
English Class-XI

Chapter 1: Grammar (222 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction)  (Practice Test)
  1. Parts of Speech (introduction)
  2. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
  8. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  9. Interjections (explanation with examples)
1.2: Types of Nouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Proper Nouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Common Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Concrete Nouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Abstract Nouns (explanation with examples)
  5. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-1
  6. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-2
  7. Singular and Plural Nouns (explanation with examples)
  8. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (explanation with examples)
  9. Collective Nouns (explanation with examples)
  10. Exercise-Collective Nouns
  11. Compound Nouns (explanation with examples)
  12. Exercise-Nouns-Mixed
  13. Abstract Noun (explanation/identify/underline)
  14. Abstract Noun (change form/make sentences)
  15. Collective Nouns (explanation/identify/make sentences)
1.3: Types of Pronouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Personal Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Possessive Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Relative Pronouns & antecedent(explanation with examples)
  4. More on Relative Pronouns
  5. Exercise-Relative Pronouns
  6. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-1
  7. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-2
  8. Exercise-Kinds of Pronouns Mixed
  9. Exercise-Pronoun Antecedent
  10. Kinds of Pronouns (personal/possessive)(explanation)
  11. Kinds of Pronouns (reflexive/indefinite)(explanation)
  12. Kinds of Pronouns (identify various pronouns in sentences)
  13. Relative Pronouns (explanation/fill in blanks/make sentences)
1.4: Types of Prepositions  (Practice Test)
  1. Prepositions (explanation with examples & exercise)
  2. Compound Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  3. Exercise-Compound Prepositions
  4. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  5. Compound Prepositions (explanation/fill in blanks)
1.5: Conjunctions  (Practice Test)
  1. Conjunctions(3 types)(explanation with examples)
1.6: Articles  (Practice Test)
  1. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Articles
  3. Articles (explanation/identify/insert articles)
1.7: Ellipses  (Practice Test)
  1. Ellipses (use of three dots) (explanation with examples)
  2. Ellipses (explanation/make sentences)
1.8: Kinds of Adjectives  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Kinds of Adjectives
  3. Order of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Order of Adjectives
  5. Degrees of Comparison (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Degrees of comparison
  7. Degrees of Comparison (explanation/complete the table/make sentences)
  8. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation)
  9. Kinds of Adjectives (change form/make sentences)
  10. Order of Adjectives (explanation/choose the correct phrase)
  11. Order of Adjectives (explanation/make sentences)
  12. Adjective Phrases(explanation/replace phrase by adjective/make senten
  13. Adverb Phrases(explanation/replace phrase by adjective/make sentences)
  14. Adjective Clauses (explanation/identify/fill blanks)
  15. More on Adjective Clauses
1.9: Kinds and Positions of Adverbs in a Senetence  (Practice Test)
  1. Modal Verbs (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Modal Verbs
  3. Exercise-Modal Verbs
  4. Kinds of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  5. More on Kinds of Adverbs
  6. Position of Adverbs in a sentence (explanation with examples)
  7. Position of a Single Adverb in a Sentence
  8. Degrees of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  9. Modal Verbs (explanation/use of modal verbs to describe various situa
  10. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  11. Kinds of Adverbs/Position of Adverbs (explanation/place adverbs in co
  12. Adverbial Clauses Types (explanation with examples)
  13. More on Adverbial Clauses
1.10: Types of Sentences  (Practice Test)
  1. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  2. Statements (explanation with examples)
  3. Imperative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  4. Excalamatory Sentences (explanation with examples)
  5. Interrogative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  6. Optative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  7. Exercise-Types of Sentences
  8. Simple Sentences (explanation with examples)
  9. Compound Sentences (explanation with examples)
  10. Complex Sentences (explanation with examples)
  11. Compound-Complex Sentences (explanation with examples)
  12. Exercise-Sentences Mixed
  13. Types of Sentences-Exclamatory/Assertive etc (explanation)
  14. Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences(identify/write)
1.11: Phrases and Clauses  (Practice Test)
  1. Phrase (explanation with examples)
  2. Noun, Verb, Prepositional Phrases (explanation with examples)
  3. Adjective Phrase (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Adjective Phrase
  5. Adverb Phrase (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercie-Adverb Phrase
  7. Independent/Dependent Clauses (explanation with examples)
  8. Exercise-Independent & Dependent Clause
  9. Exercise-Comma Clause
  10. Noun Clause (explanation with examples)
  11. Adjective Clause (explanation with examples)
  12. Exercise-Adjective Clause-1
  13. Exercise-Adjective Clause-2
  14. Adverb Clause (explanation with examples)
  15. Exercise-Adverb Clause-1
  16. Exercise-Adverb Clause-2
  17. Use of Comma with Clauses (explanation with examples)
  18. Independent/Dependent Clauses (explanation/identify/fill table)
  19. Use of Comma to Separate Clauses(explanation/correct sentences)
1.12: Kinds of Verbs and their Forms  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  2. Intransitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  3. Auxilliary Verb (explantion with examples)
  4. Linking Verbs (explantion with examples)
  5. Finite Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Non-Finite Verbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Present and Past participle (explanation with examples)
  8. Exercise-Present & Past Participles
  9. Gerund (explanation with examples)
  10. Gerunds(explanation/complete phrases/make sentences)
  11. Infinitive (explanation with examples)
  12. Use of Infinitives(explanation/make sentences)
  13. More on Use of Infinitives
  14. Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
  15. Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
1.13: Tense, Aspect and Mood  (Practice Test)
  1. Relation of Tense, Aspect and Mood with Verb (explanation )
  2. Verb Tense (types of tenses) (explanation with examples)
  3. Verb Aspect Versus Verb Tense (explanation with examples)
  4. Verbal Aspect-Simple/Indefinite (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbal Aspect-Continuous/Progressive (explanation with examples)
  6. Verbal Aspect-Perfect (explanation with examples)
  7. Verbal Aspect-Perfect Continuous (explanation with examples)
  8. Verbal Mood (3 types) (explanation with examples)
1.14: Present Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  4. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Present Perfect Tense (Uses&Formation)
  6. Present Perfect Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation & examples)
1.15: Past Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  3. Past Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation)
  4. Past Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  5. Past perfect Tense (Uses&Formation)
  6. Past perfect Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  7. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation & examples)
1.16: Future Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  2. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Future Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation) (explanation with examples)
  4. Future Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Future Perfect Tense(Uses&Formation) (explanation with examples)
  6. Future Perfect Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  7. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation & exampl
  8. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  9. Tenses/Aspect Table (all tenses in one table)
  10. More on Tenses/Aspect Table
  11. Exercise-Tenses-Mixed
1.17: Conditionals Type- I, II and III  (Practice Test)
  1. Conditionals-Type 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Conditionals-Senetences Table (explanation with examples)
  3. More on Conditionals-Senetences Table(Type Zero, 1,2,3,Mixed)
  4. Exercise-Conditionals
  5. Conditionals-Type 1,2&3 (explanation with examples/fill blanks)
1.18: Active and Passive Voice  (Practice Test)
  1. Active and Passive Voice (explanation with examples)
  2. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 1 (explanation & examples)
  3. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 2 (explanation & examples)
  4. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 3 (explanation & examples)
  5. Active and Passive Voice Table Part 4 (explanation & examples)
  6. Exercise-Active & Passive Voice
1.19: Subject-Verb Agreement  (Practice Test)
  1. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
  3. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 5 (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Subject Verb Agreement
  7. Subject-Verb Agreement (identyify/fill in blanks)
  8. More on Subject-Verb Agreement (1)
  9. More on Subject-Verb Agreement (2)
1.20: Transitional Devices  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitional Devices (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Transitional Devices
  3. Exercise Transitional Devices
  4. Transitional Devices (explanation/fill blanks)
1.21: Direct/Indirect Narration  (Practice Test)
  1. Direct/Indirect Narration (explanation/change form)
  2. Direct/Indirect Narration Tense-1 (explanation/change form)
  3. Direct/Indirect Narration Tense-2
  4. Direct/Indirect Narration Tense-3
1.22: Punctuation  (Practice Test)
  1. Ways to End a Sentence (full stop, comma, exclamation)
  2. Commas with Simple Series, Oxford comma and Adjectives (Rule 1 and 2)
  3. Commas with Clauses (Rule 3)
  4. Commas with Clauses and Introductory Phrases (Rule 4 to 5)
  5. Commas with Introductory Phrases and Nonessential Parts of a Sentence
  6. Appositive Commas (Rule 9)
  7. Commas with Phrases, Dates and Addresses (Rule 10 to 13)
  8. Commas with Degrees, Titles and Direct Speech (Rule 14 to 16)
  9. Commas with Direct Speech, Contrasting Parts and Introductory Items (
  10. Punctuating Salutations and Valedictions
  11. Punctuating Dates
  12. Punctuating Addresses
  13. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  14. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  15. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
  16. Identify Plural Possession (Rule 6 to7)
  17. Apostrophes with Singular and Plural Compound Possessives (Rule 8 to
  18. Apostrophes with Possesive Adjectives (Rule 12)
  19. Apostrophes with Contractions(Rule 13)
  20. Apostrophes with Single or More capital Letters, Time and Money (Rule
  21. Apostrophes versus Single quotation Mark and False Possessives (Rule
  22. Colons with Series of Items (Rule 1-3)
  23. Colons with Vertical Lists and Series of Items (Rule 4-5)
  24. Colons with Direct Speech (Rule 6-8)
  25. Semicolons with Clauses (Rule 1 and 2)
  26. Semicolons with Conjunctions and Series of Items (Rule 3 to 6)
  27. Italics, Underlining and Quotes in Titles
  28. Use of Parenthesis
  29. Use of Parenthesis and Brackets
  30. Use of Dashes
  31. Use of Hyphens Part-1
  32. Use of Hyphens Part-2
  33. Use of Hyphens Part-3
  34. Punctuating a Passage Part-1
  35. Punctuating a Passage Part-2
Chapter 2: Writing Skills (73 videos)
2.1: Summary Writing
  1. Summary Writing Intro and Steps (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Summary Skills-1
  3. Exercise-Summary Skills-2
  4. Exercise-Summary Skills-3
  5. Summary (explanation with practice using short poems)
  6. Summary Steps with Flow Chart (explanation)
  7. Summary of a Poem(Daffodils) (reading/outlining/checking/writing)
  8. Summary of a Short Passage (reading/outlining/checking/writing)
  9. Summary of a Long Passage (reading/outlining/checking/writing)
  10. More on Summary of a Long Passage
2.2: Paraphrasing
  1. Paraphrasing Intro-Sample (writing a paraphrase of a story)
  2. More on paraphrasing Intro-Sample
  3. Paraphrasing the Stanzas of a Poem (editing/writing)
  4. Paraphrasing (explanation with examples)
  5. More on Paraphrasing
2.3: Paragaraph Writing
  1. Paragaraph Writing Intro-Outline (explanation with examples)
  2. Paragraph Writing Sample(writing of a paragraph)
  3. Paragaraph Writing Skills (explanation/demonstration)
  4. More on Paragraph Writing (1)
  5. More on Paragraph Writing (2)
2.4: Essay Writing
  1. Essay Writing -Intro with Essay Types (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Essay Writing
  3. Steps for writing an Essay (explanation with examples)
  4. More on Steps for writing an Essay
  5. Essay Writing (Steps to Follow/types of essays)(explanation)
  6. More on Essay Writing Steps to Follow
  7. An Essay on Quaid-e-Azam our National Hero (mind map/outline/writing)
  8. Important Essay Topics( guessing the type of essay)
  9. Formal/Informal-Non-fictional/Fictional Essay (explanation)
2.5: Mind Mapping
  1. Mind Map (developing of a mind map)
  2. How to Develop a Mind Map (filling a mind map/explanation)
2.6: Argumentative Essay
  1. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-3(writing of essay)
  4. Persuasive/Argumentative Essay Comparison(explanation with table)
  5. A Sample Persuasive Essay (explanation)
  6. A Sample Argumentative Essay (explanation)
2.7: Narrative Essay
  1. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-3 (writing of essay)
  4. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-4 (writing of essay)
  5. A Sample Personal Narrative Essay (explanation/mind map/outline)
2.8: Character Sketch
  1. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
2.9: Descriptive Essay
  1. Descriptive Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
  3. More on Character Sketch
  4. Descriptive/Narrative Essay Comparison & Expository/Descriptive Mindm
2.10: Cause and Effect Essay
  1. Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. More on Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  3. A Sample Cause and Effect Essay (mind map/outline/writing)
  4. More on A Cause and Effect Essay
2.11: Comparison and Contrast Essay
  1. Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample(writing of essay)
  2. More on Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  3. A Sample Comparison and Contrast Essay (outline/explanation)
  4. More on A Comparison and Contrast Essay
2.12: Letter Format & Types
  1. Letter Types and Format(explanation with examples)
  2. Letter Writing Format (discussion with sample)
  3. Letter writing Steps (discussion)
  4. Formal/Informal Letter Comparison & Parts in Detail (discussion)
2.13: Formal Letter (Application)
  1. Formal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
  2. A Sample Formal Letter/Application (outline/explanation)
  3. More on A Formal Letter
2.14: Informal Letter
  1. Informal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
2.15: Email
  1. Email Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
2.16: Book Review
  1. Book Review Intro and Tips (explanation with examples)
  2. Book Review Sample (discussion of sample)
  3. Book Reviews on Hellen Keller’s 2 Books (explanation)
  4. Book Review (Importance and tips to write book reviews-Explanation)
2.17: Dialogue Writing
  1. Dialogue Writing Part 1
  2. Dialogue Writing Part 2
  3. Dialogue Writing Part 3
  4. Dialogue Writing Part 4
  5. Dialogue Writing Part 5
Chapter 3: Vocabulary (56 videos)
3.1: Vocabulary (based on syllabus)
  1. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 6
  7. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 7
  8. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 8
  9. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 9
  10. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 10
  11. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 11
  12. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 12
  13. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 13
  14. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 14
  15. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 15
