Primary School

English Class-1

Chapter 1: Ethics and Values ( Introduction/Geetings/Permission/Agree-Disagree) (4 videos)
1.1: Introduction(Assalam-u-Alaikum. My name is Imran.etc)
  1. Self Introduction (Assalam-o-Aleikum/My name is Imran etc)
1.2: Introduction(Assalam-u-Alaikum. My name is Imran.etc)
  1. Greetings (good evening/where do you live/bye etc)
1.3: Introduction(Assalam-u-Alaikum. My name is Imran.etc)
  1. Permission and Command (May I/Do this/Do that)
1.4: Introduction(Assalam-u-Alaikum. My name is Imran.etc)
  1. Agreeing and Disagreeing (Yes you may/No you may not)
Chapter 2: Pre-writing Activities(Tracing) (1 videos)
2.1: Trace the lines
  1. Strokes (Trace the lines)
Chapter 3: Things We See Around (1 videos)
3.1: Things We See Around( Bus, Glass, Bat etc.)
  1. Things We See Around (pictures of objects)
Chapter 4: Alphabet( Capital and Small letters Aa-Zz) (56 videos)
4.1: The Alphabet Aa-Zz
  1. Capital and Small A-a
  2. Capital and Small B-b (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  3. Capital and Small C-c (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  4. Exercise-Capital and Small Aa-Bb-Cc
  5. Capital and Small D-d (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  6. Capital and Small E-e (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  7. Capital and Small F-f (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  8. Capital and Small-Exercise-Dd-Ee-Ff
  9. Capital and Small G-g (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  10. Capital and Small H-h (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  11. Capital and Small I-i (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  12. Exercise-Capital and Small Gg-Hh-Ii
  13. Capital and Small J-j (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  14. Capital and Small K-k (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  15. Capital and Small L-l (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  16. Exercise-Capital and Small Jj-Kk-Ll
  17. Capital and Small M-m (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  18. Capital and Small N-n (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  19. Capital and Small O-o (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  20. Exercise-Capital and Small Mm-Nn-Oo
  21. Capital and Small P-p (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  22. Capital and Small Q-q (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  23. Capital and Small R-r (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  24. Exercise-Capital and Small Pp-Qq-Rr
  25. Capital and Small S-s (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  26. Capital and Small T-t (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  27. Capital and Small U-u (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  28. Exercise-Capital and Small Ss-Tt-Uu
  29. Capital and Small V-v (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  30. Capital and Small W-w (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  31. Capital and Small X-x (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  32. Exercise-Capital and Small Vv-Ww-Xx
  33. Capital and Small Y-y (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  34. Capital and Small Z-z (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  35. Exercise-Capital and Small Yy-Zz
  36. More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-1 (pictures/names/practice)
  37. More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-2 (pictures/names/practice)
  38. More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-3 (pictures/names/practice)
4.2: Letters and their Sounds. Aa to Zz
  1. Sounds of Letters Aa-Bb-Cc (pictures/names/practice)
  2. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Aa-Bb-Cc
  3. Sounds of Letters Dd-Ee-Ff (pictures/names/practice)
  4. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Dd-Ee-Ff
  5. Sounds of Letters Gg-Hh-Ii (pictures/names/practice)
  6. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Gg-Hh-Ii
  7. Sounds of Letters Jj-Kk-Ll (pictures/names/practice)
  8. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Jj-Kk-Ll
