Gender Studies

I. Introduction to Gender Studies
Introduction to Gender Studies
Difference between Gender and Women Studies
Multi-disciplinary nature of Gender Studies
Autonomy vs. Integration Debate in Gender Studies, 1.4,
Status of Gender Studies in Pakistan
II. Social Construction of Gender
Historicizing Constructionism
Problematizing the category of “Sex”: Queer Theory, 1.2B
Is “Sex” socially determined, too?
Masculinities and Femininity
Nature versus Culture: A Debate in Gender Development, 2.5B
III. Feminist Theories and Practice
What is Feminism
Liberal Feminism
Radical Feminism
Marxist/Socialist Feminism, 3.4B
Psychoanalytical Feminism
 Men’s Feminism
 Postmodern Feminism
IV. Feminist Movements
Feminist Movements in the West. First Wave, Second Wave and Third Wave, 4.1B, 4.2C
Feminism. United Nation Conferences on Women, Feminist Movements in

V. Gender and Development
Colonial and Capitalistic Perspectives of Gender, 5.1B
 Gender Analysis of Development Theories; Modernization Theory, World System
Theory, Dependency Theory, Structural Functionalism.
Gender Approaches to Development: Women in Development (WID), Women
and Development (WAD), Gender and Development (GAD); Gender Critique of
Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs).
 Globalization and Gender
VI. Status of Women in Pakistan
 Status of Women’s health in Pakistan
Status of Women in Education
 Women and Employment
Women and Law, 4.4B, 4.4C

VII. Gender and Governance
Defining Governance
Suffragist Movement
 Gender Issues in Women as Voters
 Gender Issues in Women as Candidates
 Gender Issues in Women as Representatives
 Impact of Political Quota in Pakistan
VIII. Gender Based Violence
Defining Gender Based Violence
 Theories of Violence against Women
Structural and Direct Forms of Violence
Strategies to Eliminate Violence against Women, 8.4B, 8.4C
IX. Case Studies of:
Mukhtaran Mai, 9.1B
Mallala Yousaf Zai, 9.2B
Shermin Ubaid Chinoy, 9.3B