  16. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 16
  17. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 17
  18. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 18
  19. Vocabulary Words (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 19
  20. Vocabulary Words (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 20
  21. Vocabulary Words (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 21
3.2: Word Pairs
  1. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 6
  7. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 7
  8. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 8
  9. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 9
  10. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 10
  11. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 11
  12. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 12
  13. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 13
  14. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 14
  15. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 15
  16. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 16
  17. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 17
  18. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 18
  19. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 19
  20. Word Pairs (5)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 20
3.3: Proverbs and Stories
  1. Proverb and Story Part 1
  2. Proverb and Story Part 2
  3. Proverb and Story Part 3
  4. Proverb and Story Part 4
  5. Proverb and Story Part 5
3.4: Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
  1. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  2. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  3. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  4. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  5. Idioms (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
  6. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 1
  7. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 2
  8. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 3
  9. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 4
  10. Phrasal Verbs (10)- [meanings & Sentences] Part 5
Chapter 4: Essay Outlines (15 videos)
4.1: Essay Outlines (with explanation)
  1. Essay Outline (Women Education) Part 1
  2. Essay Outline (Women Education) Part 2
  3. Essay Outline (Women Education) Part 3
  4. Essay Outline (Social Media) Part 1
  5. Essay Outline (Social Media) Part 2
  6. Essay Outline (Social Media) Part 3
  7. Essay Outline (Corruption) Part 1
  8. Essay Outline (Corruption) Part 2
  9. Essay Outline (Corruption) Part 3
  10. Essay Outline (Pollution) Part 1
  11. Essay Outline (Pollution) Part 2
  12. Essay Outline (Education) Part 1
  13. Essay Outline (Education) Part 2
  14. Essay Outline (Education) Part 3
  15. Essay Outline (Education) Part 4
Chapter 5: Short Stories (18 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Short Stories (Summaries and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. Button Button Summary
  2. Button Button Q & A
  3. Birkenhead Drill Summary
  4. Birkenhead Drill Q & A
  5. The Stuffed Trout Summary
  6. The Stuffed Trout Q & A
  7. The Man who was a Hospital
  8. The Man who was a Hospital Q & A
  9. The Dying Sun Summary
  10. The Dying Sun Q & A Part 1
  11. The Dying Sun Q & A Part 2
  12. The Devoted Friend Summary
  13. The Devoted Friend Q & A Part 1
  14. The Devoted Friend Q & A Part 2
  15. Hitch-Hicking Across the Sahara Summary
  16. Hitch-Hicking Across the Sahara Q & A Part 1
  17. Hitch-Hicking Across the Sahara Q & A Part 2
  18. M. A. Jinnah: A Great States Man Q & A
Chapter 6: Plays (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Plays (Summaries, Analysis and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. The Oyster and the Pearl Summary and Analysis Part 1
  2. The Oyster and the Pearl Summary and Analysis Part 2
  3. The Oyster and the Pearl Q & A Part 1
  4. The Oyster and the Pearl Q & A Part 2
  5. Progress Summary Part 1
  6. Progress Summary Part 2
  7. Progress Q & A Part 1
  8. Progress Q & A Part 2
  9. Progress Q & A Part 3
  10. Dear Departed Summary
  11. Dear Departed Q & A Part 1
  12. Dear Departed Q & A Part 2
  13. True Friendship Summary Part 1
  14. True Friendship Summary Part 2
  15. True Friendship Q & A Part 1
  16. True Friendship Q & A Part 2
  17. King Lear Summary
  18. King Lear Character Analysis Part 1
  19. King Lear Character Analysis Part 2
  20. King Lear Q & A Part 1
  21. King Lear Q & A Part 2
  22. King Lear Q & A Part 3
  23. King Lear Q & A Part 4
  24. King Lear Q & A Part 5
  25. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb Summary
  26. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb Q & A Part 1
  27. Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb Q & A Part 2
Chapter 7: Poems (26 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Poems (Summaries, Analysis, Themes and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. Night Mail Summary Part 1
  2. Night Mail Summary Part 2
  3. Night Mail Q & A Part 1
  4. Night Mail Q & A Part 2
  5. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Summary
  6. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Q & A Part 1
  7. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Q & A Part 2
  8. Sonnet-Westminster Bridge Q & A Part 3
  9. We are Seven Summary Part 1
  10. We are Seven Summary Part 2
  11. We are Seven Themes Part 1
  12. We are Seven Themes Part 2
  13. We are Seven Themes Part 3
  14. September, The First Day of School Summary Part 1
  15. September, The First Day of School Summary Part 2
  16. September, The First Day of School Summary Part 3
  17. September, The First Day of School Themes
  18. Endymion Summary and Analysis Part 1
  19. Endymion Summary and Analysis Part 2
  20. Endymion Summary and Analysis Part 3
  21. Endymion Questions and Answers
  22. One Way of Love Summary
  23. One Way of Love Analysis
  24. If Summary
  25. If Analysis Part 1
  26. If Analysis Part 2
Chapter 8: Novels (19 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Novel (Summary, Themes, Characters and Q & A)  (Practice Test)
  1. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 1
  2. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 2
  3. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 3
  4. Goodbye Mr. Chips Summary Part 4
  5. Character of Mr. Chips Part 1
  6. Character of Mr. Chips Part 2
  7. Character of Mr. Chips Part 3
  8. Character of Katherine Bridges Part 1
  9. Character of Katherine Bridges Part 2
  10. Character of Mr. Ralston
  11. Character of Mrs. Wicketts
  12. Goodbye Mr. Chips Short Q & A Part 1
  13. Goodbye Mr. Chips Short Q & A Part 2
  14. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Humour
  15. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Anti-War Part 1
  16. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Anti-War Part 2
  17. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Farewell Speech: Always Stay Positive Part 1
  18. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Farewell Speech: Always Stay Positive Part 2
  19. Goodbye Mr. Chips Theme: Changing World

Math Class-XI

Chapter 1: Sets (128 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Revision  (Practice Test)
  1. Set Definition
  2. Problem-Set Definition
  3. Set Notation & its Characteristics
  4. Problem-Set Notation & its Characteristics
  5. Definition & Notation of Some Important Sets
  6. Order of a Set
  7. Problem-Order of a Set
  8. Interval Notation of a Set
1.2: A Few Definitions  (Practice Test)
  1. Equal & Equivalent Sets
  2. Problem 1: Equal & Equivalent Sets
  3. Subset Definition
  4. Problem 1: Subset Definition
  5. Problem-Subset Definition
  6. Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  7. Problem 1: Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  8. Properties of Subset
  9. Problem 1: Properties of Subset
  10. Power Set
  11. Problem 1: Power Set
  12. Universal Set
  13. Introduction to Ordered Pairs
1.3: Operations on Sets  (Practice Test)
  1. Union of Two Sets
  2. Problem 1: Union of Two Sets
  3. Exhaustive Sets and Cells
  4. Intersection of Set
  5. Problem 1: Intersection of Set
  6. Difference of Sets
  7. Problem 1: Difference of Sets
  8. Symmetric Difference of two sets
  9. Problem 1: Symmetric Difference of two sets
  10. Complement of a Set
  11. Problem 1: Complement of a Set
  12. Double Complementation Law
  13. Problem-Double Complementation Law
  14. Cartesian Product of Sets
  15. Problem 1: Cartesian Product of Sets
1.4: Properties of Operations on Sets  (Practice Test)
  1. Commutative Law of Union of Sets
  2. Problem 1: Commutative Law of Union of Sets
  3. Commutative Law of Intersection of Sets
  4. Problem 1: Commutative Law of Intersection of Sets
  5. Intersection Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  6. Problem 1: Intersection Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  7. Intersection Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  8. Problem 1: Intersection Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  9. Intersection Associativity for Sets
  10. More on Intersection Associativity for Sets
  11. Problem 1: Intersection Associativity for Sets
  12. Problem 1: More on Intersection Associativity for Sets
  13. Union Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  14. Problem 1: Union Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  15. Union Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  16. Problem 1: Union Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  17. Union Associativity for Sets
  18. Problem 1: Union Associativity for Sets
  19. More on Union Associativity for Set
  20. Problem 1: More on Union Associativity for Set
  21. Distributivity of Union Over Intersection of Sets
  22. Problem 1: Distributivity of Union Over Intersection of Sets
  23. Distributivity of Intersection Over Union of Sets
  24. Problem 1: Distributivity of Intersection Over Union of Sets
  25. Introducing Field
  26. Problem-Introducing Field
  27. Distributive Property of Cartesian Product Over Union
  28. Problem-Distributive Property of Cartesian Product Over Union
  29. Distributive Property of Cartesian Product Over Intersection
  30. Problem-Distributive Property of Cartesian Product Over Intersection
  31. Distributive Property of Cartesian Product Over Difference
  32. Problem-Distributive Property of Cartesian Product Over Difference
  33. Identity With Respect to Intersection
  34. Problem-Identity With Respect to Intersection
1.5: Some Important Laws  (Practice Test)
  1. Identity Laws
  2. Problem-Identity Laws
  3. Laws of Complement
  4. Problem-Laws of Complement
  5. Some Important Laws
  6. Problem-Some Important Laws
  7. Demorgans Law for Overlapping Sets
  8. Problem 1: Demorgans Law for Overlapping Sets
  9. Demorgans Law for Disjoint Sets
  10. Problem 1: Demorgans Law for Disjoint Sets
  11. Demorgans Law for Set & its Subset
  12. Problem 1: Demorgans Law for Set & its Subset
  13. Introduction to Binary Relation
  14. Problem-Introduction to Binary Relation
  15. Problem 1: Introduction to Binary Relation
  16. Domain & Range of Binary Relation
  17. Problem 1: Domain & Range of Binary Relation
  18. Problem-Domain & Range of Binary Relation
  19. Introduction to Binary Operations
  20. Problem-Introduction to Binary Operations
  21. Multiplication Table
  22. Problem-Multiplication Table
  23. Operations on Residue Classes Modulo n
  24. Problem-Operations on Residue Classes Modulo n
  25. Properties of Binary Operations
  26. Problem-Properties of Binary Operations
  27. Theorems on Binary Operation
  28. More on Theorems on Binary Operation
  29. Problem-Theorems on Binary Operation
  30. Introduction to Function
  31. More on Introduction to Functions
  32. Problem 1: Introduction to Function
  33. Problem-Introduction to Function
  34. Problem3-Introduction to Function
  35. Problem4-Introduction to Function
  36. Implied Domain
  37. Finding Domain and Range of Functions
  38. Types of Relations
  39. Operations on Functions
  40. Into Function
  41. Problem 1: Into Function
  42. Problem-Into Function
  43. Onto Function
  44. Problem 1: Onto Function
  45. Problem-Onto Function
  46. One to One Function
  47. Problem 1: One to One Function
  48. Problem-One to One Correspondence
  49. Bijective Function
  50. Problem 1: Bijective Function
  51. Problem-Bijective Function
  52. Injective Function
  53. Problem 1: Injective Function
  54. Problem-Injective Function
  55. One-One Function
  56. Problem-One-One Function
  57. Set Builder Notation for a Function
  58. Problem-Set Builder Notation for a Function
Chapter 2: Real and Complex Number Systems (143 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Real Numbers
  2. Problem-Introduction to Real Numbers
  3. Depiction of Real Number on Number Line
2.2: Development of Number Systems  (Practice Test)
  1. Negative Numbers
  2. Integers
  3. Introduction to Rational Numbers
  4. Problem 1: Introduction to Rational Numbers
  5. Introduction to Irrational Numbers
  6. Problem 1: Introduction to Irrational Numbers
  7. Introduction to Real Numbers
  8. Problem-Introduction to Real Numbers
2.3: Distinction of Between Rational and Irrational Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Presenting Rational Numbers on Number Line
  2. Problem-Decimal Representation of Rational Number
  3. Presenting Irrational Numbers on Number Line
  4. Problem-Decimal Representation of Irrational Number
  5. Problem 1: Presenting Irrational Numbers on Number Line
  6. Proving Square Root of Prime Number is Irrational Number
  7. Problem-Proving Square Root of Prime Number is Irrational Number
2.4: The Real Number System  (Practice Test)
  1. Closure law of Whole Numbers Addition and Multiplication
  2. Closure law of Whole Numbers Subtraction and Division
  3. Closure law of Integers Addition, Multiplication & Subtraction
  4. Closure law of Integers Division
  5. Problem 1: Closure law of Integers Addition, Multiplication & Subtrac
  6. Closure Law of Rational Numbers
  7. Closure law of Rational Numbers Subtraction and Division
  8. Problem-Closure Law of Rational Numbers
  9. Problem 1: Closure Law of Rational Numbers
  10. Closure law of Irrational Numbers Addition and Subtraction
  11. Closure law of Irrational Numbers Multiplication and Division
  12. Commutative Law
  13. Commutative law under Subtration and Division
  14. Problem-Commutative Law
  15. Associative Law
  16. Associative law of Subtraction and Division
  17. Problem-Associative Law
  18. Problem 1: Associative Law
  19. Additive Identity & Additive Inverse
  20. Problem-Additive Identity & Additive Inverse
  21. Problem 1: Additive Identity & Additive Inverse
  22. Multiplicative Identity & Inverse
  23. Problem-Multiplicative Identity & Inverse
  24. Problem 1: Multiplicative Identity & Inverse
  25. Distributive Law
  26. Distributive Property of Multiplication over Subtraction
  27. Problem-Distributive Law
  28. Problem 1: Distributive Law
  29. Problem 1: Distributive law of Multiplication over Subtraction
  30. Trichotomy Property of Inequality
  31. Problem-Trichotomy Property of Inequality
  32. Problem 1: Trichotomy Property of Inequality
  33. Reflexive And Symmetric Property of Equality
  34. Problem-Reflexive And Symmetric Property of Equality
  35. Transitive Property of Equality
  36. Problem-Transitive Property of Equality
  37. Problem 1: Transitive Property of Equality
  38. Additive Property of Equality
  39. Problem-Additive Property of Equality
  40. Multiplicative Property of Equality
  41. Problem-Multiplicative Property of Equality
  42. Cancellation Property of Equality
  43. Problem-Cancellation Property of Equality
  44. Problem 1: Cancellation Property of Equality
  45. Density Property
  46. Problem-Density Property
  47. Archimedian Property of Inequality
  48. Problem-Transitive Property of Inequality
  49. Problem 1: Transitive Property of Inequality
  50. Additive Property of Inequality
  51. Problem-Additive Property of Inequality
  52. Multiplicative Property of Inequality
  53. Problem 1: Multiplicative Property of Inequality
  54. Inequality Multiplicative Inverse
  55. Problem-Inequality Multiplicative Inverse
  56. Indeterminate Form
  57. Golden Rule of Fractions
  58. Principle of Equality of Fractions
  59. Rule for Quotient of Fractrions
2.5: The System C of Complex Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Complex Number Introduction
  2. Problem-Complex Number Introduction
  3. Problem 1: Complex Number Introduction
  4. Definition of Complex Number
  5. Problem 1: Definition of Complex Number
  6. Problem-Definition of Complex Number
  7. Equality of Complex Number
  8. Problem 1: Equality of Complex Number
  9. Problem-Equality of Complex Number
  10. Addition of Complex Number
