
English Class-XII

Chapter 1: Grammar (222 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction)  (Practice Test)
  1. Parts of Speech (introduction)
  2. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
  8. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  9. Interjections (explanation with examples)
1.2: Types of Nouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Proper Nouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Common Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Concrete Nouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Abstract Nouns (explanation with examples)
  5. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-1
  6. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-2
  7. Singular and Plural Nouns (explanation with examples)
  8. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (explanation with examples)
  9. Collective Nouns (explanation with examples)
  10. Exercise-Collective Nouns
  11. Compound Nouns (explanation with examples)
  12. Exercise-Nouns-Mixed
  13. Abstract Noun (explanation/identify/underline)
  14. Abstract Noun (change form/make sentences)
  15. Collective Nouns (explanation/identify/make sentences)
1.3: Types of Pronouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Personal Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Possessive Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Relative Pronouns & antecedent(explanation with examples)
  4. More on Relative Pronouns
  5. Exercise-Relative Pronouns
  6. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-1
  7. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-2
  8. Exercise-Kinds of Pronouns Mixed
  9. Exercise-Pronoun Antecedent
  10. Kinds of Pronouns (personal/possessive)(explanation)
  11. Kinds of Pronouns (reflexive/indefinite)(explanation)
  12. Kinds of Pronouns (identify various pronouns in sentences)
  13. Relative Pronouns (explanation/fill in blanks/make sentences)
1.4: Types of Prepositions  (Practice Test)
  1. Prepositions (explanation with examples & exercise)
  2. Compound Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  3. Exercise-Compound Prepositions
  4. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  5. Compound Prepositions (explanation/fill in blanks)
1.5: Conjunctions  (Practice Test)
  1. Conjunctions(3 types)(explanation with examples)
1.6: Articles  (Practice Test)
  1. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Articles
  3. Articles (explanation/identify/insert articles)
1.7: Ellipses  (Practice Test)
  1. Ellipses (use of three dots) (explanation with examples)
  2. Ellipses (explanation/make sentences)
1.8: Kinds of Adjectives  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Kinds of Adjectives
  3. Order of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Order of Adjectives
  5. Degrees of Comparison (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Degrees of comparison
  7. Degrees of Comparison (explanation/complete the table/make sentences)
  8. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation)
  9. Kinds of Adjectives (change form/make sentences)
  10. Order of Adjectives (explanation/choose the correct phrase)
  11. Order of Adjectives (explanation/make sentences)
  12. Adjective Phrases(explanation/replace phrase by adjective/make senten
  13. Adverb Phrases(explanation/replace phrase by adjective/make sentences)
  14. Adjective Clauses (explanation/identify/fill blanks)
  15. More on Adjective Clauses
1.9: Kinds and Positions of Adverbs in a Senetence  (Practice Test)
  1. Modal Verbs (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Modal Verbs
  3. Exercise-Modal Verbs
  4. Kinds of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  5. More on Kinds of Adverbs
  6. Position of Adverbs in a sentence (explanation with examples)
  7. Position of a Single Adverb in a Sentence
  8. Degrees of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  9. Modal Verbs (explanation/use of modal verbs to describe various situa
  10. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  11. Kinds of Adverbs/Position of Adverbs (explanation/place adverbs in co
  12. Adverbial Clauses Types (explanation with examples)
  13. More on Adverbial Clauses
1.10: Types of Sentences  (Practice Test)
  1. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  2. Statements (explanation with examples)
  3. Imperative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  4. Excalamatory Sentences (explanation with examples)
  5. Interrogative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  6. Optative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  7. Exercise-Types of Sentences
  8. Simple Sentences (explanation with examples)
  9. Compound Sentences (explanation with examples)
  10. Complex Sentences (explanation with examples)
  11. Compound-Complex Sentences (explanation with examples)
  12. Exercise-Sentences Mixed
  13. Types of Sentences-Exclamatory/Assertive etc (explanation)
  14. Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences(identify/write)
1.11: Phrases and Clauses  (Practice Test)
  1. Phrase (explanation with examples)
  2. Noun, Verb, Prepositional Phrases (explanation with examples)
  3. Adjective Phrase (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Adjective Phrase
  5. Adverb Phrase (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercie-Adverb Phrase
  7. Independent/Dependent Clauses (explanation with examples)
  8. Exercise-Independent & Dependent Clause
  9. Exercise-Comma Clause
  10. Noun Clause (explanation with examples)
  11. Adjective Clause (explanation with examples)
  12. Exercise-Adjective Clause-1
  13. Exercise-Adjective Clause-2
  14. Adverb Clause (explanation with examples)
  15. Exercise-Adverb Clause-1
  16. Exercise-Adverb Clause-2
  17. Use of Comma with Clauses (explanation with examples)
  18. Independent/Dependent Clauses (explanation/identify/fill table)
  19. Use of Comma to Separate Clauses(explanation/correct sentences)
1.12: Kinds of Verbs and their Forms  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  2. Intransitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  3. Auxilliary Verb (explantion with examples)
  4. Linking Verbs (explantion with examples)
  5. Finite Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Non-Finite Verbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Present and Past participle (explanation with examples)
  8. Exercise-Present & Past Participles
  9. Gerund (explanation with examples)
  10. Gerunds(explanation/complete phrases/make sentences)
  11. Infinitive (explanation with examples)
  12. Use of Infinitives(explanation/make sentences)
  13. More on Use of Infinitives
  14. Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
  15. Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
1.13: Tense, Aspect and Mood  (Practice Test)
  1. Relation of Tense, Aspect and Mood with Verb (explanation )
  2. Verb Tense (types of tenses) (explanation with examples)
  3. Verb Aspect Versus Verb Tense (explanation with examples)
  4. Verbal Aspect-Simple/Indefinite (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbal Aspect-Continuous/Progressive (explanation with examples)
  6. Verbal Aspect-Perfect (explanation with examples)
  7. Verbal Aspect-Perfect Continuous (explanation with examples)
  8. Verbal Mood (3 types) (explanation with examples)
1.14: Present Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  4. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Present Perfect Tense (Uses&Formation)
  6. Present Perfect Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation & examples)
1.15: Past Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  3. Past Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation)
  4. Past Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  5. Past perfect Tense (Uses&Formation)
  6. Past perfect Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  7. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation & examples)
1.16: Future Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  2. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Future Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation) (explanation with examples)
  4. Future Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Future Perfect Tense(Uses&Formation) (explanation with examples)
  6. Future Perfect Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  7. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation & exampl
  8. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  9. Tenses/Aspect Table (all tenses in one table)
  10. More on Tenses/Aspect Table
  11. Exercise-Tenses-Mixed
1.17: Conditionals Type- I, II and III  (Practice Test)
  1. Conditionals-Type 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Conditionals-Senetences Table (explanation with examples)
  3. More on Conditionals-Senetences Table(Type Zero, 1,2,3,Mixed)
  4. Exercise-Conditionals
  5. Conditionals-Type 1,2&3 (explanation with examples/fill blanks)
1.18: Active and Passive Voice  (Practice Test)
  1. Active and Passive Voice (explanation with examples)
  2. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 1 (explanation & examples)
  3. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 2 (explanation & examples)
  4. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 3 (explanation & examples)
  5. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 4 (explanation & examples)
  6. Exercise-Active & Passive Voice
1.19: Subject-Verb Agreement  (Practice Test)
  1. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
  3. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 5 (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Subject Verb Agreement
  7. Subject-Verb Agreement (identyify/fill in blanks)
  8. More on Subject-Verb Agreement (1)
  9. More on Subject-Verb Agreement (2)
1.20: Transitional Devices  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitional Devices (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Transitional Devices
  3. Exercise Transitional Devices
  4. Transitional Devices (explanation/fill blanks)
1.21: Direct/Indirect Narration  (Practice Test)
  1. Direct/Indirect Narration (explanation/change form)
  2. Direct/Indirect Narration Tense-1 (explanation/change form)
  3. Direct/Indirect Narration Tense-2
  4. Direct/Indirect Narration Tense-3
1.22: Punctuation  (Practice Test)
  1. Ways to End a Sentence (full stop, comma, exclamation)
  2. Commas with Simple Series, Oxford comma and Adjectives (Rule 1 and 2)
  3. Commas with Clauses (Rule 3)
  4. Commas with Clauses and Introductory Phrases (Rule 4 to 5)
  5. Commas with Introductory Phrases and Nonessential Parts of a Sentence
  6. Appositive Commas (Rule 9)
  7. Commas with Phrases, Dates and Addresses (Rule 10 to 13)
  8. Commas with Degrees, Titles and Direct Speech (Rule 14 to 16)
  9. Commas with Direct Speech, Contrasting Parts and Introductory Items (
  10. Punctuating Salutations and Valedictions
  11. Punctuating Dates
  12. Punctuating Addresses
  13. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  14. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  15. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
  16. Identify Plural Possession (Rule 6 to7)
  17. Apostrophes with Singular and Plural Compound Possessives (Rule 8 to
  18. Apostrophes with Possesive Adjectives (Rule 12)
  19. Apostrophes with Contractions(Rule 13)
  20. Apostrophes with Single or More capital Letters, Time and Money (Rule
  21. Apostrophes versus Single quotation Mark and False Possessives (Rule
  22. Colons with Series of Items (Rule 1-3)
  23. Colons with Vertical Lists and Series of Items (Rule 4-5)
  24. Colons with Direct Speech (Rule 6-8)
  25. Semicolons with Clauses (Rule 1 and 2)
  26. Semicolons with Conjunctions and Series of Items (Rule 3 to 6)
  27. Italics, Underlining and Quotes in Titles
  28. Use of Parenthesis
  29. Use of Parenthesis and Brackets
  30. Use of Dashes
  31. Use of Hyphens Part-1
  32. Use of Hyphens Part-2
  33. Use of Hyphens Part-3
  34. Punctuating a Passage Part-1
  35. Punctuating a Passage Part-2
Chapter 2: Writing Skills (73 videos)
2.1: Summary Writing
  1. Summary Writing Intro and Steps (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Summary Skills-1
  3. Exercise-Summary Skills-2
  4. Exercise-Summary Skills-3
  5. Summary (explanation with practice using short poems)
  6. Summary Steps with Flow Chart (explanation)
  7. Summary of a Poem(Daffodils) (reading/outlining/checking/writing)
  8. Summary of a Short Passage (reading/outlining/checking/writing)
  9. Summary of a Long Passage (reading/outlining/checking/writing)
  10. More on Summary of a Long Passage
2.2: Paraphrasing
  1. Paraphrasing Intro-Sample (writing a paraphrase of a story)
  2. More on paraphrasing Intro-Sample
  3. Paraphrasing the Stanzas of a Poem (editing/writing)
  4. Paraphrasing (explanation with examples)
  5. More on Paraphrasing
2.3: Paragaraph Writing
  1. Paragaraph Writing Intro-Outline (explanation with examples)
  2. Paragraph Writing Sample(writing of a paragraph)
  3. Paragaraph Writing Skills (explanation/demonstration)
  4. More on Paragraph Writing (1)
  5. More on Paragraph Writing (2)
2.4: Essay Writing
  1. Essay Writing -Intro with Essay Types (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Essay Writing
  3. Steps for writing an Essay (explanation with examples)
  4. More on Steps for writing an Essay
  5. Essay Writing (Steps to Follow/types of essays)(explanation)
  6. More on Essay Writing Steps to Follow
  7. An Essay on Quaid-e-Azam our National Hero (mind map/outline/writing)
  8. Important Essay Topics( guessing the type of essay)
  9. Formal/Informal-Non-fictional/Fictional Essay (explanation)
2.5: Mind Mapping
  1. Mind Map (developing of a mind map)
  2. How to Develop a Mind Map (filling a mind map/explanation)
2.6: Argumentative Essay
  1. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-3(writing of essay)
  4. Persuasive/Argumentative Essay Comparison(explanation with table)
  5. A Sample Persuasive Essay (explanation)
  6. A Sample Argumentative Essay (explanation)
2.7: Narrative Essay
  1. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-3 (writing of essay)
  4. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-4 (writing of essay)
  5. A Sample Personal Narrative Essay (explanation/mind map/outline)
2.8: Character Sketch
  1. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
2.9: Descriptive Essay
  1. Descriptive Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
  3. More on Character Sketch
  4. Descriptive/Narrative Essay Comparison & Expository/Descriptive Mindm
2.10: Cause and Effect Essay
  1. Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. More on Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  3. A Sample Cause and Effect Essay (mind map/outline/writing)
  4. More on A Cause and Effect Essay
2.11: Comparison and Contrast Essay
  1. Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample(writing of essay)
  2. More on Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  3. A Sample Comparison and Contrast Essay (outline/explanation)
  4. More on A Comparison and Contrast Essay
2.12: Letter Format & Types
  1. Letter Types and Format(explanation with examples)
  2. Letter Writing Format (discussion with sample)
  3. Letter writing Steps (discussion)
  4. Formal/Informal Letter Comparison & Parts in Detail (discussion)
2.13: Formal Letter (Application)
  1. Formal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
  2. A Sample Formal Letter/Application (outline/explanation)
  3. More on A Formal Letter
2.14: Informal Letter
  1. Informal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
2.15: Email
  1. Email Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
2.16: Book Review
  1. Book Review Intro and Tips (explanation with examples)
  2. Book Review Sample (discussion of sample)
  3. Book Reviews on Hellen Keller’s 2 Books (explanation)
  4. Book Review (Importance and tips to write book reviews-Explanation)
2.17: Dialogue Writing
  1. Dialogue Writing Part 1
  2. Dialogue Writing Part 2
  3. Dialogue Writing Part 3
  4. Dialogue Writing Part 4
  5. Dialogue Writing Part 5
Chapter 3: Vocabulary (56 videos)
3.1: Vocabulary (based on syllabus)
  1. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 6
  7. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 7
  8. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 8
  9. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 9
  10. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 10
  11. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 11
  12. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 12
  13. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 13
  14. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 14
  15. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 15
  16. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 16
  17. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 17
  18. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 18
  19. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 19
  20. Vocabulary Words (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 20
  21. Vocabulary Words (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 21
3.2: Word Pairs
  1. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 6
  7. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 7
  8. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 8
  9. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 9
  10. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 10
  11. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 11
  12. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 12
  13. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 13
  14. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 14
  15. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 15
  16. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 16
  17. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 17
  18. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 18
  19. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 19
  20. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 20
3.3: Proverbs and Stories
  1. Proverb and Story Part 1
  2. Proverb and Story Part 2
  3. Proverb and Story Part 3
  4. Proverb and Story Part 4
  5. Proverb and Story Part 5
3.4: Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
  1. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  7. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  8. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  9. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  10. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
Chapter 4: Essay Outlines (15 videos)
4.1: Essay Outlines (with explanation)
  1. Essay Outline (Women Education) Part 1
  2. Essay Outline (Women Education) Part 2
  3. Essay Outline (Women Education) Part 3
  4. Essay Outline (Social Media) Part 1
  5. Essay Outline (Social Media) Part 2
  6. Essay Outline (Social Media) Part 3
  7. Essay Outline (Corruption) Part 1
  8. Essay Outline (Corruption) Part 2
  9. Essay Outline (Corruption) Part 3
  10. Essay Outline (Pollution) Part 1
  11. Essay Outline (Pollution) Part 2
  12. Essay Outline (Education) Part 1
  13. Essay Outline (Education) Part 2
  14. Essay Outline (Education) Part 3
  15. Essay Outline (Education) Part 4
Chapter 5: Short Stories (18 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Short Stories (Summaries and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. Button Button Summary
  2. Button Button Q & A
  3. Birkenhead Drill Summary
  4. Birkenhead Drill Q & A
  5. The Stuffed Trout Summary
  6. The Stuffed Trout Q & A
  7. The Man who was a Hospital
  8. The Man who was a Hospital Q & A
  9. The Dying Sun Summary
  10. The Dying Sun Q & A Part 1
  11. The Dying Sun Q & A Part 2
  12. The Devoted Friend Summary
  13. The Devoted Friend Q & A Part 1
  14. The Devoted Friend Q & A Part 2
  15. Hitch-Hicking Across the Sahara Summary
  16. Hitch-Hicking Across the Sahara Q & A Part 1
  17. Hitch-Hicking Across the Sahara Q & A Part 2
  18. M. A. Jinnah: A Great States Man Q & A
Chapter 6: Plays (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Plays (Summaries, Analysis and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. The Oyster and the Pearl Summary and Analysis Part 1
  2. The Oyster and the Pearl Summary and Analysis Part 2
  3. The Oyster and the Pearl Q & A Part 1
  4. The Oyster and the Pearl Q & A Part 2
  5. Progress Summary Part 1
  6. Progress Summary Part 2
  7. Progress Q & A Part 1
  8. Progress Q & A Part 2
  9. Progress Q & A Part 3
  10. Dear Departed Summary
  11. Dear Departed Q & A Part 1
  12. Dear Departed Q & A Part 2
  13. True Friendship Summary Part 1
  14. True Friendship Summary Part 2
  15. True Friendship Q & A Part 1
  16. True Friendship Q & A Part 2
  17. King Lear Summary
  18. King Lear Character Analysis Part 1
  19. King Lear Character Analysis Part 2
  20. King Lear Q & A Part 1
  21. King Lear Q & A Part 2
  22. King Lear Q & A Part 3
  23. King Lear Q & A Part 4
  24. King Lear Q & A Part 5
  25. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb Summary
  26. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb Q & A Part 1
  27. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb Q & A Part 2
Chapter 7: Poems (26 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Poems (Summaries, Analysis, Themes and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. Night Mail Summary Part 1
  2. Night Mail Summary Part 2
  3. Night Mail Q & A Part 1
  4. Night Mail Q & A Part 2
  5. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Summary
  6. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Q & A Part 1
  7. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Q & A Part 2
  8. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Q & A Part 3
  9. We are Seven Summary Part 1
  10. We are Seven Summary Part 2
  11. We are Seven Themes Part 1
  12. We are Seven Themes Part 2
  13. We are Seven Themes Part 3
  14. September, The First Day of School Summary Part 1
  15. September, The First Day of School Summary Part 2
  16. September, The First Day of School Summary Part 3
  17. September, The First Day of School Themes
  18. Endymion Summary and Analysis Part 1
  19. Endymion Summary and Analysis Part 2
  20. Endymion Summary and Analysis Part 3
  21. Endymion Questions and Answers
  22. One Way of Love Summary
  23. One Way of Love Analysis
  24. If Summary
  25. If Analysis Part 1
  26. If Analysis Part 2
Chapter 8: Novels (19 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Novel (Summary, Themes, Characters and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 1
  2. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 2
  3. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 3
  4. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 4
  5. Character of Mr. Chips Part 1
  6. Character of Mr. Chips Part 2
  7. Character of Mr. Chips Part 3
  8. Character of Katherine Bridges Part 1
  9. Character of Katherine Bridges Part 2
  10. Character of Mr. Ralston
  11. Character of Mrs. Wicketts
  12. Goodbye Mr. Chips Short Q & A Part 1
  13. Goodbye Mr. Chips Short Q & A Part 2
  14. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Humour
  15. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Anti-War Part 1
  16. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Anti-War Part 2
  17. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Farewell Speech: Always Stay Positive Part 1
  18. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Farewell Speech: Always Stay Positive Part 2
  19. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Changing World

