
English Class-4

Chapter 1: Vocabulary (34 videos)
1.1: Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences)
  1. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 1
  2. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 2
  3. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 3
  4. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 4
  5. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 5
  6. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 6
  7. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 7
1.2: Dictionary Skills
  1. Dictionary Skills
1.3: Antonyms (Words and Opposite)
  1. Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc)
  2. Exercise Opposites-Join Word to Picture
  3. Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  4. More on Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  5. Describing Words-Opposites
  6. Exercise-Describing Words-Opposites (tall/short, big/small etc)
  7. Asim Wants a Cap (Story/Opposites: tall/short, big/small etc)
1.4: Synonyms (Words with Similar Meanings)
  1. Words/Synonyms Part 1
  2. Words/Synonyms Part 2
  3. Words/Synonyms Part 3
  4. Words/Synonyms Part 4
  5. Words/Synonyms Part 5
  6. Synonyms & Antonyms Part 1
1.5: Cognates-objects with same name in English&Urdu (pictures/names)
  1. Coagnates ( things having same name in Urdu and English eg. heater, t
1.6: Anagrams
  1. Anagrams
1.7: Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes
  1. Prefix and Suffix
1.8: Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
  1. Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
1.9: Minimal Pairs
  1. Minimal Pairs Part 1
1.10: Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (how to order/activities)
  1. Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (by 1st letter/activities)
  2. Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (by 2nd letter/activities)
  3. Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (Writing activitiy)
1.11: Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
  1. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
Chapter 2: Pronunciation and Spelling (43 videos)
2.1: Long and Short Vowel Sounds
  1. Vowels Introduction (letters a,e,i,o,u)
  2. Exercise Vowels Introduction
  3. Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  4. Exercise-Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  5. Exercise-Short and Long Vowels Combined
  6. Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
  7. More on Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
2.2: Letter Blends with Sounds (short and long vowel sounds)
  1. Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
  2. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
  3. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
  4. Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
  5. More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
  6. Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
  7. More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.3: Homophones (words with same sounds but different meanings)
  1. Homophones (words with same sounds but different meanings)
2.4: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
  1. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
  2. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
  3. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
  4. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
  5. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
  6. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
2.5: Four Letter Rhyming Words (Ending with ake/ock/ook/ing)
  1. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  2. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  3. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  4. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  5. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  6. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  7. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
  8. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
  9. Rhyming Words (join pictures/match columns)
2.6: Pronunciation: Silent Letters in Words
  1. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
  2. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.7: Double Consonants
  1. Doubling Consonants
2.8: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
2.9: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc)
  1. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  2. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
2.10: Spelling Tripple Consonants
  1. Spelling Tripple Consonant (recognizing letter patterns for spelling)
2.11: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words ending with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Ending ch sh th Sounds with Pictures
2.12: Homographs
  1. Homographs
2.13: Homonyms
  1. Homonyms
2.14: Syllables (sound beats in a word)(explanation/activities)
  1. Syllable Stress: Word Form
2.15: Stress and Intonation
  1. Intonation Patterns with Examples
  2. Weak Forms
Chapter 3: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose/Poetry) (7 videos)
3.1: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
  1. Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 1
  2. Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 2
  3. Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 3
3.2: Reading Comprehension Skills (Poetry)
  1. Reading and Comprehension Skills Poetry Part 1
  2. Reading and Comprehension Skills Poetry Part 2
3.3: Analogy, Simile and Metaphors (use/practice)
  1. Use of Simile: Activity
3.4: Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
Chapter 4: Grammar (112 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction)  (Practice Test)
  1. Parts of Speech (introduction)
  2. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
  8. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  9. Interjections (explanation with examples)
4.2: Types of Nouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Masculine/Feminine (girl/boy, father/mother etc)
  2. Masculine/ Feminine (man/woman etc)(explanation/activities)