  11. Problem 1: Addition of Complex Number
  12. Problem-Addition of Complex Number
  13. Multiplication of Complex with Scalar Numbers
  14. Problem 1: Multiplication of Complex with Scalar Numbers
  15. Problem-Scalar Multiplication of Complex Numbers
  16. Multiplication of Complex Numbers
  17. Problem 1: Multiplication of Complex Numbers
  18. Problem-Multiplication of Complex Numbers
2.6: Properties of Complex Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Commutative Property of Complex Numbers
  2. Problem-Commutative Property of Complex Numbers
  3. Associative Property of Complex Numbers
  4. Problem-Associative Property of Complex Numbers
  5. The Distributive Property of Complex Numbers
  6. Problem-The Distributive Property of Complex Numbers
  7. Additive Identity and Multiplicative Identity of Complex Numbers
  8. Problem-Additive Identity and Multiplicative Identity of Complex Numb
  9. Additive Inverse and Multiplicative Inverse of Complex Numbers
  10. Problem-Additive Inverse and Multiplicative Inverse of Complex Numbers
  11. Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations with Complex Co-efficients
  12. Problem-Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations with Complex Co-eff
  13. Expression of the Polynomial P ( z ) as a Product of Linear Factors
  14. Problem-Expression of the Polynomial P ( z ) as a Product of Linear F
  15. Quadratic Equation of Complex Variables
  16. Problem-Quadratic Equation of Complex Variables
2.7: Definition of Imaginary Numbers
  1. Complex Numbers as Ordered Pairs of Real Numbers
  2. Problem 1: Definition of Complex Number
2.8: Conjugate of Complex Numbers
  1. Conjugate of Complex Number
  2. Problem 1: Conjugate of Complex Number
  3. Problem 2: Conjugate of Complex Number
  4. Problem-Conjugate of Complex Number
2.9: Modulus of a Complex Number  (Practice Test)
  1. Modulus of Complex Number
  2. Problem-Modulus of Complex Number
  3. Theorems on Complex Number
  4. More on Theorems on Complex Numbers
  5. Problem-Theorems on Complex Number
2.10: The Subtraction of Complex Numbers
  1. Subtraction of Complex Numbers
  2. Problem 1: Subtraction of Complex Numbers
  3. Problem-Subtraction of Complex Numbers
2.11: The Division of Complex Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Division of Complex Numbers
  2. Problem 1: Division of Complex Numbers
  3. Problem-Division of Complex Numbers
  4. Division Property of Complex Numbers
  5. Problem 1: Division Property of Complex Numbers
  6. Problem-Division Property of Complex Numbers
2.12: Geometrical Representation of the Complex Number x + iy as Pair of Real Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Argand Diagram
  2. Problem-Argand Diagram
  3. Modulus of Complex Number
  4. Problem-Modulus of Complex Number
2.13: The Order Relations
  1. The Order Relations
  2. Problem-The Order Relations
2.14: Vector Interpretation of Complex Numbers
  1. Vector Interpretation of Complex Numbers
  2. Problem-Vector Interpretation of Complex Numbers
2.15: The Triangle Inequality
  1. The Triangle Inequality
  2. Problem-The Triangle Inequality
2.16: Real and Imaginary Parts of ( x + iy ) Power n
  1. Real and Imaginary parts of Expression of Power n
  2. Problem-Real and Imaginary parts of Expression of Power n
Chapter 3: Equations (92 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Quadratic Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Polynomials
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Polynomials
  3. Linear Equations in one, two and three variables
  4. Problem 1: Linear Equations in one, two and three variables
  5. Quadratic Equations in One Variable
  6. Problem 1: Quadratic Equations in One Variable
3.2: Factor Theorem of Polynomials  (Practice Test)
  1. Remainder Theorem
  2. Problem 1: Remainder Theorem
  3. Factor Theorem
  4. Problem 2: Factor Theorem
  5. Problem 1: Factor Theorem
3.3: Synthetic Division
  1. Synthetic Division Method
3.4: Solution of Quadratic Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization
  2. Problem 1: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization
  3. Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Squares
  4. Problem 1: Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Squares
  5. Problem 2: Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Squares
  6. Derivation of Quadratic formula
  7. Problem 1: Derivation of Quadratic formula
  8. Solving Quadratic Equation by Quadratic formula
  9. Problem1-Solving Quadratic Equation-Quadratic Formula
  10. Problem 2: Solving Quadratic Equation by Quadratic formula
  11. Problem-Solving Involving Quadratic Equations
3.5: The Cube Roots of Unity
  1. The Cube Roots of Unity
  2. Problem 1: The Cube Roots of Unity
3.6: Properties of the Cube Roots of Unity  (Practice Test)
  1. Recognise Complex Cube Roots of Unity
  2. Properties of Cube Roots of Unity
  3. Problem 1: Properties of Cube Roots of Unity
3.7: Equations Reducible to the Quadratic Form  (Practice Test)
  1. Solving Equation Having Degree 2n
  2. Problem-Solving Equation Having Degree 2n
  3. Problem2-Solving Equation Having Degree 2n
  4. Solving Equation Having Degree Four
  5. Solving Rational Equations
  6. Solving Reciprocal Algebraic Equation
  7. Problem 1: Solving Reciprocal Algebraic Equation
  8. Solving Exponential Equations
  9. Solving Algebraic Equations in Products Factors
  10. Equations with Different Exponential Functions
  11. More on Equations with Different Exponential Functions
  12. Problem-Equations with Different Exponential Functions
  13. Equations with Special Base e
  14. Problem-Equations with Special Base e
  15. Exponential Modelling
  16. Problem1-Exponential Modelling
  17. Problem2-Exponential Modelling
  18. Equations Containing Logarithms
  19. Problem-Equations Containing Logarithms
  20. Disguised Quadratic Equations
  21. Problem-Disguised Quadratic Equations
3.8: The Theory of Quadratic Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. The Theory of Quadratic Equations
  2. More on the Theory of Quadratic Equations
  3. Problem-The Theory of Quadratic Equations
3.9: Nature of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation  (Practice Test)
  1. Discriminant of Quadratic Expression
  2. Problem 1: Discriminant of Quadratic Expression
  3. Finding Discriminant of Quadratic Equation
  4. Problem 1: Finding Discriminant of Quadratic Equation
  5. Nature of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  6. Problem 1: Nature of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  7. Quadratic Function
  8. Geometrical Interpretation and the Discriminant
  9. Problem1-Geometrical Interpretation and the Discriminant-1
  10. Problem1-Geometrical Interpretation and the Discriminant-2
  11. Problem2-Geometrical Interpretation and the Discriminant-1
  12. Verification of Nature of Roots of Equation
  13. Finding s when Nature of Roots is given
  14. Finding s when Nature of Roots is given
  15. Problem 1: Finding s when Nature of Roots is given
3.10: Relaltions Between the Roots and the Coefficient of a Quadratic Equation
  1. Roots & Coefficients of Quadratic Equation
  2. Problem 1: Roots & Coefficients of Quadratic Equation
3.11: To Form a Quadratic Equation When its Roots are Given  (Practice Test)
  1. Finding Sum of Roots from Their Product
  2. Problem 1: Finding Sum of Roots from Their Product
  3. Roots Satisfy a Given Relation
  4. Sum & Product of Roots Equal to a Number.
  5. Find a Quadratic Equation from Given Roots
  6. Form Quadratic Equations Whose Roots are Given
  7. Problem 1: Form Quadratic Equations Whose Roots are Given
3.12: Problems Involving Quadratic Equations
  1. Problem Leading to Quadratic Equations.
  2. Problem 1: Problem Leading to Quadratic Equations.
3.13: System of Two Equations Involving Two Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Solving Simultaneaous Quadratic Equations
  2. Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
  3. Problem-Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
  4. System of Two Equations Involving Two Variables
  5. Problem-System of Two Equations Involving Two Variables
3.14: Solution of Different Types of Systems of Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
  2. Problem-Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
  3. Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 1
  4. Problem-Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 1
  5. Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 2
  6. Case2-Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 2
  7. Case3-Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 2
  8. Case4-Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 2
  9. Case5-Solving 2nd Degree Equations in General Form Type 2
Chapter 4: Matrices and Determinants (139 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Introduction
  1. Introduction to Matrix
  2. More on Introducing Matrix
  3. Problem 1: Introduction to Matrix
4.2: Matrices  (Practice Test)
  1. More on Introducing Matrix
  2. Order of Matrix
  3. Problem 1: Order of Matrix
  4. Location of elements in Matrix
  5. Problem 1: Location of elements in Matrix
  6. Row Matrix and Column Matrix
  7. Problem 1: Row Matrix and Column Matrix
  8. Square Matrix and Rectangular Matrix
  9. Problem 1: Square Matrix and Rectangular Matrix
4.3: Notation  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Matrix
  3. Transpose of a Matrix
  4. Problem 1: Transpose of a Matrix
4.4: Special Types of Matrices  (Practice Test)
  1. Null Matrix or Zero Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Null Matrix or Zero Matrix
  3. Practical Application of Matrices
  4. Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices
  5. Problem 1: Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices
  6. Problem2-Symmetric & Skew-Symmetric Matrices
  7. Hermitian and Skew Hermitian Matrix
  8. Problem-Hermitian and Skew Hermitian Matrix
  9. Triangular Matrices
  10. Problem-Triangular Matrices
  11. Diagonal Matrix
  12. Problem 1: Diagonal Matrix
  13. Scalar Matrix
  14. Problem 1: Scalar Matrix
  15. Identity Matrix
  16. Problem 1: Identity Matrix
  17. Adjoint of a Matrix
  18. Problem 1: Adjoint of a Matrix
4.5: Algebra of Matrices  (Practice Test)
  1. Equal Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Equal Matrices
  3. Problem 2: Equal Matrices
  4. Addition of Matrices
  5. Problem 1: Addition of Matrices
  6. Subtraction of Matrices
  7. Problem 1: Subtraction of Matrices
  8. Multiplication of Matrix by a Real Number
  9. Problem 1: Multiplication of Matrix by a Real Number
  10. Multiplication of Matrices
  11. More on Multiplication of Matrices
  12. Problem 1: Multiplication of Matrices
  13. Problem 2: Multiplication of Matrices
  14. Problem3-Multiplication of Matrices
4.6: Properties of Matrix Operation  (Practice Test)
  1. Property for whole transpose of product of Matrices
  2. Property for Whole Inverse of Product of Matrices
  3. More on Property for Whole Inverse of Product of Matrices
  4. Problem 1: Property for whole transpose of product of Matrices
  5. Commutative Law under Addition for Matrices
  6. Problem 1: Commutative Law under Addition for Matrices
  7. Associaitve Law under Addition for Matrices
  8. Problem 1: Associaitve Law under Addition for Matrices
  9. Additive Identity of a Matrix
  10. Problem 1: Additive Identity of a Matrix
  11. Additive Inverse of a Matrix
  12. Problem 1: Additive Inverse of a Matrix
  13. Commutative Law of Multiplication of Matrices
  14. Problem 1: Commutative Law of Multiplication of Matrices
  15. Negative of Matrix
  16. Problem 1: Negative of Matrix
  17. Prove That c(AB) = (cA)B = A(cB)
  18. Problem-Prove That c(AB) = (cA)B = A(cB)
  19. Properties of Scalar Multiplication
  20. Associative law under Multiplication of matrices
  21. Problem 1: Associative law under Multiplication of matrices
  22. Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition for Matrices
  23. Problem 1: Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition for Matri
  24. Multiplicative Identity of a Matrix
  25. Problem 1: Multiplicative Identity of a Matrix
  26. Properties of Transposed Matrices
  27. Problem-Properties of Transposed Matrices
4.7: Determinant of a Square Matrix
  1. Determinant of 2-by-2 Matrix
  2. Problem1-Singular and Non-Singular Matrix
  3. Problem2-Singular and Non-Singular Matrix
4.8: Determinants of Order Two and Three
  1. Determinant of a Sqaure Matrix of Order 3 or greater
  2. Problem-Determinant of a Sqaure Matrix of Order 3 or greater
4.9: Properties of Determinants of Order Two  (Practice Test)
  1. Properties of Determinants
  2. More on Properties of Determinants
  3. Problem 1-Properties of Determinants
  4. Problem 2-Properties of Determinants
  5. Problem 3-Properties of Determinants
  6. Problem 4-Properties of Determinants
4.10: Alternate Method For Expanding a Third Order Determinant
  1. Alternate Method For Expanding a Third Order Determinant
  2. Problem-Alternate Method For Expanding a Third Order Determinant
4.11: Properties of Determinants of Order Three
  1. Properties of Determinants of Order Three
  2. Problem-Properties of Determinants of Order Three
4.12: Minors and Cofactors of Elements of a Given Matrix A  (Practice Test)
  1. Minor of an Element of a Matrix or Its Determinant
  2. Problem-Minor of an Element of a Matrix or Its Determinant
  3. Cofactor of an Element of a Matrix
  4. Problem-Cofactor of an Element of a Matrix
  5. More on Matrix Inverse Using Adjoint
  6. Problem2-Matrix Inverse Using Adjoint
  7. Adjoint of a Square Matrix of Order n = 3 or n > 3
  8. Problem-Adjoint of a Square Matrix of Order n = 3 or n > 3
4.13: The Multiplicative Inverse of a Square Matrix  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiplicative Inverse of a Non-Singular Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Multiplicative Inverse of a Non-Singular Matrix
  3. Inverse of Matrix using Adjoint
  4. More on Matrix Inverse Using Adjoint
  5. Problem 1: Inverse of Matrix using Adjoint
  6. Problem2-Matrix Inverse Using Adjoint
  7. Problem3-Matrix Inverse Using Adjoint
  8. Problem4-Matrix Inverse Using Adjoint
  9. Adjoint of a Square Matrix of Order n = 3 or n > 3
  10. Problem-Adjoint of a Square Matrix of Order n = 3 or n > 3
  11. Deriving a Method For Determining Inverses
  12. Problem-Deriving a Method For Determining Inverses
  13. Inverse of Matrix by Row Operation
  14. Problem-Inverse of Matrix by Row Operation
  15. Problem-More on Inverse of Matrix by Row Operation
  16. Inverse of Matrix by Column Operation
  17. Problem-Inverse of Matrix by Column Operation
  18. Problem-More on Inverse of Matrix by Column Operation
  19. Echelon and Reduced Echelon Form of Matrix
  20. Problem-Echelon and Reduced Echelon Form of Matrix
  21. Echelon Form of Matrix
  22. Problem-Echelon Form of Matrix
  23. Reduced Echelon Form of Matrix
  24. Problem-Reduced Echelon Form of Matrix
  25. Rank of a Matrix
  26. Problem-Rank of a Matrix
  27. Invertible Matrix
  28. Problem-Invertible Matrix
  29. Theorems on Invertible Matrix
  30. More Theorems on Invertible Matrix
4.14: Distinction Between Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Solution of Homogeneous Linear Equations
  2. More on Solution of Homogeneous Linear Equations
  3. Problem-Solution of Homogeneous Linear Equations
  4. More on Problem-Solution of Homogeneous Linear Equations
4.15: olving a System of Three Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations in Three Unknowns  (Practice Test)
  1. System of Linear Equations
  2. More on System of Linear Equations
  3. Problem-System of Linear Equations
  4. Consistency and Inconsistency of a System
  5. Problem-Consistency and Inconsistency of a System
  6. Solving a System of Three Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations
  7. Problem-Solving a System of Three Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations
Chapter 5: Groups (23 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Binary Operations
  1. Introduction to Binary Operations
  2. Problem-Introduction to Binary Operations
5.2: Multiplication ( or Composition ) Table  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiplication Table
  2. Problem-Multiplication Table
  3. Operations on Residue Classes Modulo n
  4. Problem-Operations on Residue Classes Modulo n
5.3: Properties of Binary Operations
  1. Properties of Binary Operations
  2. Problem-Properties of Binary Operations
5.4: Algebraic Structure
  1. Introduction to Semi-Group
  2. Problem-Introduction to Semi-Group
5.5: Groups  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Groups
  2. Problem-Introduction to Groups
  3. Introduction to Abelian and Non-Abelian Group
  4. Problem-Introduction to Abelian and Non-Abelian Group
  5. Finite and Infinite Group
  6. Problem1-Finite and Infinite Group
  7. Problem2-Finite and Infinite Group