Math Class-XII

Chapter 1: Function and Limits (37 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Introduction ( Numbers Systems )
  1. Definition & Notation of Some Important Sets
1.2: Intervals  (Practice Test)
  1. Defining Interval
  2. Defining Closed, Open, Half Open and Half Closed Interval
1.3: Modulus Function  (Practice Test)
  1. The Modulus of a Function
1.4: Neighbourhood
  1. Introduction to Neighbourhood in Intervals
1.5: Binary Relation  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Binary Relation
  2. Problem-Introduction to Binary Relation
  3. Problem 1: Introduction to Binary Relation
  4. Domain & Range of Binary Relation
  5. Problem-Domain & Range of Binary Relation
  6. Problem 1: Domain & Range of Binary Relation
1.6: Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Function
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Function
  3. More on Introduction to Functions
1.7: Inverse Function
  1. Inverse of a Function
1.8: Concept of Function in Terms of Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Function
1.9: Algebra of Functions
  1. Algebraic Functions
1.10: Polynomial Function
  1. Algebraic Functions
1.11: Rational Function
  1. Constant, Identity and Rational Functions
1.12: Composite Function
  1. Composition of a Functions
1.13: Even and Odd Function
  1. Even and Odd Functions
1.14: Circular Trigonometric Function
  1. Trigonometric Functions
1.15: Inverse Trigonometric Function
  1. Introduction to Binary Operations
1.16: Formulization of Functions
  1. Formulization of Functions
1.17: Graph of a Relation and of a Function
  1. Graphical Representation of Functions
1.18: Sequence
  1. Defining Sequence and Limit of Sequence
1.19: Limit of Sequence
  1. Defining Sequence and Limit of Sequence
1.20: Bounded Set and Monotonic Sequence
  1. Bounded Set and Monotonic Sequence
1.21: Divergence
  1. Convergent and Divergent Sequence
1.22: Exponential Function  (Practice Test)
  1. Operations on Residue Classes Modulo n
1.23: Logarithmic Function
  1. Properties of Binary Operations
1.24: Infinite Series
  1. The Infinite Geometric Series
1.25: Meaning of the Phrase ‘x’ Tends to ‘a’
  1. Meaning of Phrase x Approaches to a
1.26: Limit of Function
  1. Concept of a Limit of a Function
1.27: Limits as x Tends Infinity  (Practice Test)
  1. Limit at Infinity
  2. Method for Evaluating the Limits at Infinity
  3. Deducting Formulae at Limit Approaches to 0 and infinity
Chapter 2: The Straight Line (50 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Cartesian Coordinate System
  1. Cartesian Coordinate System & Cartesian Plane
2.2: Distance Between Two Given Points  (Practice Test)
  1. Derivation of Distance formula
  2. Use of Distance formula
  3. Problem 1: Use of Distance formula
2.3: Division of Given Line Segment in a Given Ratio  (Practice Test)
  1. Points Dividing the Join of Two Points in Given Ratio
  2. More on Points Dividing Join of Two Points in Given Ratio
  3. Problem1a-Points Dividing the Join of Two Points in Given Ratio
  4. Problem1b-Points Dividing the Join of Two Points in Given Ratio
2.4: Rules For the Choice of Axes
  1. Rules For the Choice of Axes
2.5: Curves and Equations
  1. Curves and Equations
2.6: Slope (or Gradient) of a Line  (Practice Test)
  1. Inclination of Line
  2. Slope or Gradient of a Line
  3. Gradient of a Straight Line Joining Two Points
2.7: Slope of the Line Joining Two Given Points
  1. Gradient of a Straight Line Joining Two Points
2.8: Condition For Three Points to be Collinear
  1. Slope of Collinear Line Segments
2.9: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines  (Practice Test)
  1. Slope of Parallel Lines
  2. Problem-Slope of Parallel Lines
  3. Problem2-Slope of Parallel Lines
  4. Relationship between Two and Three Straight Lines
2.10: Angle From One Line to Another in the Slope Form
  1. Angle Between Two Lines
  2. Problem1-Angle Between Two Lines
  3. Problem2-Angle Between Two Lines
2.11: Lines Parallel to the Axes of Coordinates  (Practice Test)
  1. Slope or Gradient of a Line
2.12: Various Forms of Equation of Straight Line  (Practice Test)
  1. Equations of a Straight Line
  2. More on Equations of Straight Line
  3. Problem-Equations of a Straight Line
  4. Derivation of Slope Intercept form
  5. Problem1-Derivation of Slope Intercept form
  6. Deriving Point-slope Form of Equation of Straight Line
  7. Problem1-Deriving Point-slope Form of Equation of Straight Line
  8. Symmetric Form of Equation of Straight Line
  9. Problem1-Symmetric Form of Equation of Straight Line
  10. Two Point form of Equation of Straight Line
  11. Problem1-Two Point form of Equation of Straight Line
  12. Intercept Form of Equation of Straight Line
  13. Problem1-Intercept Form of Equation of Straight Line
  14. Normal Form of Equation of Straight Line
  15. Problem1-Normal Form of Equation of Straight Line
2.13: Deduction of One Form of an Equation of a Line From Another  (Practice Test)
  1. Transforming General Linear Equation to Standard Forms
  2. Problem1-Transforming General Linear Equation to Standard Forms
  3. Transforming General Equation to Slope Intercept Form
  4. Problem1-Transforming General Equation to Slope Intercept Form
  5. Transforming General Form of Equation to Intercept Form
  6. Problem1-Transforming General Form of Equation to Intercept Form
  7. Transforming General Form of Equation to Normal Form
  8. Problem1-Transforming General Form of Equation to Normal Form
  9. Transforming General Form of Equation to Point Slope Form
  10. Problem1-Transforming General Form of Equation to Point Slope Form
  11. Transforming General Form of Equation to Symmetric Form
  12. Problem1-Transforming General Form of Equation to Symmetric Form
Chapter 3: The General Equation of Straight Lines (35 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: The General Linear Equation
  1. How 2 Variabled Linear Equation Represent Straight Line
  2. Problem1-How 2 Variabled Linear Equation Represent Straight Line
3.2: Angle Between Two Lines From l2 to l1 in The General Form
  1. Angle Between Two Lines in General Form
3.3: Points of Intersection of Two Straight Lines
  1. The Point of Intersection of Straight Lines
  2. Problem1-The Point of Intersection of Straight Lines
3.4: Concurrency of Three Lines  (Practice Test)
  1. Condition of Concurrency of Three Straight Lines
  2. More on Condition of Concurrency of Three Straight Lines
  3. Problem1-Condition of Concurrency of Three Straight Lines
3.5: Equations of Lines in the Matrix Form
  1. Equation of a Straight Line in Matrix Form
  2. More on Equation of Straight Line in Matrix Form
  3. Problem1-Equation of a Straight Line in Matrix Form
  4. Problem2-Equation of a Straight Line in Matrix Form
3.6: Lines Through the Intersection of Two Given Lines
  1. Equation of Lines Through Point of Intersecting 2 Lines
  2. Problem1-Equation of Lines Through Point of Intersecting 2 Lines
3.7: Position of a Point with Respect to a Given Straight Line  (Practice Test)
  1. Position of Point with Respect to Line
  2. More on Position of Point with Respect to Line
  3. Problem1-Position of Point with Respect to Line
3.8: Distance of a Point From a Line  (Practice Test)
  1. Distance of Point From Line
  2. Problem1-Distance of Point From Line
  3. Distance between Two Parallel Lines
  4. Problem1-Distance between Two Parallel Lines
3.9: Area of a Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Area of Triangular Region With Given Vertices
  2. More on Area of Triangular Region With Given Vertices
  3. Problem1-Area of Triangular Region With Given Vertices
3.10: Equation of a Pair of Straight Lines Through the Origin
  1. Equation of a Pair of Straight Lines Through the Origin
3.11: The General Quadratic Equation  (Practice Test)
  1. Homogeneous Equation of Second Degree in Two Variables
  2. More on Homogeneous Equation of 2nd Degree in 2 Variables
  3. Homogeneous Equation of Degree ‘n’
  4. More on Homogeneous Equation of Degree ‘n’
  5. Problem1-Homogeneous Equation of Degree ‘n’
  6. Problem2-Homogeneous Equation of Degree ‘n’
  7. Problem2-More on Homogeneous Equation of Degree ‘n’
  8. Problem3-Homogeneous Equation of Degree ‘n’
  9. Condition For the Lines to be Coincident
  10. More on Condition For the Lines to be Coincident
Chapter 4: Differentiability (49 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Derivative of a Function at a Point  (Practice Test)
  1. Derivative of a Function
  2. More on Derivative of a Function
  3. Notation for Derivative
  4. Derivative by First Principle
  5. More on Derivative by First Principle
  6. Problem1-Derivative by First Principle
  7. Problem2-Derivative by First Principle
  8. Derivative of a Constant Function
  9. Power Rule for Differentiation
  10. More on Power Rule for Differentiation
  11. Problem-Power Rule for Differentiation
  12. Problem1-Power Rule for Differentiation
  13. Derivative of a sum or Difference of Functions
  14. Problem1-Derivative of a sum or Difference of Functions
  15. Derivative of Product
  16. Problem1-Derivative of Product
  17. Derivative of a Quotient
  18. More on Derivative of a Quotient
  19. Problem1a-Derivative of Quotient
  20. Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
  21. More on Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
  22. More Stuff on Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
  23. Problem1-Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
  24. Problem2-Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
  25. Problem3-Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
4.2: Composite Function  (Practice Test)
  1. Differentiation by Chain Rule
  2. More on Differentiation by Chain Rule
  3. Problem1-Differentiation by Chain Rule
  4. Problem2-Differentiation by Chain Rule
  5. Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  6. More on Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  7. Problem1-Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  8. Problem2-Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  9. Problem3-Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  10. Derivative of Exponential Functions
  11. Problem1-Derivative of Exponential Functions
  12. Derivative of Logarithmic Functions
  13. Problem1-Derivative of Logarithmic Functions
  14. Problem Solving-Logarithmic Functions
4.3: Implicit Function
  1. Implicit Differentiations
  2. Problem-Implicit Differentiations
  3. Problem-Implicit Differentiations
4.4: Parametric Function
  1. Derivative of Parametric Equations
  2. Problem1-Derivative of Parametric Equations
4.5: Higher Derivatives  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Higher Order Differentiation
  2. Problem1-Introducing Higher Order Differentiation
  3. Problem2-Introducing Higher Order Differentiation
  4. Problem3-Introducing Higher Order Differentiation
  5. Problem4-Introducing Higher Order Differentiation
Chapter 5: Application of Differential Calculus (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Geometrical Meaning of dy/dx
  1. Geometrical Interpretation of a Derivative
  2. More on Geometrical Interpretation of Derivative
5.2: dy/dx as a Rate Measurer
  1. Differential-Application to Kinematics
5.3: Differential
  1. Differentials of Variables
  2. Difference between Delta y and dy
5.4: Increasing and Decreasing Function  (Practice Test)
  1. Increasing and Decreasing Functions
  2. More on Increasing and Decreasing Functions
  3. Problem1-Increasing and Decreasing Functions
  4. Introducing Relative Extrema
  5. Problem1-Introducing Relative Extrema
  6. Relative Maxima and Minima
  7. Problem2-Relative Maxima and Minima
  8. Critical Values and Critical Points
  9. Point of Inflexion
  10. Second Derivative Test and Concavity
  11. More on Second Derivative Test and Concavity
  12. Problem Solving-Second Derivative Test and Concavity
  13. Differential-Maxima and Minima Problems
  14. Problem1a-Second Derivative and Its Applications
  15. Problem2a-Second Derivative and Its Applications
  16. Problem3a-Second Derivative and Its Applications
Chapter 6: Antiderivatives (93 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Antiderivation or Integration  (Practice Test)
  1. Antidifferentiation and Indefinite Integral
  2. Integral Language and Notation
  3. Difference between Delta y and dy
  4. Problem1-Difference between Delta y and dy
  5. Theorems on Anti-derivative
  6. Problem1-Theorems on Anti-derivative
  7. Problem2-Theorems on Anti-derivative
  8. Problem3-Theorems on Anti-derivative
  9. Problem4-Theorems on Anti-derivative
  10. To Integrate x Raise to Power n
  11. Problem1-To Integrate x Raise to Power n
  12. To Integrate Sine Functions
  13. To Integrate Cosine Functions
  14. To Integrate Secant Squared Fucntions
  15. To Integrate secx.tanx
  16. To Integrate Cosecant.Cotangent Functions
  17. Integrating Exponential Functions
  18. To Integrate 1 by x
  19. To Integrate Tangent Functions
  20. To Integrate Cotangent Functions
  21. To Integrate Cosecant Functions
  22. Integrating Power Functions with Given Derivatives
  23. More on Integrating Power Functions with Given Derivatives
6.2: Integration by Substitution  (Practice Test)
  1. Integration by Substitution
  2. Some Useful Substitutions in Integration
  3. More on Some Useful Substitions in Integration
  4. Some More Useful Substitions in Integration
  5. Problem-Integration by Useful Substitution
  6. Problem2-Some More Useful Substitions in Integration
  7. Prolem3-Some More Useful Substitions in Integration
  8. Prolem4-Some More Useful Substitions in Integration
  9. Prolem5-Some More Useful Substitions in Integration
6.3: Integration by Completing the Squares
  1. Integration by Completing Square
  2. Integration by Completing Square
6.4: Integration by Parts  (Practice Test)
  1. Integration by Parts
  2. More on Integration by Parts
  3. Problem1-Integration by Parts
  4. Problem2-Integration by Parts
  5. Problem2b-Integration by Parts
  6. Integration by Parts of Trigonometric Functions
  7. More on Integration by Parts of Trigonometric Functions
6.5: Partial Fractions  (Practice Test)
  1. Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Factors
  2. Problem1-Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Factors
  3. Problem1a-Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Factors
  4. More on Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Factors
  5. Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Linear Factors
  6. Problem1-Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Linear Facto
  7. Problem1a-Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Linear Fact
  8. More on Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-repeated Factors
  9. Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-Repeated Quadratic Factors
  10. Problem1-Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-Repeated Quadratic Fa
  11. Problem1a-Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-Repeated Quadratic F
  12. More on Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-Repeated Quadratic Fac
  13. Further to Integrating Partial Fractions with Non-Repeated Quadratic
6.6: Integation of Rational Fractions
  1. Integration of Rational Fractions
6.7: Area Under a Curve  (Practice Test)
  1. The Definite Integral
  2. Problem1-The Definite Integral
  3. Problem2-The Definite Integral
  4. Problem2a-The Definite Integral
  5. Area Under the Curve
  6. Problem1-Area Under the Curve
  7. Problem2-Area Under the Curve
  8. More on Area Under the Curve
  9. Negative Area by Definite Integral
  10. Symmetrical Area by Integration
  11. Area Bounded by Two Curves by Integration
  12. To Deal with Negative and Positive Areas in Integation
  13. Area Bounded by Two Curves Above and Below x-axis
  14. Application of Definite Integral
  15. More on Application of Definite Integral
  16. Problem1-Application of Definite Integral
  17. Problem2-Application of Definite Integral
  18. Problem2a-Application of Definite Integral
  19. Problem3-Application of Definite Integral
  20. Problem3a-Application of Definite Integral
6.8: Differential Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Differential Equation
  2. More on Introduction to Differential Equation
  3. Classification of Differential Equation
  4. More on Classification of Differnetial Equation
  5. Solving First Order Differential Equation
  6. More on Solving First Order Differential Equation
  7. Problem1-Solving First Order Differential Equation
  8. Problem2-Solving First Order Differential Equation
  9. Solving First Order Differential Equation by Initial Conditions
  10. P1-Solving First Order Differential Equation by Initial Conditions
  11. P2-Solving First Order Differential Equation by Initial Conditions
  12. P3-Solving First Order Differential Equation by Initial Conditions
  13. Homogeneous Differential Equation
  14. Differential Equation Reducible to Homogeneous Differential Equation
  15. Differential Equation of Orthogonal Trajectories
  16. More on Differential Equation of Orthogonal Trajectories
  17. Application of Differential Equations
  18. More on Application of Differential Equations
Chapter 7: Circle (38 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Conic Section
  2. More on Introduction to Conic Section
7.2: Equation of a Circle  (Practice Test)
  1. Standard Form of Equation of Circle
  2. General Form of Equation of Circle
  3. More on General Form of Equation of Circle
7.3: Equation of a Circle with a Line Segment as its Diameter
  1. Equation of Circle Passing Through 2 Points and its Centre on Line
7.4: Tangents and Normals to a Circle  (Practice Test)
  1. Equation of Tangent to Circle
  2. More on Equation of Tangent to Circle
  3. Problem1- Equation of Tangent to Circle
  4. Problem2a-Equation of Tangent to Circle
  5. Problem2b-Equation of Tangent to Circle
  6. Equation of Normal to Circle
7.5: Equation of the Chord Joining Two Points on the Circle
  1. Chords Perpendicular Passes Centre of Circle
  2. More on Chords Perpendicular Passes Centre of Circle
7.6: Points of Intersection of the Straight Line and the Circle
  1. Line Intersects Circle at Most 2 Points
7.7: Condition of Tangency of a Line to a Circle
  1. Condition that Line may be Tangent to Circle
7.8: The Equation of Tangents and Normals Using Derivatives  (Practice Test)
  1. Equation of Tangent to Circle
  2. More on Equation of Tangent to Circle
  3. Problem1- Equation of Tangent to Circle
  4. Problem2a-Equation of Tangent to Circle
  5. Problem2b-Equation of Tangent to Circle
  6. Equation of Normal to Circle
7.9: Length of the Tangent from the Point to the Circle
  1. Length of Tangent to Circle
7.10: Condition of Normality
  1. Equation of Normal to Circle
7.11: Some Geometrical Properties of the Circle  (Practice Test)
  1. Proof-2 Tangents can be Drawn to Circle from Point
  2. More on Proof-2 Tangents can be Drawn to Circle from Point
  3. Length of Tangent to Circle
  4. To Prove Circles Diameter is 2 Times its Radius
  5. Chords Perpendicular Passes Centre of Circle
  6. More on Chords Perpendicular Passes Centre of Circle
  7. Line From Centre and Midpoint of Chord is Perp to it
  8. More on Line From Centre and Midpoint of Chord is Perp to it
  9. Congruent Chords are Equidistance from Centre of Circle
  10. More on Congruent Chords are Equidistance from Centre of Circle
  11. Angle in Semi-Circle is Right Angle
  12. More on Angle in Semi-Circle is Right Angle
  13. Perpendicular Radial Segment is Tangent to Circle
  14. More on Perpendicular Radial Segment is Tangent to Circle
Chapter 8: Parabola,Ellipse and Hyperbola (109 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: General Conic  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Conic Section
  2. More on Introduction to Conic Section
8.2: Parabola  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Parabola
  2. More on Introduction to Parabola
  3. Terms Related to Parabola
  4. General Form of Equation of Parabola
  5. Other Standard Parabola
  6. Graph of Parabola Facing Upward
  7. Graph of Parabola Facing Downward
  8. Graph of Parabola Facing Rightward
  9. Graph of Parabola Facing Leftward
  10. Problem Related with Parabola
  11. Parabola with Vertex not at Origin
  12. More on Parabola with Vertex not at Origin
  13. Problem-Parabola with Vertex not at Origin
  14. Graphing Parabola with Vertex not at Origin
  15. More on Graphing Parabola with Vertex not at Origin
  16. Finding Equation of Parabola with Focus and Vertex
  17. Finding Equation of Parabola with Directrix and Vertex
  18. Problem1-Finding Equation of Parabola with Focus and Vertex
  19. Problem2-Finding Equation of Parabola with Focus and Vertex
  20. Problem3-Finding Equation of Parabola with Focus and Vertex
8.3: The Standard Equation of an Ellipse  (Practice Test)
  1. Obtaining Standard Equation of Ellipse
  2. More on Obtaining Standard Equation of Ellipse-1
  3. More on Obtaining Standard Equation of Ellipse-2
  4. More on Obtaining Standard Equation of Ellipse-3
  5. Circle as Special Case of Ellipse
  6. Basic Terms Associated with Ellipse
  7. More on Basic Terms Associated with Ellipse
  8. Standard Form of Vertical and Horizontal Ellipses
  9. Problem1-Standard Form of Vertical and Horizontal Ellipses
  10. Translation of Horizontal Ellipse
  11. More on Translation of Horizontal Ellipse
  12. Translation of Vertical Ellipse
  13. More on Translation of Vertical Ellipse
  14. Equation of Ellipse with Foci and Vertices
  15. Problem1-Equation of Ellipse with Foci and Vertices
  16. Problem3-Equation of Ellipse with Foci and Vertices
  17. Ellipse Equation with Centre and Length of Axes
  18. Ellipse Equation with Centre and Given Point
  19. More on Ellipse Equation with Centre and Given Point
8.4: Hyperbola  (Practice Test)
  1. Defining Hyperbola
  2. Standard Form of Equation of Hyperbola
  3. More on Standard Form of Equation of Hyperbola
  4. More on Standard Form of Equation of Hyperbola
  5. Asymptotes of Hyperbola
  6. Foci of Hyperbola
  7. More on Foci of Hyperbola
  8. Problem1-Foci of Hyperbola
  9. Horizontal Hyperbola
  10. Vertical Hyperbola
  11. Rectangular Hyperbola
  12. Graphing Hyperbola
  13. More on Graphing Hyperbola
  14. Problem1-Graphing Hyperbola
  15. Problem2-Graphing Hyperbola
  16. Hyperbola with Focus and Eccentricity
  17. Graphing Hyperbola with Eccentricity and Latus Rectum
  18. Graphing Hyperbola with Focus and Directrix
  19. Translation of Hyperbola with Horizontally
  20. More on Translation of Hyperbola with Horizontally
  21. Translation of Hyperbola Vertically
8.5: Equation of Chords
  1. Equation of Chords to Parabola
8.6: Equations of Tangents and Normals to Conics  (Practice Test)
  1. Intersection of Line and Parabola
  2. More on Intersection of Line and Parabola
  3. Equation of Tangent Line to Parabola in Slope Form
  4. Equation of Tangent Line to Parabola at Given Point
  5. Problem-Equation of Tangent Line to Parabola at Given Point
  6. Equation of Normal Line to Parabola at Given Point
  7. Problem1-Equation of Normal Line to Parabola at Given Point
  8. Application of Parabola-Suspension Related Problem
  9. Reflecting Property of Parabola
  10. Use of Parabola on Everyday Life-Problem
  11. Points of Intersection of Line and Ellipse
  12. More on Points of Intersection of Line and Ellipse
  13. Condition of Tangency of Line to Ellipse
  14. Equation of Tangent to Ellipse at Point
  15. More on Equation of Tangent to Ellipse at Point
  16. Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  17. More on Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  18. Problem1a-Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  19. Problem1b-Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  20. Graph of Ellipse
  21. More on Graph of Ellipse
  22. Point of Intersection of Line with Hyperbola
  23. Condition of Tangency of Line to Hyperbola
  24. Problem- Condition of Tangency of Line to Hyperbola
  25. Equation of Tangent Line to Hyperbola at Point
  26. More on Equation of Tangent Line to Hyperbola at Point
  27. Problem- Equation of Tangent Line to Hyperbola at Point
  28. Equation of Normal Line to Hyperbola at Point
8.7: TwoTangents and Condition of Tangency to Conics  (Practice Test)
  1. Equation of Tangent Line to Parabola in Slope Form
  2. Equation of Tangent Line to Parabola at Given Point
  3. Problem-Equation of Tangent Line to Parabola at Given Point
  4. Equation of Normal Line to Parabola at Given Point
  5. Problem1-Equation of Normal Line to Parabola at Given Point
  6. Condition of Tangency of Line to Ellipse
  7. Equation of Tangent to Ellipse at Point
  8. More on Equation of Tangent to Ellipse at Point
  9. Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  10. More on Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  11. Problem1a-Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  12. Problem1b-Equation of Normal to Ellipse at Point
  13. Condition of Tangency of Line to Hyperbola
  14. Problem- Condition of Tangency of Line to Hyperbola
  15. Equation of Tangent Line to Hyperbola at Point
  16. More on Equation of Tangent Line to Hyperbola at Point
  17. Problem- Equation of Tangent Line to Hyperbola at Point
  18. Equation of Normal Line to Hyperbola at Point
Chapter 9: Vectors (100 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Cartesian Coordinate System for 3D Space  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Vector Geometry
  2. Problem-Introducing Vector Geometry
  3. Concept of Vector in Space
  4. More on Vectors in Space
  5. Problem-Concept of Vector in Space
9.2: Scalar and Vectors Quantities  (Practice Test)
  1. Scalar and Vector Quantities
  2. Problem-Scalar and Vector Quantities
  3. Terminologies and Notations of Vectors
9.3: Equal Vectors
  1. Equal Vectors
9.4: Position Vector and its Direction Cosines  (Practice Test)
  1. Position Vectors
  2. Problem-Position Vectors
  3. Direction Angles and Direction Cosines of Vector
  4. Problem-Direction Angles and Direction Cosines of Vector
9.5: Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar
  1. Scalar Multiple of a Vector
  2. Problem-Scalar Multiple of a Vector
9.6: Vector Addition  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition of Vectors
  2. Problem-Addition of Vectors
  3. Vector Addition is Associative
  4. Problem-Vector Addition is Associative
  5. Zero Vectors
  6. Subtraction of Vectors
  7. Problem-Subtraction of Vectors
9.7: Components of a Vector in a Plane  (Practice Test)
  1. Components of a Vector
  2. Properties of Vectors in Plane
  3. More on Properties of Vectors in Plane
  4. A Unit Vector in the Direction of Another Vector
  5. Problem-A Unit Vector in the Direction of Another Vector
  6. Notation for Vectors in Coordinate System
  7. Problem-Notation for Vectors in Coordinate System
9.8: Application to Analytic Geometry  (Practice Test)
  1. Problem-Moment of Force
  2. Vectors Application to Geometry
  3. Problem1-Vectors Application to Geometry
  4. Problem2-Vectors Application to Geometry
  5. Moment of Force
9.9: The Scalar and Vector Products of Two Vectors  (Practice Test)
  1. Scalar Product of Two Vectors
  2. Problem-Scalar Product of Two Vectors
  3. Properties of Scalar Product
  4. More on Properties of Scalar Product
  5. Problem-Properties of Scalar Product
  6. Perpendicular Vectors
  7. Problem-Perpendicular Vectors
  8. Parallel Vectors
  9. Problem-Parallel Vectors
  10. Scalar Product of Vectors in Their Component Form
  11. Problem-Scalar Product of Vectors in Their Component Form
  12. Angle Between Two Vectors
  13. Problem-Angle Between Two Vectors
  14. Projection of One Vector Upon Another Vector
  15. Problem-Projection of One Vector Upon Another Vector
  16. Application of Scalar Product
  17. Problem-Application of Scalar Product
  18. Application of Scalar Product on Geometry
  19. More on Application of Scalar Product on Geometry
  20. Problem-Application of Scalar Product on Geometry
  21. Cross Product of Two Vectors
  22. Problem-Cross Product of Two Vectors
  23. Derivation of Useful Results of Cross Product
  24. Problem-Derivation of Useful Results of Cross Product
  25. Expression of Cross Product in Terms of Components
  26. Problem-Expression of Cross Product in Terms of Components
  27. Cross Product of Unit Vectors
  28. Properties of Cross Product
  29. Problem-Properties of Cross Product
  30. More on Properties of Cross Product
  31. Analytical Expression of Cross Product
  32. Direction Numbers or Direction Ratios
  33. Problem-Direction Numbers or Direction Ratios
  34. Collinear and Coplanar Vectors
  35. Problem-Collinear and Coplanar Vectors
  36. Vectors Application to Geometry
  37. Problem1-Vectors Application to Geometry
  38. Problem2-Vectors Application to Geometry
  39. Moment of Force
  40. Problem-Moment of Force
  41. Condition of Parallel Vectors in Cross Product
  42. Problem-Condition of Parallel Vectors in Cross Product
  43. Area of Parallelogram by Vectors
  44. Area of Triangle by Vectors
  45. Vector Equation of Line in 3D
  46. Problem-Vector Equation of Line in 3D
  47. Application of Vector Equation
  48. Problem1-Application of Vector Equation
  49. Problem2-Application of Vector Equation
9.10: Scalar Products of Three Vectors  (Practice Test)
  1. Scalar Triple Product
  2. Problem-Scalar Triple Product
  3. Vector Triple Product
  4. More on Vector Triple Product
  5. Analytical Expression of Triple Product
  6. Problem-Analytical Expression of Triple Product
  7. Volume of Parallelepiped by Triple Product
  8. Problem-Volume of Parallelepiped by Triple Product
  9. Volume of Tetrahedron by Triple Product
  10. Problem-Volume of Tetrahedron by Triple Product
  11. Properties of Triple Scalar Product
  12. Problem-Properties of Scalar Triple Product
9.11: Applications of Vectors to Mechanics  (Practice Test)
  1. Area of Parallelogram by Vectors
  2. Area of Triangle by Vectors
  3. Application of Vector Equation
  4. Problem1-Application of Vector Equation
  5. Problem2-Application of Vector Equation