  9. Sounds of Letters Mm-Nn-Oo (pictures/names/practice)
  10. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Mm-Nn-Oo
  11. Sounds of Letters Pp-Qq-Rr (pictures/names/practice)
  12. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Pp-Qq-Rr
  13. Sounds of Letters Ss-Tt-Uu (pictures/names/practice)
  14. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Ss-Tt-Uu
  15. Sounds of Letters Vv-Ww-Xx (pictures/names/practice)
  16. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Vv-Ww-Xx
  17. Sounds of Letters yy-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
  18. Exercise-Sounds of Letters yy-Zz
Chapter 5: Beginning and Ending Sounds/Sound Beats (3 videos)
5.1: Beginning sounds
  1. Revision Exercise-Letter for Beginning Sound
5.2: Ending sounds
  1. Revision Exercise-Ending Letter-Duck etc
  2. Revision Exercise-Letter for Ending Sound (mango-o etc)
Chapter 6: ABC Song (1 videos)
6.1: ABC song
  1. Complete English Alphabet Song
Chapter 7: Animals and Birds (lion,kangaroo, bear, hen,quail,peacock.etc) (2 videos)
7.1: Animals/Birds
  1. Zoo Animals (pictures with names)
  2. Birds (pictures with names)
Chapter 8: Fruits and Vegetables (Carrot cabbage orange mango.etc) (2 videos)
8.1: Fruits and Vegetables (Carrot, cabbage, orange, mango etc)
  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables (pictures with names)
Chapter 9: Parts of Body (Ear,Hair,Eyes etc) (1 videos)
9.1: Parts of the Body(Ear,Hair,Eyes etc)
  1. Body Parts (names with pictures)
Chapter 10: Vowels(a-e-i-o-u) and Consonants(rest of the alphabets) (5 videos)
10.1: Vowels(a-e-i-o-u) and Consonants(rest of the alphabets)
  1. Vowels Introduction (letters a,e,i,o,u)
  2. Exercise Vowels Introduction
  3. Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  4. Exercise-Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  5. Exercise-Short and Long Vowels Combined
Chapter 11: Articles (Use of A and An) (3 videos)
11.1: Use of A and An ( a cup, an elephant)
  1. The Use of A and An
  2. Exercise-The Use of A and An
  3. More on Exercise-The Use of A and An
Chapter 12: Use of This is/ That is (6 videos)
12.1: Use of This is (This is a pen..)
  1. This (sentences)
  2. More on This (sentences)
  3. Use An with This
12.2: Use of That is (That is a tree…)
  1. That (sentences)
  2. More on That (sentences)
  3. Use of an with That (sentences)
Chapter 13: Sentences (this/that/these/those/ relations/ telling/asking) (4 videos)
13.1: Use of These are (These are Pencils…)
  1. These (sentences)
  2. More on These
13.2: Use of Those are (Those are Birds)
  1. Those (sentences)
  2. More on Those (sentences)
Chapter 14: Numbers 1-10 (10 videos)
14.1: Numbers 1-10
  1. Numbers 1-2 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  2. Exrcise-Numbers One and Two
  3. Number 3-4 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  4. Exercise-Numbers Three and Four
  5. Number 5-6 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  6. Exercise-Numbers Five and Six
  7. Number 7-8 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  8. Exercise-Numbers Seven and Eight
  9. Numbers Nine and Ten
  10. Exercise-Numbers Nine and Ten
Chapter 15: Passage-The Moon (Reading) (1 videos)
15.1: Passage-The Moon (Reading)
  1. The moon
Chapter 16: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds) (1 videos)
16.1: Words with ch and sh sounds
  1. Ch and ph sounds with Pictures
Chapter 17: Short and Long Vowels Sounds (a-e-i-o-u) (1 videos)
17.1: Short and long Vowel Sounds
  1. Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
Chapter 18: Colours (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green) (2 videos)
18.1: Colours (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green)
  1. Basic Colours
  2. Exercise-Basic Colours
Chapter 19: Traffic Lights and Traffic Signs (3 videos)
19.1: Traffic Lights (Red,Yellow,Green)
  1. Traffic Lights (Rhyme)
19.2: Traffic Signs(No parking, Zebra crossing…)
  1. Sign Boards (Zebra Crossing/U-turn etc)
  2. Rhyme-Traffic Lights
Chapter 20: Action Words (Jump, Walk, Write, Eat…..) (3 videos)
20.1: Action Words (Jump, Walk, Write, Eat…..)