  8. Introduction to Reversal Laws of Inverses
  9. Problem-Introduction to Reversal Laws of Inverses
  10. Theorems on Groups
  11. More on Theorems on Groups
  12. Problem-Theorems on Groups
  13. Problem-Theorems on Abelian Groups
Chapter 6: Sequences and Series (102 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Sequence and Series
  2. Problem-Introduction to Sequence and Series
  3. Convergent, Divergent and Periodic Sequences
  4. Problem-Convergent, Divergent and Periodic Sequences
  5. Types of Sequences
  6. Problem-Types of Sequences
6.2: Arithmetic Sequences or Arithmetic Progression ( A.P )
  1. Concept of Arithmetic Progression
  2. Problem-Concept of Arithmetic Progression
6.3: Standard Form of an A.P
  1. Concept of Arithmetic Progression
  2. Problem-Concept of Arithmetic Progression
6.4: Arithmetic Series  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Series
  2. Problem1-Concept of Series
  3. Problem2-Concept of Series
  4. Sum of First n Terms of an Arithmetic Series
  5. Problem-Sum of First n Terms of an Arithmetic Series
6.5: Arithmetic Means
  1. Concept of Arithmetic Mean
  2. Problem-Concept of Arithmetic Mean
6.6: To Insert Arithmetic Means
  1. n Arithmetic Means Between Two Given Numbers
6.7: To Find the Sum of n A.M  (Practice Test)
  1. To Find the Sum of n A.M
  2. Problem-To Find the Sum of n A.M
  3. To Find the Sum of p A.M
  4. Problem-To Find the Sum of p A.M
  5. Word Problems on Arithmetic Progression
  6. More on Word Problems on Arithmetic Progression
  7. Problem1-Word Problems on Arithmetic Progression
  8. Problem2-Word Problems on Arithmetic Progression
6.8: Geometric Sequence or Geometric Progression ( G.P )
  1. Concept of Geometric Progression
  2. Problem1-Concept of Geometric Progressions
  3. Problem2-Concept of Geometric Progressions
6.9: Standard Form of a G.P
  1. Concept of Geometric Progression
  2. Problem1-Concept of Geometric Progressions
  3. Problem2-Concept of Geometric Progressions
6.10: Geometric Series  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Geometric Series
  2. Problem-Introduction to Geometric Series
  3. Sum of n Terms of a Geometric Series
  4. Problem-Sum of n Terms of a Geometric Series
6.11: Infinite Geometric Series  (Practice Test)
  1. The Infinite Geometric Series
  2. More on The Infinite Geometric Series
  3. Problem1-The Infinite Geometric Series
  4. Problem2-The Infinite Geometric Series
  5. Recurring Decimals
6.12: Geometric Means
  1. Concept of Geometric Mean
  2. Problem-Concept of Geometric Means
6.13: To Insert Geometric Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Geometric Mean
  2. Problem-Concept of Geometric Means
  3. n Geometric Means Between Two Given Numbers
  4. Problem-n Geometric Means Between Two Given Numbers
  5. Word Problems on Geometric Series
  6. More on Word Problems on Geometric Series
  7. Problem1-Word Problems on Geometric Series
  8. Problem2-Word Problems on Geometric Series
  9. Problem3-Word Problems on Geometric Series
6.14: Harmonic Sequences or Harmonic Progression ( H.P )
  1. Concept of Harmonic Progression
  2. Problem-Concept of Harmonic Progression
6.15: General Term of an H.P
  1. General Term of Harmonic Progression
  2. Problem-General Term of Harmonic Progression
6.16: The Characteristic Relation for an H.P
  1. The Characteristic Relation for H.P
  2. Problem-The Characteristic Relation for H.P
6.17: An Important Theorem  (Practice Test)
  1. An Important Theorem
  2. More on An Important Theorem
  3. Problem-An Important Theorem
6.18: Harmonic Means
  1. Concept of Harmonic Mean
  2. Problem-Concept of Harmonic Mean
6.19: To Insert Harmonic Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Harmonic Mean
  2. Problem-Concept of Harmonic Mean
  3. n Harmonic Means Between Two Numbers
  4. Problem-n Harmonic Means Between Two Numbers
6.20: Relation Between Means  (Practice Test)
  1. Relations Between A.M, G.M & H.M
  2. More on Relations Between A.M, G.M & H.M
  3. Problem-Relations Between A.M, G.M & H.M
  4. Alternate Formula For sum of n Numbers
  5. Problem-Alternate Formula For sum of n Numbers
  6. Alternate Formula For Sum of n Squares
  7. More on Alternate Formula For Sum of n Squares
  8. Problem-Alternate Formula For Sum of n Squares
  9. Alternate Formula For Sum of n Cubes
  10. More on Alternate Formula For Sum of n Cubes
  11. Problem1-Alternate Formula For Sum of n Cubes
  12. Problem2-Alternate Formula For Sum of n Cubes
  13. Arithmetical-Geometric Series
  14. Problem-Arithmetical-Geometric Series
  15. Sum of n Terms of Arithmetical-Geometric Series
  16. More on Sum of n Terms of Arithmetical-Geometric Series
  17. Further on Sum of n Terms of Arithmetical-Geometric Series
  18. Problem-Sum of n Terms of Arithmetical-Geometric Series
  19. Sum to Infinity of Arithmetico-Geometric Series
  20. Problem-Sum to Infinity of Arithmetico-Geometric Series
  21. The Method of Differences
  22. Problem-The Method of Differences
  23. A Series Each Term Having r Factors in A.P
  24. More on A Series Each Term Having r Factors in A.P-1
  25. More on A Series Each Term Having r Factors in A.P-2
  26. More on A Series Each Term Having r Factors in A.P-3
  27. Problem-A Series Each Term Having r Factors in A.P
  28. Introduction to Reciprocal Series
  29. More on Introduction to Reciprocal Series1
  30. More on Introduction to Reciprocal Series2
  31. More on Introduction to Reciprocal Series3
  32. Problem-Introduction to Reciprocal Series1
  33. Problem-Introduction to Reciprocal Series2
  34. Summation of Series By Partial Fractions
  35. Problem-Summation of Series By Partial Fractions
Chapter 7: Permutations, Combinations and Introduction to Probability (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: The Counting Principles
  1. The Counting Principles
7.2: The Factorial Notation
  1. Introduction to Factorial Notation
  2. Problem-Introduction to Factorial Notation
7.3: Permutations and Combinations
  1. Introduction to Permutation
  2. Problem-Introduction to Permutation
7.4: Number of Permutations
  1. Permutation of Things Not All Different
  2. Problem-Permutation of Things Not All Different
7.5: Circular ( or Cyclic ) Permutations
  1. Circular Permutation
  2. Problem-Circular Permutation
7.6: Number of Combinations  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Combinations
  2. Problem1-Introduction to Combinations
  3. Problem2-Introduction to Combinations
  4. Theorems on Combination
  5. Complementary Combination
  6. Problem1-Complementary Combination
  7. Problem2-Complementary Combination
7.7: Introduction to Probability
  1. Introduction
  2. Problem-Introduction to Probabillity
7.8: Basic Terminology
  1. Basic Terminology
7.9: Definition of Probability
  1. Definition of Probability
  2. Problem-Definition of Probability
7.10: Addition Law of Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition of Probabilities and Mutually Exclusive Events
  2. Problem-Addition of Probabilities of Mutually Exclusive Events
  3. Probability as Long Term Relative Frequency
  4. Problem Solving Strategies in Probability
  5. Probability and Venn Diagrams
  6. More on Probability and Venn Diagrams
Chapter 8: Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem (39 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: The Principle of Mathematical Inducion
  1. Introduction to Mathematical Induction
  2. Problem-Introduction to Mathematical Induction
8.2: Sum of Positive Integral Powers of Natural Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Principle of Mathematical Induction
  2. More on Principle of Mathematical Induction
  3. Problem1-Principle of Mathematical Induction
  4. Problem2-Principle of Mathematical Induction
  5. Sum of Positive Integral Powers of Natural Numbers
  6. Principle of Extended Mathematical Induction
  7. Problem1-Principle of Extended Mathematical Induction
  8. Problem2-Principle of Extended Mathematical Induction
8.3: Binomial Theorem  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Binomial Theorem
  2. Problem1-Introduction to Binomial Theorem
  3. Problem2-Introduction to Binomial Theorem
  4. Pascal’s Triangle
  5. Problem1-Pascal’s Triangle
  6. Problem2-Pascal’s Triangle
8.4: The Binomial Theorem for a Positive Integral Index  (Practice Test)
  1. Proof of Binomial Theorem
  2. More on Proof of Binomial Theorem
  3. Problem1-Proof of Binomial Theorem
  4. Problem2-Proof of Binomial Theorem
8.5: Some Important Observations
  1. Some Important Observations
8.6: The General Term
  1. Deductions From Binomial Theorem
  2. Problem1-Deductions From Binomial Theorem
  3. Problem2-Deductions From Binomial Theorem
8.7: The Middle Terms
  1. The Middle Term in the Expansion of ( a + x ) ^2
  2. Problem1-The Middle Term in the Binomial Expansion
  3. Problem2-The Middle Term in the Binomial Expansion
  4. More on Problem2-The Middle Term in the Binomial Expansion
  5. Problem3-The Middle Term in the Binomial Expansion
8.8: The Binomial Series
  1. Some Deductions From the Binomial Expansion of ( a + x ) ^n
  2. Problem1-Some Deductions From the Binomial Expansion
  3. Problem2-Some Deductions From the Binomial Expansion
  4. Problem3-Some Deductions From the Binomial Expansion
8.9: Approximations
  1. Some Deductions From the Binomial Expansion of ( a + x ) ^n
  2. Applications of the Binomial Theorem
  3. Problem1-Applications of the Binomial Theorem
8.10: Application to Summation of Series
  1. Some Deductions From the Binomial Expansion of ( a + x ) ^n
  2. More on Applications of the Binomial Theorem
  3. Problem2-Applications of the Binomial Theorem
Chapter 9: Fundamentals of Trigonometry (32 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to an Angle
  2. Measuring an Angle in Sexagesimal System
  3. Problem1-Measuring an Angle in Sexagesimal System
  4. Sexagesimal System into Decimal form & Vice Versa
  5. Problem-Sexagesimal System into Decimal form & Vice Versa
9.2: Radian Measure
  1. Radian Measure of an Angle
  2. Problem-Radian Measure of an Angle
  3. Problem2-Radian Measure of an Angle
9.3: General and Its Measure in Degree and Radians
  1. General Angles
  2. Problem-General Angles
9.4: Relation Between Radian and Degree Measure
  1. Relationship Between Radians & Degrees.
9.5: Relation Between Arc-Length, Radius and General Angle  (Practice Test)
  1. Relationship of Radius-Central Angle-Arc Length
  2. Problem 1: Relationship of Radius-Central Angle-Arc Length
  3. Problem2-Relationship of Radius-Central Angle-Arc Length
  4. Area of a Circular Sector.
  5. Problem 1: Area of a Circular Sector.
  6. Problem2-Area of a Circular Sector.
  7. Problems Using Arcs and Sectors
  8. More on Problems Using Arcs and Sectors
9.6: The Radian Function
  1. The Radian Function
9.7: Signs of the Trigonometric Function in the Four Quadrants  (Practice Test)
  1. Signs of Trigonometric Ratios in Different Quadrants
  2. Problem-Signs of Trigonometric Ratios in Different Quadrant
  3. Problem2-Signs of Trigonometric Ratios in Different Quadrant
  4. Trigonometric Functions for a Unit Circle
  5. Values of Remaining Trigonometric Ratios
  6. Values of Trigonometric Ratios at Quadrantal Angle
  7. Problem-Values of Trigonometric Ratios at Quadrantal Angle
9.8: Values of Trigonometric Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Trigonometric ratios of 45 degree
  2. Problem 1: Trigonometric ratios of 45 degree
  3. Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
  4. Problem 1: Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
  5. Problem 2: Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
Chapter 10: Trigonometric Identities (43 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Trigonometric Identities and Their Applications  (Practice Test)
  1. Proof of Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  2. Problem 1: Proof of Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  3. More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  4. Problem 2: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  5. Problem 3: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  6. Problem 4: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  7. Problem5-Proof of Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
10.2: The Distance Formula  (Practice Test)
  1. Derivation of Distance formula
  2. Problem 1: Derivation of Distance formula
  3. Problem-Derivation of Distance formula
  4. Use of Distance formula
  5. Problem 1: Use of Distance formula
  6. Problem-Use of Distance formula
10.3: A Fundamental Law  (Practice Test)
  1. Fundamental Law of Trigonometry
  2. Problem-Fundamental Law of Trigonometry
  3. More on Fundamental Law of Trigonometry
  4. Proof of Angle Addition Formula for Cosine
  5. Problem-Proof of Angle Addition Formula for Cosine
  6. More on Proof of Angle Addition Formula for Cosine
10.4: Deductions From the Funndamental Law  (Practice Test)
  1. Trigonometric Ratios and Allied Angles
  2. Problem1-Trigonometric Ratios and Allied Angles
  3. More on Trigonometric Ratios and Allied Angles
  4. Problem2-Trigonometric Ratios and Allied Angles
10.5: The Sum and Difference Identities  (Practice Test)
  1. Deductions From Fundamental Law
  2. More on Deductions From Fundamental Law1
  3. More on Deductions From Fundamental Law2
  4. Problem1-Deductions From Fundamental Law
  5. Problem2-Deductions From Fundamental Law
  6. Problem3-Deductions From Fundamental Law
10.6: Applications  (Practice Test)
  1. Further Application of Basic Identities
  2. Problem1-Further Application of Basic Identities
  3. More on Further Application of Basic Identities
  4. Problem2-Further Application of Basic Identities
10.7: Identities for Sin2A, Cios2A and Tan2A
  1. Double Angle Identities
  2. Problem-Double Angle Identities
10.8: Identities For Sin A/2, Cos A/2 and Tan A/2
  1. Half Angle Identities
  2. Problem-Half Angle Identities
10.9: Sum and Product Identities For Trigonometric Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Product to Sum or Difference of Sines and Cosines
  2. Problem-Product to Sum or Difference of Sines and Cosines
  3. Sum or Difference to Product of Sines and Cosines
  4. More on Sum or Difference to Product of Sines and Cosines
  5. Problem-Sum or Difference to Product of Sines and Cosines
10.10: Applications
  1. Applications of Product of Sines and Cosines
Chapter 11: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions (43 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Trigonometric Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Domain and Ranges of Trigonometric Functions and Fundamental Identiti
  2. Problem1-Domain and Ranges of Trigonometric Functions and Fundamental
  3. Problem2-Domain and Ranges of Trigonometric Functions and Fundamental
  4. Problem3-Domain and Ranges of Trigonometric Functions and Fundamental
  5. Domain and Ranges of Sine and Cosine Functions
  6. More on Domain and Ranges of Sine and Cosine Functions
  7. Problem-Domain and Ranges of Sine and Cosine Functions
  8. Domain and Ranges of Tangent and Cotangent Functions
  9. More on Domain and Ranges of Tangent and Cotangent Functions
  10. Problem-Domain and Ranges of Tangent and Cotangent Functions
  11. Domain and Ranges of Secant Function
  12. More on Domain and Ranges of Secant Function
  13. Problem-Domain and Range of Secant Function
  14. Domain and Ranges of Cosecant Function
  15. More on Domain and Ranges of Cosecant Function
  16. Problem-Domain and Range of Cosecant Function
11.2: Periods of Trigonometric Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Period of Trigonometric Functions
  2. Problem-Introduction to Period of Trigonometric Functions
  3. Periodic Properties of the Graph of SinA, CosA and TanA
11.3: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
  2. Problem-Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
  3. Graph of y = Sin x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  4. Problem1-Graph of y = Sin x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  5. Problem1-Graph of y = Sin x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  6. Graph of y = Cos x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  7. Problem1-Graph of y = Cos x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  8. Problem2-Graph of y = Cos x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  9. Graph of y = Tan x From – 180 to 180 Degree
  10. Problem-Graph of y = Tan x From – 180 to 180 Degree
  11. Graph of y = Cot x From – 360 to 180 Degree
  12. Problem-Graph of y = Cot x From – 360 to 180 Degree
  13. Graph of y = Sec x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  14. Problem-Graph of y = Sec x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  15. Graph of y = Cosec x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  16. Problem-Graph of y = Cosec x From – 360 to 360 Degree
  17. Graph of Sin2A and Cos2A Where A is a Positive Constant
