Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  3. Past Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation)
  4. Past Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  5. Past perfect Tense (Uses&Formation)
  6. Past perfect Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  7. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation & examples)
4.14: Future Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  2. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Future Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation) (explanation with examples)
  4. Future Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Future Perfect Tense(Uses&Formation) (explanation with examples)
  6. Future Perfect Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  7. Change the Tense of a Given Sentence to Another Tense
  8. Exercise-Tenses-Mixed
4.15: Conditionals Type- I , II and III  (Practice Test)
  1. Conditionals-Type 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Conditionals-Senetences Table (explanation with examples)
  3. More on Conditionals-Senetences Table(Type Zero, 1,2,3,Mixed)
  4. Exercise-Conditionals
  5. Zero Conditional: Activity
  6. First Conditional: Activity
  7. Second Conditional: Activity
  8. Third Conditional: Activity
  9. All Conditionals: Activity
4.16: Active and Passive Voice  (Practice Test)
  1. Active and Passive Voice (explanation with examples)
  2. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 1 (explanation & examples)
  3. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 2 (explanation & examples)
  4. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 3 (explanation & examples)
  5. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 4 (explanation & examples)
  6. Exercise-Active & Passive Voice
4.17: Subject-Verb Agreement  (Practice Test)
  1. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
  3. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 5 (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Subject Verb Agreement
4.18: Transitional Devices  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitional Devices (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Transitional Devices
  3. Exercise Transitional Devices
4.19: Direct/Indirect Narration
  1. Intro Direct/Indirect Speech
  2. Intro Direct/Indirect Speech: Activity
  3. Orders and Requests: Direct/Indirect Speech
4.20: Punctuation  (Practice Test)
  1. Ways to End a Sentence (full stop, comma, exclamation)
  2. Commas with Simple Series, Oxford comma and Adjectives (Rule 1 and 2)
  3. Commas with Introductory Phrases and Nonessential Parts of a Sentence
  4. Commas with Phrases, Dates and Addresses (Rule 10 to 13)
  5. Commas with Degrees, Titles and Direct Speech (Rule 14 to 16)
  6. Commas with Direct Speech, Contrasting Parts and Introductory Items (
  7. Punctuating Salutations and Valedictions
  8. Punctuating Dates
  9. Punctuating Addresses
  10. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  11. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  12. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
  13. Contractions (it is/it’s, I am/I’m etc)(explanation/activities)
  14. Apostrophes with Contractions(Rule 13)
  15. Colons with Series of Items (Rule 1-3)
  16. Colons with Vertical Lists and Series of Items (Rule 4-5)
  17. Colons with Direct Speech (Rule 6-8)
  18. Semicolons with Clauses (Rule 1 and 2)
  19. Semicolons with Conjunctions and Series of Items (Rule 3 to 6)
  20. Use of Parenthesis
  21. Use of Parenthesis and Brackets
  22. Use of Dashes
  23. Use of Hyphens Part-1
  24. Use of Hyphens Part-2
  25. Use of Hyphens Part-3
  26. Punctuating a Passage Part-1
  27. Punctuating a Passage Part-2
Chapter 5: Reading and Thinking Skills (4 videos)
5.1: Differentiate Facts, Opinions and Implied Statements
  1. Differentiate Facts, Opinions & Implied statements
5.2: Explanation of Terms like Genre, Fiction, Non-fiction etc.