Physics Class-XII

Chapter 11: Heat (49 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Heat as a Form of Energy in Transit
  1. Heat as a Form of Energy in Transit
11.2: Temperature
  1. Temperature and Heat
11.3: Scales of Temperature  (Practice Test)
  1. Scales of Temperature
  2. Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature
11.4: Themometric Properties
  1. Thermometric Properties
11.5: Thermal Expansion  (Practice Test)
  1. Thermal Expansion of solids
  2. Linear Thermal Expansion in Solids
  3. More on Linear Thermal Expansion in Solids
  4. Problem on Linear Thermal Expansion in Solids
11.6: Volume Expansion
  1. Volume Thermal Expansion in Solids
  2. Problem on Volume Thermal Expansion in Solids
11.7: Bimetallic Thermostat
  1. Bimetallic Thermostat
  2. Bimetallic Thermometer
11.8: Gas Laws  (Practice Test)
  1. Boyle’s Law
  2. Problem on Boyles law
  3. Charle”s Law
11.9: General Gas Law
  1. General Gas Equation
  2. Problem on General Gas Equation
11.10: The Properties of Gases:Kinetic Interpretation
  1. Kinetic Theory of Gases
11.11: Interpretation of Pressure on Kinetic Theory of Gases  (Practice Test)
  1. Interpretation of Pressure on Kinetic Theory of Gases
  2. 1-More on Interpretation of Pressure on Kinetic Theory of Gases
  3. 2-More on Interpretation of Pressure on Kinetic Theory of Gases
  4. Problem on Interpretation of Pressure
11.12: Derivation of The Gas Laws  (Practice Test)
  1. Derivation of Gas Laws
  2. Problem on Derivation of Gas Laws
11.13: Specific Heat Capacity  (Practice Test)
  1. Specific Heat of Solids and Liquids
11.14: Determination of The Specific Heat Capacity
  1. Measurment of specific Heat Capacity
  2. More on Measurement of Specific Heat
11.15: Molar Specific Heat  (Practice Test)
  1. Molar Specific Heat of a Gas
  2. Constant Volume Molar Specific heat of a Gas (Cv)
  3. Constant Pressure Molar Specific heat of a Gas (Cp)
11.16: Heat and Work in Thermodynamics
  1. Heat and Work
11.17: The First Law of Thermodynamics  (Practice Test)
  1. First Law of Thermodynamics
  2. Problem on First Law of Thermodynamics
11.18: Special Cases
  1. Special Cases
11.19: Applications of First Law of Thermodynamics  (Practice Test)
  1. Isobaric Process
  2. Isochoric Process
  3. Isothermal Process
  4. Adiabatic Process
11.20: Derivation of Cp?Cv=R
  1. Derivation of Cp-C v = R
11.21: The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  1. Second Law of Thermodynamics
  2. More on Second Law of Thermodynamics
11.22: The Carnot Engine  (Practice Test)
  1. Carnot Engine
  2. 1-More on Carnot Engine
  3. 2-More on Carnot Engine
  4. Problem on Carnot Engine
11.23: Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  1. Entropy
  2. More on Entropy
  3. Problem on Entropy
Chapter 12: Electrostatics (52 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Electrostatics
  1. Introduction to Electrostatics
12.2: Coulomb’s Law
  1. Coulomb’s Law
  2. More on Coulomb’s Law
  3. Problem-Coulomb’s Law
  4. Problem 1-Coulombs Law
  5. Problem 2-Coulombs Law
12.3: Electric Field
  1. Fields of Force
  2. More on Fields of Force
  3. Problem-Field of Force
  4. Intensity of Electric Field
  5. Problem1-Electric Field Intensity Near an Isolated Point Charge q
  6. Problem2-Electric Field Intensity Near an Isolated Point Charge q
12.4: Electric Lines of Force
  1. Electric Field Lines
12.5: Electric Flux and Field Intensity
  1. Electric Flux
  2. Problem-Electric Flux
12.6: Gauss’s Law
  1. Gauss’s Law
  2. Problem-Gauss’s Law
12.7: Applications of Gauss’s Law
  1. Intensity of Field Inside a Hollow Charged Sphere
  2. Electric Intensity Due to an Infinite Sheet of Charge
  3. Problem-Electric Intensity Due to an Infinite Sheet of Charge
  4. Electric Intensity Between Two Oppositely Charged Parallel Plates
  5. Problem-Electric Intensity Between Two Oppositely Charged Parallel Pl
12.8: Electric Potential
  1. Electric Potential
  2. Problem-Electric Potential
  3. Problem-Electric Field as Potential Gradient
12.9: Absolute Potential at a Point
  1. Absolute Potential at a Point
12.10: Electric Potential Near an Isolated Point Charge
  1. Electric Potential at a Point due to a Point Charge
  2. More on Electric Potential at a Point due to a Point Charge
  3. More on Electric Potential at a Point due to a Point Charge
  4. Problem-Electric Potential at a Point due to a Point Charge
12.11: Relation Between Electric Field and Potential
  1. Relation Between Electric Field and Potential
  2. Problem-Relation Between Electric Field and Potential
12.12: Electron Volt
  1. Electron Volt
  2. Problem-Electron Volt
  3. Problem-Electric and Gravitational Forces (A Comparison)
  4. Problem-Charge on an Electron by Millikan’s Method
12.13: Equipotential Surfaces
  1. Equipotential Surfaces
12.14: Capacitance and Capacitors
  1. Capacitor
  2. Problem-Capacitor
12.15: Parallel Plate Capacitor
  1. Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor
  2. Problem-Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor
  3. Electric Polarization of Dielectrics
  4. Problem1-Energy Stored in a Capacitor
  5. Problem2-Energy Stored in a Capacitor
  6. Problem-Charging and Discharging a Capacitor
12.16: Combinations of Capacitors
  1. Parallel Combination
  2. Problem-Parallel Combination of Capacitors
  3. Series Combination
  4. Problem-Series Combination of Capacitors
12.17: Different Types of Capacitors
  1. Multiplate Capacitor
  2. Variable Capacitor
  3. Electrolytic Capacitor
Chapter 13: Current Electricity (20 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Electric Current
  1. Electric Current
  2. Problem-Current Through a Metallic Conductor
13.2: Direction of a Current
  1. Direction of a Current
13.3: Electric Resistance and Ohm’s Law  (Practice Test)
  1. Ohm’s law
  2. More on Ohm’s law
  3. Problem-Ohm’s Law
13.4: Resistivity  (Practice Test)
  1. Resistivity and Conductivity
  2. Problem-Resistivity and Coductivity
  3. Resistivity and its Dependence Upon Temperature
  4. More on Resistivity and its Dependence Upon Temperature
  5. Problem-Resistivity and its Dependence Upon Temperature
13.5: Combination of Resistors  (Practice Test)
  1. Review of Series and Parallel Combination of Resistors
  2. More on Review of Series and Parallel Combination of Resistors
  3. Problem1-Review of Series and Parallel Combination of Resistors
  4. Problem2-Review of Series and Parallel Combination of Resistors
13.6: Power Dissipation in Resistors  (Practice Test)
  1. Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
  2. Problem-Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
13.7: Electromotive Force  (Practice Test)
  1. Electromotive Force (EMF) and Potential Difference
  2. More on Electromotive Force (EMF) and Potential Difference
  3. Problem-Maximum Power Output
Chapter 14: Magnetism and Electro-Magnetism (54 videos)   (Practice Test)
14.1: Magnetic Field Due to Current
  1. Magnetic Field Due to Current in a Long Straight Wire
  2. Problem-Magnetic Field Due to Current in a Long Straight Wire
14.2: Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field  (Practice Test)
  1. Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform B Field
  2. More on Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform B Field
  3. Problem1-Force on a Current Carrying Conductor Place in a Magnetic Fi
  4. Problem2-Force on a Current Carrying Conductor Place in a Magnetic Fi
14.3: Torque on a Current Carrying Rectangular Loop Placed in a Magnetic Field  (Practice Test)
  1. Torque on a Current Carrying Coil in a Magnetic Field
  2. More on Torque on a Current Carrying Coil in a Magnetic Field
  3. Problem-Torque on a Current Carrying Coil in a Magnetic Field
14.4: Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
  1. Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
  2. Problem-Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
14.5: Force on a Charged Particle Moving on a Magnetic Field  (Practice Test)
  1. Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field
  2. More on Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field
  3. Problem-Motion of Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
  4. Determination of e/m of an Electron
  5. More on Determination of e/m of an Electron
  6. Problem-Determination of e/m of an Electron
14.6: Ampere’s Law  (Practice Test)
  1. Ampere’s Law and Determination of Flux Density B
  2. More on Ampere’s Law and Determination of Flux Density B
  3. Problem-Ampere’s Law and Determination of Flux Density B
  4. Field Due to a Current Carrying Solenoid
  5. More on Field Due to a Current Carrying Solenoid
  6. Problem-Field Due to a Current Carrying Solenoid
  7. Toroidal Field
  8. More on Toroidal Field
  9. Problem-Toroidal Field
14.7: Electromagnetic Induction  (Practice Test)
  1. Induced EMF and Induced Current
  2. More on Induced EMF and Induced Current
  3. Problem-Faraday’s Law and Induced EMF
14.8: Lenz’s Law
  1. Lenz’s Law and Direction of Induced EMF
  2. Problem-Lenz’s Law and Direction of Induced EMF
14.9: Self Induction  (Practice Test)
  1. Self Induction
  2. Problem-Self Induction
  3. Mutual Induction
  4. More on Mutual Induction
  5. Problem-Mutual Induction
  6. Non-Inductive Wire Wound Resistance
  7. Problem1-Energy Stored in an Inductor
  8. Problem2-Energy Stored in an Inductor
  9. Motional EMF
  10. More on Motional EMF
  11. Problem-Motional EMF
14.10: Alternating Current Generator ( Dynamo )  (Practice Test)
  1. Alternating Current Generator
  2. More on Alternating Current Generator
  3. More on Alternating Current Generator
  4. Problem-Alternating Current Generator
14.11: D.C. Generator
  1. D.C. Generator
14.12: Electric Motor  (Practice Test)
  1. Electric Motor
  2. More on Electric Motor
14.13: Transformer  (Practice Test)
  1. Transformer
  2. More on Transformer
  3. Problem-Transformer
  4. Sources of Power Loss in Transformer
  5. Power Transmission
Chapter 15: Electrical Measuring Instruments (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
15.1: The Moving Coil Galvanometer  (Practice Test)
  1. Galvanometer
  2. More on Galvanometer
15.2: Ammeter and Voltmeter  (Practice Test)
  1. Ammeter
  2. More on Ammeter
  3. Problem-Ammeter
  4. Voltmeter
  5. More on Voltmeter
  6. Problem-Voltmeter
  7. Multi-Range Ammeter
15.3: Wheatstone Bridge
  1. Wheatstone Bridge
  2. Problem-Wheatstone Bridge
  3. More on Problem-Wheatstone Bridge
15.4: Meter Bridge  (Practice Test)
  1. Meter Bridge
  2. More on Meter Bridge
15.5: Post Office Box ( P.O. Box )
  1. Post Office Box ( P.O. Box )
  2. More on Post Office Box ( P.O. Box )
15.6: The Ohmmeter
  1. Ohmmeter
15.7: Potentiometer
  1. Potentiometer
  2. More on Potentiometer
  3. Problem-Potentiometer
  4. AVO Meter – Multimeter
Chapter 16: Electromagnetic Waves and Electronics (39 videos)   (Practice Test)
16.1: Production of Electromagnetic Waves ( Radio Waves )  (Practice Test)
  1. Electromagnetic Waves
  2. Principle of Generation of e.m Waves
16.2: Information Carried by Electromagnetic Waves and Their Reception  (Practice Test)
  1. Principle of Transmission and Reception
  2. Modulation
  3. Percentage of Modulation
  4. Sidebands
16.3: The Band Theory of Solids  (Practice Test)
  1. Energy Band Theory
  2. Insulators and Conductors
16.4: Semi Conductors  (Practice Test)
  1. Semiconductors
16.5: Atomic Binding in Semi Conductors
  1. Atomic Binding in Semi Conductors
16.6: Preparation of Semi Conductors  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Semi Conductors
  2. More on Preparation of Semi Conductors
16.7: Crystallography
  1. Crystallography
16.8: Crystal Lattice and Unit Cell
  1. Crystal Lattice and Unit Cell
16.9: The p-n Junction or Semi Conductor Diode  (Practice Test)
  1. Brief Review of p-n Junction and its Characteristics
  2. More on Brief Review of p-n Junction and its Characteristics
  3. More on Brief Review of p-n Junction and its Characteristics
  4. More on Brief Review of p-n Junction and its Characteristics
16.10: Biasing  (Practice Test)
  1. Forward Biased p-n Junction
  2. Reverse Biased p-n Junction
16.11: Semi Conductor Diode ( Crystal Diode ) Rectifiers  (Practice Test)
  1. Rectification
  2. Half Wave Rectification
  3. Full Wave Rectification
16.12: Photodiodes
  1. Photo Diode
  2. More on Photo Diode
16.13: Light Emitting Diode ( LED )  (Practice Test)
  1. Light Emitting Diode
  2. More on Light Emitting Diode
16.14: Solar Cell
  1. Solar Cell
  2. More on Solar Cell and Their Uses
16.15: Transistor  (Practice Test)
  1. Transistors
  2. More on The Transistor
  3. Problem- Transistors
16.16: Transistor Operation  (Practice Test)
  1. Current Flow in a n-p-n Transistor
  2. Problem- Current Flow in a n-p-n Transistor
  3. Working of p-n-p Transistor
16.17: Transistor Characteristics
  1. transistor Configurations
16.18: Transistor as an Amplifier  (Practice Test)
  1. Transistor as an Amplifier
  2. More on Transistor as an Amplifier
  3. More on Transistor as an Amplifier
Chapter 17: Advent of Modern Physics (56 videos)   (Practice Test)
17.1: Frames of Reference
  1. Frames of Reference
17.2: Inertial Reference Frame
  1. Inertial Reference Frame
17.3: Frames of Reference in Uniform Relative Motion
  1. Frames of Reference in Uniform Relative Motion
  2. More on Frames of Reference in Uniform Relative Motion
  3. More on Frames of Reference in Uniform Relative Motion
17.4: Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity
  1. Special Theory of Relativity
  2. More on Special Theory of Relativity
17.5: Consequences of Special Theory of Relativity  (Practice Test)
  1. Time Dilation
  2. Problem-Time Dilation
  3. Length Contraction
  4. Problem-Length Contraction
  5. Mass Variation
  6. Problem-Mass Variation
  7. Mass energy relation
  8. Problem-Energy – Mass Relation
17.6: Black Body Radiation and Quantum Theory  (Practice Test)
  1. Black Body Radiation
  2. 1-More on Black-Body Radiation
  3. 2-More on Black-Body Radiation
  4. Problem1-Black Body Radiation
  5. Problem2-Black Body Radiation
17.7: Planck’s Law – Quantum Theory
  1. Planck’s Assumption
  2. More on Planck’s Assumption
  3. Problem-Planck’s Assumption
17.8: The Photon  (Practice Test)
  1. The Photon
  2. More on The Photon
  3. Problem-The Photon
17.9: The Photo Electric Effect  (Practice Test)
  1. Photoelectric Effect
  2. More on Photoelectric effect
  3. 2-More on Photoelectric Effect
  4. 3-More on Photoelectric Effect
  5. Problem-Photoelectric Effect
17.10: Einstein’s Explanation of Photo Electric Effect on The Basis of Quantum Theory  (Practice Test)
  1. Explanation on the Basis of Quantum Theory
  2. More on Explanation on the Basis of Quantum Theory
  3. Problem-Explanation on the Basis of Quantum Theory
17.11: Photo Cell and their Uses  (Practice Test)
  1. Photocell
  2. More on Photocell
17.12: The Compton Effect  (Practice Test)
  1. Compton Effect
  2. 1-More on Compton Effect
  3. 2-More on Compton Effect
  4. Problem-Compton Effect
17.13: Pair Production and Annhilation of Matter  (Practice Test)
  1. Pair Production
  2. More on Pair Production
  3. Problem-Pair Production
  4. Annihilation of Matter
17.14: The Wave Nature of Particles and De – Broglie Hypothesis  (Practice Test)
  1. Wave Nature of Particles
  2. More on Wave Nature of Particles
17.15: The Davisson and Germer Experiment  (Practice Test)
  1. Davisson and Germer Experiment
  2. More on Davisson and Germer Experiment
  3. Problem-Davisson and Germer Experiment
17.16: Wave Particle Duality
  1. Wave Particle Duality
  2. More on Wave Particle Duality
17.17: The Uncertainty Principle  (Practice Test)
  1. Uncertainty Principle
  2. 1-More on Uncertainty Principle
  3. 2-More on Uncertainty Principle
  4. Problem1-Uncertainty Principle
  5. Problem2-Uncertainty Principle
Chapter 18: The Atomic Spectra (30 videos)   (Practice Test)
18.1: The Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom  (Practice Test)
  1. Atomic Spectra
  2. More on Atomic Spectra
  3. More on Atomic Spectra
18.2: Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom  (Practice Test)
  1. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  2. Problem-Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  3. De-Broglie’s Interpretation of Bohr’s Orbits
  4. Quantized Radii
  5. More on Quantized Radii
  6. Problem-Quantized Radii
  7. Quantized Energies
  8. More on Quantized Energies
  9. Problem-Quantized Energies
  10. Hydrogen Emission Spectrum
18.3: Excitation and Ionization Potentail  (Practice Test)
  1. Excitation and Ionization Potential
  2. more on Excitation and Ionization Potential
  3. Inner Shell Transitions and Characteristic X-Rays
18.4: X-Ray Spectra  (Practice Test)
  1. Production of X-Rays
  2. More on Production of X-Rays
  3. Problem-Production of X-Rays
18.5: X – Ray Contnious Spectra or X – Ray Bremsstrahlung  (Practice Test)
  1. The Continuous X-Ray Spectrum
  2. Properties of X-Rays
  3. More on Properties of X-Rays
  4. Uses of X-Ray
18.6: Introduction to Lasers
  1. Laser
  2. More on Laser
18.7: The Laser Principle  (Practice Test)
  1. Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission
  2. Population Inversion and Laser Action
  3. More on Population Inversion and Laser Action
18.8: Operation of Ruby Laser
  1. Ruby Laser
18.9: Applications of Laser
  1. Uses of laser in medicine and industry
Chapter 19: The Atomic Nucleus (47 videos)   (Practice Test)
19.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Thomson Atomic Model
  2. Rutherford’s Scatterig Experiment
  3. More on Rutherford’s Scatterig Experiment
19.2: Nuclear Structure
  1. Atomic Nucleus
  2. More on Atomic Nucleus
19.3: Isotopes
  1. Isotopes and Isobars
  2. 1-More on Isotopes and Isobars
  3. 2-More on Isotopes and Isobars
19.4: Radio Activity and Nuclear Changes  (Practice Test)
  1. Radioactivity
  2. Alpha Emission
  3. Beta Emission
  4. Gamma Emission
19.5: The Disintegration of Radio Active Elements
  1. Spontaneous Disintegration
19.6: The Law of Radio Active Decay  (Practice Test)
  1. Laws of Radioactive decay
  2. More on Laws of Radioactive decay
  3. More on Laws of Radioactive decay
  4. Radioactive decay law-problem
19.7: The Half Period or Half Life of The Radio Active Nuclide  (Practice Test)
  1. Half Life
  2. 1-More on Half Life
  3. 2-More on Half Life
  4. Half life-problem
  5. Half life-problem
19.8: Nuclear Changes and The Conservation Laws
  1. Nuclear Changes and The Conservation Laws
  2. More on Nuclear Changes and The Conservation Laws
  3. Nuclear changes and the conservation law
  4. Nuclear changes and the conservation law
  5. Nuclear changes and the conservation law
19.9: Mass Energy Relation and The Mass Defect
  1. Mass Defect and Binding Energy
19.10: Mass Defect and Binding Energy  (Practice Test)
  1. 1-More on Mass Defect and Binding Energy
  2. 2-More on Mass Defect and Binding Energy
  3. Mass defect and binding energy-problem
  4. Mass defect and binding energy-problem
19.11: Nuclear Reactions  (Practice Test)
  1. Nuclear Reactions
  2. 1-More on Nuclear Reactions
  3. 2-More on Nuclear Reactions
19.12: Nuclear Fission  (Practice Test)
  1. Nuclear Fission
  2. 1-More on Nuclear Fission
  3. 2-More on Nuclear Fission
  4. Fission Chain Reaction
19.13: Nuclear Fusion  (Practice Test)
  1. Fusion Reaction
  2. More on Fusion Reaction
19.14: Nuclear Reactors  (Practice Test)
  1. Nuclear Reactor
  2. 1-More on Nuclear Reactor
  3. 2-More on Nuclear Reactor
19.15: Breeder Reactor
  1. Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR)
  2. 1-More on Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR)
  3. 2-More on Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR)
Chapter 20: Nuclear Radiations (30 videos)   (Practice Test)
20.1: Interaction of Nuclear Radiations With Matter  (Practice Test)
  1. Interaction of Radiation With Matter
  2. Interaction of Alpha Particles With Matter
  3. More on Interaction of Alpha Particles With Matter
  4. Interaction of Beta Particles With Matter
  5. Interaction of Gamma Rays With Matter
  6. More on Interaction of Gamma Rays With Matter
  7. Interaction of Neutrons With Matter
  8. Radiation Detectors
20.2: Wilson Cloud Chamber
  1. Wilson Cloud Chamber
  2. More on Wilson Cloud Chamber
20.3: Geiger Counter
  1. Geiger-Muller Counter
  2. 1-More on Geiger-Muller Counter
  3. 2-More on Geiger-Muller Counter
20.4: Solid State Detectors
  1. Solid State Detector
  2. More on Solid State Detector
20.5: Radiation Exposure
  1. Radiation exposure
  2. More on Radiation exposure
20.6: Radiation Damage
  1. Biological effects of radiation
20.7: Effect of Radiation Damage  (Practice Test)
  1. More on Biological effects of radiation
  2. Biological effects of radiation-problem
  3. Protection from radiation
20.8: Biological and Medical Uses of Radiation
  1. Biological and medical uses of radiation
  2. More on Biological and medical uses of radiation
  3. Treatment of Cancer
20.9: Radiation Techniques in Other Fields  (Practice Test)
  1. Chemical reactions induced by radiation
  2. More on Chemical reactions induced by radiation
  3. Polymerisation, Sterilization and food preservation
  4. More on Polymerisation, Sterilization and food preservation
  5. Radiation Methods in Archaeology
  6. More on Polymerisation, Sterilization and food preservation