  18. More on Graph of Sin2A and Cos2A Where A is a Positive Constant
  19. Symmetric Properties of the Graph of SinA, CosA and TanA
  20. Periodic Properties of the Graph of SinA, CosA and TanA
  21. Translation Property of the Graph of SinA, CosA and TanA
  22. More on Translation Property of the Graph of SinA, CosA and TanA
  23. Maximum and Minimum Values of Certain Trigonometric Functions
  24. Graphical Solution of Some Trigonometric Equations
Chapter 12: Solutions of Triangles (59 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: The Law of Sines  (Practice Test)
  1. The Sine Rule
  2. Problem-The Sine Rule
  3. Examples on Sine Rule
12.2: The Laws of Cosines  (Practice Test)
  1. The Cosine Rule
  2. More on The Cosine Rule
  3. Problem1-The Cosine Rule
  4. Problem2-The Cosine Rule
12.3: The Laws of Tangents  (Practice Test)
  1. The Law of Tangents
  2. More on The Law of Tangents
  3. Problem-The Law of Tangents
12.4: Solutions of Triangles  (Practice Test)
  1. When measures of one side and one angle are given
  2. Problem 1: When measures of one side and one angle are given
  3. when measures of hypotenuse and one Acute angle are given
  4. Problem 1: when measures of hypotenuse and one angle are given
  5. When measures of two sides are given
  6. Problem 1: When measures of two sides are given
  7. When measures of hypotenuse and one side are given
  8. Problem 1: When measures of hypotenuse and one side are given
  9. Concept of Angle of Elevation & Depression
  10. Problem 1: Concept of Angle of Elevation & Depression
  11. Engineering and Heights and Distances
  12. More on Engineering and Heights and Distances
  13. Problem1-Engineering and Heights and Distances
  14. Problem2-Engineering and Heights and Distances
  15. Application of the Sine Rule
  16. Problem2-The Cosine Rule
12.5: Half Angle Formulae in Terms of the Lengths of the Sides of a Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Half Angle Formulas
  2. Problem-The Sine of Half the Angle Formula
  3. The Cosine of Half the Angle in Terms of the Sides
  4. Problem-The Cosine of Half the Angle in Terms of the Sides
  5. The Tangents of Half the Angle in Terms of the Sides
  6. Problem-The Tangents of Half the Angle in Terms of the Sides
  7. Bearing
  8. Compass and True Bearing
  9. Concept of Oblique Triangles
  10. Problem-Concept of Oblique Triangles
  11. When Measures of One Side and Two Angles are Given
  12. Problem-When Measures of One Side and Two Angles are Given
  13. When Measures of Two Side and Their Included Angles are Given
  14. Problem-When Measures of Two Side and Their Included Angles are Given
  15. When Measures of Three Sides are Given
12.6: Area of a Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Area of Triangle
  2. Area of Triangle by Measuring One Side and Two Angle
  3. Area of Triangle by Measuring Three Sides
  4. Problem-Area of Eqilateral Triangle With Given Sides
  5. Area of Equilateral Triangle with Given Sides
  6. More on Area of a Triangle with Given Sides
12.7: Circles Associated with a Triangle
  1. Circles Connected With Triangles
  2. Problem-Circles Connected With Triangles
12.8: Circum-Radius in Terms of the Measure of a Side and the Measure of the Opposite  (Practice Test)
  1. Relation Among Radius, Circum-Angle & Chord of a Circum-Circle
  2. More on Relation Among Radius, Circum-Angle & Chord of a Circum-Circle
  3. Problem1-Relation Among Radius, Circum-Angle & Chord of a Circum-Circ
12.9: Circum-Radius r in Terms of the Measure of three Sides of a Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Relation Among Radius, Circum-Angle & Chord of a Circum-Circle
  2. More on Relation Among Radius, Circum-Angle & Chord of a Circum-Circle
  3. Problem1-Relation Among Radius, Circum-Angle & Chord of a Circum-Circ
12.10: The In-Radius of a Triangle
  1. Relation Among In-Radius, Perimeter & Area of Triangle
  2. Problem-Relation Among In-Radius, Perimeter & Area of Triangle
12.11: Radii of e-Circles of a Triangle
  1. Relation Among ex-Radius, Perimeter & Area of Triangle
  2. Problem-Relation Among ex-Radius, Perimeter & Area of Triangle
Chapter 13: Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Trigonometric Equations (53 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Domains and Ranges  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  2. Vertical and Horizontal Line Tests
  3. More on Vertical and Horizontal Line Tests
  4. The Inverse Sine Function
  5. Problem1-The Inverse Sine Function
  6. Problem2-The Inverse Sine Function
  7. Inverse Relation of General Sine Functions
  8. The Inverse Cosine Function
  9. Problem1-The Inverse Cosine Function
  10. Problem2-The Inverse Cosine Function
  11. The Inverse Tangent Function
  12. Problem1-The Inverse Tangent Function
  13. Problem2-The Inverse Tangent Function
  14. Inverse Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant Functions
  15. More on Inverse Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant Functions
  16. Further on Inverse Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant Functions
  17. Problem1-Inverse Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant Functions
  18. Problem2-Inverse Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant Functions
  19. Domains and Ranges of Principal and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  20. Problem1-Domains and Ranges of Principal andInverse Trigonometric Fun
  21. Problem2-Domains and Ranges of Principal andInverse Trigonometric Fun
  22. Problem3-Domains and Ranges of Principal andInverse Trigonometric Fun
  23. Problem4-Domains and Ranges of Principal andInverse Trigonometric Fun
  24. Problem5-Domains and Ranges of Principal andInverse Trigonometric Fun
  25. Problem6Domains and Ranges of Principal andInverse Trigonometric Func
  26. Inverse Trigonometric Identities
  27. More on Inverse Trigonometric Identities
  28. Further on Inverse Trigonometric Identities
  29. Addition and Subtraction Formulas
  30. More on Addition and Subtraction Formulas
  31. Problem-Addition and Subtraction Formulas
  32. Problem-More on Addition and Subtraction Formulas
13.2: Applications  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Solutions of Trigonometric Equations
  2. Problem-Introduction to Solutions of Trigonometric Equations
  3. Solution of the Type SinA = k, Cos A = k and TanA = k
13.3: Solutions of Trigonometric Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Solution of General Trigonometric Equations
  2. Problem1-Solution of General Trigonometric Equations
  3. Problem2-Solution of General Trigonometric Equations
  4. Problem3-Solution of General Trigonometric Equations
  5. Solution of General Trigonometric Equations
  6. Solution of General Trigonometric Equations by Factorization
  7. Problem-Solution of General Trigonometric Equations by Factorization
  8. Solution of Trigonometric Equations by Trigonometric Identities
  9. Problem-Solution of Trigonometric Equations by Trigonometric Identiti
  10. Solution of Trigonometric Equations by Quadratic Formula
  11. Problem-Solution of Trigonometric Equations by Quadratic Formula
  12. Writing aSinA + bCosA in the Form r Sin(A + B )
  13. Solving aSinA + bCosA = c
  14. Trigonometric Equations Containing Principal Functions
  15. Problem-Trigonometric Equations Containing Principal Functions
  16. Applications of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  17. Problem-Applications of Inverse Trigonometric Functions-1
  18. Problem-Applications of Inverse Trigonometric Functions-

Physics Class-XI

Chapter 1: The Scope of Physics (11 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Definition of Physics
  1. Introduction to Physics
1.2: Islam and Science
  1. Teaching of Islam and Science
1.3: Contribution to Physical Sciences by the Islamic World
  1. Contribution to Science By Muslim Scientists
1.4: Physics and Society
  1. Physics and Society
1.5: Measurement and the System of Units
  1. International Systems of Base Units
1.6: Measurement of Time
  1. The Measurement of Time
1.7: Basic SI Units
  1. International Systems of Base Units
1.8: Dimension  (Practice Test)
  1. Dimensions of Physical Quantities
  2. More on Dimensions of Physical Quantities
  3. Problem on Dimensions of Physical Quantities
1.9: Significant Figures
  1. Introduction to Significant Figures
Chapter 2: Scalars and vectors (29 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Scalars
  1. Scalars and Vectors
2.2: Vectors
  1. Scalars and Vectors
2.3: Addition of Vectors  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition of Forces
  2. Problem 1 on Vector Addition and Subtraction
  3. Problem 2 on Vector Addition and Subtraction
2.4: Multiplication of a Vector by a Number
  1. Multiplication of Vector by a scalar
2.5: Division of a Vector by a Number (Non Zero)
  1. Division of a Vector by a Number (Non Zero)
2.6: Unit Vector  (Practice Test)
  1. Unit and Null vector
  2. Problem on Unit and Null vector
2.7: Free Vector
  1. Free vector
2.8: Position Vector
  1. Position and Equal Vectors
2.9: Null Vector  (Practice Test)
  1. Unit and Null vector
  2. Problem on Unit and Null vector
2.10: Properties of Vector Addition
  1. Commutative Property of Addition of Vectors
  2. Associative Law of Vector Addition
2.11: Resolution and Composition by Rectangular Components
  1. Rectangular Components of a Vector
2.12: Addition of Vectors by Rectangular Components
  1. Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  2. Steps of vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  3. Problem2 on Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  4. More on Problem2 on Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
2.13: The Dot Product
  1. Scalar or Dot product
  2. Problem1 on Scalar or Dot product
  3. Problem2 on Scalar or Dot product
2.14: Commutative Law for Dot Product
  1. Characteristics of Scalar Product
2.15: The Cross Product
  1. Vector or Cross Product
  2. Characteristics of Cross Product
2.16: Some Physical Examples of Vector Product
  1. Example of Vector product
2.17: Properties of the Vector Product
  1. Problem1 on Vector or Cross Product
  2. Problem2 on Vector or Cross Product
Chapter 3: Motion (38 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Displacement
  1. Difference between Distance and Displacement
3.2: Velocity
  1. Introduction to velocity
  2. Problem on Introduction to Velocity
3.3: Velocity from Distance-Time Graph
  1. The Displacement-Time Graph
3.4: Acceleration
  1. Introduction to Acceleration
  2. Average Acceleration and Retardation
  3. Problem on Introduction to Acceleration
3.5: Acceleration from Velocity – Time Graph
  1. Speed-time Graph
  2. Problem on Speed-Time Graph
3.6: Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion
  1. Review of Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
  2. Problem on Review of Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
3.7: Motion Under Gravity
  1. Motion of Freely Falling Bodies
3.8: Laws of Motion  (Practice Test)
  1. First Law of Newton
  2. Second Law of Newton
  3. Problem on Second Law of Newton
  4. Third Law of Newton
3.9: Motion of Bodies Connected by a String  (Practice Test)
  1. Tension and Acceleration for Vertical Motion of Two Bodies
  2. Problem on Tension and Acceleration for Vertical Motion of Two Bodies
  3. Tension and Acceleration for Horizontal and Vertical Motion
  4. Problem on Tension and Acceleration for Horizontal and Vertical Motion
  5. Advanced Momentum
3.10: Momentum of a Bady
  1. Momentum and Newton’s Second Law of motion
3.11: Law of Conservation of Momentum  (Practice Test)
  1. Law of Conservation of Momentum
  2. Problem1 on Law of Conservation of Momentum
  3. Problem2 on Law of Conservation of Momentum
3.12: Elastic Collision in One Dimension  (Practice Test)
  1. Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
  2. Elastic Collision in one Dimension
  3. More on Elastic Collision in one Dimension
  4. Some Cases of Elastic Collision
  5. Problem on Elastic Collision in one Dimension
3.13: Friction
  1. Introduction to Friction
  2. Problem on Introduction to Friction
3.14: Coefficient of Friction  (Practice Test)
  1. Static and Kinetic Friction
  2. Viscous Drag and Stokes Law
3.15: The Inclined Plane
  1. The Inclined Plane
  2. More on The Inclined Plane
  3. Particular Cases
  4. Problem on The Inclined Plane
Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimension (24 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Projectile Motion  (Practice Test)
  1. Projectile Motion
  2. More on Projectile Motion
4.2: Maximum Height of the Projectile
  1. Features of Projectile
4.3: Range of the Projectile
  1. More on Features of Projectile
  2. problem1 on Features of Projectile
  3. problem2 on Features of Projectile
4.4: The Maximum Range
  1. More on Features of Projectile
4.5: Projectile Trajectory
  1. Projectile Trajectory
  2. More on Projectile Trajectory
4.6: Applications
  1. Application to Ballistic Missiles
  2. More on Applications of Projectile Motion
4.7: Uniform Circular Motion
  1. Uniform Circular Motion
4.8: Angular Displacement
  1. Angular Displacement
  2. More on Angular Displacement
4.9: Angular Velocity
  1. Angular Velocity
4.10: Angular Acceleration
  1. Angular Acceleration
4.11: Relation Between Angular and Linear Quantities
  1. Relation Between Angular and Linear Velocities
4.12: Tangential Velocity
  1. Relation Between Angular and Linear Velocities
4.13: The Period
  1. The Period
  2. Problem on Equation of Angular Motion
4.14: Centripetal Acceleration
  1. Centripetal Forces
4.15: Centripetal Force
  1. More on Centripetal Forces
  2. Problem on Centripetal Forces
4.16: Some Important Relations of Linear Motion and Angular Motion
  1. Some Important Relations of Linear Motion and Angular Motion
Chapter 5: Torque, Angular Momentum and Equilibrium (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Torque
  1. Introduction to Torque or Moment of a Force
  2. More on Torque
  3. Problem on More on Torque
5.2: Centre of Mass
  1. Center of Mass
  2. More on Centre of Mass
5.3: Equilibrium and Conditions of Equilibrium
  1. Introduction to Equilibrium
5.4: First Condition of Equilibrium
  1. Conditions for Equilibrium
5.5: Second Condition of Equilibrium
  1. Conditions for Equilibrium
5.6: Location of Axis
  1. Location of Axis
5.7: Angular Momentum
  1. Angular Momentum
  2. More on Angular Momentum
  3. Problem on Angular Momentum
5.8: Conservation of Angular Momentum of a Particle
  1. Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
  2. Problem on Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Chapter 6: Gravitation (8 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
  1. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
  2. More on Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
6.2: Mass and Average Density of Earth
  1. Mass and Average Density of Earth
6.3: Variation of g with Altitude and Depth
  1. Variation of g with Altitude and Depth
  2. More on Variation of g with Altitude and Depth
6.4: Weight
  1. Difference Between Mass and Weight
6.5: Weightlessness in Satellites
  1. weightlessness in Satellites and Gravity Free system
6.6: Artificial Gravity
  1. Artifical Gravity
Chapter 7: Work ,Power and Energy (26 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Work
  1. Introduction to Work
  2. More on Introduction to Work
  3. Problem on Work Done by a Constant Force
7.2: Work Done Against Gravitational Force
  1. Work done by Gravitational Field
7.3: Power  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Power
  2. Power and velocity
  3. Problem on Power and velocity
  4. Work Done By a Variable Forces
  5. Problem on Introduction to Work
7.4: Energy
  1. Introduction to Energy
  2. Problem on Law of Conservation of Energy
7.5: Potential Energy
  1. Potential Energy
7.6: Absolute P.E
  1. Absolute Potential Energy
  2. More on Absolute Potential energy
7.7: Interconversion of P.E and K.E (Freely Falling Body)
  1. Interconversion of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
  2. problem on Interconversion of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
7.8: Law of Conservation of Energy
  1. Advance law of Conservation of Energy
  2. Problem on Law of Conservation of Energy
  3. Examples of Conservation of Energy from Daily life
7.9: Various Sources of Energy  (Practice Test)
  1. Energy from Non-Renewable Sources
  2. Energy from Tides
  3. Energy from Waves
  4. Solar Energy
  5. Geothermal Energy
  6. Wind Power
  7. Nuclear Energy and Electrical Energy
Chapter 8: Wave Motion and Sound (50 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Vibratory Motion
  1. Vibratory Motion
8.2: Motion Under Elastic Restoring Force (Hooke’s Law)  (Practice Test)
  1. Hooks Law
  2. Simple Harmonic Motion
  3. More on Simple Harmonic Motion
8.3: Characteristics of SHM  (Practice Test)