  1. Explanation of Terms like Genre, Fiction, Non-fiction etc.
5.3: Types of Writing Systems in a Play
  1. Types of Writing Systems in a Play
  2. Elements of a Story
Chapter 6: Writing Skills (50 videos)
6.1: Summary Writing
  1. Summary Writing Intro and Steps (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Summary Skills-1
  3. Exercise-Summary Skills-2
  4. Exercise-Summary Skills-3
6.2: Paraphrasing
  1. Paraphrasing Intro-Sample (writing a paraphrase of a story)
  2. More on paraphrasing Intro-Sample
  3. Paraphrasing the Stanzas of a Poem (editing/writing)
6.3: Paragaraph Writing
  1. Paragaraph Writing Intro-Outline (explanation with examples)
  2. Paragraph Writing Sample(writing of a paragraph)
6.4: Self-Created Cloze
  1. Self-Created Cloze
6.5: Free Writing (writing without stopping)
  1. Free Writing: Writing Without Stopping
6.6: Writing a Diary Entry
  1. Writing a Diary Entry
6.7: Flow Chart of a School Event
  1. Flow Chart of a School Event
6.8: Blurbs
  1. Blurbs
6.9: Writing a News Report and Article
  1. News Report
  2. Writing an Article
6.10: Essay Writing
  1. Essay Writing -Intro with Essay Types (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Essay Writing
  3. Steps for writing an Essay (explanation with examples)
  4. More on Steps for writing an Essay
6.11: Mind Mapping
  1. Mind Map (developing of a mind map)
6.12: Argumentative Essay
  1. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-3(writing of essay)
6.13: Narrative Essay
  1. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-3 (writing of essay)
  4. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-4 (writing of essay)
6.14: Character Sketch
  1. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
6.15: Descriptive Essay
  1. Descriptive Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
  3. More on Character Sketch
6.16: Cause and Effect Essay
  1. Cause and Effect
  2. Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  3. More on Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
6.17: Comparison and Contrast Essay
  1. Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample(writing of essay)
  2. More on Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample (writing of essay)
6.18: Letter Format & Types
  1. Letter Types and Format(explanation with examples)
6.19: Styles and tones in letter writing
  1. Styles and Tones in Letter Writing
6.20: Formal Letter (Application)
  1. Formal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.21: Informal Letter
  1. Informal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.22: Email
  1. Email Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.23: Book Review
  1. Book Review Intro and Tips (explanation with examples)
  2. Book Review Sample (discussion of sample)
  3. Book Reviews on Hellen Keller’s 2 Books (explanation)
6.24: Dialogue Writing
  1. Dialogue Writing Part 1
  2. Dialogue Writing Part 2
  3. Dialogue Writing Part 3
  4. Dialogue Writing Part 4
  5. Dialogue Writing Part 5

Math Class-8

Chapter 1: Operations on Sets (52 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Sets  (Practice Test)
  1. Set Definition
  2. Problem-Introduction to Set
  3. Definition & Notation of Some Important Sets
  4. Problem-Some Important Sets
  5. Subset and Superset of a Set
  6. Problem-Subset and Superset of a Set
  7. Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  8. Problem-Proper and Improper Subset of a Set
  9. Problem 1: Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  10. Problem-Finding Subsets of a Set
  11. Power Set
  12. Problem-Concept of Power Set
1.2: Operations on Sets  (Practice Test)
  1. Commutative Property of Union of Sets
  2. Problem-Commutative Property of Union of Sets
  3. Associative Property of Union of Sets
  4. Problem-Associative Property of Union of Sets
  5. Identity Property with Respect to Union
  6. Commutativity of Intersection
  7. Problem-Commutative Property of Intersection of Sets
  8. Associative Property of Intersection of Sets
  9. Problem-Associative Property of Intersection of Sets
  10. Identity Property with Respect to Intersection
  11. Prob-Identity Property with Respect to Intersection
  12. Difference of Sets
  13. Prob-Properties Involving Difference of Sets
  14. Properties Involving Complement of a Set
  15. Prob-Properties Involving Complement of a Set
  16. Distributive Property of Union Over Intersection
  17. Problem-Distributive Law of Union Over Intersection
  18. Distributive property of Intersection over Union
  19. Problem-Distributive Law of Intersection Over Union
  20. Demorgan Law 1
  21. Problem-Complement of Union Equals Intersection of Complements