  1. Action Words 1- walk,jump, etc
  2. Action Words 2- eat, drink, etc
  3. Exercise-Action words
Chapter 21: Describing words ( red rose, fat man…) (2 videos)
21.1: Describing Words ( red rose, fat man…)
  1. Describing Words-Opposites
  2. Exercise-Describing Words-Opposites (tall/short, big/small etc)
Chapter 22: Poem- Up and Down (1 videos)
22.1: Poem-Up and Down
  1. Up and Down-Rhyme
Chapter 23: Profession (Doctor,Teacher…) (2 videos)
23.1: Professions(Doctor,Teacher…)
  1. Professions (teacher, doctor etc-pictures/names)
  2. Professions (farmer, carpenter etc-pictures/names)
Chapter 24: Punctuation- Use of Capital Letters in the beginning (1 videos)
24.1: Punctuation- Use of Capital Letters in the beginning
  1. Use of Capital Letter to Begin Names of People
Chapter 25: Story- The Ant and Cricket (Reading and Exercise) (2 videos)
25.1: Story: The Ant and Cricket(Reading and Exercise)
  1. Story- The Ant and Cricket (reading/explanation)
  2. Exercise: The Ant and Cricket
Chapter 26: Nursery Rhyme ( one, two buckle my shoe) (1 videos)
26.1: Nursery Rhyme ( one, two buckle my shoe)
  1. One two buckle my shoe-Rhyme
Chapter 27: Story- Ahmed an His Friends (Reading and Exercise) (3 videos)
27.1: Story: Ahmed and his Friend (Reading and Exercise)
  1. Passage-Ahmed and his Friend (reading/explanation)
  2. Exercise: Ahmed and his Friend
  3. More on Exercise: Ahmed and his Friend
Chapter 28: Singular/Plural (Book-Books, tree-trees etc) (4 videos)
28.1: Singular and Plural (Book-Books, Tree-Trees. etc)
  1. Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  2. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  3. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  4. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
Chapter 29: Words/Opposites (Hot & Cold, Long & Short.etc) (4 videos)
29.1: Opposites (Hot & Cold, Long & Short etc.)
  1. Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc)
  2. Exercise Opposites-Join Word to Picture
  3. Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  4. More on Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
Chapter 30: Question with where (Where is the moon etc) (2 videos)
30.1: Questions with Where (Where is the moon. etc)
  1. Questions with Where-1
  2. Questions starting with Where-2
Chapter 31: Poem- A Fish (Reading) (1 videos)
31.1: A Fish-Poem (Reading)
  1. A Fish-Rhyme
Chapter 32: Passage-Trees (2 videos)
32.1: Passage-Trees (Reading and Exercise)
  1. Trees (picture/reading/explanation)
  2. Exercise: Trees
Chapter 33: Shapes (Circle, Square, Triangle etc) (1 videos)
33.1: Shapes (Circle, Square, Triangle etc)
  1. Shapes (pictures with names)
Chapter 34: Passage- My Country (Reading and Exercise) (2 videos)
34.1: Passage-My Country ( Reading and Exercise)
  1. My Country (passage/picture-reading/explanation)
  2. Exercise- My country
Chapter 35: Passage-Seasons (2 videos)
35.1: Passage-Seasons (Reading and Exercise)
  1. Seasons-Spring and Summer (pictures/names)
  2. Seasons-Autumn and Winter (pictures/names)
Chapter 36: Dialogue- Shopping (Reading and Exercise) (2 videos)
36.1: Dialogue-Shopping( Reading and Exercise)
  1. Shopping-Conversation in the Market (picture/reading/explanation)
  2. Exercise- Shopping
Chapter 37: Days of the Week (Monday, Tuesday etc) (2 videos)
37.1: Days of the Week (Monday, Tuesday etc)
  1. Days of the Week (names and order)
  2. Exercise-Days of the Week
Chapter 38: Nursery Rhyme- Early to Rise (2 videos)
38.1: Nursery Rhyme-Early to Rise
  1. Early to bed-Rhyme
38.2: Nursery Rhyme-A Turtle
  1. A Turtle-Rhyme

Math Class-1

Chapter 1: Numbers (68 videos)
1.1: Recognition of numbers up to 20
  1. Recognize 1 to 9
  2. Recognize 1 2 3
  3. Recognize 4 5 6
  4. Recognize 7 8 9
  5. Recognize 10 11 12
  6. Recognize 13 14 15
  7. Recognize 16 17 18
  8. Recognize 19 20
  9. Recognize 21-25
  10. Recognize 26-30
  11. Recognize 31-35
  12. Recognize 36-40
  13. Recognize 41-45
  14. Recognize 46-50
  15. Recognize 51-55
  16. Recognize 56-60
  17. Recognize 61-65
  18. Recognize 66-70
  19. Recognize 71-75
  20. Recognize 76-80