  1. SHM and Uniform Circular Motion
  2. Problem on SHM and Uniform Circular Motion
  3. Displacement
  4. Instantaneous Velocity
  5. Acceleration in Terms of ?
8.4: Energy of Particle Executing SHM
  1. Energy conservation in SHM
  2. More on Energy conservation in SHM
  3. Problem on Energy conservation in SHM
8.5: Examples of SHM  (Practice Test)
  1. Simple Pendulum
  2. Problem on Simple Pendulum
8.6: Generation of a Wave Pulse
  1. Generation of a Wave Pulse
8.7: Travelling Waves
  1. Progressive Waves
8.8: Transverse Wave
  1. Transverse periodic Waves
8.9: Analytical Treatment of Travelling waves
  1. Analytical Treatment of Travelling waves
  2. Introducing Ripple Tank
8.10: Energy in Waves
  1. Energy in Waves
8.11: Standing Waves  (Practice Test)
  1. Stationary waves
  2. More on Stationary waves
8.12: Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics  (Practice Test)
  1. Stationary waves in a Stretched String
  2. More on Stationary waves in a Stretched String
  3. Problem on Stationary Waves in Stretched String
8.13: Sonometer
  1. Sonometer
8.14: Longitudinal Waves
  1. Longitudinal Periodic Waves
8.15: Speed of Sound Waves
  1. Speed of Sound in Air
8.16: Laplace’s Correction
  1. Laplace’s Correction
8.17: Musical Sound and Noise  (Practice Test)
  1. Musical Sound and Noise
  2. Characteristics of a Musical Sound
  3. Loudness of Sound
  4. Quality of Sound
  5. Pitch of Sound
  6. Sound Intensity and Sound Level
  7. More on Sound Intensity and Sound Level
8.18: Superposition of Sound Waves
  1. Principle of Superposition
8.19: Beats  (Practice Test)
  1. Beats
  2. More on Beats
  3. problem on Beats
8.20: Acoustics  (Practice Test)
  1. Acoustics
  2. More on Acoustics
8.21: Doppler Effect  (Practice Test)
  1. Doppler Effect
  2. Doppler Effect: When Source at Rest, Observer is Moving
  3. Doppler Effect: When Observer at Rest, Source is Moving
  4. Doppler Effect: When both Source and Observer ae Moving
  5. Problem on Doppler Effect
  6. Applications of Doppler Effect
  7. More on Applications of Doppler Effect
  8. More on Applications of Doppler Effect
Chapter 9: Nature of Light (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Dual Nature of Light
  1. Nature of Light
  2. More on Nature of Light
9.2: Wave Fronts, Huygen’s Principle  (Practice Test)
  1. Wave Fronts
  2. Huygen’s principle
9.3: Interference of Light
  1. Interferance of Light Waves
9.4: Young’s Double-Slit Interference  (Practice Test)
  1. Young’s Double slit Experiment
  2. More on Young’s Double slit Experiment
  3. More on Young’s Double slit Experiment
  4. More on Young’s Double slit Experiment
  5. problem on Young’s Double slit Experiment
9.5: Interference in Thin Films
  1. Interference in Thin Films
9.6: Newton’s Rings
  1. Newton’s Rings
9.7: The Michelson Interferometer
  1. Michelson’s Interferometer
  2. Michelson’s Interferometer
9.8: Diffraction  (Practice Test)
  1. Diffraction of Light
  2. Diffraction due to a Narrow slit
  3. Fresnel Diffraction
  4. Fraunhofer Diffraction
9.9: Diffraction Grating
  1. Diffraction Grating
  2. More on Diffraction Grating
  3. Problem on Diffraction Grating
  4. More on Problem on Diffraction Grating
9.10: Diffraction of X-rays Through Crystals
  1. Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals
  2. More on Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals
  3. Problem on Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals
9.11: Polarization of Light Waves  (Practice Test)
  1. Polarization
  2. Production and Detection of Plane Polarized Light
Chapter 10: Geometrical Optics (23 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Lenses
  1. Types of Lenses
10.2: Image Formation  (Practice Test)
  1. Image Formed by Convex Lens
  2. Image Formation by Concave Lens
10.3: The Thin Lens Formula  (Practice Test)
  1. Convex Lense Formula
  2. More on Convex Lense Formula
  3. Concave Lense Formula
10.4: Combination of Thin Lenses
  1. Combination of Thin Lenses
10.5: Power of Lenses
  1. Power of a Lens
10.6: Lens Aberration
  1. Defects of Lenses
  2. Correction of Defects
10.7: Linear Magnification
  1. Linear Magnification of Lenses
10.8: Magnifying Glass  (Practice Test)
  1. Simple Microscope
  2. Problem on Simple Microscope
10.9: Compound Microscope  (Practice Test)
  1. Compound Microscope
  2. More on Compound Microscope
  3. Problem on Compound Microscope
  4. More on Problem on Compound Microscope
10.10: Telescope
  1. Astronomical Telescope
  2. Problem on Astronomical Telescope
10.11: Galilean Telescope
  1. Galilean Telescope
10.12: Terrestrial Telescope
  1. Terrestrial Telescope
10.13: Spectrometer
  1. Spectrometer
10.14: The Eye
  1. Human Eye

Chemistry Class-XI

Chapter 1: Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry (59 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Introduction
  1. Chemistry
1.2: Significant Figures  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Significant Figures
  2. Rules to Find the Significant Digits in a Measurement
  3. Zero as Significant Figure
  4. Rounding Off the Numbers
  5. Rounding Off the Numbers (continued)
  6. Rounding Off a Number to a Given Number of Decimal Places
  7. More on Rounding Off a Number
  8. Addition and Subtraction of Significant Figures
  9. Introduction to Scientific Notation
1.3: Use of Exponents (Logarithms)  (Practice Test)
  1. Logarithm Definition
  2. Characteristic & Mantissa of Logarithm
  3. How to Find Characteristic of Given Number
  4. Finding Mantissa of Number by Log Table
  5. Introduction to Anti-Logarithms
  6. Common Logarithm
  7. Product Law of Logarithm
  8. Power Law of Logarithm
  9. Quotient Law of Logarithm
  10. Applications of Logarithm Laws in Calculations
1.4: Error and Deviation  (Practice Test)
  1. Errors and Uncertainty in Measurement
  2. Relative Atomic Mass in Grams
  3. Relative Molecular Mass (Mr)
  4. Formula mass
  5. Atomic Number and Mass Number
  6. Relative atomic mass and Atomic mass unit
  7. Average Atomic Masses
1.5: Empirical Formula  (Practice Test)
  1. Empirical formula
  2. The Empirical Formula from the Percentage Composition
1.6: Molecular Formula  (Practice Test)
  1. Molecular formula
  2. More on Molecular Formula
  3. Empirical formula-covalent and ionic compound
  4. The Empirical Formula from the Percentage Composition
  5. Calculating Percentage Composition
  6. Empirical Formula from Combustion Analysis
  7. Empirical Formula from Combustion Analysis (continued)
  8. Calculating Empirical & Molecular Formula
  9. Calculating Empirical Formula from Combustion Analysis
  10. Determining Empirical Formula of a Compound
1.7: Mole and Avagado’s Number  (Practice Test)
  1. Avogadro’s Number
  2. More on Avogadro’s Number
  3. Mole
  4. More on Concept of Mole
  5. Mole-Mass Calculations
1.8: Calculations Based on Chemical Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Stoichiometry
  2. Mole-Mass Calculations
  3. Calculating Moles from Mass
  4. Calculating Mass from Moles
  5. Calculating Mass in Grams and Moles
  6. Mole-Particle Calculations
  7. More on Mole-Particle Calculations
  8. Calculating Mass in Grams of a Single Atom
  9. Calculating Number of Ions in the Compounds
  10. Calculating Number of Particles from Mass
  11. Calculating Mass and Moles of an Element from a Compound
1.9: Limiting Reactant  (Practice Test)
  1. Limiting Reactants
  2. Importance of Limiting Reactants
  3. More on Importance of Limiting Reactants
  4. Calculating Limiting and Excess Reactants
Chapter 2: The Three States of Matter (Gases, Liquids and Solids) (49 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Kinetic Theory
  1. Postulates of Kinetic Molecular theory of Liquids
2.2: Gaseous State  (Practice Test)
  1. Diffusion and Effusion in Gases
  2. Effect of Molecular Mass on the Rate of Diffusion
  3. Units of Pressure
  4. Determining Pressure of a Gas
2.3: Gas Laws  (Practice Test)
  1. Boyle’s Law of Gases
  2. Experimental Verification of Boyle’s Law
  3. Graphical Explanation of Boyle’s Law
  4. Charles’s Law
  5. Experimental Verification of Charles’s Law
  6. Derivation of Absolute Zero
  7. Graphical Explanation of Charles’ Law
  8. Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  9. Calculation of Partial Pressure of a Gas
  10. Applications of Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  11. Avogadro’s Law
  12. Demonstration of Graham’s Law
2.4: Ideal Gases  (Practice Test)
  1. General Gas Equation
  2. Ideal Gas Constant R
  3. Density of an Ideal Gas
2.5: Change of State (Liquefaction)
  1. General Principle of Liquefaction
2.6: Liquid State  (Practice Test)
  1. Shape and Volume of Liquids
  2. Compressibility and Ease of Flow of Liquids
  3. Evaporation in Liquids and its Uses
  4. Evaporation
2.7: Viscosity  (Practice Test)
  1. Viscosity
  2. Measurement of Viscosity
2.8: Surface Tension
  1. Surface tension
  2. Measurement of Surface Tension
2.9: Vapour Pressure
  1. Vapour Pressure
2.10: Change of State – Boiling
  1. Boiling Points of Liquids
2.11: Solid State  (Practice Test)
  1. Shape and Volume of Solids
  2. Compressibility and Ease of Flow of Solids
  3. Melting
  4. Rigidity and Melting point of Solids
  5. Effect of Impurities on Melting Point of Solids
  6. Sublimation of solids
  7. Density in Solids
  8. Diffusion in Solids
  9. Amorphous Solids
  10. Crystalline Solids
2.12: Types of Crystals  (Practice Test)
  1. Crystal Lattice
  2. Unit Cell
  3. Crystals and Their Classification
  4. More on Crystals and Their Classification
2.13: Isomorphism
  1. Isomorphism
2.14: Polymorphism
  1. Polymorphism
2.15: Change of State (Melting or Fusion)  (Practice Test)
  1. Effect of Impurities on Melting Point of Solids
  2. The Latent Heat of Fusion
Chapter 3: The Atomic Structure (66 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Faraday’s Experiment – Passage of Electricty Through Solutions
  1. Introduction to Electrochemistry
  2. Concepts of Electrolytes
3.2: Crookes’s Tube or Discharge Tube Experiments  (Practice Test)
  1. Discovery of Electron(Cathode rays)
  2. Properties of Cathode rays
  3. More on Properties of Cathode rays
3.3: Positive Rays – Protons  (Practice Test)
  1. Discovery of Proton
  2. Properties of positive rays
3.4: Radioactivity – Confirmation of Electrons and Protons  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Radioactivity
  2. Nature of Radioactivity
3.5: Chadwick Experiment – Discovery of Neutrons  (Practice Test)
  1. Discovery of Neutron
  2. Properties of Neutron
  3. More on Properties of Neutron
3.6: Spectroscopic Experiments
  1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis
3.7: Planck’s Quantum Theory – Quantization of Energy  (Practice Test)
  1. Planck’s Quantum Theory
  2. More on Planck’s Quantum Theory
3.8: Spectra  (Practice Test)
  1. Spectrum
  2. Continuous Spectrum
  3. Line Spectrum
3.9: Rutherford’s Model of an Atom  (Practice Test)
  1. Rutherford’s Atomic Model
  2. Advantages and Defects in Rutherford’s Atomic Model
3.10: X-Rays and Atomic number  (Practice Test)
  1. X-Rays
  2. Types of X-rays
  3. Study of X-Rays by Moseley
  4. Importance of Moseley’s Law
3.11: Bohr’sTheory
  1. Bohr’s Atomic Theory
3.12: Bohr’sTheory and Hydrogen Atom  (Practice Test)
  1. Derivation of Radius of Revolving Electron in nth Orbit
  2. More on Derivation of Radius of Revolving Electron in nth Orbit
  3. Determining Radius of an Orbit Using Bohr’s Equation
3.13: Determination of Energy  (Practice Test)
  1. Energy of Revolving Electron
  2. More on Energy of Revolving Electron
  3. Energy of Electron in nth Orbit
  4. Determination of nth Orbit Energy Using Bohr’s Equation
3.14: The Hydrogen Spectrum  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydrogen Spectrum
  2. More on Hydrogen Spectrum
  3. Calculations of Frequency of Photons by Bohr’s Theory
  4. Calculations of Wave Numbers of Photons by Bohr’s Theory
  5. Lyman Series
  6. Balmer Series
  7. Paschen Series
  8. Brackett series
  9. Pfund series
3.15: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
  1. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
3.16: Energy Levels and Energy Sub-Levels
  1. Concept of Orbital
3.17: Orbitals and Quantum Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Quantum Numbers
  2. Principal Quantum Numbers (n)
  3. Azimuthal Quantum Numbers (l)
  4. Magnetic Quantum Numbers (m)
  5. Spin Quantum Numbers (s)
  6. Quantum Numbers of Electrons
  7. Calculation of Combination of Quantum Numbers
3.18: Pauli’s Exclusion Principle  (Practice Test)
  1. (n+l) Rule
  2. Aufbau Principle
  3. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle and Hund’s Rule
3.19: Shapes of Orbitals  (Practice Test)
  1. Shape of s-Orbitals
  2. Shapes of p-Orbitals
  3. Shapes of d-Orbitals
3.20: Electronic Configuration
  1. Electronic configuration
  2. More on Electronic configuration
3.21: Atomic Radius  (Practice Test)
  1. Atomic Size and Atomic Radius
  2. Trend of Atomic Size and Atomic Radius in Periodic Table
3.22: Ionization Potential  (Practice Test)
  1. Ionization Energy
  2. Trend of Ionization Energy in Periodic Table
3.24: Electron Affinity  (Practice Test)
  1. Electron Affinity
  2. Trend of Electron Affinity in Periodic Table
3.25: Electronegativity  (Practice Test)
  1. Electronegativity
  2. Trend of Electronegativity in Periodic Table
Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding (31 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Energetics of Bond Formation
  1. Energetics of Bond Formation
4.2: Electrovalent or Ionic Bond  (Practice Test)
  1. Ionic Bond
  2. More on Ionic Bond
4.3: Covalent Bond  (Practice Test)
  1. Covalent Bond
  2. Types of Covalent Bonds
  3. Single Covalent Bond
  4. Double Covalent Bond
  5. Triple Covalent Bond
  6. Polar Covalent Bond
  7. Non polar Covalent Bond
4.4: Co-ordinate or Dative Covalent Bond
  1. Dative Covalent Bond or Co-ordinate Covalent Bond
4.5: Dipole Moment
  1. Dipole Moment
4.6: Ionic Character of Covalent Bond  (Practice Test)
  1. Ionic Character and Bond Energy
  2. More on Ionic Character and Bond Energy
4.7: Bond Energy
  1. Bond Energy
4.8: Sigma and Pi Bonds
  1. Strength of Sigma and Pi Bonds
  2. MOT Diagramsfor O2 and F2
4.9: Hybridization  (Practice Test)
  1. Sp3 Hybridization
  2. More on Sp3 Hybridization
  3. Bonding and Structure of Ammonia
  4. Bonding and Structure of Water
  5. sp2-Hybridization; Bonding and Structure of Boron Trifluoride