  3. Gender Nouns
  4. Proper Nouns (explanation with examples)
  5. Common Nouns (explanation with examples)
  6. Singular and Plural Nouns (explanation with examples)
  7. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (explanation with examples)
  8. Collective Nouns (explanation with examples)
  9. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 1
  10. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 2
  11. Exercise-Collective Nouns
  12. Compound Nouns (explanation with examples)
  13. Exercise-Nouns-Mixed
4.3: Types of Pronouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Personal Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Possessive Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronoun and Referent
  4. Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
  5. Pronoun Antecedent Agreement (Activity)
4.4: Types of Prepositions  (Practice Test)
  1. Prepositions (explanation with examples & exercise)
  2. Prepositions of Place
  3. Prepositions of Time
  4. Prepositions of Reason
4.5: Conjunctions  (Practice Test)
  1. Conjunctions(3 types)(explanation with examples)
  2. Joining Sentences by inserting “or, and, but”
4.6: Articles  (Practice Test)
  1. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Articles
  3. Special Use of Article “An” and “A”
  4. Some Common Uses of Article “The”
4.7: Kinds of Adjectives  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Kinds of Adjectives
  3. Degrees of Comparison (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Degrees of comparison
  5. Regular Adjectives
  6. Irregular Adjectives
4.8: Kinds and Positions of Adverbs in a Sentence  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Kinds of Adverbs
  3. Position of Adverbs in a sentence (explanation with examples)
  4. Position of a Single Adverb in a Sentence
  5. Change Adjectives into Adverbs
  6. Use of ‘too’
  7. Use of ‘Neither/None’
4.9: Types of Sentences  (Practice Test)
  1. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  2. Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
  3. Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
  4. Statements (explanation with examples)
  5. Imperative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  6. Excalamatory Sentences (explanation with examples)
  7. Interrogative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  8. Wh-Question Words
  9. Tag Questions
  10. Changing Statements into Negatives and Interrogatives
  11. Asking for Permission (May I etc)
  12. Greetings (Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening)
4.10: Phrases and Clauses  (Practice Test)
  1. Phrase (explanation with examples)
  2. Noun, Verb, Prepositional Phrases (explanation with examples)
  3. Adjective Phrase (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Adjective Phrase
4.11: Kinds of Verbs and their Forms  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  2. Intransitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  3. Auxilliary Verb (explantion with examples)
  4. Negative Forms of Helping Verbs
  5. Linking Verbs (explantion with examples)
  6. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
  7. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
  8. Simple Past Tense (practice)
  9. Modal Verbs (explanation with examples)
  10. More on Modal Verbs
  11. Exercise-Modal Verbs
  12. Use of ‘Can’ and ‘May’
  13. Use of ‘Should’ and ‘Must’
4.12: Present Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  4. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
4.13: Past Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  3. Past Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation)
  4. Past Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
4.14: Future Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  2. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Change the Tense of a Given Sentence to Another Tense
4.15: Transitional Devices  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitional Devices (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Transitional Devices
  3. Exercise Transitional Devices
4.16: Punctuation  (Practice Test)
  1. Ways to End a Sentence (full stop, comma, exclamation)
  2. Commas with Simple Series, Oxford comma and Adjectives (Rule 1 and 2)
  3. Commas with Introductory Phrases and Nonessential Parts of a Sentence
  4. Commas with Direct Speech, Contrasting Parts and Introductory Items (
  5. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  6. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  7. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
  8. Contractions (it is/it’s, I am/I’m etc)(explanation/activities)
  9. Apostrophes with Contractions(Rule 13)
  10. Colons with Series of Items (Rule 1-3)
  11. Semicolons with Clauses (Rule 1 and 2)
  12. Use of Parenthesis
  13. Use of Parenthesis and Brackets
  14. Use of Dashes
  15. Use of Hyphens Part-1
  16. Use of Hyphens Part-2
  17. Use of Hyphens Part-3
  18. Punctuating a Passage Part-1
  19. Punctuating a Passage Part-2
Chapter 5: Reading and Thinking Skills (9 videos)
5.1: Expressions
  1. How to Express a Wish
  2. Expressing Agreement or Disagreement
5.2: Elements of a Story
  1. Elements of a Story Part 1
5.3: Permission and Command
  1. Permission and Command (May I/Do this/Do that)
5.4: Agreeing and Disagreeing
  1. Agreeing and Disagreeing (Yes you may/No you may not)
5.5: Professions (doctor, teacher, driver etc)
  1. Professions (teacher, doctor etc-pictures/names)
  2. Professions (farmer, carpenter etc-pictures/names)
  3. Professions (teacher, doctor etc-sentences)
  4. Professions-Conversation (questions/answers)
Chapter 6: Writing Skills (10 videos)
6.1: Paragaraph Writing
  1. Paragaraph Writing Intro-Outline (explanation with examples)
  2. Paragraph Writing Sample(writing of a paragraph)
6.2: Letter Format & Types
  1. Letter Types and Format(explanation with examples)
6.3: Styles and Tones in letter writing
  1. Styles and Tones in Letter Writing
6.4: Formal Letter (Application)
  1. Formal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.5: Informal Letter