  22. Demorgan Law 2
  23. Problem-Complement of Intersection Equals Union of Complements
1.3: Venn Diagram  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Venn Diagram
  2. Problem-Introduction to Venn Diagram
  3. Introduction to Venn Diagrams
  4. Problem-Representing Sets Through Venn Diagrams
  5. Performing Union of Sets Through Venn Diagram
  6. Problem-Performing Union of Sets Through Venn Diagram
  7. Performing Intersection of Sets Through Venn Diagram
  8. Problem-Performing Intersection of Sets Through Venn Diagram
  9. Difference of Sets for Overlapping Sets
  10. Problem-Difference of Two Sets A and B Through Venn Diagram
  11. Complement of a Set Through Venn Diagram
  12. Problem-Complement of a Set Through Venn Diagram
  13. Union Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  14. Problem-Associative Law of Union Through Venn Diagram
  15. Intersection Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  16. Distributivity of Union Over Intersection of Sets
  17. Distributivity of Intersection Over Union of Sets
Chapter 2: Real Numbers (34 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Irrational Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Rational Numbers
  2. Problem-Concept of Rational Numbers
  3. Concept of Irrational Numbers
  4. Problem-Concept of Irrational Numbers
  5. Introduction to Real Numbers
  6. Problem-Concept of Real Numbers
  7. Terminating Decimals
  8. Problem-Terminating Decimals
  9. Non-terminating Decimals
  10. Problem-Non-terminating Decimals
2.2: Squares  (Practice Test)
  1. Squares and Squares Root
  2. Squares of Natural Numbers
  3. Concept of Prefect Squares
2.3: Square Root  (Practice Test)
  1. Square Root of a Natural Number
  2. Problem-Finding Square Roots By Prime Factorization
  3. Finding Square Roots of Fractions
  4. Problem-Finding Square Roots of Fractions
  5. Finding Square Roots of Decimals
  6. More on Finding Square Roots of Decimals
  7. Problem-Finding Square Roots of Decimals
  8. Finding Square Roots By Division Method
  9. More on Finding Square Roots By Division Method
  10. Problem-Finding Square Roots By Division Method
  11. Finding Square Roots of Decimals
  12. More on Finding Square Roots of Decimals
  13. Problem-Finding Square Roots of Decimals By Division Method
  14. Number of Digits in the Square Root of a Perfect Square
  15. Solving Problem Involving Square Root-Problem-1
  16. Solving Problem Involving Square Root-Problem-2
  17. Finding Number of Digits in Square Root and Their Pairing
2.3: Cubes and Cube Roots  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Cubes and Perfect Cubes
  2. Problem-Concept of Cubes and Perfect Cubes
  3. Cubes and Cube Roots
  4. Problem-Cube Roots of Numbers which are Perfect Cubes
Chapter 3: Number Systems (34 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Number System  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of a Base of Number System
  2. Problem-Introduction to Decimal System and Base
  3. Binary Number System
  4. Problem-Binary Number System
  5. Base Five Number System
  6. problem-Base Five Number System and conversion from base 10 to base 5
  7. Base Eight Number System
3.2: Conversion  (Practice Test)
  1. Conversion of Number from Base 2 to 10 System
  2. Problem-Conversion of Number from Base 2 to 10 System
  3. Conversion of Number from Base 5 to 10 System
  4. Conversion of Number from Base 10 to 8 System and Vise Versa
  5. Problem-Conversion of Number from Base 10 to 8 System
  6. Addition of Numbers in Binary System
  7. Problem-Addition of Numbers in Binary System
  8. Subtraction of Numbers in Binary System
  9. Problem-Subtraction of Numbers in Binary System
  10. Multiplication of Numbers in Binary System
  11. Problem-Multiplication of Numbers in Binary System
  12. Addition of Numbers in Base Five System
  13. Subtraction of Numbers in Base Five System
  14. Multiplication in Base-5 System
  15. Problem-Multiplication in Base-5 System
  16. Addition of Numbers in Base Eight System
  17. Subtraction of Numbers in Base Eight System
  18. Problem-Subtraction of Numbers in Base Eight System
  19. Multiplication of Numbers in Base Eight System
  20. Problem-Multiplication of Numbers in Base Eight System
  21. Addition of Numbers in Different Base System
  22. Problem-Addition of Numbers in Different Base System
  23. Subtraction of Numbers in Different Base System
  24. Problem-Subtraction of Numbers in Different Base System
  25. Multiplication of Numbers in Different Base System
  26. Problem-Multiplication of Numbers in Different Base System
  27. BODMAS Rule in Solving Numbers with Different Base System