  6. Sp2 Hybridization
  7. Sp Hybridization
4.10: Shape of Simple Molecules  (Practice Test)
  1. Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory
  2. Molecules Containing Two Electron Pairs (AB2 Type) and AB3 Type
  3. AB2E and AB3 Type With Multiple Bonds
  4. AB4 Type With No Lone Pairs AB3E1 Type and AB2E2
  5. Molecules Containing Five Electron Pairs (AB5 Type)
  6. Molecules Containing Six Electron Pairs (AB6 Type)
4.11: Hydrogen Bond
  1. Hydrogen Bonding in Paints, Dyes and Textile Materials
Chapter 5: Energetics of Chemical Reactions (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Thermodynamic Terms (System, Surroundings and States)  (Practice Test)
  1. Exothermic Reactions
  2. Endothermic Reactions
  3. Some Examples of Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
  4. Intensive Properties
  5. Extensive Properties
5.2: First Law of Thermodynamics (Energy Conservation)  (Practice Test)
  1. work and Heat
  2. First Law of Thermodynamics
5.3: Sign of Enthalpy  (Practice Test)
  1. Enthalpy
  2. Energy profile Diagram for Exothermic Reactions
  3. Energy profile Diagram for Endothermic Reactions
5.4: Thermochemistry  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Thermochemistry
5.5: Hess’s Law of Constant Heat of Summation
  1. Hess’s Law of Constant Heat Summation
  2. Verification of Hess’s Law
5.6: Heat of Formation
  1. Enthalpy of Formation
Chapter 6: Chemical Equilibrium (28 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Extent to Which Reaction Proceeds  (Practice Test)
  1. Extent of Reaction
  2. Concept of Chemical Reaction
  3. Chemical reactions and its types
  4. Irreversible Chemical Reactions
  5. Reversible Chemical Reactions
6.2: Equilibrium State
  1. Dynamic Chemical Equilibrium
6.3: The Law of Mass Action (Equilibrium Law)  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Law of mass action
  2. Derivation of Law of Mass Action
  3. More on derivation of law of mass action
6.4: Determination of Equilibrium Constant
  1. Equilibrium Constant Kc and its Units
  2. Calculating the Equilibrium Constant for Reversible Reaction
  3. Calculate the Equilibrium Concentration
6.5: Applications of the Law of Equilibrium  (Practice Test)
  1. Conditions and Recognition of Chemical Equilibrium
  2. Applications of Equilibrium Constants; Direction of Reaction
6.6: Factors Affecting Balance of Chemical Equilibrium (Le Chatelier’s Principle)  (Practice Test)
  1. Le-Chatelier’s Principle; Effect of Change in Concentration
  2. The Effect of Conditions on the Position of Equilibrium
  3. Effect of Change in Pressure or Volume
  4. Quantitative Effect of Volume on Equilibrium Position
  5. Effect of Change in Temperature
  6. Effect of Catalyst on Equilibrium Constant
6.7: Important Industrial Applications of Le Chatelier’s Principle  (Practice Test)
  1. The Haber’s Process
  2. More on Haber process
  3. Preparation of Sulphuric Acid through Contact Process
6.8: Solubility Product  (Practice Test)
  1. Solubility Product
  2. Determination of Solubility Product from Solubility
  3. Determination of Solubility from Solubility Product
6.9: Common Ion Effect
  1. Common Ion Effect
  2. Some Examples of Common Ion Effect
Chapter 7: Solutions and Electrolytes (39 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Concentration of Solutions  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculations Related to Concentration of Solutions
  2. Finding Concentration of the Solution
7.1: Hydration
  1. Hydration
7.3: Hydrolysis
  1. Hydrolysis
  2. More on Hydrolysis
7.4: Theory of Ionization  (Practice Test)
  1. Theory of Ionization
  2. More on Theory of Ionization
7.5: Conductance of Electric Current Through Solutions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Electrolysis
  2. Explaining Electrolysis
7.6: Electrode Potential  (Practice Test)
  1. Electrode Potential
  2. Standard Hydrogen Electrode
  3. Measurement of Electrode Potential
  4. Electrochemical Series
  5. Prediction of Feasibility of a Chemical Reaction
7.7: Oxidation Number  (Practice Test)
  1. Oxidation State
  2. More on Oxidation State
  3. Finding out the Oxidation Numbers
7.8: Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
  1. Reduction and Oxidation at the Same Time
7.9: Balancing Oxidation Reduction Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Balancing of Redox Equations by Ion-Electron Method
  2. Balancing of Redox Equations in Acidic Medium by Ion-Electron Method
  3. Balancing of Redox Equations in Basic Medium by Ion-Electron Method
7.10: Indicators  (Practice Test)
  1. Indicators
  2. More on Indicators
7.11: Strength of Acids and Bases  (Practice Test)
  1. Strong Acids
  2. Weak Acids
  3. Dissociation of Acids
  4. Dissociation of Bases
  5. Identifying Weak or Strong Acids or Bases
7.12: pH  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of pH Scale
  2. Measuring of pH by Universal Indicator
  3. Measuring of pH by pH Meter
  4. Calculating pH
7.13: Buffers  (Practice Test)
  1. Buffer Solutions
  2. Buffer Action
  3. Calculation of pH of a Buffer
  4. More on Calculation of pH of a Buffer
  5. Buffer Capacity
7.14: Neutralization
  1. Neutralization Reaction
  2. More on Neutralisation
Chapter 8: Iuntroduction to Chemical Kinetics (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Rate and Velocity of Reaction
  1. Rate of Chemical Change
  2. Measuring the Speed of Reaction with the Help of a Graph
8.2: Rate Constant and Rate Expression  (Practice Test)
  1. Specific Rate Constant or Velocity Constant
  2. Order of Reaction
  3. Examples of Reactions Showing Different Orders
8.3: Types of Reaction Based on Reaction Velocity  (Practice Test)
  1. Rate of Chemical Change
  2. Activation Energy
  3. More on Activation Energy
8.4: Determination of Rate of Reaction  (Practice Test)
  1. Determination of the Rate of a Chemical Reaction
  2. Physical Methods, Spectrometry and Electrical Conductivity
  3. Dialatometric, Refractrometric and Optical Rotation Method
  4. Chemical Method
8.5: Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction  (Practice Test)
  1. Factors Affecting Rates Of Reactions, Nature of Reactants
  2. Effect of Concentration on Speed of Reaction

Biology Class-XI

Chapter 1: Introduction (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Biology and Its Major Fields  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Biology
  2. Zoology,Botany, Microbiology
  3. Five Kingdom System
  4. Taxonomy Palaeontology Environmental Biology
  5. Biotechnology, Biochemistry
1.2: Levels of Biological Organization  (Practice Test)
  1. Level of Organization
  2. Organelle and Cell Level, Tissue
  3. Organ and Organ System Level
  4. Individual level, Population level
1.3: Biological Methods  (Practice Test)
  1. Biological Method
  2. More one Biological Method
  3. Law Principles
1.4: Applications of Biology for The Welfare of Mankind  (Practice Test)
  1. Immunization and Vaccination
  2. Antibiotics
Chapter 2: Biological Molecules (40 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Introduction to Biochemistry  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to BioChemistry
  2. Cell
  3. Relationship between Structure and Function of Molecules
2.2: Water  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydrogen Bonding
  2. Water as Universal Solvent
  3. More on Physical Properties of Water
2.3: Organic Molecules
  1. Condensation
  2. Hydrolysis
2.4: Carbon  (Practice Test)
  1. Importance of Carbon
  2. More on Importance of Carbon
  3. Structure of Amino Acid
  4. Peptide Linkage
  5. Structure of Protein
  6. More on Structure of Protein
  7. Classification of Protien
  8. Function of Protien
  9. Carbohydrates
  10. Classification of Carbohydrates
  11. Monosaccharides
  12. Disaccharides
  13. Polysaccharides
  14. Functions of Carbohydrates
  15. Lipids Characteristics
  16. Classification of Lipids
  17. Saturated and Unsaturated Fats
  18. Waxes and Terpenoids
  19. Phospholipids
  20. Steroids and Carotenoids
  21. Structure and Role of Nucleic Acids
  22. Classification of Nucleotide
  23. Mononucleotide
  24. Nucleotide and Polynucleotide
  25. DNA as Hereditary Material,vehicle
  26. More on DNA as Hereditary Material, vehicle
  27. Watson-Crick Model of DNA
  28. RNA as a Carrier of Genetics Information
  29. Transcription
  30. Translation
2.5: Conjugated Molecules  (Practice Test)
  1. Conjugated Molecules, Glyco-Protien, Glyco-Lipids
  2. Lipo-Protien, Nucleo-Protien
Chapter 3: Enzymes (10 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Energy of Activation  (Practice Test)
  1. Enzyme
  2. Mechanism of Enzymes
3.2: Characteristics of Enzymes
  1. Characteristics of Enzymes
  2. Lock and Key Model
  3. Induecd Fit Model
3.3: Types of Enzymes
  1. Three Groups of Enzymes
3.4: Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity  (Practice Test)
  1. Factors Effecting the Rate of Enzyme Action
  2. Inhibitors
  3. Feedback Inhibition
  4. Uses of Enzymes
Chapter 4: The Cell (32 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Cell as Basic Unit of Life  (Practice Test)
  1. Cell
  2. History of Formulation of Cell Theory
  3. Working of TEM
  4. Comparisonof Different Types of Microscope
  5. Workingof SEM
  6. More Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
4.2: Eukaryotic Cells  (Practice Test)
  1. Cell Membrane
  2. More on Cell Membrane
  3. Cell wall
  4. More on Cell wall
4.3: Nucleus  (Practice Test)
  1. Nucleus
  2. More on Nucleus
  3. Chromosomes, Nucleolus
4.4: Cytoplasmic Organelles and Membrane System  (Practice Test)
  1. More on Cytoplasm, Cell organelles
  2. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER),Ribosomes
  3. More on Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
  4. Mitochondria
  5. Mitochondria Convert Energy
  6. Golgi Apparatus and Lysosomes
  7. More on Golgi Apparatus
  8. Lysosomes
  9. Storage Diseases
  10. Plastids
  11. More on Plastids
  12. Chloroplast Convert Energy
  13. Peroxisomes and Glyoxisomes
  14. Cytoplasm, Cytoskeleton
  15. Cytoskeleton
  16. Centrioles
  17. Ribosomes
  18. Vacuoles
  19. More on Vacuoles
Chapter 5: Variety of Life (26 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Classification  (Practice Test)
  1. Aims and Basis of Classification
  2. Taxonomic Hierarchy
  3. Binomial Nomenclature
  4. Two Kingdom Classification System
  5. Five Kingdom System
5.2: Viruses  (Practice Test)
  1. Viruses, Size, Shape and Characteristics
  2. Viruses living or Non-living
  3. Characteristics of Virus
  4. More on Structure of Viruses, Bacteriophage
  5. Classification of Virus
  6. Double, Small, Medium Genome Viruses
  7. Lytic Cycle
  8. Lysogenic Cycle
  9. Viroids
  10. Prions
  11. Poliomyelitis
  12. Structure of Influenza
  13. Small Pox, Mumps, Influenza
  14. Herpes
  15. Classification of Viruses, Enveloped,Reterovirus
  16. Cotton Leaf Curl Disease
  17. Symtomps and Treatment of AIDS
  18. Structure of HIV, Retrovirus
  19. Life Cycle of HIV
  20. Hepatitis A, B, C
  21. Hepatitis D, E, F
Chapter 6: The Kingdom Prokaryotae (19 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Bacteria  (Practice Test)
  1. Discovery of Bacteria
  2. Structure of Bacteria Capsule, Slime and Pilli
  3. More on Structure of Bacteria
  4. Cell Wall of Bacteria
  5. Cell Membrane, Cytoplasmic Matrix
  6. Kinds of Bacteria
  7. Flagella and Its Structure
  8. Occurrence of Bacteria
  9. Mode of Nutrition in Bacteria
  10. Respiration and Growth in Bacteria
  11. Reproduction in Bacteria
  12. Transformation and Transduction
6.2: Importance and Control  (Practice Test)
  1. Beneficial Bacteria ,Harmful Bacteria
  2. Bacterial Diseases in Man
  3. Control of Bacteria
6.3: Immunization and Vaccination
  1. Immunization and Vaccination
6.4: Uses and Misuse of Antibiotics  (Practice Test)
  1. Antibiotics
6.5: Cynobacteria  (Practice Test)
  1. Cyanobacteria
  2. Nostoc
Chapter 7: The Kingdom Protoctista (7 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Protista  (Practice Test)
  1. General Characteristics of Protists
  2. Chlorella and Ulva
  3. Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates and Diatoms
7.2: Fungi like Protist  (Practice Test)
  1. Fungi like Protists: Myxomycota
  2. oomycota
7.3: Animals like Protist  (Practice Test)
  1. Animal like protists
  2. Life Cycle of Plasmodium
Chapter 8: The Kingdom Fungi (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: The Body of Fungus  (Practice Test)
  1. Characteristics of Fungi
  2. Characteristics of Fungi
  3. Mode of Nutrition in Fungi
  4. Mutualistic Fungi
  5. Mycorrhizae
  6. Edible Fungi
  7. Reproduction in Fungi
8.2: Classification of Fungi  (Practice Test)
  1. Classification of Fungi, Zygomycota
  2. Ascomycota
  3. Life Cycle of Smut
  4. Basidiomycota
  5. Deuteromycota
8.3: Land Adaptation of Fungi
  1. Land Adaptation of Fungi
8.4: Economic Importance  (Practice Test)
  1. Importance of Fungi
Chapter 9: The Kingdom Plantae (34 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Classification of Plantae  (Practice Test)
  1. General Characteristics
  2. Classification of Plantae
9.2: Bryophytes  (Practice Test)
  1. Division Bryophyta
  2. The Land Adaptions of Bryophytes
  3. Classification Liverworts
  4. Moss
  5. Life Cycle of Moss
  6. Hornworts
  7. Protection of Reproductive Cells
9.3: Tracheophytes  (Practice Test)
  1. Division Tracheophytes
  2. Psilopsida
  3. Evolution of Leaf
  4. Lycopsida
  5. Evolution of Seed Habit
  6. Sphenosida
  7. Pteropsida
  8. Life Cycle of Adiantum
  9. Difference between Mosses and Fern
  10. General Characters Spermatophytes
  11. Seed bearing Vascular Plants
  12. Cycads
  13. Ginkgo
  14. Conifers
  15. Sporophytes of Pinus
  16. Gametophytes of Pinus
  17. Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
  18. Seed and fruit Formation
9.4: Spermopsida as Successful Group of Land Plants
  1. Spermopsida as Successful Group of Land Plants
9.5: Families  (Practice Test)
  1. Rosaceae
  2. Solanaceae
  3. family papilionaceae
  4. Caesailpiniaceae
  5. Mimosaceae
  6. Poaceae
Chapter 10: The Kingdom Animalia (48 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Animal Classification  (Practice Test)
  1. Characteristics of Animals
  2. More on Characteristics of Animals
  3. Criteria for Animal Classification
  4. Embryo, Embryology and Cleavage
  5. Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organization