Periodic Classification Class-XII

Chapter 1: Periodic Classification (10 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Introduction
  1. Introduction to Periodic Law And Periodic Table
1.2: Dobereiner’s Triads
  1. Dobereiner’s Triads Classification
1.3: Newland’s Law of Octaves
  1. Newland’s Octaves Law
1.4: Lothar Meyer’s Classification
  1. Lother Meyer’s Classification
1.5: Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and Periodic Law
  1. Mendeleev’s Periodic table
  2. Advantages of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
1.6: Modern Periodic Law- Periodic Table Based on Moseley’s Contribution
  1. Modern Periodic Table
1.7: Classification and Long Form of Periodic Table  (Practice Test)
  1. Groups in Modern Periodic Table
  2. Periods in Modern Periodic Table
1.8: Types of Elements Based on Electronic Configuration
  1. Chemical Families
Chapter 2: Hydrogen (13 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Introduction
  1. Occurrence of Hydrogen
2.2: Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table
  1. Position of Hydrogen
  2. More on Position of Hydrogen
2.3: Industrial Preparations of Hydrogen  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Hydrogen by Electrolysis
  2. Preparation of Hydrogen by Steam-Coke Process
  3. Preparation of Hydrogen From Natural Gas
  4. Preparation of Hydrogen by Thermal Decomposition
  5. Decomposition of Ammonia
2.4: Atomic Hydrogen
  1. Preparation of Atomic Hydrogen
2.5: Binary Compounds of Hydrogen  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydrides
  2. Covalent Hydrides
  3. More on Hydrides
2.6: Isotopes of Hydrogen
  1. Isotopes of Hydrogen
Chapter 3: s-Block Elements (22 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Introduction
  1. Physical Properties of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
3.2: Chemical Properties of s-Block Elements
  1. Chemical Properties of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
3.3: Occurrence and Extraction of Metals
  1. Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride
3.4: Industrially Important Compounds of s-Block Elements  (Practice Test)
  1. Solvay Process of sodium carbonate
  2. Uses of Sodium Carbonate
  3. Preparation of Baking soda
  4. Uses of Sodium Bicarbonates
  5. Industrial Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide
  6. Physical Properties of Sodium Hydroxide
  7. Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Acids
  8. Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Ammonium Chloride
  9. Uses of Sodium Hydroxide
  10. Preparation of Magnesium sulphate
  11. Uses of Magnesium Sulphate
  12. Role of Gypsum in Agriculture and Industry
  13. Bleaching Powder
  14. Preparation of Bleaching Powder in Laboratory
  15. Preparation of Bleaching Powder in Industry
  16. Physical Properties of Bleaching Powder
  17. Reaction of Bleaching Powder with Water
  18. Reaction of Bleaching Powder with Strong Acids
  19. Reaction of Bleaching Powder with Carbondioxide and Water
Chapter 4: p-Block Elements (58 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Groups in Modern Periodic Table
4.2: Boric Acid  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Boric acid on Commercial Scale
  2. Properties of Boric acid
  3. Manufacture of Borax
  4. Properties of Borax
4.3: Metallurgy of Metals  (Practice Test)
  1. Occurrence of Aluminium
  2. Metallurgy of Aluminium
  3. Electrolysis of Pure Alumina
  4. Reaction of Aluminium with Air
  5. Reaction of Aluminium with Non-Metals
  6. Reaction of Aluminium with Acids and Alkalies
  7. Preparation of Potash Alum
  8. Uses of Potash Alum
4.4: Allotropy  (Practice Test)
  1. Allotropy and Allotropic Forms of Carbon
  2. Diamond
  3. Structure of Diamond
  4. Graphite
  5. Structure of Graphite
  6. Uses of Diamond and Graphite
4.5: Lead Pigments
  1. Compounds of Lead
  2. More on Compounds of Lead
4.6: Nitric Acid  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Nitric Acid in Laboratory
  2. Physical Properties of Nitric Acid
  3. Nitric Acid as an Acid
  4. Reaction of Nitric Acid with Mg and Mn
  5. Reaction of Nitric Acid with Cu, Ag and Hg
  6. Reaction of conc. Nitric Acid with Metals
  7. Reaction of Nitric Acid with Zn
  8. Effect of Temperature on Vapour Pressure
  9. Nitration Reaction
  10. Formation of Aqua Regia
  11. Uses of Nitric Acids
4.7: Allotropic Forms of Sulphur  (Practice Test)
  1. Rhombic Sulphur
  2. Preparation of Rhombic Sulphur
  3. Monoclinic Sulphur
  4. Preparation of Monoclinic Sulphur
  5. Plastic Sulphur
4.8: Hydrogen Sulphide  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Hydrogen Sulphide
  2. Properties of Hydrogen Sulphide
4.9: Sulphuric Acid  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Sulphuric Acid through Contact Process
  2. Physical Properties of Sulphuric Acid
  3. Sulphuric Acid as an Acid
  4. Oxidation of Metals with Sulphuric Acid
  5. Oxidation of Non-Metals with Sulphuric Acid
  6. Sulphuric Acid as Drying Agent
  7. Uses of Sulphuric Acid
  8. Manufacture of fertilisers
  9. Manufacture of Detergents
  10. As battery Acid in Cars
4.10: Chlorine  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Chlorine From Nelson’s Cell
  2. Preparation of Chlorine From Castner-Kellner’s Cell
  3. Physical Properties of Chlorine
  4. Reaction of Chlorine with Metals
  5. Reaction of Chlorine with Non-Metals
  6. Addition Reactions of Chlorine
  7. Substitution Reactions of Chlorine
  8. Oxidation and Bleaching Action of Chlorine
  9. Uses of Chlorine
Chapter 5: d-Block Elements (Transition Elements) (36 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Introduction
  1. Transition Metals
5.2: General Characteristics  (Practice Test)
  1. Typical and non-Typical Transition Elements
  2. Binding Energies of Transition Elements
  3. More on Binding Energies of Transition Elements
  4. Melting and Boiling points of Transition Elements
  5. Oxidation State of Transition Elements
  6. More Characteristics of Transition Elements
  7. Paramagnetism of Transition Elements
  8. Catalytic Properties of Transition elements
  9. Complex Compounds
  10. Components of Complex Compounds
  11. More on Components of Complex Compounds
  12. Chelates
  13. Nomenclature of Complex Compounds
  14. More on Nomenclature of Complex Compounds
5.3: Metallurgy of Copper  (Practice Test)
  1. Occurrence of Copper
  2. Metallurgy of Copper
  3. Roasting
  4. Smelting
  5. Bassemerization Or Reduction
  6. Refining
5.4: Chemistry of Silver Nitrate
  1. Chemistry of Silver Nitrate
5.5: Copper Sulphate
  1. Preparation of Copper sulphate
  2. Uses of Copper Sulphate
5.6: Potassium Chromate  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Potassium Chromate
  2. Properties of Potassium Chromate
5.7: Potassium Dichromate  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Potassium Dichromate
  2. Properties of Potassium Dichromate
5.8: Potassium Permanganate  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Potassium Permanganate
  2. More on Preparation of Potassium Permanganate
  3. Properties of Potassium Permanganate
  4. More on Properties of Potassium Permanganate
5.9: Corrosion and its Prevention  (Practice Test)
  1. Rusting of Iron
  2. Corrosion of Aluminium
  3. Prevention of Corrosion
5.10: Tin Plating
  1. Tin Coating
Chapter 6: Introduction to Organic Chemistry (31 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Natural Sources of Organic Compounds  (Practice Test)
  1. Basic Introduction to Organic Chemistry
  2. Modern Definition of Organic Chemistry
  3. Coal and Its Types
  4. Destructive Distillation of Coal
  5. Natural Gas
6.2: Petroleum
  1. Petroleum
  2. Reforming of Petroleum
6.3: Cracking
  1. Cracking of Petroleum
6.4: Polymerisation  (Practice Test)
  1. Macromolecules
  2. Addition Polymerisation
  3. Condensation Polymerisation
6.5: Classification of Organic Compounds or Types of Organic Compounds  (Practice Test)
  1. Classification of Organic Compound
  2. Types of Acylic Compounds
  3. Types of Cylic Compounds
6.6: Homologous Series
  1. Homologus Series
6.7: Isomerism  (Practice Test)
  1. Isomerism
  2. Structural Isomerism
  3. Position Isomerism
  4. Functional group Isomerism
6.8: Nomenclature  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Alkanes
  2. More on Nomenclature of Alkanes
  3. Nomenclature of Alkenes
  4. Nomenclature of Alkynes
  5. Amines and its Nomenclature
  6. Nomenclature of Alcohols
  7. Nomenclature of Aldehydes
  8. Nomenclature of Ketones
  9. Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids
  10. Nomenclature of Esters
  11. Nomenclature of Ethers
  12. Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides
Chapter 7: Chemistry of Hydrocarbons (70 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Open Chain and Closed Chain Hydrocarbons  (Practice Test)
  1. Saturated Hydrocarbons
  2. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
  3. Alkanes
  4. Alkenes
  5. Alkynes
  6. Types of Cylic Compounds
7.2: Chemistry of Methane  (Practice Test)
  1. Physical Properties of Methane
  2. Preparation of Methane
  3. More on Preparation of Alkane
  4. More on Preparation of Methane
  5. Halogenations of Alkanes
  6. Halogenation of Alkanes
  7. More on Halogenation of Alkanes
  8. Combustion of Alkanes
  9. Uses of Methane and Ethane
7.3: Chemistry of Ethane  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Ethane
  2. Preparation of Alkane
  3. Addition of Hydrogen in Alkene
  4. More on Addition of Hydrogen in Alkene
  5. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with CNCl,Alcohols and CO2
  6. Addition of Oxygen in Alkene
7.4: Chemistry of Ethene  (Practice Test)
  1. Sp2 Hybridization
  2. Preparation of Alkene
  3. More on Preparation of Alkene
  4. Dehydration of Alcohols
  5. Dehydrohalogenation of Alkyl Halides
  6. Dehalogenation of Vicinal Dihalides
  7. Partial Hydrogenation of Alkynes
  8. Physical properties of Alkenes
  9. Hydrogenation of Alkenes
  10. Halogenations of Alkenes
  11. Addition of Halogens in Alkene
  12. Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes
  13. Addition of Sulphuric Acid in Alkene
  14. Addition of Hypohalous Acid (HOX) in Alkene
  15. Polymerisation of Alkenes
  16. Reaction of Ethene with Water
  17. Combustion and Polymerisation of Ethene
  18. Oxidation of Alkenes
  19. Hydroxylation of Alkene
  20. Uses of Ethene
  21. Physical Properties of Ethene
7.5: Chemistry of Ethyne  (Practice Test)
  1. Sp Hybridization
  2. Preparation of Ethyne
  3. Physical properties of Alkynes
  4. Hydrogenation of Ethyne
  5. Addition Reaction of Halogens
  6. Hydrohalogenation of Ethyne
  7. Hydrogenation of Alkenes
  8. Addition of Ammonia and Hydrogen Cyanide in Alkynes
  9. Addition of Water in Alkynes
  10. Oxidation Reactions in Alkynes
  11. Acidic Nature of Alkynes
  12. Uses of Acetylene
7.6: Benzene  (Practice Test)
  1. Benzene,Molecular Formula
  2. Preparation of Benzene from cyclohexane and Acetylene
  3. Preparation of Benzene from Alkanes
  4. Preparation of Benzene in the Laboratory
  5. Physical Properties of Benzene
  6. Structure of Benzene
7.7: Molecular Orbital Treatment of Benzene  (Practice Test)
  1. The Stability of Benzene
  2. Halogenation of Benzene
  3. Nitration of Benzene
  4. Sulphonation of Benzene
  5. Friedel-Crafts Reaction, Alkylation
  6. Friedel-Crafts Reaction, Acylation
  7. Halogenation of Benzene in the Presence of Light
  8. Catalytic Oxidation of Benzene
  9. ortho and para Directing Groups
  10. Meta-Directing Groups
Chapter 8: Alkyl Halides (16 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Classification of Alkyl Halides
  1. Introduction to Alkyl Halides
8.2: Nomenclature  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides
  2. Preparation of Alkyl Halides From Alcohols
  3. Preparation of Alkyl Halides From Alkenes & Alkanes
8.3: Reactions  (Practice Test)
  1. Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
  2. Some Nucleophiles
8.4: Mechanism of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions  (Practice Test)
  1. Nucleophilic Substitution Bimolecular(SN2)
  2. Nucleophilic Substitution Unimolecular(SN1)
  3. Preparation of Grignard Reagent
  4. Reactivity of Grignard Reagent
  5. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with CNCl,Alcohols and CO2
  6. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with Methanal and Ethanal
  7. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with Propanone and Epoxide
  8. ?-Elimination Reactions
  9. E1 Mechanism
  10. E2 Mechanism
Chapter 9: Carbon Compounds with Oxygen Containing Functional Groups (43 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Alcohols  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  2. Classification of Alcohols
  3. Nomenclature of Alcohols
  4. Industrial Preparation of Methanol
  5. Physical Properties of Alcohol
  6. Esterification
  7. Lucas Test
  8. Distinction Between Methanol and Ethanol
  9. Uses of alcohol
  10. Industrial Preparation of Ethanol
  11. More on Oxidation of Alcohols
  12. Reactions of Alcohols in which O-H Bond is Broken
  13. Preparation of Ethers
  14. Reactions of Alcohols in which C-O Bond is Broken
  15. Dehydration of Alcohols
9.2: Phenols  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Phenols
  2. Preparation of Phenol
  3. Reactions of Phenol Due to -OH Group
  4. Nitration of Phenol
  5. Sulphonation of Phenol
  6. Halogenation & Hydrogenation of Phenol
9.3: Ethers  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Ethers
  2. Preparation of Ethers
  3. Chemical Reactivity of Ethers
9.4: Aldehydes and Ketones  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Aldehydes and Ketones
  2. Nomenclature of Aldehydes
  3. Nomenclature of Ketones
  4. Preparation of Formaldehyde
  5. Oxidation of Aldehydes
  6. Reactions of Carbonyl compounds with Hydrazine
  7. Addition of Alcohols in Ethanal
  8. Fehling’s Solution Test
  9. Cannizaro’s Reaction
  10. Catalytic Reduction of Aldehyde and Ketone
  11. Uses of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde
9.5: Carboxylic Acids  (Practice Test)
  1. Carboxylic Group
  2. Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids
  3. Manufacture of Acetic Acid
  4. Preparation of Acetic Acid in Laboratory
  5. Esterification
  6. Kolbe’s Electrolytic Method
9.6: Esters  (Practice Test)
  1. Ester Linkage
  2. Nomenclature of Esters
Chapter 10: Chemistry of Life (32 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Definition and Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Biochemistry
10.2: Food and Nutrition  (Practice Test)
  1. Food and Nutrition
  2. Nutrition in man
10.3: Carbohydrates  (Practice Test)
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Classification of Carbohydrates,Monosaccharides
  3. Disaccharides
  4. Polysaccharides
  5. Starch
  6. Cellulose
10.4: Amino Acids  (Practice Test)
  1. Amino Acids
  2. Nomenclature of Amino Acids
  3. Structure of Amino Acids
  4. Peptides and Proteins
  5. Structural formula and other feactures of Amino acids
10.5: Proteins  (Practice Test)
  1. Protein
  2. Classification of Proteins
10.6: Lipids  (Practice Test)
  1. Structure and Composition of Fats and Oils
  2. Classification of Lipids
  3. Rancidity of Fats and Oils
  4. Saponification Number & Iodine Number
  5. Waxes
  6. Waxes and Terpenoids
  7. Steroids
10.7: Enzymes  (Practice Test)
  1. Enzymes
  2. Properties of Enzymes
  3. Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
10.8: Vitamins  (Practice Test)
  1. Vitamins
  2. Vitamin C & D
10.9: Digestion of Food
  1. Digestion in mouth
10.10: Absorption or Assimilation  (Practice Test)
  1. Small intestine
  2. More on Small intestine
  3. large intestine
Chapter 11: Chemical Industries in Pakistan (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Fertilizers
  1. Manufacture of Fertilisers
11.2: Detergents
  1. Detergents as Pollutant
11.3: Glass
  1. Glass and Types of Glass
11.4: Rayon (Fibre)  (Practice Test)
  1. Nylon
  2. Terylene
11.5: Plastics  (Practice Test)
  1. Sources and Usage of Plastics
  2. Structure of some Plastics
  3. Thermoplastics
  4. Manufacture of Thermoplastic
  5. More on Manufacture of Thermoplastic
  6. Thermosetting Plastics
  7. Manufacturing of Thermosetting Plastic
11.6: Paints  (Practice Test)
  1. Raw Materials for Oil Paints
  2. More on Raw Materials for Oil Paints
  3. Manufacture of Paints
  4. Composition of Oil Paints
  5. Composition of Water Paints
  6. Characteristics of a Good Paint
  7. Composition of Varnishes
  8. Preparation of Varnish
  9. Application of Varnishes