Chapter 4: Financial Arithmetic (59 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Compound Proportion  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Compound Proportion
  2. Problem-Concept of Compound Proportion
  3. Solving Word Problem of Compound Proportion-Problem1
  4. Solving Word Problem of Compound Proportion-Problem2
  5. Introducing Business Partnership
  6. Problem Related to Partnership-p1
  7. Problem Related to Partnership-p2
  8. More on Problem Related to Partnership-p2
  9. Problem Related to Partnership-p3
  10. Introducing Inheritance
  11. More on Introducing Inheritance
  12. Problem Related to Inheritance-p1
  13. More on Problem Related to Inheritance-p1
  14. Problem Related to Inheritance-p2
  15. Problem Related to Inheritance-p3
4.2: Banking  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Banking
  2. Bank Deposits and Types of Accounts
  3. More on Bank Deposits and Types of Accounts
  4. Negotiable Instruments
  5. Online Banking
  6. Conversion of Currencies
  7. Problem1-Money Exchange
  8. Problem2-Money Exchange
  9. Problem3-Money Exchange
  10. concept of percent profit
  11. Problem- profit percentage
  12. Word Problem of Profit
  13. Problem-Word Problem of Profit
  14. Concept of Markup
  15. Problem-Concept of Markup
  16. Word Problem of Markup
  17. More on Word Problem of Markup
  18. Types of Finance
4.3: Percentage  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Percentage
  2. Problem-Concept of Percentage
  3. Concept of Profit and Loss
  4. Concept of Discount
  5. Problem-Concept of Discount
  6. Word Problem Related to Profit
  7. Word Problem Related to Loss
  8. Word Problem Related to Discount
  9. concept of percent profit
  10. Concept of prercent loss
  11. Problem- profit percentage
  12. Problem- loss percentage
  13. Problem-Related to Profit or Loss Percent-p3
  14. Importance of Profit and Loss Percentage
  15. Problem-Importance of Profit and Loss Percentage
  16. Finding Selling Price When Profit/Loss Percent & Cost Price are Given
  17. Finding Cost Price When Profit/Loss Percent and Selling Price are Giv
  18. Prob-Finding Cost Price When Profit/Loss Percent and Selling Price ar
  19. Discount as a Percentage of Marked Price
  20. Problem-Discount as a Percentage of Marked Price
4.4: Insurance  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Insurace and its Components
  2. More on Introducing Insurace and its Components
  3. Life Insurance
  4. More on Life Insurance
  5. Vehicle Insurance
4.5: Income Tax
  1. Concept of Income Tax
  2. Problem-Introduction to Income Tax
Chapter 5: Polynomials (37 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Algebraic Expressions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Algebraic Expressions
  2. Problem-Introduction to Algebraic Expressions
  3. Concepts of Constant and Variables / Literals
  4. Problem-Concepts of Constant and Variables / Literals
5.2: Polynomial  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Polynomial and its Degree
  2. Degree of a polynomial
  3. Problem-Concept of Polynomial and its Degree
  4. Coefficients of a Polynomial
  5. Polynomials in One, Two and More Variables
  6. Identification of a Monomial, Binomial and Trinomial
  7. Problem-Identification of a Monomial, Binomial and Trinomial
  8. Concept of Linear Polynomials
  9. Problem-Concept of Linear Polynomials
  10. Concept of Quadratic Polynomials
  11. Problem-Concept of Quadratic Polynomials
  12. Concept of Cubic Polynomial
  13. Problem-Concept of Cubic Polynomial
  14. Concept of Biquadratic Polynomial
  15. Problem-Concept of Biquadratic Polynomial
  16. Problem Related to Algebraic Expressions
5.3: Operations with Polynomials  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition of Polynomials by horizontal method
  2. Problem-Addition of Polynomials by horizontal method
  3. Addition of Polynomials by vertical method
  4. problem-Addition of Polynomials by vertical method
  5. Subtraction of polynomial by horizontal method
  6. problem-Subtraction of polynomial by horizontal method
  7. Subtraction of Polynomials by vertical method
  8. Multiplication of Polynomials
  9. Multiplication of binomials with trinomials
  10. Problem-Multiplication of Polynomials-1
  11. Problem-Multiplication of Polynomials-2
  12. Vertical Multiplication of Polynomials
  13. Problem-Vertical Multiplication of Polynomials
  14. Division of Polynomials
  15. Problem-Division of Polynomials
  16. Simplification of an Algebraic Expressions