  21. Recognize 81-85
  22. Recognize 86-90
  23. Recognize 91-95
  24. Recognize 96-100
  25. Count objects by changing order
  26. Count objects given in a circle
  27. Worksheet: How many
1.2: Skip counting
  1. Skip counting by 2
  2. Skip counting by 5
  3. Skip counting by 10
1.3: Writing
  1. Concept of zero
  2. Count and write 1
  3. Count and write 2
  4. Count and write 3
  5. Worksheet: Concept of 1 2 3
  6. Count and write 4
  7. Count and write 5
  8. Count and write 6
  9. Worksheet: Concept of 4 5 6
  10. Count and write 7
  11. Count and write 8
  12. Count and write 9
  13. Worksheet: Concept of 7 8 9
  14. Worksheet: count objects 1-9
  15. Color with concept of zero
1.4: Sequence counting
  1. Missing numbers: 1 to 5
  2. Missing numbers: 6 to 9
  3. Number in between two numbers
  4. Missing numbers up to 100-1
  5. Missing numbers up to 100-2
  6. Forward counting
  7. What comes after
  8. Worksheet: before and after
  9. Every number is 1 larger than the previous number
1.5: Ordinal numbers
  1. Ordinal numbers 1st-10th
  2. Practice-Ordinal numbers-1
  3. Practice-Ordinal numbers-2
  4. Practice-Ordinal numbers-3
1.6: Number names
  1. Numbers 1-2 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  2. Exrcise-Numbers One and Two
  3. Number 3-4 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  4. Exercise-Numbers Three and Four
  5. Number 5-6 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  6. Exercise-Numbers Five and Six
  7. Number 7-8 (digits/words/tracing with pictures)
  8. Exercise-Numbers Seven and Eight
  9. Numbers Nine and Ten
  10. Exercise-Numbers Nine and Ten
Chapter 2: Arithmetic Operations (37 videos)
2.1: Decomposition of numbers
  1. Decomposition of different numbers
  2. Decomposition of one number
  3. Worksheet: Decomposition
2.2: Composition of numbers
  1. Composition
  2. Worksheet: Composition
2.3: Addition
  1. Addition of one object
  2. Addition of more than one objects
  3. Addition of number 1
  4. Addition of numbers greater than 1
  5. Addition worksheet: Match the column
  6. Addition worksheet: Choose the number
  7. Addition of numbers using place value
  8. How much more a number from another number
  9. Construct addition equation using given picture
  10. Addition of 3 numbers
  11. Commutative property of addition of numbers
  12. Associative property of addition of numbers
  13. Addition of numbers using properties of addition
  14. Addition by making ten
  15. Making 10 and breaking into 10
  16. Addition of numbers by converting into known sums
  17. Add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number within 100
  18. Add a 2-digit number and a multiple of 10 within 100
  19. Add a 2-digit number and a 2-digit number within 100
2.4: Subtraction
  1. Subtraction of one object
  2. Subtraction of more than one objects
  3. Subtraction of number 1
  4. Subtraction of numbers greater than 1
  5. Subtraction worksheet: Match the column
  6. Subtraction worksheet: Choose the number
  7. Addition subtraction worksheet: Match the column
  8. Addition subtraction worksheet: Write the number in box
  9. Subtraction of numbers using place value
  10. How much less a number from another number
  11. Construct subtraction equation using given picture
  12. Understand subtraction using addition
  13. Subtraction of a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number
Chapter 3: Place Value (5 videos)
3.1: Place value
  1. Concept of ones and tens
  2. Concept of place value 1 to 10
  3. Worksheet: Concept of place value 0 to 20
  4. Worksheet: Concept of place value 20 to 50
  5. Worksheet: Concept of place value 50 to 100
Chapter 4: Comparison and Ordering (11 videos)
4.1: Comparison
  1. Concept of comparison using objects
  2. Concept of greater than
  3. Concept of less than
  4. Concept of equals to
  5. Worksheet: Comparison using dots
  6. Worksheet: Comparison of numbers 0 to10
  7. Worksheet: Comparison 11-20
  8. Comparison using tens and ones
4.2: Ascending order
  1. Ascending order
  2. Practice-Ascending order
4.3: Descending order
  1. Descending order