Chemistry Class-XII

Chapter 1: Periodic Classification (10 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Introduction
  1. Introduction to Periodic Law And Periodic Table
1.2: Dobereiner’s Triads
  1. Dobereiner’s Triads Classification
1.3: Newland’s Law of Octaves
  1. Newland’s Octaves Law
1.4: Lothar Meyer’s Classification
  1. Lother Meyer’s Classification
1.5: Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and Periodic Law
  1. Mendeleev’s Periodic table
  2. Advantages of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
1.6: Modern Periodic Law- Periodic Table Based on Moseley’s Contribution
  1. Modern Periodic Table
1.7: Classification and Long Form of Periodic Table  (Practice Test)
  1. Groups in Modern Periodic Table
  2. Periods in Modern Periodic Table
1.8: Types of Elements Based on Electronic Configuration
  1. Chemical Families
Chapter 2: Hydrogen (13 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Introduction
  1. Occurrence of Hydrogen
2.2: Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table
  1. Position of Hydrogen
  2. More on Position of Hydrogen
2.3: Industrial Preparations of Hydrogen  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Hydrogen by Electrolysis
  2. Preparation of Hydrogen by Steam-Coke Process
  3. Preparation of Hydrogen From Natural Gas
  4. Preparation of Hydrogen by Thermal Decomposition
  5. Decomposition of Ammonia
2.4: Atomic Hydrogen
  1. Preparation of Atomic Hydrogen
2.5: Binary Compounds of Hydrogen  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydrides
  2. Covalent Hydrides
  3. More on Hydrides
2.6: Isotopes of Hydrogen
  1. Isotopes of Hydrogen
Chapter 3: s-Block Elements (22 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Introduction
  1. Physical Properties of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
3.2: Chemical Properties of s-Block Elements
  1. Chemical Properties of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
3.3: Occurrence and Extraction of Metals
  1. Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride
3.4: Industrially Important Compounds of s-Block Elements  (Practice Test)
  1. Solvay Process of sodium carbonate
  2. Uses of Sodium Carbonate
  3. Preparation of Baking soda
  4. Uses of Sodium Bicarbonates
  5. Industrial Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide
  6. Physical Properties of Sodium Hydroxide
  7. Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Acids
  8. Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Ammonium Chloride
  9. Uses of Sodium Hydroxide
  10. Preparation of Magnesium sulphate
  11. Uses of Magnesium Sulphate
  12. Role of Gypsum in Agriculture and Industry
  13. Bleaching Powder
  14. Preparation of Bleaching Powder in Laboratory
  15. Preparation of Bleaching Powder in Industry
  16. Physical Properties of Bleaching Powder
  17. Reaction of Bleaching Powder with Water
  18. Reaction of Bleaching Powder with Strong Acids
  19. Reaction of Bleaching Powder with Carbondioxide and Water
Chapter 4: p-Block Elements (58 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Groups in Modern Periodic Table
4.2: Boric Acid  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Boric acid on Commercial Scale
  2. Properties of Boric acid
  3. Manufacture of Borax
  4. Properties of Borax
4.3: Metallurgy of Metals  (Practice Test)
  1. Occurrence of Aluminium
  2. Metallurgy of Aluminium
  3. Electrolysis of Pure Alumina
  4. Reaction of Aluminium with Air
  5. Reaction of Aluminium with Non-Metals
  6. Reaction of Aluminium with Acids and Alkalies
  7. Preparation of Potash Alum
  8. Uses of Potash Alum
4.4: Allotropy  (Practice Test)
  1. Allotropy and Allotropic Forms of Carbon
  2. Diamond
  3. Structure of Diamond
  4. Graphite
  5. Structure of Graphite
  6. Uses of Diamond and Graphite
4.5: Lead Pigments
  1. Compounds of Lead
  2. More on Compounds of Lead
4.6: Nitric Acid  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Nitric Acid in Laboratory
  2. Physical Properties of Nitric Acid
  3. Nitric Acid as an Acid
  4. Reaction of Nitric Acid with Mg and Mn
  5. Reaction of Nitric Acid with Cu, Ag and Hg
  6. Reaction of conc. Nitric Acid with Metals
  7. Reaction of Nitric Acid with Zn
  8. Effect of Temperature on Vapour Pressure
  9. Nitration Reaction
  10. Formation of Aqua Regia
  11. Uses of Nitric Acids
4.7: Allotropic Forms of Sulphur  (Practice Test)
  1. Rhombic Sulphur
  2. Preparation of Rhombic Sulphur
  3. Monoclinic Sulphur
  4. Preparation of Monoclinic Sulphur
  5. Plastic Sulphur
4.8: Hydrogen Sulphide  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Hydrogen Sulphide
  2. Properties of Hydrogen Sulphide
4.9: Sulphuric Acid  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Sulphuric Acid through Contact Process
  2. Physical Properties of Sulphuric Acid
  3. Sulphuric Acid as an Acid
  4. Oxidation of Metals with Sulphuric Acid
  5. Oxidation of Non-Metals with Sulphuric Acid
  6. Sulphuric Acid as Drying Agent
  7. Uses of Sulphuric Acid
  8. Manufacture of fertilisers
  9. Manufacture of Detergents
  10. As battery Acid in Cars
4.10: Chlorine  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Chlorine From Nelson’s Cell
  2. Preparation of Chlorine From Castner-Kellner’s Cell
  3. Physical Properties of Chlorine
  4. Reaction of Chlorine with Metals
  5. Reaction of Chlorine with Non-Metals
  6. Addition Reactions of Chlorine
  7. Substitution Reactions of Chlorine
  8. Oxidation and Bleaching Action of Chlorine
  9. Uses of Chlorine
Chapter 5: d-Block Elements (Transition Elements) (36 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Introduction
  1. Transition Metals
5.2: General Characteristics  (Practice Test)
  1. Typical and non-Typical Transition Elements
  2. Binding Energies of Transition Elements
  3. More on Binding Energies of Transition Elements
  4. Melting and Boiling points of Transition Elements
  5. Oxidation State of Transition Elements
  6. More Characteristics of Transition Elements
  7. Paramagnetism of Transition Elements
  8. Catalytic Properties of Transition elements
  9. Complex Compounds
  10. Components of Complex Compounds
  11. More on Components of Complex Compounds
  12. Chelates
  13. Nomenclature of Complex Compounds
  14. More on Nomenclature of Complex Compounds
5.3: Metallurgy of Copper  (Practice Test)
  1. Occurrence of Copper
  2. Metallurgy of Copper
  3. Roasting
  4. Smelting
  5. Bassemerization Or Reduction
  6. Refining
5.4: Chemistry of Silver Nitrate
  1. Chemistry of Silver Nitrate
5.5: Copper Sulphate
  1. Preparation of Copper sulphate
  2. Uses of Copper Sulphate
5.6: Potassium Chromate  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Potassium Chromate
  2. Properties of Potassium Chromate
5.7: Potassium Dichromate  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Potassium Dichromate
  2. Properties of Potassium Dichromate
5.8: Potassium Permanganate  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Potassium Permanganate
  2. More on Preparation of Potassium Permanganate
  3. Properties of Potassium Permanganate
  4. More on Properties of Potassium Permanganate
5.9: Corrosion and its Prevention  (Practice Test)
  1. Rusting of Iron
  2. Corrosion of Aluminium
  3. Prevention of Corrosion
5.10: Tin Plating
  1. Tin Coating
Chapter 6: Introduction to Organic Chemistry (31 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Natural Sources of Organic Compounds  (Practice Test)
  1. Basic Introduction to Organic Chemistry
  2. Modern Definition of Organic Chemistry
  3. Coal and Its Types
  4. Destructive Distillation of Coal
  5. Natural Gas
6.2: Petroleum
  1. Petroleum
  2. Reforming of Petroleum
6.3: Cracking
  1. Cracking of Petroleum
6.4: Polymerisation  (Practice Test)
  1. Macromolecules
  2. Addition Polymerisation
  3. Condensation Polymerisation
6.5: Classification of Organic Compounds or Types of Organic Compounds  (Practice Test)
  1. Classification of Organic Compound
  2. Types of Acylic Compounds
  3. Types of Cylic Compounds
6.6: Homologous Series
  1. Homologus Series
6.7: Isomerism  (Practice Test)
  1. Isomerism
  2. Structural Isomerism
  3. Position Isomerism
  4. Functional group Isomerism
6.8: Nomenclature  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Alkanes
  2. More on Nomenclature of Alkanes
  3. Nomenclature of Alkenes
  4. Nomenclature of Alkynes
  5. Amines and its Nomenclature
  6. Nomenclature of Alcohols
  7. Nomenclature of Aldehydes
  8. Nomenclature of Ketones
  9. Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids
  10. Nomenclature of Esters
  11. Nomenclature of Ethers
  12. Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides
Chapter 7: Chemistry of Hydrocarbons (70 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Open Chain and Closed Chain Hydrocarbons  (Practice Test)
  1. Saturated Hydrocarbons
  2. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
  3. Alkanes
  4. Alkenes
  5. Alkynes
  6. Types of Cylic Compounds
7.2: Chemistry of Methane  (Practice Test)
  1. Physical Properties of Methane
  2. Preparation of Methane
  3. More on Preparation of Alkane
  4. More on Preparation of Methane
  5. Halogenations of Alkanes
  6. Halogenation of Alkanes
  7. More on Halogenation of Alkanes
  8. Combustion of Alkanes
  9. Uses of Methane and Ethane
7.3: Chemistry of Ethane  (Practice Test)
  1. Preparation of Ethane
  2. Preparation of Alkane
  3. Addition of Hydrogen in Alkene
  4. More on Addition of Hydrogen in Alkene
  5. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with CNCl,Alcohols and CO2
  6. Addition of Oxygen in Alkene
7.4: Chemistry of Ethene  (Practice Test)
  1. Sp2 Hybridization
  2. Preparation of Alkene
  3. More on Preparation of Alkene
  4. Dehydration of Alcohols
  5. Dehydrohalogenation of Alkyl Halides
  6. Dehalogenation of Vicinal Dihalides
  7. Partial Hydrogenation of Alkynes
  8. Physical properties of Alkenes
  9. Hydrogenation of Alkenes
  10. Halogenations of Alkenes
  11. Addition of Halogens in Alkene
  12. Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes
  13. Addition of Sulphuric Acid in Alkene
  14. Addition of Hypohalous Acid (HOX) in Alkene
  15. Polymerisation of Alkenes
  16. Reaction of Ethene with Water
  17. Combustion and Polymerisation of Ethene
  18. Oxidation of Alkenes
  19. Hydroxylation of Alkene
  20. Uses of Ethene
  21. Physical Properties of Ethene
7.5: Chemistry of Ethyne  (Practice Test)
  1. Sp Hybridization
  2. Preparation of Ethyne
  3. Physical properties of Alkynes
  4. Hydrogenation of Ethyne
  5. Addition Reaction of Halogens
  6. Hydrohalogenation of Ethyne
  7. Hydrogenation of Alkenes
  8. Addition of Ammonia and Hydrogen Cyanide in Alkynes
  9. Addition of Water in Alkynes
  10. Oxidation Reactions in Alkynes
  11. Acidic Nature of Alkynes
  12. Uses of Acetylene
7.6: Benzene  (Practice Test)
  1. Benzene,Molecular Formula
  2. Preparation of Benzene from cyclohexane and Acetylene
  3. Preparation of Benzene from Alkanes
  4. Preparation of Benzene in the Laboratory
  5. Physical Properties of Benzene
  6. Structure of Benzene
7.7: Molecular Orbital Treatment of Benzene  (Practice Test)
  1. The Stability of Benzene
  2. Halogenation of Benzene
  3. Nitration of Benzene
  4. Sulphonation of Benzene
  5. Friedel-Crafts Reaction, Alkylation
  6. Friedel-Crafts Reaction, Acylation
  7. Halogenation of Benzene in the Presence of Light
  8. Catalytic Oxidation of Benzene
  9. ortho and para Directing Groups
  10. Meta-Directing Groups
Chapter 8: Alkyl Halides (16 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Classification of Alkyl Halides
  1. Introduction to Alkyl Halides
8.2: Nomenclature  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides
  2. Preparation of Alkyl Halides From Alcohols
  3. Preparation of Alkyl Halides From Alkenes & Alkanes
8.3: Reactions  (Practice Test)
  1. Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
  2. Some Nucleophiles
8.4: Mechanism of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions  (Practice Test)
  1. Nucleophilic Substitution Bimolecular(SN2)
  2. Nucleophilic Substitution Unimolecular(SN1)
  3. Preparation of Grignard Reagent
  4. Reactivity of Grignard Reagent
  5. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with CNCl,Alcohols and CO2
  6. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with Methanal and Ethanal
  7. Reactions of Grignard Reagent with Propanone and Epoxide
  8. ?-Elimination Reactions
  9. E1 Mechanism
  10. E2 Mechanism
Chapter 9: Carbon Compounds with Oxygen Containing Functional Groups (43 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Alcohols  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  2. Classification of Alcohols
  3. Nomenclature of Alcohols
  4. Industrial Preparation of Methanol
  5. Physical Properties of Alcohol
  6. Esterification
  7. Lucas Test
  8. Distinction Between Methanol and Ethanol
  9. Uses of alcohol
  10. Industrial Preparation of Ethanol
  11. More on Oxidation of Alcohols
  12. Reactions of Alcohols in which O-H Bond is Broken
  13. Preparation of Ethers
  14. Reactions of Alcohols in which C-O Bond is Broken
  15. Dehydration of Alcohols
9.2: Phenols  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Phenols
  2. Preparation of Phenol
  3. Reactions of Phenol Due to -OH Group
  4. Nitration of Phenol
  5. Sulphonation of Phenol
  6. Halogenation & Hydrogenation of Phenol
9.3: Ethers  (Practice Test)
  1. Nomenclature of Ethers
  2. Preparation of Ethers
  3. Chemical Reactivity of Ethers
9.4: Aldehydes and Ketones  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Aldehydes and Ketones
  2. Nomenclature of Aldehydes
  3. Nomenclature of Ketones
  4. Preparation of Formaldehyde
  5. Oxidation of Aldehydes
  6. Reactions of Carbonyl compounds with Hydrazine
  7. Addition of Alcohols in Ethanal
  8. Fehling’s Solution Test
  9. Cannizaro’s Reaction
  10. Catalytic Reduction of Aldehyde and Ketone
  11. Uses of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde
9.5: Carboxylic Acids  (Practice Test)
  1. Carboxylic Group
  2. Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acids
  3. Manufacture of Acetic Acid
  4. Preparation of Acetic Acid in Laboratory
  5. Esterification
  6. Kolbe’s Electrolytic Method
9.6: Esters  (Practice Test)
  1. Ester Linkage
  2. Nomenclature of Esters
Chapter 10: Chemistry of Life (32 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Definition and Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Biochemistry
10.2: Food and Nutrition  (Practice Test)
  1. Food and Nutrition
  2. Nutrition in man
10.3: Carbohydrates  (Practice Test)
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Classification of Carbohydrates,Monosaccharides
  3. Disaccharides
  4. Polysaccharides
  5. Starch
  6. Cellulose
10.4: Amino Acids  (Practice Test)
  1. Amino Acids
  2. Nomenclature of Amino Acids
  3. Structure of Amino Acids
  4. Peptides and Proteins
  5. Structural formula and other feactures of Amino acids
10.5: Proteins  (Practice Test)
  1. Protein
  2. Classification of Proteins
10.6: Lipids  (Practice Test)
  1. Structure and Composition of Fats and Oils
  2. Classification of Lipids
  3. Rancidity of Fats and Oils
  4. Saponification Number & Iodine Number
  5. Waxes
  6. Waxes and Terpenoids
  7. Steroids
10.7: Enzymes  (Practice Test)
  1. Enzymes
  2. Properties of Enzymes
  3. Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
10.8: Vitamins  (Practice Test)
  1. Vitamins
  2. Vitamin C & D
10.9: Digestion of Food
  1. Digestion in mouth
10.10: Absorption or Assimilation  (Practice Test)
  1. Small intestine
  2. More on Small intestine
  3. large intestine
Chapter 11: Chemical Industries in Pakistan (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Fertilizers
  1. Manufacture of Fertilisers
11.2: Detergents
  1. Detergents as Pollutant
11.3: Glass
  1. Glass and Types of Glass
11.4: Rayon (Fibre)  (Practice Test)
  1. Nylon
  2. Terylene
11.5: Plastics  (Practice Test)
  1. Sources and Usage of Plastics
  2. Structure of some Plastics
  3. Thermoplastics
  4. Manufacture of Thermoplastic
  5. More on Manufacture of Thermoplastic
  6. Thermosetting Plastics
  7. Manufacturing of Thermosetting Plastic
11.6: Paints  (Practice Test)
  1. Raw Materials for Oil Paints
  2. More on Raw Materials for Oil Paints
  3. Manufacture of Paints
  4. Composition of Oil Paints
  5. Composition of Water Paints
  6. Characteristics of a Good Paint
  7. Composition of Varnishes
  8. Preparation of Varnish
  9. Application of Varnishes