  17. Problem1-Simplification of an Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 6: Factorization, simultaneous Equations (41 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Basic Algeraic Formulas  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Algebraic Identities
  2. Problem-Introduction to Algebraic Identities
  3. Product of Same Binomial
  4. More on Product of Same Binomial
  5. Problem-Product of Same Binomial
  6. Difference of Square of Two Terms
  7. Problem1-Difference of Square of Two Terms
  8. Problem2-Difference of Square of Two Terms
  9. Application of Difference of Square of Two Terms
6.2: Factorization  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Factorization
  2. Problem-Factorization of Algebraic Expressions
  3. Factorization of Expressions of the Form ka+kb+kc
  4. Problem-Factorization of Expressions of the Form ka+kb+kc
  5. Factorization by Making Groups
  6. Problem-Factorization by Making Groups
  7. Factoring Square of Sum Or Difference of Two Terms
  8. Problem 1: Factoring Square of Sum Or Difference of Two Terms
  9. Factoring Difference of Square of Two Terms
  10. Problem-Factoring Difference of Square of Two Terms
6.3: Manipulation of Algebraic Expression
  1. Manipulation of Algebraic Expression
  2. More on Manipulation of Algebraic Expression
  3. Problem1-Manipulation of Algebraic Expression
  4. Problem2-Manipulation of Algebraic Expression
6.4: Simulataneous Linear Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Recognizing and formation of Linear Equations in One and Two Variabl
  2. Solution of a Linear Equation in Two Unknowns
  3. Solution of Two Linear Equations Involving Two Variables
  4. Problem-Solution of Two Equations Involving Two Variables
  5. Problems Involving Linear Equations in Two Variables
6.5: Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Finding Solution Using Method of Equating the Coefficients
  2. Elimination by Substitution Method
  3. Finding Solution Using Method of Cross Multiplication
  4. Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations -p1
  5. More on Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations -p1
  6. Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations -p2
  7. More on Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations -p2
6.6: Elimination  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Elimination
  2. Elimination by Substitution Method
  3. Problem-Elimination of a Variable from Two Equations-Substitution
  4. Elimination by the Application of Formulae
  5. Problem-Elimination of a Variable from Two Equations-Formula
  6. More on Problem-Elimination of a Variable from Two Equations-Formula
Chapter 7: Fundamentals of Geometry (17 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Parallel Lines
  1. Concept of Parallel Lines
  2. Properties of Parallel Lines
  3. Vertically Opposite Angles
  4. Concept of Corresponding Angles
  5. Concept of Alternate Interior Angles
  6. Concept of Interior Angles
  7. Problem- Finding Angles Formed by a Transversal
7.2: Polygons
  1. Concept of Polygon
  2. Demonstrate the properties of a parallelogram
  3. Concept of Regular Pentagon, Hexagon & Octagon
7.3: Circle  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Circle & its Characteristics
  2. Point Lying in the Interior and Exterior of a Circle
  3. Chord , Diameter & Circumference of a Circle
  4. Arc of a Circle
  5. Segment & Sector of a Circle
  6. Concept of Secant & Tangent Line
  7. Concept of Adjacent Angles
Chapter 8: Practical Geometry (21 videos)
8.1: Converging (non-Parallel) Lines  (Practice Test)
  1. Angle Between Two Converging Lines
  2. Bisect the Angle Between Two Converging Lines
  3. More on Bisect the Angle Between Two Converging Lines
  4. Constructing Square Using Diagonals
  5. Constructing Square Using Difference of Diagonal and Side
  6. More on Constructing Square Using Difference of Diagonal and Side
  7. Constructing Square Using Sum of Diagonal and Side
  8. More on Constructing Square Using Sum of Diagonal and Side
  9. Construction of Rectangle
  10. Constructing Rectangle Using Diagonal and Side
  11. Construction of Rhombus Using Side and Base Angle
  12. Construction of Rhombus Using Side and Diagonal
  13. Construction of Parallelogram
  14. Case1-When Two Adjacent Sides-Included Angle are Given
  15. More on Case1-When Two Adjacent Sides-Included Angle are Given
  16. Case2-When Two Adjacent Sides-Diagonal are Given
  17. Construction of a Kite
  18. Constructing Regular Pentagon
  19. Constructing Regular Hexagon
8.2: Construction of a Right Angled Triangle
  1. Constructing Right Triangle Using Hypotenuse and Side
  2. Constructing Right Triangle Using Hypotenuse and Height
  3. More on Constructing Right Triangle Using Hypotenuse and Height