  1. Informal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.6: Email
  1. Email Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.7: Fable
  1. Writing Your Own Fable
6.8: Writing about a Personality/Biography
  1. Writing Information About Your Favourite Personality/ Biography
6.9: Writing an Invitation
  1. Writing an Invitation

Math Class-4

Chapter 1: Numbers (4 videos)
1.1: Number line
  1. Reading whole numbers on Number line
  2. Skip counting number line
  3. Skip counting by 5 on number line
  4. Skip counting by 10 on number line
Chapter 2: Arithmetic Operations (18 videos)
2.1: Addition
  1. Add numbers of complexity and arbitrary size by standard algorithm
2.2: Subtraction
  1. Subtract numbers of complexity and arbitrary size by standard algorit
2.3: Multiplication
  1. Multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers using place value
  2. Multiply 5 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers using place value
  3. Multiply numbers with 1-digit numbers using area model
  4. Multiply 2-digit numbers using area model
2.4: Division
  1. Divide numbers using place value
  2. Divide numbers with 1-digit number using place value for zero remaind
  3. Divide numbers with 1-digit number using place value for non-zero rem
  4. Divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
  5. Divide numbers with 1-digit number using area model for zero remainder
  6. Divide numbers with 1-digit number using area model for non-zero rema
  7. Divide numbers with 1-digit number using big 7 method for zero remain
  8. Divide numbers with 1-digit number using big 7 method for non-zero re
  9. Compare the place value of a digit to the digit on its left
  10. Division word problems with zero remainder
  11. Division word problems with non-zero remainder
2.5: Arithmetic operations
  1. Word problems using four arithmetic operations
Chapter 3: Place Value (3 videos)
3.1: Place value
  1. Compare the place value of a digit to the digit on its right
  2. Compare the place value of a digit to the digit on its left
  3. Use place value to round multi digit numbers
Chapter 4: Comparison and Ordering (4 videos)
4.1: Comparison
  1. Multiplicative comparison equation
  2. Use multiplicative comparison to solve division word problem
  3. Differentiate between multiplicative and additive comparison
  4. Compare and order numbers up to 8 digits
Chapter 5: Fractions And Decimals (50 videos)
5.1: Fractions
  1. Equivalent fractions using number line
  2. Equivalent fractions
  3. Generate equivalent fractions and reason of equivalence using fractio
  4. Use visual fraction models to describe equivalent fraction
  5. Like and unlike fractions
  6. Simplify fractions to lowest form
  7. Write whole numbers as fractions
5.2: Comparison of fractions
  1. Compare two unlike fractions by making common denominator
  2. Compare two unlike fractions by comparing to a benchmark fraction
5.3: Addition of fractions
  1. Decompose a fraction using visual fraction model and write the equati
  2. Add two or more unlike fractions
  3. Add like denominator mixed fractions using relation b/w addition and
  4. Solve addition word problem of like fractions by making equation
  5. Addition of tenths and hundredth
  6. Commutative property w. r. t. addition with same denominator
  7. Associative property w. r. t. addition with same denominator
5.4: Subtraction of fractions
  1. Add and subtract unlike fractions with different denominators
  2. Solve subtraction word problem of unlike fractions by making equation
5.5: Multiplication of fractions
  1. Recognize that a fraction is the product of a whole number and a unit
  2. Product of a whole number with a fraction
  3. Multiply a whole number with a fraction
  4. Word problem on multiplication of a whole number by a fraction
  5. Word problem on Multiplication of mixed fractions with Whole numbers
  6. Multiply two simple fractions
  7. Modeling fraction multiplication
  8. Multiply mixed fractions with simple fractions
  9. Multiply mixed fractions with mixed fractions
  10. Commutative property of fractions w. r. t. multiplication
  11. Associative property of fractions w. r. t. multiplication
5.6: Division of fractions
  1. Divide a unit fraction by a whole number
  2. Divide a whole number by a unit fraction
  3. Divide a fraction by another fraction
5.7: Ordering of fractions
  1. Ascending order of fractions
  2. Descending order of fractions
5.8: Conversion of fractions
  1. Convert tenths to hundredths
  2. Convert improper fractions to mixed fractions
  3. Convert improper fractions to mixed fractions using model
  4. Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions
  5. Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions using model
5.9: Introduction to decimals
  1. Reading decimal numbers to thousandths
  2. conversion of decimals using place value
5.10: Conversion and comparison of decimals
  1. Convert decimals to fractions (up to 3 decimal places)
  2. Compare decimals to 100ths
5.11: Addition of decimals
  1. Add decimals up to 2 decimal places
5.12: Subtraction of decimals
  1. Subtract decimals up to 2 decimal places
5.13: Multiplication of decimals
  1. Multiply a decimal by 10, 100 and 1000
  2. Multiply a decimal by a 1-digit number
5.14: Division of decimals
  1. Divide a decimal by a 1-digit number
  2. Solve real life problems involving decimals up to 2 decimal places
5.15: Estimation
  1. Round decimals using place value to nearest whole or decimal number
Chapter 6: HCF and LCM (14 videos)
6.1: Factors and multiples
  1. Factors and multiples of numbers
  2. Prime numbers and composite numbers
  3. Prime factorization of a number by division method
  4. Prime factorization of a number by tree method
6.2: Divisibility tests
  1. Divisibility test for 2
  2. Divisibility test for 3
  3. Divisibility test for 4
  4. Divisibility test for 5
  5. Divisibility test for 6
  6. Divisibility test for 10
  7. Use divisibility tests to divide numbers
6.3: H.C.F.
  1. HCF by prime factorization
  2. HCF by Venn Diagram
6.4: L.C.M.
  1. LCM by prime factorization