Biology Class-XII

Chapter 1: Homeostasis (40 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Homeostasis and its Various Aspects  (Practice Test)
  1. Osmoregulation,Thermoregulation and Excretion
  2. Concept of Feedback
1.2: Osmoregulation  (Practice Test)
  1. Osmotic Adjustments in Plants
  2. Osmoregulation in Animals
  3. Osmoregulation in Different Enviroments
1.3: Excretion  (Practice Test)
  1. Excretion in Plants
  2. Excretion in Animals
  3. Nature of Excretory Products in Relation to Habitats
  4. Excretory Organs in Planaria
  5. Excretory Organs in Earthworm
  6. Excretion in Human
  7. Excretory Organs, Liver
  8. Excretory Organs in Cockroach
  9. Excretory System
  10. Urinary system
  11. Structure of Kidney
  12. Structure of Nephron
  13. Blood Circulation to Nephron
  14. Type of Nephron
  15. Function of Kidney
  16. Functions of Kidney
  17. Urea Formation, Kidney Filteration
  18. Concentration of Excretory Product
  19. Role of hormone in excretory products
  20. Kidney as Osmoregulatory Organ
1.4: Kidney Problems and Their Remedies  (Practice Test)
  1. Kidney Stone
  2. Removal of Kidney Stone
  3. Kidney (Renal) Failure, Dialysis
  4. Peritoneal Dialysis
  5. Kidney Transplant
  6. Kidney Transplant
1.5: Thermoregulation  (Practice Test)
  1. Adaptations in Plants to High Temperature
  2. Adaptations in Plants to Low Temperature
  3. Temparature Classification of Animals
  4. Regulation of Heat Exchange Between Animals and Enviroment
1.6: Thermoregulation in Mammals (Man)  (Practice Test)
  1. Regulatory Strategies
  2. Thermostat Function and Feedback Controls in Human and Fever
  3. Pyrexia and Pyrogens
  4. The Role of the Skin
  5. Skin and Lungs
Chapter 2: Support And Movement (68 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Support In Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Support, Movement and Locomotion
  2. Parenchyma Tissues
  3. Collenchyma Tissues
  4. Sclerenchyma Tissues
  5. Secondary Growth
  6. Heart Sap Wood
2.2: Movement In Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Types of Movements
  2. Tactic Movements
  3. Thermotaxis, Chemotaxis
  4. Turgor Movements
  5. Growth Movements
  6. Tropic Movements
  7. More on Tropic Movements
  8. Phototropism and Geotropism
  9. Nastic Movement
  10. Types of Nastic Movement
  11. More on Nastic Movements
2.3: Role of Growth Substances in Plant Movement  (Practice Test)
  1. Role of Plant Growth Substance in Plant Movement
2.4: Support and Locomotion in Animals
  1. Support and Locomotion in Animals
2.5: Skeletal System  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydrostatic Skeleton
  2. Exoskeleton
  3. ecdysis
  4. Endoskeleton
  5. Human Skeleton, Axial Skeleton
  6. Skull
  7. Ribs
  8. Vertebral Column
  9. Appendicular Skeleton
  10. Pelvic Girdle and hind limb
  11. Functions of Skeletal System
  12. Bones
  13. Cartilages
  14. More on Joints
  15. Types of Joints
  16. Synovial Joint
  17. Genetic Causes
  18. Hormonal Causes of Skeleton Deformities
  19. Nutritional Causes
  20. Disc-Slip
  21. Spondylosis
  22. Sciatica
  23. Repair of Broken Bones
2.6: Muscular System  (Practice Test)
  1. Muscular System
  2. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles
  3. Skeletal Muscles , Skeletal Muscle Fibre
  4. More on Skeletal Muscles , Skeletal Muscle Fibre
  5. Ultra Structure of Microfilaments
  6. Sliding Filament Model
  7. How Bridges are Controled
  8. Controlling the Actin-Myosin Interaction by Ca++ ions
  9. Energy for Muscle Contration, Muscle Fatigue
  10. Tetany, Cramp
2.7: Arrangment of Skeletal Muscles for Skeletal Movement  (Practice Test)
  1. Origin, Insertion, Belly, Ligaments and Tendons
  2. Muscles and Movements
  3. Arrangment of Skeletal Muscles for Skeletal Movement
2.8: Locomotion  (Practice Test)
  1. Locomotion In Amoeba
  2. Locomotion In Euglena
  3. More on Locomotion in Euglena and Ameoba
  4. Locomotion In Paramecium
  5. More on Locomotion in Paramecium
  6. Locomotion in Jelly Fish and Earthworm
  7. Locomotion in Star Fish and Snail
  8. Locomotion in Cockroach
  9. Locomotion in Fish
  10. Locomotion in Amphibian
  11. Locomotion in Reptiles
  12. Locomotion in Air
  13. Locomotion in Mammals
Chapter 3: Coordination and Control (50 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Control In Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Stimuli, Receptors,Effectors, Response
  2. Control Through Hormones in plants
  3. Types of Movements
  4. Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms
  5. Photoperiodism
  6. Responses to Environmental Stresses
  7. Defense Against Pathgoens in Plants
3.2: Plant Hormones  (Practice Test)
  1. Auxins, Gibberellins
  2. Cytokinin, Abscisic Acid, Ethylene
3.3: Co-ordination And Control In Animals  (Practice Test)
  1. Types of Coordination
  2. Coordinators and Effectors, Response
  3. Nerve Cell or Neuron
  4. Nerve Types
  5. Neuron Types
3.4: Nerve Impulse  (Practice Test)
  1. Nerve Impluse and Resting and Active Membrane Potential
  2. Synapse
  3. Reflex Arc
3.5: Evolution of Nervous System  (Practice Test)
  1. Evolution of Nervous System
  2. Nervous System of Hydra
  3. Nervous System of Planaria
3.6: Human Nervous System  (Practice Test)
  1. Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain
  2. The Divisions of Brain, Forebrain
  3. Mind Brain and Hind Brain
  4. Spinal Cord
  5. More on Spinal Cord
  6. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
  7. More on Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
3.7: Receptors  (Practice Test)
  1. Receptors and Its Types
  2. Working of Sensory Receptors with Special Reference to Skin
3.8: Effects of Drugs On Coordination  (Practice Test)
  1. Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Alzheimer’s Disease
  3. Epilepsy
3.9: Chemical Coordination  (Practice Test)
  1. Important Endocrine Glands
  2. Mode of Hormone Action
  3. Feedback Mechanisms
  4. Pituitary Gland
  5. Pituitary’s Median lobe and posterior lobe
  6. Thyroid Gland
  7. Parathyroid Glands
  8. Pancreas
  9. Adrenal Glands
  10. Gonads
3.10: Animal Behaviour  (Practice Test)
  1. Innate Behaviour
  2. More on Innate Behaviour
  3. More on Innate Behaviour
  4. Learning Behaviour
  5. More on Learning Behaviour
  6. Social Behaviours
  7. Agonistic Behaviour
  8. Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms
Chapter 4: Reproduction (38 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Reproduction in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Reproduction, Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
  2. Reproduction in Plants
  3. Artificial Methods of Asexual Reproduction
  4. Tissue Culturing and Genetic engineering
4.2: Reproduction in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, The Flower
  2. Structure of Ovules
  3. Structure of Pollen Grain
  4. Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
  5. Pollination
  6. Maize, Pollination and Fertilisation
  7. Seed and Fruit Formation
  8. Development and Structure of Seed
  9. Structure of Mature Seed
4.3: Inflorescence  (Practice Test)
  1. Inflorescence and its Major Types
  2. Racemoss Inflorescence
  3. Cymose Inflorescence
4.4: Seed Dormancy  (Practice Test)
  1. Seed Dormancy
  2. Fruit Ripening
  3. Parthenocarpy
4.5: Transition To Flowering Stage  (Practice Test)
  1. Germination of Seed
4.6: Vernalization  (Practice Test)
  1. Vernalisation
4.7: Photoperiodism  (Practice Test)
  1. Photoperiodism
  2. Mechanism of Photoperiodism
  3. In Vitro is Fertilization of Plant Egg and Its Importance
4.8: Asexual Reproduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Budding
  2. Regeneration and Parthenogenesis
  3. Animal Cloning
4.9: Sexual Reproduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Sexual Reproduction
  2. Gametogenesis
  3. Fertilization
  4. Mating and Fertilization
4.10: Reproductive Organs Of A Human Male  (Practice Test)
  1. Male Reproductive System
  2. More on Male Reproductive System
  3. Functions of male Reproductive System
4.11: Reproductive Organs Of A Human Female  (Practice Test)
  1. Female Reproductive System
4.12: Female Reproductive Cycles  (Practice Test)
  1. Functions of Female Reproductive System
  2. Menstrual Cycle
4.13: Hormonal Control of Reproductive Cycles  (Practice Test)
  1. Hormonal Control of Reproductive Cycles
Chapter 5: Growth And Development (17 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Growth and Development in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. From Seed to Seedling
  2. Tissues for Growth , Apical Meristems
  3. Phases of Growth
  4. Secondary Growth
5.2: Conditions For Growth
  1. Condition of Growth
5.3: Growth And Development In Animals  (Practice Test)
  1. Growth and Development in Animals
  2. Development of Chick (Fertilization and Incubation)
  3. Cleavage, Morulla
  4. Blastula and Gastrulation
  5. Notochord and Mesoderm Formation
  6. Neurulation
5.4: Cell Differentiation and Its Mechanism  (Practice Test)
  1. Cell Differentiation and Its Mechanism
  2. Hans Spemanns Experiment
5.5: Role Of Nucleus In Development
  1. Role of Nucleus in Development
5.6: Role Of Cytoplasm In Development
  1. Role of Cytoplasm in Development
5.7: Regeneration  (Practice Test)
  1. Regeneration and Parthenogenesis
5.8: Abnormal Development  (Practice Test)
  1. Abnormal Development
Chapter 6: Chromosomes And DNA (34 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Chromosomes  (Practice Test)
  1. Gametes, Organisms have Number of Chromosomes Specific to their Speci
  2. Gene and Genome, Chromosome, Chromatin
  3. Types of Chromosomes
6.2: Chemical Composition of Chromosomes  (Practice Test)
  1. Composition of Chromosome
  2. Gene and Genome, Chromosome, Chromatin
6.3: Chromosomes As Carriers Of Genes
  1. A Vehicle of Inheritance,Gametes as a Carriers of Genes
6.4: Chromosomal Theory Of Heredity  (Practice Test)
  1. The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
  2. DNA as Hereditary Material,vehicle
  3. More on DNA as Hereditary Material, vehicle
  4. Mononucleotide
  5. Nucleotide and Polynucleotide
  6. How Does the DNA of Chromosome work?
  7. Significance of Base Squence
  8. Watson-Crick Model of DNA
  9. Replication of DNA
  10. Types of Replication
  11. The Meselson-Stahl Experiment
6.5: Genes-The Unit Of Hereditary Information  (Practice Test)
  1. Genes and Enzymes
  2. Experiment of Beadle and Tatum on Neurospora
  3. Types of RNA
  4. Transcription
  5. Advance Transcription
  6. Advance Transcription
  7. More on Transcription
  8. Post-Transcriptional Modification of mRNA
  9. Translation
  10. Advance Translation,Protein Synthesis
  11. More on Translation
  12. Gentic Code
6.6: Mutation  (Practice Test)
  1. Importance of Mutation
  2. Chromosomal Mutations
  3. Mutations
  4. Turner Sydrome
  5. Point Mutaion
Chapter 7: Cell Cycle (19 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Interphase And Cell Division  (Practice Test)
  1. Cell Cycle
  2. G1 Phase,S Phase
  3. Amitotic Cell Division In Prokaryotes
7.2: Cell Death (Necrosis and Apoptosis)
  1. Apopotosis and Necrosis
7.3: Mitosis  (Practice Test)
  1. Mitosis, Karyokinesis, Cytokinesis,Prophase
  2. More on Mitosis 1, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  3. More on Mitosis 2, Cytokinesis
  4. Significance of Mitosis
  5. Cancer (Uncontrolled Cell Division)
  6. Cancer Types
7.4: Meiosis  (Practice Test)
  1. Phases of Meiosis
  2. Meiosis-I, Prophase I
  3. More on Meiosis-I, Prophase I
  4. Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I
  5. Meiosis-II
  6. Significance of Meiosis
  7. Significance of Meiosis
  8. Chromosomal Mutations
  9. Turner Sydrome
Chapter 8: Variation and Genetics (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Genes and Alleles  (Practice Test)
  1. Genes, Locus, Alleles, Phenotype, Genotype
  2. Gene Pool
8.2: Review of Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance  (Practice Test)
  1. Mendels Law of Segregation
  2. Mendels Law of Independent Assortment
  3. Mendel’s Interpretation
  4. Punnet Square,Test Cross
  5. Punnet Square
8.3: Incomplete Dominance And Codominance  (Practice Test)
  1. Incomplete Dominance
  2. Complete Doimance
8.4: Multiple Alleles  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiple Alleles
  2. Epistasis
  3. Wheat Grain Colour
  4. Human Skin Colour
  5. Pleiotropy
8.5: Linkage and Crossing Over  (Practice Test)
  1. Genetic Recombination
  2. Patterns of Sex Determination
8.6: Sex Determination And Sex Linkage  (Practice Test)
  1. Sex Linkage
  2. Sex Determination, Chromosome in Drosophila
  3. Sex Linkage in Drosophila
  4. Comparison of Chromosomal Determination of Sex Between Drosophila and
  5. Chromosome in Man
  6. Sex-Linkage in Human
  7. Sex Linked Inheritance, Clour Blindness
  8. Haemophilia
  9. More on Haemophilia
8.7: Diabetes Mellitus  (Practice Test)
  1. Diabetes Mellitus and Its Genetic Basis
  2. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Chapter 9: Biotechnology (39 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Biotechnology  (Practice Test)
  1. Genetic engineering
  2. Scope and Importance of Biotechnology
  3. Objectives and Basic Steps of Genetic Engineering
9.2: Genetic Engineering  (Practice Test)
  1. Recombinant DNA Technology
  2. Advance Recombinant DNA Technology, How to Get a Gene
  3. Recombinant DNA Technology Depends on Enzymes
  4. Molecular Sciccor: Restriction Endonucleases
  5. Molecular Carrier: Vector
  6. More on Molecular Carrier: Vector
  7. DNA Ligase and Expression System
  8. Insulin production
  9. Isolating the Insulin Gene
  10. Application of Genetically Modified Bacteria
  11. Biological Principles of Sewage Treatment
  12. Bioremediation
  13. Bioremediation
  14. Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation
  15. Transgenic Plants
  16. Application of Transgenic Plants
  17. Agricultural plants With Improved Traits
  18. Transgenic or Genetically modified Animals
  19. Methods of Creation of Transgenic Animals
  20. DNA Sequencing
  21. Sanger’s Method
  22. Gel Electrophorasis
  23. Analyzing DNA
  24. Genomic Library
  25. The Human Genome Project
  26. Benefits of Human Genome Project
  27. Role of Biotechnology in Diagnosis of Diseases
  28. Cystic Fibrosis
  29. Gene Therapy
  30. Gene Therapy (Ex-Vivo)
  31. Gene Therapy In-Vivo Method
9.3: Tissue Culture  (Practice Test)
  1. Tissue Culture
  2. Types of Tissue Culture
  3. Animal Cloning
  4. Agricultural plants With Improved Traits
  5. Production of Insects, Viruses and Herbicide Resistant Plants
Chapter 10: Evolution (16 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Theories Of Evoultion  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Evolution VS Special Creation
  2. Evolution From Prokaryotes to Eukaryotes
  3. Inheritance of Acquired Charateristics
  4. Objections on Lamarckian Theory
  5. Weismann’s Theory
  6. Theory of Natural Selection
  7. More on Theory of Natural Selection
  8. Variations And Natural Selection
  9. Alfred Russell Wallace
  10. Discontinuous and Continuous Variations
10.2: Evidence In Favour Of Organic Evoultion  (Practice Test)
  1. Eviednces from Comparative Anatomy
  2. Comparative Embryology and Molecular Biology
10.3: Importance of Natural Selection As Possible Mechanism For Evolution  (Practice Test)
  1. Gene Pool
10.4: Artificial Selection And Its Role  (Practice Test)
  1. Artificial Selection
10.5: Gene Frequencies and Their Role In Evolution  (Practice Test)
  1. Gene Frequencies and Their Role in Evolution
10.6: Endangered Species  (Practice Test)
  1. Endangered Species
Chapter 11: Ecosystem (25 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Levels of Organisation  (Practice Test)
  1. Ecology
  2. Biosphere
11.2: Approaches To Ecology  (Practice Test)
  1. Autecology and Synecology
11.3: The Ecosystem  (Practice Test)
  1. Components of Ecosystem
  2. Abiotic Components
  3. Abiotic Components (Temperature and Water)
  4. Abiotic Components (Fire, Atmosphere and Wind)
  5. Edaphic Factors
  6. Topographic Factors
  7. Biotic Components
  8. Processes in Ecosystem and Interaction Between Biotic Components
11.4: Biogeochemical Cycles  (Practice Test)
  1. The Nitrogen Cycle
  2. More on Nitrogen Cycle
11.5: Interdependence Of Organisms And Their Significance  (Practice Test)
  1. Predation
  2. Symbiosis
  3. More on Symbiosis
  4. Commensalism, Grazing
11.6: Ecological Succession  (Practice Test)
  1. Succession
  2. Two Major Form of Succession
  3. Secondary Succession
  4. Hydrosere
  5. More on Hydrosere
  6. Wood land climax forest stage of hydrosere
  7. Xerosere
  8. More on Xerosere
Chapter 12: Some Major Ecosystems (18 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Life In Fresh Water  (Practice Test)
  1. Fresh Water (Standing Water Bodies)
  2. Components of Pond Ecosystem
  3. Biotic components of Pond Ecosystem
12.2: Life In Marine Water  (Practice Test)
  1. Life in Ocean
  2. Oceanic zone
12.3: Terrestrial Ecosystem (Biomes)  (Practice Test)
  1. Tropical Rain Forest
  2. Coniferous Alpine and Boreal Forests
  3. Temperate Deciduous Forests
  4. More on Temperate Deciduous Forests
  5. The Grass Land Ecosystem
  6. More on Grass Land Ecosystem
  7. Savannah
  8. Desert Ecosystem
  9. Desert Ecosystem (Adaptations in plants)
  10. Desert Ecosystem (Adaptations in animals)
  11. Tundra Ecosystem
  12. Alpine Tundra
12.4: The Flow Of Energy  (Practice Test)
  1. Biotic Components
Chapter 13: Man And His Environment (13 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources  (Practice Test)
  1. Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources
  2. Renewable Resources (Land and Wildlife)
  3. Conventional Energy Resources
  4. Non – Conventional Energy Resources
  5. Nuclear Power
  6. Geothermal Power
  7. Solar energy
  8. Tidal Power and Wind Power
13.2: Pollution  (Practice Test)
  1. Acid Rain
  2. Effect of Acid Rain
  3. Green House Effect
  4. Depletion of Ozone
  5. Land Pollution