Chapter 9: Areas and Volume (12 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Pythagoras Theorem  (Practice Test)
  1. Pythagoras Theorem
  2. Solution of Right Angle Triangle through Pythagoras Theorem
9.2: Hero’s Formula  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Herons Formula
  2. Area of Quadrilateral Regions by Hero’s Formula
  3. Area of Triangle by Heros Formula
9.3: Surface Area and Volume of Sphere  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Volume
  2. Concept of Surface Area
  3. Surface Area of a Sphere
  4. Volume of a Sphere
  5. Concept of Cone
  6. Surface Area of a Cone
  7. Volume of a Cone
Chapter 10: Demonstrative Geometry (18 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Define Demonstrative Geometry  (Practice Test)
  1. Definition of Demonstrative Geometry
  2. Fundamental Concepts of Geometry
  3. Elements in proving a geometrical theorem
  4. Corollary and Converse of Theorem
10.2: Theorems  (Practice Test)
  1. Supplementary Angle Theorem
  2. Corollary of Supplementary Angle Theorem
  3. Straight Angle Theorem
  4. Corollaries of Straight Angle Theorem
  5. If two lines intersect each other,than vertical angles are congruent
  6. SAS Theorem
  7. Corollary of SAS Theorem
  8. Playfair’s Axiom
  9. Base Angle Theorem
  10. Corollary of Base Angle Theorem
  11. Triangle Sum Theorem
  12. Exterior Angle Theorem
  13. Alternate Angles Theorem
  14. If a transversal intersects two parallel lines
Chapter 11: Introduction to Trigonometry (10 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Trigonometry  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Trigonometry
  2. Problem-Introduction to Trigonometry
  3. Trigonometric Ratios of an Acute Angle
  4. Problem-Trigonometric Ratios of An Acute Angle
  5. Trigonometric ratios of 45 degree
  6. Problem-Trigonometric Ratios of An Angle of 45 Degree
  7. Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
  8. Problem-Trigonometric Ratios of Angles of 30 & 60 Degree
  9. Trigonometric Ratios of an Complementary Angles
  10. Problem 1: Trigonometric Ratios of an Complementary Angles
Chapter 12: Information Handling (17 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Frequency and Frequency Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Class interval & Class Limits
  2. Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  3. Problem 1: Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  4. Graph of Frequency Distribution by Histogram
  5. Problem 1: Constructing Histogram with Equal Intervals
  6. Problem-Concept of Histogram
12.2: Measures of Central Tendency  (Practice Test)
  1. Problem-Concept of an Average ( Arithmetic Mean )
  2. Problem-Solve Real Life Problems Involving Average
  3. Arithmetic Mean (A.M) for Ungrouped Data
  4. Problem 1: A.M of Ungrouped Data by Direct Method
  5. Concept of Weighted Mean
  6. Problem-Concept of Weighted Mean
  7. Mode for Ungrouped Discrete Data
  8. Problem 1: Mode for Ungrouped Discrete Data
  9. Median of Primary Data
  10. Problem-Median of Primary Data
  11. Real Life Problem Involving Central Tendency

General Science Class-8

Chapter 1: Man and Environment -I (Sense Organs in Man) (18 videos)
1.1: Introduction
  1. Environment
1.2: Sense Organ In Man
  1. Senses
1.3: Sense of Sight  (Practice Test)
  1. The Structure of eye
  2. How Do We See?
  3. Shortsightedness
  4. Farsightedness
  5. Sex Linked Inheritance, Clour Blindness
1.4: Sense of Hearing  (Practice Test)
  1. The Structure of Ear
  2. How do we Hear?
1.5: Sense of Touch  (Practice Test)
  1. The skin
  2. Functions of Skin
1.6: Sense of Taste
  1. The Structure and Function of Tongue
1.7: Sense of Smell
  1. The Structure and Function of Tongue
1.8: Nervous System  (Practice Test)
  1. Nervous System
  2. Brain
  3. Neuron
  4. Nerve Impluse and Resting and Active Membrane Potential
  5. Reflex Arc
Chapter 2: Man and Environment- II (Interdependence) (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Man and Environment  (Practice Test)
  1. Deforestation
  2. Lack of Natural Resources
2.2: Ecosystem
  1. Ecosystem
2.3: Food Relationships  (Practice Test)
  1. Food Chain
  2. Food Web
2.4: Recycling  (Practice Test)
  1. Flow of Energy
  2. Flow of Materials
  3. Maintenance of Carbon Dioxide Level in Nature
  4. Nitrogen Cycle, Formation of Nitrates
  5. Water Cycle or Hydrological Cycle
2.5: Useful and Harmful Animals and pLants to Man
  1. Useful Animals
  2. Harmful animals and Useful Plants
2.6: Harmful and Useful Micro-organism  (Practice Test)
  1. Harmful and Useful Micro-organism
  2. Methods For Prevention of Diseases
2.7: Pollution  (Practice Test)