Statistics Class-XII

Chapter 1: Representation and Exploration of Data (36 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Exploring and Interpreting Data  (Practice Test)
  1. Data
  2. Exploring Data
  3. Interpretation of Data
  4. Introducing Parameters and Statistic
  5. Basic Terminologies in Statistics
  6. Accuracy of Measurements & Errors
  7. Qualitative/Quantitative Data
  8. Types of Data(Continuous/Discrete)
  9. Types of Data By Source
1.2: Frequency Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  2. Problem 1: Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  3. Discrete Frequency Distribution
  4. Cumulative Frequency Distribution
1.3: Charts/Diagrams  (Practice Test)
  1. Charts/Diagrams
  2. Graphical Representation of Data-Horizontal/Vertical Bar Graph
  3. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data-Multiple Bar Graph
  4. Component Bar Chart
  5. Percentage Component Bar Chart
  6. Composite Bar Chart
  7. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data- Pie Graph
  8. Pictograms
1.4: Graphs  (Practice Test)
  1. Graphs
  2. Interpretation of Data Through Graphs
  3. Creating a Histogram
  4. Problem 1: Constructing Histogram with Equal Intervals
  5. Frequency Polygon
  6. Cumulative Frequency Polygon
  7. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data-Dot Graph
  8. Representation and Interpretation of Data through Stem and Leaf
  9. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data- Line Graph
  10. Graph of Time Series
  11. Difference Between Histogram and Historigram
1.5: Types of Frequency Curves  (Practice Test)
  1. Frequency Curve
  2. Common Shapes of Frequency Curves
  3. Positively Skewed Frequency Curves
  4. Negatively Skewed Frequency Curves
Chapter 2: Measure of Central Tendency or Averages (47 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Averages  (Practice Test)
  1. Average
  2. Applications of Different Averages
2.2: Arithematic Mean
  1. Arithmetic Mean for Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: A.M of Ungrouped Data by Direct Method
  3. Arithmetic Mean of Grouped Data by Direct Method
  4. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Direct Method
  5. Arithmetic Mean of Ungrouped Data using Short-cut Method
  6. Problem 1: A.M for Ungrouped Data by Short formula Method
  7. Arithmetic Mean of Grouped Data using Short-cut Method
  8. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Short formula Method
  9. Arithmetic Mean of Ungrouped Data using Coding Method
  10. Problem 1: A.M for Ungrouped Data by Coding Method
  11. Finding A.M for Grouped Data-Coding Method
  12. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Coding Method
2.3: Weighted/Combined Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Combined Arithmetic Mean
  2. Where to Use Arithmetic Mean
  3. Applications of Weighted Averages
  4. Introducing Weighted Average
  5. Problem – Weighted Average for Ungrouped Data
  6. Properties of Arithmetic Mean
  7. More on Properties of Arithmetic Mean
2.4: Median and Quantiles  (Practice Test)
  1. Median for Ungrouped Data
  2. Median of Grouped Data
  3. Quartiles for Individual Observations
  4. More on Quartiles for Individual Observations
  5. Problem-Quartiles for Individual Observations
  6. Quartiles for a Frequency Distribution
  7. Problem-Quartiles for a Frequency Distribution
  8. Estimating Quartiles for Grouped Data using Graph
  9. Quantiles from Discrete Data
  10. More on Quantiles from Discrete Data
  11. Quartiles From Grouped Data
  12. More on Quartiles From Grouped Data
  13. Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
  14. More on Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
  15. Problem – Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
  16. Problem – Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
2.5: Mode
  1. The Mode
2.6: Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Geometric Mean of Ungrouped Data
  2. Geometric Mean for Grouped Data
  3. Harmonic Mean for Ungrouped Data
  4. Harmonic Mean for Grouped Data
  5. Where to Use Harmonic Mean
  6. Where to Use Geometric Mean
  7. Change in Origin and Scale
  8. Empirical Relationship Between Mean, Median and Mode
  9. Relationship Between Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic mean
Chapter 3: Measures of Dispersion (63 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Dispersion  (Practice Test)
  1. Applications of Dispersion
  2. Dispersion
3.2: Range
  1. Range of Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: Calculation of Range for Raw or Ungrouped Data
  3. Calculation of Range for Grouped Data
  4. Problem 1: Calculation of Range for Grouped Data
3.3: Mean Deviation
  1. Mean Deviation of Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem-Mean Deviation for Ungrouped Data by Mean
  3. Problem-Mean Deviation for Ungrouped Data by Median
  4. Mean Deviation of Ungrouped Data from Mode
  5. Problem-Mean Deviation for Ungrouped Data by Mode
  6. Mean Deviation of Grouped Data from Mean
  7. Problem-Mean Deviation for Grouped Data by Mean
  8. Mean Deviation of Grouped Data from Median
  9. Problem-Mean Deviation for Grouped Data by Median
  10. Calculate the Mean Deviation from the following Group Data according
  11. Problem-Mean Deviation for Grouped Data by Mode
3.4: Quartile Deviation  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Quartile Deviation
  2. Problem-Concept of Quartile Deviation
  3. Interquartile Range for Data Set Represented in Different Ways
  4. More on Interquartile Range for Data Set Represented in Different Ways
3.5: Variance and Standard Deviation  (Practice Test)
  1. Variance and Standard Deviation
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Variance & S.D
  3. Variance and Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data
  4. Calculation of the Variance and Standard Deviation by Direct Method
  5. Variance and Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data by Short Method
  6. Variance and Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data by Short-cut Method
  7. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data
  8. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data by Short Method
  9. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data by Short-cut Method
  10. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data by Coding Method
  11. Effect of Change of Origin and Scale on S.D
  12. Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation
  13. More on Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation
  14. More on Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation
3.6: Coefficient of Dispersion  (Practice Test)
  1. Absolute and Relative Dispersion
  2. Coefficient of Dispersion and Its Measure
  3. Range Coefficient of Dispersion and its measure
  4. Problem-Range Coefficient of Dispersion and its measure
  5. Coefficient of Variation and its Measure
  6. More on Problem-Coefficient of Dispersion and Its Measure
  7. Quartile Coefficient of Relative Dispersion and its Measure
  8. Quartile Coefficient of Relative Dispersion and its Measure
  9. Mean Coefficient of Dispersion
3.7: Moments  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Moments
  2. Introducing Moments
  3. More on Introducing Moments
  4. Problem-Introducing Moments
  5. More on Problem-Introducing Moments
  6. Problem-Moments for group data
  7. Problem-Moments for group data
  8. Prob-Relation Between Mean Moments and Raw Moments
  9. More on Prob-Relation Between Mean Moments and Raw Moments
3.8: Skewed vs Unskewed Curves  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Skewness
  2. Skewed Vs Unskewed Curves
  3. More on Skewed Vs Unskewed Curves
  4. Measures of Skewness
  5. More on Measures of Skewness
  6. Problem-Measures of Skewness
3.9: Kurtosis  (Practice Test)
  1. Kurtosis and Its Measurements
  2. More on Kurtosis and Its Measurements
  3. Problem-Measures of Kurtosis
  4. More on Problem-Measures of Kurtosis
Chapter 4: Index Numbers (28 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Introduction to Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Index Number
  2. Applications of Index Numbers
  3. Death Rates and Birth Rates
4.2: Main Steps to Construct Price Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculating Index Number By Fixed Base Method
  2. More on Calculating Index Number By Fixed Base Method
  3. Calculating Index Number By Chain Base Method
4.3: Unweighted and Weighted Price Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculation of Unweighted Index Number by Simple Aggregative Method
  2. Problem-Unweighted Index Number by Simple Aggregative Method
  3. Calculation of Unweighted Index Number by Simple Average Method
  4. Problem-Unweighted Index Number by Simple Average Method
  5. Calculation of Unweighted Index Number by Average of Relative Method
  6. Weighted Aggregative Price Index Numbers By Laspeyres Method
  7. Weighted Aggregative Price Index Numbers By Paasches Method
  8. Weighted Aggregative Price Index Numbers By Fishers Method
4.4: Quantity Index Numbers
  1. Quantity Index Number
  2. Problem – Simple Aggregative Quantity Index Number
  3. Problem – Weighted Aggregative Quantity Index Number
  4. Problem – Simple Average of Relatives Quantity Index Number
  5. Problem – Weighted Average of Relatives Quantity Index Number
4.5: Value Index
  1. Value Index Number
4.6: Theoretical Tests of Index Number
  1. Tests of Index Number
  2. More on Tests of Index Number
  3. Problem – Time Reversal Test
  4. Problem – Factor Reversal Test
4.7: Consumer Price Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Consumer Price Index Numbers
  2. Consumer Price Vs Wholesale Price Index Numbers
  3. Problem- Consumer Price Vs Wholesale Price Index Numbers
  4. Sensitive Price Index (SPI)
Chapter 5: Regression and Correlation Analysis (6 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Regression Analysis  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Regression
  2. Deterministic and Probabilistic Relations or Models
  3. Scatter Diagram
  4. Approximating Line by the Principle of Least Squares
5.2: Correlation  (Practice Test)
  1. Correlation
  2. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
Chapter 6: Analysis of Time Series (15 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Time Series  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Time Series
  2. Applications of Time Series
6.2: Components of Time Series  (Practice Test)
  1. Secular Trend
  2. Seasonal Variations
  3. Cyclical Fluctuations
  4. Irregular or random variations
6.3: Estimation of Secular Trend  (Practice Test)
  1. Method of Free Hand Curve
  2. Method of Semi-Averages
  3. How to Calculate Moving Averages
  4. Applications of Moving Averages
  5. Problem – Application for Moving Averages
  6. Estimating Secular Trend by Method of Least Squares
  7. Fitting a Parabola or second Degree Curve
  8. Detrending
  9. Time Series Decomposition
Chapter 7: Set Theory (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Set Theory
  1. Sets
  2. Types of Set
  3. Subsets
  4. Basic Operations of Sets
  5. Venn Diagram
7.2: Algebra of Sets
  1. Commutative Law of Sets
  2. Associative Laws
  3. Idempotent Laws of Sets
  4. Identity Laws of Sets
  5. Commplementation Law
  6. Law of Double Complementation
  7. Law of Empty Set and Universal Set
  8. Distributive Laws
7.3: Counting Methods  (Practice Test)
  1. A Basic Counting Procedure
  2. Introducing Factorials
  3. Problem- Introducing Factorials
  4. Introducing Permutations
  5. Problem- Introducing Permutations (Distinct Objects)
  6. Permutations When the Objects are Not Distinct
  7. Introduction to Combinations
  8. Problem1-Introducing Combinations
Chapter 8: Introduction to Probability (31 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Basic Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Probability
  2. Random Experiment
  3. Sample Space
  4. Basic Terminologies used in Probability
  5. Types of Events
  6. Probability for Multiple Event
  7. Problem – Probability for Multiple Event
  8. Mutually Vs Non-Mutually Exclusive Events
  9. Problem – Mutually Vs Non-Mutually Exclusive Events
  10. Equally Likely Vs Exhaustive Events
  11. Conditional Probability
  12. Properties of Probabilities
8.2: Addition Law for Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition Law of Probability
  2. More on Applications of Addition of Probabilities
  3. Addition Laws of Probability
  4. Problem-Addition Laws of Probability
  5. Addition of Probabilities of Overlapping Events by Venn Diagram
  6. Problem-Addition of Probabilities of Overlapping Eventsby Venn Diagram
  7. Addition of Probabilities of Disjoint Events by Venn Diagram
  8. Addition of Probabilities of Subset Events
8.3: Multiplication Law for Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiplication Law of Probability
  2. Application of Multiplication Laws of Probabalities
  3. More on Application of Multiplication Laws of Probabalities
  4. Multiplication of Probabilities of Dependent Events
  5. Problem- Multiplication of Proababilities of Dependent Events
  6. Multiplication of Proababilities of Independent Events
  7. Problem-Multiplication of Proababilities of Independent Events
8.4: Conditional Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Conditional Probability
  2. Application of Conditional Probability
  3. Conditional Probability By Sample and Reduced Sample Space Approach
  4. Prob-Conditional Probability By Sample and Reduced Sample Space Appro
Chapter 9: Random Variables and Distributions (43 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Random Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Random Variables
  2. Discrete Vs Continuous Random Variable
9.2: Discrete Probability Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Probability Distribution
  2. Probability Mass Function
  3. Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
  4. More on Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
  5. Problem – Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
  6. Cummulative Distribution and Probability Mass Function
  7. The Expected Value of Random Variable
  8. Use of Expected Value in Decision Making
  9. More on Use of Expected Value in Decision Making
9.3: Continuous Probability Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. The PDF of Continuous Distribution
  2. More on The PDF of Continuous Distribution
  3. Finding Area Under the Curve with Trapezoidal Rule
  4. More on Finding Area Under the Curve with Trapezoidal Rule
  5. Probability Density Function using Integration Method
  6. Problem-Probability Density Function using Integration Method
  7. More on Problem-Probability Density Function using Integration Method
  8. Cummulative Distribution and Probability Density Function
  9. Problem-Cummulative Distribution and Probability Density Function
9.4: The Expectation of Random Variable  (Practice Test)
  1. Expectation
  2. Applications of Expectation
  3. How Probability Helps Expectations
  4. The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  5. Problem1-The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  6. Problem2-The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  7. More on Problem2-The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  8. Laws of Expectation
  9. More on Laws of Expectation
  10. Addition and Subtraction Laws of Expectation
  11. Multiplication Law of Expectation
  12. Problem-Laws of Expectation
9.5: Properties of Variances  (Practice Test)
  1. Properties of Variance1
  2. Properties of Variance2
  3. Properties of Variance3
  4. Properties of Variance4
  5. Problem1 – Properties of Variance
  6. Problem2 – Properties of Variance
9.6: Sum or Differences of Variances of Random Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables1
  2. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables2
  3. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables3
  4. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables4
  5. Problem-Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables
Chapter 10: Binomial and Hypergeometric Distributions (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: The Binomial Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. The Bernoulli Distribution
  2. The Binomial Distribution
  3. More on Binomial Distribution
  4. Visualizing Binomial Distribution
  5. Probability of Binomial Distribution – Example
  6. Binomial Distribution for All Possible Value of Random Variable
  7. More on Binomial Distribution for All Possible Value of Random Variab
  8. Problem- Probability of Binomial Distribution
  9. Binomial Frequency Distribution
  10. Mean of Binomial Distribution
  11. Variance of Binomial Distribution
10.2: The Hypergeometric Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Hypergeometric Distribution
  2. More on Hypergeometric Distribution
  3. Properties of Hypergeometric Distribution
Chapter 11: The Normal Distribution (12 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: The Normal Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Normal Distribution
  2. Cummulative Distribution Function of Normal Distribution
  3. Standard Normal Distribution
  4. Characteristics of the Normal Probability Distribution
  5. Areas under the Normal Curve
  6. Tabulated Areas of Normal Distribution
  7. More on Tabulated Areas of Normal Distribution
  8. Tabulated Areas of Normal Distribution for Centre Case
  9. Inverse Use of Table of Areas Under Normal Curve
  10. More on Inverse Use of Table of Areas Under Normal Curve1
  11. Problem- Inverse Use of Table of Areas Under Normal Curve
  12. Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution
Chapter 12: Sampling and Sampling Distributions (52 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Basic Concepts  (Practice Test)
  1. Applications of Sampling
  2. Central Limit Theorem
  3. Population Vs Sample
  4. Population and Its Kind
  5. Sample and Sampling
  6. Sampling Units and Frame
  7. Sampling Versus Census
  8. Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors
  9. Precision and accuracy
  10. Limitations of Sampling
  11. Sampling Design and Its Types
  12. A Representative Vs Biased Sample
12.2: Probability And Non-Probability sampling  (Practice Test)
  1. Probability and Non-probability Sampling
  2. Random Digits
  3. Simple Random Sampling
  4. Systematic Sampling
  5. Stratified Sampling
  6. Cluster Sampling
  7. Introducing Purposive and Quota Sampling
12.3: Errors in Sampling
  1. True Value, Accuracy, Precision and Error
  2. Prob-True Value, Accuracy, Precision and Error
  3. Prob-Simple Random Sampling and Sampling Distribution
12.4: Sampling and Sampling Distributions  (Practice Test)
  1. Sampling
  2. Sampling Distribution
  3. Sampling With Replacement and Without Replacement
  4. Sampling Distribution and Standard Error of Statistic
  5. Prob-Sampling Distribution and Standard Error of Statistic
  6. Prob-Sampling Distribution From General Populations
12.5: Sampling Distributions  (Practice Test)
  1. Sampling Distribution of Mean
  2. More on Sampling Distribution of Mean
  3. Graphical Representation of Sampling Distribution of Means
  4. Standard Deviation of the Sampling Distribution With Replacement
  5. More on Standard Deviation of the Sampling Distribution With Replacem
  6. Problem- Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution With Replacement
  7. Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution Without Replacement
  8. More on Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution Without Replaceme
  9. Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  10. Variance of Difference of Random Variables
  11. More on Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  12. More on Difference of Variance of Random Variables
  13. Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  14. More on Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  15. Further to Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  16. Further to Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  17. Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  18. Problem- Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  19. More on Problem- Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  20. More on Problem- Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  21. Sampling Distribution of Difference between Proportions
  22. Sampling Distribution of Variances
  23. More on Sampling Distribution of Variances
  24. Further stuff on Sampling Distribution of Variances
Chapter 13: Statistical Inference:Estimation (17 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Statistical Inference  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Statistical Inference
  2. Estimates and Estimators
  3. Statistic and Estimator
13.2: Point Estimation
  1. Introducing Point Estimation
13.3: Unbiased Estimator  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Unbiased Estimator
  2. Unbiased Estimation of the Variance
13.4: Confidence Interval  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Confidence Interval
  2. Confidence Interval for Means with Large Samples
  3. Confidence Interval for Mue when Sigma Square is Unknown
  4. Confidence Interval for Differences between Means with Large Sample s
  5. Confidence Interval for Mean with Small Sample
  6. Problem-Confidence Interval Estimates of Mean From Small Samples
  7. Confidence Interval for differences between Means for small samples w
  8. Confidence Interval for Paired Observations
  9. Confidence Interval for Proportions
  10. Confidence Intervals for Difference Between Proportions
  11. Confidence Interval for Paired Observations
Chapter 14: Statistical Inference:Hypothesis Testing (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
14.1: Basic Concepts  (Practice Test)
  1. Testing hypothesis
  2. Formulation of Null and Alternative Hypothesis
  3. Prob-Formulation of Null and Alternative Hypothesis
  4. Simple and Composite Hypothesis
  5. Test-Statistics
  6. Acceptance and Rejection Regions
  7. Type 1 and 2 Errors
  8. The Significance Level
  9. One Tailed and Two Tailed Test
  10. General Procedure for Testing Hypothesis
  11. Left Tailed and Right Tailed Tests
  12. Prob-Left Tailed and Right Tailed Tests
  13. Deciding Upon an Appropriate Test
  14. Level of Significance and Level of Confidence
14.2: Testing Hypothesis about Population Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Testing Hypothesis about Mean of a Normal population when Sigma is kn
  2. Testing Hypothesis about Mean of a Normal population when Sigma is Un
  3. The Students t Distribution
  4. Hypothesis Testing About the Mean with Unknown Variance
  5. Comparing the Mean of Two Normal Populations
  6. Comparing the Means of Two Normal Distributions with unequal Unknown
  7. The Paired t Test
14.3: Testing Hypothesis about Population Proportion  (Practice Test)
  1. Test Based on Normal Approximation
  2. Example- Test Based on Normal Approximation
  3. Test of Hypothesis About the Difference Between Two Population Propor
  4. Prob-Test of Hypothesis About the Difference Between Two Population P
  5. Testing That Difference Between Two Population Proportions Equals Som
  6. Prob-Testing That Difference Between Two Population Proportions Equal
Chapter 15: Association of Attributes (9 videos)   (Practice Test)
15.1: The Association of Attributes  (Practice Test)
  1. Variables and Attributes
  2. Classification by Attributes
  3. Independence and Criterion of Independence
  4. Association of Attributes
  5. Coefficient of Association
  6. Categorical data
  7. Contigency Tables
  8. Testing Hypothesis of Independence between Attributes
  9. Yates Correction for Continuity