  1. Land Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Air Pollution
  4. Noise Pollution
  5. How to Control Pollution?
  6. Control of Pollution
2.8: Conservation of Forests and Wild Life
  1. Production of Food, Improvement of Health
Chapter 3: Elements in Man and Environment (24 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Matter and Environment
  1. Fundamentals of Matter
3.2: Review  (Practice Test)
  1. Atom
  2. Molecules
  3. Compound
  4. Mixture
3.3: Composition of Non Living Matter
  1. Living Things
3.4: Composition of Living Matter
  1. Abiotic components of environment
3.5: Elements and Their Symbols  (Practice Test)
  1. Symbols of Element
  2. Give Name and Symbol for the Elements
3.6: Physical Properties of Elements
  1. Melting and Boiling points
  2. Density in Solids
3.7: Other Properties of Elements  (Practice Test)
  1. Melting
  2. Rigidity and Melting point of Solids
3.8: Metals and Non-metals
  1. Metals and Non-Metals
3.9: Reactivity of Metals and Non-metals
  1. Compound
  2. Addition or Combination Reactions
3.10: Compounds, Formation of Compounds and Chemical formula  (Practice Test)
  1. Chemical Formulae of Ionic Compounds
  2. Molecular formula
3.11: Reactions of Metals with Non-metals  (Practice Test)
  1. Chemical Properties of Sodium
  2. Chemical Properties of Magnesium and Calcium
3.12: Reactions of Non-metals with Non-metals
  1. Oxides
3.13: Reactions of Metals with Water
  1. Reactions of the Alkali Metals
3.14: Distribution of Metals and Non-metals in Planet Earth
  1. Metals and Non-Metals
3.15: Role of Elements in Human Body
  1. Cells
Chapter 4: Some Common Gases (19 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Oxygen  (Practice Test)
  1. Occurrence of Oxygen
  2. Isolation of Oxygen From Air
  3. Fractional Distillation of Liquid Air
4.2: Laboratory Preparation of Oxygen
  1. Preparation of Oxygen in Laboratoray
4.3: Properties of Oxygen  (Practice Test)
  1. Physical Properties of Oxygen
  2. Reactions of Oxygen with Metals
  3. Reactions of Oxygen with Non-metals
  4. Reactions of Oxygen with Methane
  5. Test for oxygen
4.4: Uses of Oxygen
  1. Uses of oxygen
4.5: Carbon Dioxide  (Practice Test)
  1. Oxides of Carbon
4.6: Preparation of Carbon Dioxide
  1. Laboratory Preparation of Carbondioxide
  2. Industrial Preparation of Carbondioxide
4.7: Properties of Carbon Dioxide  (Practice Test)
  1. Physical Properties of Carbondioxide
  2. Chemical Properties of Carbondioxide
  3. More on Chemical Properties of Carbondioxide
4.8: Uses of Carbon Dioxide
  1. Uses of Carbondioxide
4.9: The Carbon Dioxide Cycle
  1. Maintenance of Carbon Dioxide Level in Nature
4.10: Greenhouse Effect
  1. Green House Effect
Chapter 5: Solutions, Acids, Bases and Salts (22 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Solution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Solutions
  2. Types of Solutions on the Basis of Physical States
  3. General Properties of Solutions
5.2: Quantity of Solute in a Solution
  1. Types of Solutions on the Basis of Concentration
5.3: Conductance of Electricity Through Solutions  (Practice Test)
  1. Electrical Conductance
  2. Concepts of Electrolytes
  3. More on Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes
  4. Acids and Common Sources
  5. General Properties of Acids
  6. Reaction of Acids with Metals
  7. Bases
  8. General Properties of Bases
  9. Reaction of Ammonium Salts with Bases
5.6: Indicators  (Practice Test)
  1. Indicators
  2. Natural Indicators
5.7: Neutralization
  1. Neutralization Reaction
5.8: Salts
  1. Introduction to Salts
5.9: Uses OF Acids, Bases/Alkalis and Salts  (Practice Test)
  1. Uses of Hydrochloric Acid
  2. Uses of Nitric Acids
  3. Uses of Sulphuric Acid
  4. Uses of Acids
  5. Uses of Alkalis
  6. Uses of Bases
Chapter 6: Sound (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: How Sound is Produced
  1. Sound
  2. How do we Hear?
6.2: How Does Sound Travel?