Computer Science Class-XII

Chapter 1: Concept of Computer Programming (16 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Overview
  1. What is Computer Programming
  2. Computer Program
  3. Introduction to problem solving
  4. Problem solving method
  5. What is Top Down Design
1.2: Programming Languages in General
  1. Language Translators : An Overview
  2. Types of Error: Syntax error
  3. Types of Error: Runtime error
  4. Types of Error: Logical error
  5. Single Board Computer Raspberry Pi
  6. Program Documentation: Importance and Types
1.3: Programming Languages  (Practice Test)
  1. Programming Langauges : An Overview
  2. Generations on Computer Languages
  3. Using Turtle to teach Childern
1.4: Object Oriented Programming
  1. What is Object oriented programming language
  2. Visual Programming
Chapter 2: Algorithm and Flowcharts (17 videos)
2.1: Algorithm
  1. Algorithm Analysis
  2. Running time of Algorithm
  3. What is Space Compexity of an Algorithm
2.2: Psuedocode
  1. Basic Principles to write a Pseudo Code
2.3: Flowcharts
  1. What is a Flow chart
  2. Basic Componets to design a Flow Chart
  3. Advantages of Flow chart
  4. Flow chart requirements
  5. Development of Flow charts
  6. Flow Chart Examples
  7. Flow Chart Examples_2
2.4: Control Structures
  1. What is Control Structure
  2. Unconditional transfer of control
  3. Why a Control Structure is important in Programming
2.5: Types of Flowcharts
  1. Types of Flow Charts
2.6: Advantages of Flow chart
  1. Advantages of Flow chart
2.7: Disadvantages of Flow chart
  1. Flow chart requirements
Chapter 3: An Overview of ‘C’ Language (14 videos)
3.1: Introduction to C
  1. Brief history of C
  2. A simple C Program
  3. Understanding of Integrated Development Environment : IDE
  4. How to Create Environment before Writing a Computer Program
  5. Compiler – turbo c++ (creating , saving , editting)
  6. Compiling , Linking and executing a program
  7. setting the output and source directories
  8. Pre-Processor directives
3.2: The development Cycle
  1. Flow chart to illustrate working of compiler
  2. A simple C Program
  3. How to Create Environment before Writing a Computer Program
  4. Comments and terminator statements
  5. Escape sequence in C
  6. Good Programming Practice
Chapter 4: C Fundamentals (14 videos)
4.1: Overview
  1. More on Escape sequence
4.2: Identifiers and Keywords
  1. Identifiers used in C Language: Standard and User defined identifiers
  2. Reserved words in C
4.3: Datatype
  1. Datatypes in C
4.4: Constants
  1. What are Constants
  2. Computer Program to illustrate Constants
4.5: Variable
  1. The Concept of Variable
  2. Rules for naming variable
  3. Format Specifier
  4. Field width specifier
4.6: Arrays
  1. Problem Statement: Why we need Arrays
  2. What are Arrays
  3. Terminologies used in Arrays
  4. Representation of Array
Chapter 5: Operators and Expressions (16 videos)
5.1: Overview
  1. Expressions in C++
  2. more on Expressions in C++
5.2: Classification of Operators
  1. Operators in C
  2. Arithmatic Operators
5.3: Order of Precedence
  1. Precedence of Operator from Top to bottom
5.4: Assignment Operators
  1. Assignment Operators
  2. Difference between assignment operator and ‘equal to’ operator
5.5: Relational Operators
  1. Relational operators
5.6: Logical/ Boolean Operators
  1. Logical Operators: NOT
  2. Logical Operators: AND
  3. Logical Operators: OR
5.7: Increment & Decrement Operators
  1. Increment & decrement operators
  2. Working with division operator
  3. Unary, Binary and Tenary operators
5.8: Conversion of Data type
  1. Typecasting in C Language
5.9: Library Functions
  1. Built in functions
Chapter 6: Input and Output Statements (10 videos)
6.1: Overview
  1. Output handling in C++/cout
  2. input handling in C++/cin
  3. Character input in C
  4. Output statements
6.2: Unformatted I/O Functions
  1. getchar(): I/O handling function
  2. Difference between getch() and getche() function
  3. Working of gets function
  4. Working of puts function
6.3: Formatted I/O Functions
  1. scanf function in C
  2. printf function in C
Chapter 7: Selection Control Structures (20 videos)
7.1: Overview
  1. What is Control Structure
  2. Unconditional transfer of control
  3. Why a Control Structure is important in Programming
  4. Introduction to decision and selection statements
7.2: The if Selection Structure
  1. Simple IF statement in C
  2. Nested if statement
  3. Problem solving using nested if statement
  4. Comparison of nested if and sequence of ifs
  5. Use of Logical operator with if else
  6. Conditional operator alternative to if-else
7.3: The if-else Selection Structure
  1. Introduction to if-else structure
  2. if-else example problems
  3. Complex problem solving using nested loops
  4. Problems on if-else Structure
  5. More Problems on if-else Structure
7.4: The switch Statement
  1. What is Switch.. Case
  2. Switch default statement
  3. Examples on Switch .. Case
  4. Break statements in C
  5. Comparison between if, case and conditional operators
  6. Problem solving 1
  7. Problem solving 2
Chapter 8: Iteration Control Structures (25 videos)
8.1: Overview
  1. What is Repetition Structure
  2. Why we need a Repetition Structure in Programming
  3. Types of Loop
8.2: The for Loop
  1. Why we need For Loop
  2. Structure of For Loop and Working
  3. Programs on For Loop
  4. Problem solving using for loop
  5. Requirement of loops within loop
  6. Nested Loop with example
8.3: The while Loop
  1. Structure of While Loop and its Working
  2. Programs on While Loop
  3. Example problems of while loop
  4. Continue statement
  5. Problem solving using while loop
8.4: The do-while Loop
  1. Why there is a need of Do.. While Loop
  2. Structure of Do.. While loop
  3. Difference between while and Do while
  4. Program on Do.. While Loop
8.5: Nested Loops
  1. Requirement of loops within loop
  2. Nested Loop with example
  3. Combining Loop types
  4. Complex problem solving using nested loops
  5. Difference between For Loop, Do While and While loop
  6. Break statements in C
  7. Continue statement
Chapter 9: Functions (13 videos)
9.1: Overview
  1. What is Function
  2. Why there is a need of Function in Programming
  3. Advantages of using functions
  4. Difference between structured and unstructured programming
9.2: Classification of Functions
  1. Built in functions
  2. User defined functions
9.3: General Form of Function
  1. Signature of function
  2. Function without argument
  3. Function that return multiple values
  4. More on function that return multiple values
  5. Using more than one functions in a Program
  6. Function overloading
9.4: Recursive Function
  1. What is recursion
Chapter 10: Arrays (Optional) (16 videos)
10.1: Overview
  1. Problem Statement: Why we need Arrays
  2. What are Arrays
  3. Terminologies used in Arrays
10.2: One-Dimensional Arrays
  1. Representation of Array
  2. Examples on Arrays
  3. Defining an Array
  4. How to declare an Array in a Program
10.3: Manipulating Arrays
  1. Accessing array index with examples
  2. Fill array index with examples
  3. Static Method
  4. Dynamic Method Using Loop
  5. Traversing an Array
  6. sizeof() operator
10.4: Multi-Dimensional Array
  1. Defining 2D Array
  2. Inializing 2D Array
  3. Accessing 2D-Array index with examples
Chapter 11: Strings (Optional) (8 videos)
11.1: Overview
  1. What are Strings
  2. Initialization of Strings
  3. String handling in C
  4. Declaring and intializing string variable in C
  5. String asssignment in C
  6. Concatenation of Strings
  7. Copying of Strings
  8. Finding a character or word in a string
  9. Finding length of a String
  10. Swapping of Strings
  11. Example on Different String Functions
Chapter 12: Structures and Unions (Optional) (4 videos)
12.1: Overview
  1. Problem Statement : Why we need Structures
  2. Example on Structure
  3. Union in C
  4. Structure and function
Chapter 13: Pointers (Optional) (11 videos)
13.1: Overview
  1. Introduction to Pointer
  2. Memory addresses
  3. Declaring variable of pointer type
13.2: Pointer Operators
  1. Reference operator
  2. Dereference operator
  3. Pointers and Functions
  4. Functions Returning Pointers
  5. Pointer initialization with examples
13.3: Pointers and Arrays
  1. Pointers and Arrays
  2. Arrays of Pointers
13.4: Pointers and Strings
  1. Pointers and Strings
Chapter 14: Introduction to File Handling (12 videos)
14.1: Introduction
  1. Introduction to file handling
  2. Types of files: Text and Binary
  3. Opening a file
  4. Modes of opening a file
  5. More on Modes of opening a file
  6. Reading input file
  7. Closing a file
  8. bof() function
  9. eof() function
  10. Stream and its types
  11. reading/writing files character by character
  12. reading/writing files using strings
Chapter 15: Data Management Systems (18 videos)   (Practice Test)
15.1: Overview  (Practice Test)
  1. Data Operations
  2. Computer System and Its Components
  3. Planning a Database : Requirement Analysis
  4. identifying attributes and Entities
  5. Database Terminologies
  6. Keys : Primary Key
  7. Composite Keys
  8. Types of Keys : Sort Key
  9. Types of Keys : Super Key
  10. Traditional File Management System : Record and File
  11. Introduction to Database
  12. The Database Management System
  13. Advantages of Database System
  14. Disadvantages of Database System
  15. Objectives of DBMS
  16. Features of DBMS
15.2: Components of Database Management System  (Practice Test)
  1. Components of Data Base : Data, HW, SW, Personnel
  2. Database Languages for Relational Database : SQL
  3. Types of Database Model : Hierarcical Model
Chapter 16: Basics of MS Access 2000 (13 videos)   (Practice Test)
16.1: Overview  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to MS-Access
  2. Benefits of Using Access
  3. Create Database Using Database Wizard
  4. Create Database without Using Database Wizard
16.2: Identifying Microsoft Access Screen Elements
  1. MS-Access Window Description
16.3: Naming Fields and Determining Data Types
  1. Creating a New Table
16.4: Creating a Table using Table Design View  (Practice Test)
  1. Charcateristics of Tables
  2. Field Properties in Design View 1
  3. Field Properties in Design View 2
  4. Field Properties in Design View 3
  5. Field Properties in Design View 4
16.5: Creating a Table Using the Table Wizard
  1. Addying Modifying and deleting Record
  2. Finding and Replacing Data
Chapter 17: Advanced MS Access 2000 (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
17.1: Creating and Modifying Relationships  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiple Tables and Relationships
  2. Entity Relationship Model : Entity , Attribute and Relationship
  3. Cascade Update Related Fields and Cascade delete RF
  4. Introduction to Queries
17.2: Creating Select Queries  (Practice Test)
  1. Types of Queries : Select Query , Action Query
  2. Selecting Records by Criteria
17.3: Adding a Calculated Field to the Query
  1. Perform calculation in a Querry in MS Access
17.4: Creating Forms  (Practice Test)
  1. Advantages of Using Forms
  2. Creating a Form using Wizard
17.5: Creating a New Form Using Design View  (Practice Test)
  1. Creating Form in a design view
  2. Adding Records Using a Form
  3. Using forms controls
  4. Making Sub forms in Access
17.6: Creating a Report Using Report Design View  (Practice Test)
  1. Purpose of Reports in Database
  2. Conditional Formatting
  3. Creating Reports Using Report Wizard
  4. Creating Reports Using Query
  5. Formatting Reports
  6. Saving and Printing Reports
  7. Linking
  8. Creating a SwitchBoard in Access

Accounting Class-XII

Chapter 1: Accounts From Incomplete Records (19 videos)
1.1: Introduction to Single Entry System
  1. Single Entry System
  2. Profit/ (Loss) Determination under Single Entry System
1.2: Statement of Affairs Method
  1. Numerical 1: Statement of Affairs Method
  2. Numerical 2: Statement of Affairs Method
  3. Numerical 3: Statement of Affairs Method
  4. More on Numerical 3: Statement of Affairs Method
1.3: Conversion Method
  1. Conversion Method
  2. Steps Involve in Conversion Method
  3. Total Debtors Account and Total Creditors Account
  4. Total Creditors Account
  5. Numerical 1: Conversion Method
  6. More on Numerical 1: Conversion Method
  7. More on Numerical 1: Conversion Method
  8. Margin and Mark-up
  9. Calculation of Missing Data using Mark-up Rate
  10. Calculation of Missing Data using Margin and Inventory Turnover
  11. Inventory lost in Fire or by Theft
  12. More on Inventory lost in Fire or by Theft
  13. More on Inventory lost in Fire or by Theft
Chapter 2: Accounts of Non-Profit Making Organizations (16 videos)
2.1: Introduction of Non-Profit Making Organizations
  1. Non-Profit Organizations
  2. Accounts of Non-Profit Organizations
  3. Some Particular Terms of Non Profit Organisations
  4. More on Some Particular Terms of Non Profit Organisations
2.2: Accounts of Non-Profit making Organization
  1. Receipt and Payment Account
  2. Example 1: Income and Expenditure Account
  3. Adjustment for Subscription
  4. Example: Ascertain the amount of Subscription
  5. Adjustment for Admission fee/ Entrance fee
  6. Example: Admission Fee
  7. Difference between Cash Book & Receipt and Payment Account
  8. Problem: Receipt and Payment Account
  9. More on Problem: Receipt and Payment Account
  10. Problem: Income & Expenditure Account
  11. Problem: Income & Expenditure Account
  12. Problem: Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
Chapter 3: Consignment Accounts (17 videos)
3.1: Introduction of Consignment Accounts
  1. Consignment Accounts
  2. Important Terms used in Consignment Accounts
  3. More on Important Terms used in Consignment Accounts
3.2: Accounting Treatments
  1. Journal Entries in the Books of Consignor
  2. More on Journal Entries in the Books of Consignor
  3. Ledger Accounts in the Books of Consignor
  4. Journal Entries in the Books of Consignee
  5. Ledger Accounts in the Books of Consignee
3.3: Adjustments
  1. Valuation of unsold Consignment Stock
  2. Example: Valuation of unsold Consignment Stock
  3. Loss of Stock or Goods
  4. Abnormal Loss in Consignment
  5. Invoicing Goods Heigher than Cost
3.4: Problems
  1. Problem 1: Consignment Account (Normal Loss)
  2. More on Problem 1: Consignment Account (Normal Loss)
  3. Problem 2: Consignment Account (Abnormal Loss)
  4. More on Problem 2: Consignment Account (Normal Loss)
Chapter 4: Joint Stock Company (36 videos)
4.1: Introduction to Company Accounts
  1. Company and its kinds on the basis of Article of Association
  2. Kinds of Companies on the basis of Legal Form
  3. Kinds of Companies on the basis of Composition
  4. Characteristics of Joint Stock Company
  5. More on Characteristics of Joint Stock Company
4.2: Important Legal Documents
  1. Memorandum, Articles of Association and Prospectus
4.3: Classes of Share Capital
  1. Share Capital of a Company
  2. Categories of Share Capital
  3. More on Categories of Share Capital
4.4: Issuance of Shares
  1. Issuance of Shares
  2. Accounting for Issuance of Shares
  3. Accounting for Issue of Shares in case of Over-Subscription
  4. Accounting for Issue of Shares in case of Under-Subscription
  5. Subsequent Issue of Shares
  6. Issue of Shares at Premium
  7. Problem: Issue of Shares at Premium
  8. More on Problem: Issue of Shares at Premium
  9. Problem: Issue of Shares at Discount
  10. More on Problem: Issue of Shares at Discount
  11. Consideration for Issue of Shares
  12. Consideration for Issue of Shares – Running Business
4.5: Introduction of Debentures, Bonds and TFCs
  1. Accounting for Debenture
  2. Kinds of Debentures
4.6: Issuance of Debentures
  1. Difference between Debenture holder and Shareholder
  2. Preference of Debenture Issue over Share Issue
  3. Problem 1: Debentures issued for Cash
  4. More on Problem 1: Debentures issued for Cash
  5. Problem 2: Debentures issued in Consideration other than Cash
  6. More on Problem 2: Debentures issued in Consideration other than Cash
  7. Issue of Debentures as Collateral Security
4.7: Issuance and Redemption of Debentures
  1. Redemption of Debentures
  2. Different Cases of Issuance and Redemption of Debentures
  3. Issuance of Debentures at Premium, Redeemable at Par
  4. Issuance of Debentures at Par, Redeemable at Premium
  5. Issuance of Debentures at Discount and Redeemable at Premium
  6. More on Issuance of Debentures at Discount and Redeemable at Premium
Chapter 5: Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves (21 videos)
5.1: Acquisition of a Running business
  1. Depreciation
  2. More on Depreciation
5.2: Methods of Calculating Depreciation
  1. Methods of Depreciation
  2. Problem 1: Machinery Account using Fixed Installment Method of Deprec
  3. Problem 2: Fixed Installment Method of Depreciation (Advance Level)
  4. More on Problem 2: Fixed Installment Method of Depreciation (Advance
  5. More on Problem 2: Fixed Installment Method of Depreciation (Advance
  6. Reducing or Diminishing Balance Method of Depreciation
  7. Sum of Year’s Digits Method
  8. Problem 3: Sum of Year’s Digits Method
  9. Annuity Method of Depreciation
  10. Sinking Fund Method of Depreciation
  11. Revaluation and Depletion Method of Depreciation
  12. Machine hour Rate and Mileage method of Depreciation
5.3: Effects of Depreciation
  1. Causes of Depreciation
  2. External Causes of Depreciation
  3. Accounting Entries for Depreciation
5.4: Reserve and Provision
  1. Reserve
  2. Provision
  3. Distinction between Provision and Reserve
  4. Distinction between Provision and Reserve-II
Chapter 6: Sole Proprietorship and Partnership (22 videos)
6.1: Proprietorship
  1. Proprietorship and its Accounting Treatment
  2. Comparison between Proprietorship and Partnership
6.2: Partnership
  1. Partnership and its kinds.
6.3: Distribution of Profit and Loss
  1. Partnership Agreement
  2. Clauses under Partnership Agreement
  3. More on Clauses under Partnership Agreement
  4. Partnership Rules in the Absence of an Agreement
  5. Entries for Disribution of Profit
  6. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account
  7. Interest on Capital and Drawings
  8. More on Interest on Capital and Drawings
  9. Fixed and Fluctuating Capital
  10. More on Fixed and Fluctuating Capital
  11. Change in Profit sharing ratio
  12. Average Profit Method of Goodwill
  13. Super Profit Method of Goodwill
  14. Capitalization Method of Goodwill
6.4: Problems
  1. Partnership Accounts – Numerical 1
  2. Partnership Accounts – More on Numerical 1
  3. Numerical 2: Profit/Loss Distribution under Partnership
  4. More on Numerical 2: Profit/Loss Distribution under Partnership
  5. More on Numerical 2: Profit/Loss Distribution under Partnership
Chapter 7: Partnership Accounts-Admission of a Partner (15 videos)
7.1: Admission of a Partner
  1. Admission of a New Partner
  2. Calculation of Sacrifice Ratio
  3. Example: Calculation of Gain or Sacrifice Ratio of old Partners
  4. Revaluation of Assets & Liabilities
  5. Goodwill on Admission: When Goodwill Account does not Exist
  6. Premium Method for the Treatment of Goodwill
  7. Revaluation and Memorandum Revaluation Method
  8. Goodwill on Admission: Where Goodwill Account already Exists
  9. Adjustment regarding Capital
  10. Treatment of Reserves on Admission of a New Partner
7.2: Problems
  1. Numerical 3: Journal Entries for Revaluation of Assets
  2. Numerical 4: Partnership-Admission of a Partner
  3. More on Numerical 4: Partnership-Admission of a Partner
  4. Numerical 5: Partnership-Revaluation Account on admission of a New Pa
  5. Numerical 6: Partnership-Balance Sheet on admission of a New Partner
Chapter 8: Partnership Accounts Retirement and Death (7 videos)
8.1: Retirement of Partners
  1. Retirement of a Partner
  2. Treatment of Goodwill on Retirement
  3. Payment to the Retiring Partner
8.2: Death of Partners
  1. Example: Deceased’s Share of Goodwill and Gaining Ratio
  2. Joint Life Policy
8.3: Problems
  1. Numerical: Partnership-Journal Entries on death of a Partner
  2. More on Numerical: Partnership-Journal Entries on death of a Partner
Chapter 9: Partnership Accounts Dissolution of the Firm (14 videos)
9.1: Dissolution of Partnership
  1. Dissolution of Partnership and Partnership Firm
  2. Accounting Treatment: Dissolution of Partnership Firm
  3. Modes of Dissolution of a Firm
  4. Dissolution of Partnership Firm by Court of Law
  5. Settlement of Accounts on Dissolution
  6. Realisation Account
  7. More on Realisation Account
  8. Treatment of Realisation Expenses
  9. Garner vs Murray Rule
  10. Dissolution of the Firm-When all partners are Insolvent
  11. Closing of Books in case Partners are Insolvent
9.2: Problems
  1. Numerical: Dissolution of the Firm
  2. Numerical: Accounts to close the Books (Realisation & Cash Accont)
  3. Numerical: Accounts to close the Books (Capital Accont)