  1. How does sound produced?
6.3: How Does Sound Travel in All Directions
  1. How does sound travel?
6.4: Sound Waves Travel Through Solids
  1. Speed of Sound in Different Materials
6.5: Sound Waves Travel Through Liquids
  1. Speed of sound in Solid, Liquid And Gases
6.6: Sound Waves can not Travel Through Vacuum
  1. Sound cannot Travel Through Vacuum
6.7: Characteristics of Sound  (Practice Test)
  1. Pitch of Sound
  2. Wave Characteristics of Sound Waves
  3. Loudness of Sound
  4. More on Wave Characteristics of Sound Waves
  5. Wavelength And Amplitude of Sound Waves
6.8: Sound Pollution
  1. Noise Pollution
6.9: The Ear As a Reciever
  1. The Structure of Ear
6.10: Reflection of Sound
  1. Reflection of Sound (Echoes)
6.11: Echo as Reflection of Sound
  1. Measuring speed of Sound by Echoe Method
Chapter 7: Lights (22 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Images and Plane Mirrors
  1. Images Formed By a plane Mirror
7.2: Reflection
  1. Reflection of light
  2. Law of Reflection
7.3: Regular and Irregular Reflection
  1. Types of Reflection
7.4: Refraction  (Practice Test)
  1. Refraction of Light
  2. Causes of Refraction
7.5: Spherical Mirrors  (Practice Test)
  1. Image Formed by Convex Lens
  2. Image Formation by Concave Lens
7.6: Reflection by Spherical Mirrors
  1. Types of Mirrors
7.7: Formation of Images by Spherical Mirrors
  1. Lens Terminologies
7.8: Lenses
  1. Lens Terminologies
7.9: Principal Axis and Centres of Curvature
  1. Lens Terminologies
7.10: The Principal Focus of a Lens
  1. Types of Lenses
7.11: Formation of Images by a Convex Lens
  1. Image Formed by Convex Lens
7.12: Images Formed by a Convex Lens
  1. Image Formed by Convex Lens
7.13: Images Formed by a Concave Lens
  1. Image Formation by Concave Lens
7.14: Uses of Mirrors and Lenses
  1. Uses of Mirrors and Lenses
7.15: Dispersion of Light
  1. Dispersion of Light
7.16: Rainbow
  1. Fomation of Rainbow
7.17: Colours of Opaque Objects
  1. Absorption of Light
7.18: Colours of Transparent Objects
  1. Transparent , Translucent and Opaque Objects
7.19: Primary Colours
  1. Colours of Light
Chapter 8: Electricity And Magnetism (23 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Sources of Electricity  (Practice Test)
  1. Mechanical Means
  2. Chemical Effect of Current
  3. Voltaic Cell is Reversible Cell
  4. Dry Cell
  5. By Means of Heat
  6. Nuclear Reactor
  7. Solar Energy
8.2: Electric Power Supply  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydroelectric Power
  2. Wind power plant
  3. Nuclear Power Plant
  4. Thermal Power Plant
8.3: Electric Circuits
  1. Electricity and Its Kinds
  2. Circuit Diagrams
8.4: Electrical Appliances
  1. Different Purposes of Electrical Circuits
8.5: Precautions and Safety Measures
  1. Safety Devices To Avoid Electrical Hazards
  2. More on Safety Devices To Avoid Electrical Hazards
  3. Why is Electricity Dangerous?
8.6: Safety Rules
  1. Safety Devices To Avoid Electrical Hazards
  2. More on Safety Devices To Avoid Electrical Hazards
8.7: Electromagnetism
  1. Advantages of Electromagnets
  2. Uses of Magnets And Electromagnets
  3. Electric Bell
8.8: Electric Motor
  1. Simple Electric Motor
Chapter 9: Man and Modern Technology (15 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Radio
  1. Radio
9.2: Television
  1. Television
9.3: Computer  (Practice Test)
  1. Analogue computer and digital computer
  2. Introduction to Computer
  3. More on Introduction to Computer
9.5: Telephone
  1. Telephone
9.6: Laser
  1. Laser
  2. More on Laser
9.7: Nuclear Reactor  (Practice Test)
  1. Nuclear Reactor
  2. 1-More on Nuclear Reactor
  3. 2-More on Nuclear Reactor
9.8: Space Travel
  1. Space Shuttle
9.9: Artificial Satellite
  1. Artificial Satellites
9.10: Bio-Technology
  1. Careers in Biology, Forestry, Biotechnology
9.11: Energy Conservation
  1. Energy and Environment
Chapter 10: Geological History of Pakistan (3 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Introduction
  1. Composition of the Earth Crust
10.2: Composition of the Earth Crust
  1. Composition of the Earth Crust
10.3: Origins of Earth  (Practice Test)
  1. Origins of Earth