  6. Grade Radiata, Bilateria
10.2: Phylum Porifera  (Practice Test)
  1. Phylum Porifera,Sycon
  2. Generalized Sponge Anatomy
10.3: Phylum Cnidaria  (Practice Test)
  1. Phylum Coelenterata
  2. Advance Phylum Coelenterata
10.4: Phylum Platyhelminthes  (Practice Test)
  1. Hydra, Jelly Fish
  2. Phylum Platyhelminthes
  3. More on Phylum Platyhelminthes
  4. Liver Fluke, Tapeworm
10.5: Phylum Nemathelminthes  (Practice Test)
  1. Phylum Nematoda, Ascaris
  2. More on Phylum Nematoda
10.6: Phylum Annelida  (Practice Test)
  1. Phyllum Annelida, Leech, Earth worm
  2. More on Phylum Annelida
  3. Classes of Annelida
  4. Round Worms
  5. Diseases Caused by Pathogenic Worms, Thread Worms
10.7: Phylum Mollusca  (Practice Test)
  1. Phylum Mollusca, Fresh Water Mussel, Snail
  2. More on Phylum Mollusca
10.8: Phylum Arthropoda  (Practice Test)
  1. Phylum Arthropoda
  2. More on Phylum Arthropoda
  3. Classification of Arthropods
  4. Metamorphosis
  5. Some Insects being the Vectors of Diseases
10.9: Phylum Echinodermata  (Practice Test)
  1. Echinodermata, Star Fish, Sea Urchin
  2. Phylum Hemichordata
  3. More on Phylum Echinodermata
10.10: Phylum Chordata  (Practice Test)
  1. General Features of Chordates
  2. Notochord, Pharyngeal, Hollow Dosral Nervous System
  3. Subphylum, Uro and Cephalo Chordates
  4. Class Pisces, Fishes, Rohu
  5. Subphylum Vertebrata (Craniata), Jawless Fish
  6. Class Chondrichthyes
  7. Class Osteichthyes
  8. Adaptatios in Fishes to Aquatic Life
  9. Class Amphibia, Frog, Toad
  10. Class Reptilia, Wall Lizard, Snake
  11. Class Aves, Birds
  12. Flying Birds and Running Birds
  13. Class Mammalia, Mammals
  14. Sub-Class Prothotheria and Metatheria
  15. Sub-Class Eutheria
  16. Egg laying and Pouched Mammals
  17. Placental Mammals
Chapter 11: Bioenergenetics (37 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Need for Energy in Living Organisms  (Practice Test)
  1. Need for Energy in Living Organisms
  2. Role of ATP as Energy Currency
  3. Comparison of Photosynthesis and Respiration
11.2: Photosynthesis  (Practice Test)
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Role of Photosynthetic Pigments, Carotenoids
  3. Role of Chlorophyll and Light
  4. Chlorophyll , Chemical Structure of Chlorophyll
  5. Water and Photosynthesis
  6. Role of Carbon Dioxide and Water in Photosynthesis
11.3: Process of Photosynthesis  (Practice Test)
  1. Mechanism of Photosynthesis
  2. More on Photosynthesis
  3. Light Reaction
  4. More on Light Reaction
  5. Noncyclic Phosphorylation
  6. Cyclic Phosphorylation
  7. Synthesis of ATP, Chemiosmosis
  8. Dark Reaction
  9. More onDark Reaction
  10. Alternative Mechanisms of Carbon Fixation
  11. Malic Acid, C4 plants with Kranz Anatomy
  12. CAM plants
11.4: Cellular Respiration: As Energy Releasing Process  (Practice Test)
  1. Respiration
  2. Oxidation Phosphorylation
  3. Aerobic Respiration
  4. Types of Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation)
  5. Fermentation
  6. Importance of Fermentation
  7. Glycolysis
  8. Mechanism of Respiration, Glycolysis
  9. Types of Fermentation
  10. Oxidation of Pyruvic Acid and Krebs Cycle
  11. Respiratory chain
11.5: Energy Flow through the Ecosystem  (Practice Test)
  1. Unidirectional Energy Flow
  2. Trophic Levels
  3. Pyramids of Energy
  4. Efficiency of Energy Flow and its Significance
  5. Advantages of Short Food Chains
Chapter 12: Nutrition (55 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Introduction  (Practice Test)
  1. Basic definitions
12.2: Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Nutrition
  1. Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Nutrition
12.3: Autotrophic Nutrition  (Practice Test)
  1. Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Organisms
  2. Phototropic Nutrition
  3. Chemotrophic Nutrition
12.4: Mineral Nutrition in Plant  (Practice Test)
  1. Minerals Requirement in Plants
  2. Macronutrients, Micronutrients
  3. Role of Nitrogen and Magnesium
  4. Minerals Requirement, Nitrogen
  5. Minerals Requirement, Phosphorus
  6. Minerals Requirement, Potassium
  7. Minerals Requirement, Magnesium
12.5: Heterotrophic and Special Mode of Nutrition in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Parasitic and Saprophytic Nutrition
  2. More on Heterotrophic Nutrition, Parasitic and Saprophytic Nutrition
  3. Insectivorous Plants and Symbionts
  4. More on Insectivorous Plants
12.6: Heterotrophic Nutrition in Animals  (Practice Test)
  1. Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores
  2. Frugivores,Insectivore, Parasitic, Saprozoic
  3. Parasitic Nutrition
  4. Parasitic Nutrition classification
  5. More on Hetrotrophic Animal Nutrition, Carnivores, Herbivores, Omniv
12.7: Digestion and Absoption
  1. Mechanical and Chemical Digestion
12.8: Nutrition in Amoeba, Hydra, Planaria and Cockroach  (Practice Test)
  1. Digestion in Amoeba
  2. Digestion in Hydra
  3. Digestion in Planaria
  4. Digestion in Cockroach
12.9: Human Digestive System  (Practice Test)
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Digestion in Human
  3. More on Digestive System of Man
  4. Mechanical and Chemical Digestion
  5. Oral Cavity
  6. Teeth , Structure of Tooth
  7. Types of Teeth
  8. The Causes of Tooth Decay and its Prevention
  9. Pharynx and Oesophagus
  10. Stomach Digestion
  11. Digestion in Duodenum and Enzyme Precursors
  12. More on Jejunum
  13. Absorbtion of Digested from lumen of Intestine
  14. Absorbtion of Protein in Small Intestine
  15. More on Digestion and Absorption of Food in the Small Intestine
  16. More onLarge Intestine
  17. Excretory Organs, Liver
  18. Functions of Liver
  19. Enzymes
  20. Pancreas as an Exocrine Gland
  21. Large intestine
12.11: Disorders of the Gastro-Intestinal Track  (Practice Test)
  1. Dyspepsia, Food Poisoning
  2. Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa
  3. Bulimia Nervosa, Ulcer
  4. Diarrhoea, Vomiting
  5. Enterobiasis
  6. Appendicitis
  7. Mal-nutrition,Under-nutrition, Over-Nutrition
  8. Constipation, Ulcer
Chapter 13: Gaseous Exchange (40 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Respiratory Media  (Practice Test)
  1. Need of Respiratory Gas Exchange
  2. Need of Respiratory Gas Exchange
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas Exchange in Air and Water
  4. Air and Water as Respiratory Medium
13.2: Gaseous Exchange in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Gaseous Exchange in Plants
  2. Gaseous Exchange in Plants
  3. Structure of Stomata
  4. Cuticalar Transpiration
  5. Stomatal Transpiration
  6. Lenticular Transpiration
  7. Photorespiration
13.3: Gaseous Exchange in Animals  (Practice Test)
  1. Properties of Respiratory Surface
  2. Respiration in Hydra
  3. Respiration in Earthworm
  4. Gaseous Exchange in Insects
  5. Gaseous Exchange through Gills and Skin
  6. Respiration in Frog
  7. Cutaneous respiration in frog
  8. Gaseous Exchange through Lungs
  9. Respiration in Birds
13.4: Respiratory System of Man  (Practice Test)
  1. The Air Passageway
  2. The Lungs
  3. Structure of Human Respiratory System
13.5: Breathing in Man  (Practice Test)
  1. The Mechanism of Breathing
  2. Mechanism of Breathing in man
  3. Inspiration
  4. Expiration
  5. Rate of Breathing
  6. Lung Cancer
  7. Bronchitis, Emphysema
  8. Pulmonary Tuberculosis (T.B)
  9. Pneumonia, Asthma
13.6: Transport of Gases in Man  (Practice Test)
  1. Role of Respiratory Pigments
  2. Factors Affecting The Capacity of Heamoblobin To Combine With O2
  3. Lungs Volumes and Capacities
  4. Transport of Oxygen
  5. Transport of (CO2)
  6. As Carboxyhaemoglobin, AS a Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in Plasma
  7. Myoglobin
  8. Haemoglobin
Chapter 14: Transport (132 videos)   (Practice Test)
14.1: Introduction
  1. Need of Transport of Materials
14.2: Transport in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Transport in Plants
14.3: Uptake and Transport of Water and Minerals  (Practice Test)
  1. Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion
  2. More on Diffusion, Active Transport,Facilitated Diffusion
  3. Passive Transport and Active Transport
  4. Imbibition
  5. Water as a Medium of Transportation
  6. Osmosis
  7. More on Osmosis
  8. Water Potentials
  9. More on Water Potential
  10. Solute Potential
  11. Plasmolysis
  12. Plasmolysis And Deplasmolysis
14.4: Water and Minerals Uptake by Roots  (Practice Test)
  1. Absorption by Roots
  2. Apoplast Pathway
  3. Symplast Pathway
  4. Vacuolar Pathway
14.5: Ascent of Sap  (Practice Test)
  1. Ascent of Sap
  2. More on Ascent of Sap
  3. Xylem
  4. Root Prssure , Root Prssure Theory
  5. Guttation
  6. Cohesion and Tension Theory
14.6: Transpiration  (Practice Test)
  1. Transpiration
  2. Stomatal Transpiration
  3. Cutical Transpiration
  4. Lenticular Transpiration
  5. Mechanism of Stomatal Transpiration
  6. Structure of Stomata
  7. Opening and Closing of Stomata
  8. Influx of K+ Ions
  9. Factors Affecting the Rate of Transpiration
  10. Transpiration is Necessary Evil
14.7: Translocation of organic solutes  (Practice Test)
  1. Translocation
  2. Phloem
  3. Source- Sink Movement
  4. Pressure Flow Hypothesis
14.8: Transport in Animals  (Practice Test)
  1. Transportation in Hydra
  2. Transportation in Planaria
14.9: Circulatory System  (Practice Test)
  1. General Characteristics of Circulatory System
  2. Open Circulatory System
  3. Closed Circulatory System
  4. Difference Between Open and Closed Circulatory System
  5. single circuit circulation
  6. Double Circuit Circulation
  7. Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation
  8. More on Pulmonary Circulation
  9. More on Systemic Circulation
  10. Evolution of Vertebrate Heart (Fish)
  11. Evolution of Vertebrate Heart (Amphibians)
  12. Evolution of Vertebrate Heart (Reptiles)
  13. Evolution of Vertebrate Heart (Birds & Mammal)
14.10: Transport in Man  (Practice Test)
  1. Transportation in Man
  2. Plasma
  3. More on Plasma
  4. Blood Cells and Cell Like Bodies
  5. Role of Respiratory Pigment (Haemoglobin)
  6. White Blood Cells and Platelets
  7. White Blood Cells
  8. Agranular Leukocytes
  9. Granular Leukocytes
  10. Platelets
  11. Functions of Blood
  12. Functions of Blood
  13. More on Functions of Blood
  14. Leukaemia
  15. Thalassaemia
14.11: Human Heart  (Practice Test)
  1. Human Heart
  2. Structure of Human Heart
  3. More on Structure of Human Heart
  4. More on Structure of Human Heart
  5. Valves of Heart
  6. More on Valves of Heart
  7. Circulation of Blood inside Heart
  8. Passage of Blood Through Heart
  9. Cardiac Cycle
  10. HeartBeat and Pulse Rate
  11. Heartbeat
  12. Reason For Slight Delay Between Atrial & Ventricular Contraction
  13. S-A Node, Pace Maker, AV Node
  14. Artificial Pacemaker
  15. Blue Babies or Cyanosis
14.12: Blood Vessels  (Practice Test)
  1. Blood Vessels, Arteries
  2. Capillaries, Veins
  3. More on Blood Vessels, Arteries
  4. Veins
  5. Valves in Veins
  6. Capillaries
  7. Arterioles
  8. Control of Capillary Beds
  9. Comparison of Arteries, Capillaries and Veins
  10. Role of Precapillary Sphincter
  11. Blood Pressure, Measuring of Blood Pressure
  12. Rate of Blood Flow
14.13: Lymphatic System  (Practice Test)
  1. Lymphatic System
  2. Lymphatic System of Man
  3. Lymph Nodes
  4. Position of Lymph Nodes
  5. Lymph Nodes in Pelvic, Abdominal & Thoracic Cavity
  6. lymphatic vessels
  7. Lymphatic capillaries
  8. Diseases of Lymphatic System
  9. Functions of Lymphatic System
  10. Oedema
14.14: Cardiovascular Disorders  (Practice Test)
  1. Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis
  2. More on Atherosclerosis
  3. Hypertension
  4. Thrombosis
  5. Myocardial Infarction
  6. More on Myocardial Infarction
  7. Stroke
14.15: Immune System  (Practice Test)
  1. Immunity, Immunology, Immune System
  2. Inborn and acquired immunity
  3. First Line of Defence
  4. Second Line of Defence
  5. Killing Cells of Blood, Macrophages
  6. Neutrophils, Natural Killer Cells
  7. Complement System
  8. Inflammatory Response as one of the non specific Defenses
  9. Pyrexia and Pyrogens
  10. Ways the Fever kills Microbes
  11. The Specific Defences (Third Line of Defence )
  12. Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI)
  13. Antibody Mediated Immune Response
  14. b-Lymphocytes
  15. T-Lymphocytes
  16. Interferon
  17. Primary and Secondary Immune Response
  18. Difference Between Primary and Secondary Immune Response
  19. Types of Immunity,Active Immunity
  20. Passive Immunity

Statistics Class XI

Chapter 1: Representation and Exploration of Data (36 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Exploring and Interpreting Data  (Practice Test)
  1. Data
  2. Exploring Data
  3. Interpretation of Data
  4. Introducing Parameters and Statistic
  5. Basic Terminologies in Statistics
  6. Accuracy of Measurements & Errors
  7. Qualitative/Quantitative Data
  8. Types of Data(Continuous/Discrete)
  9. Types of Data By Source
1.2: Frequency Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  2. Problem 1: Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  3. Discrete Frequency Distribution
  4. Cumulative Frequency Distribution
1.3: Charts/Diagrams  (Practice Test)
  1. Charts/Diagrams
  2. Graphical Representation of Data-Horizontal/Vertical Bar Graph
  3. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data-Multiple Bar Graph
  4. Component Bar Chart
  5. Percentage Component Bar Chart
  6. Composite Bar Chart
  7. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data- Pie Graph
  8. Pictograms
1.4: Graphs  (Practice Test)
  1. Graphs
  2. Interpretation of Data Through Graphs
  3. Creating a Histogram
  4. Problem 1: Constructing Histogram with Equal Intervals
  5. Frequency Polygon
  6. Cumulative Frequency Polygon
  7. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data-Dot Graph
  8. Representation and Interpretation of Data through Stem and Leaf
  9. Graphical Representation & Interpretation of Data- Line Graph
  10. Graph of Time Series
  11. Difference Between Histogram and Historigram
1.5: Types of Frequency Curves  (Practice Test)
  1. Frequency Curve
  2. Common Shapes of Frequency Curves
  3. Positively Skewed Frequency Curves
  4. Negatively Skewed Frequency Curves
Chapter 2: Measure of Central Tendency or Averages (47 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Averages  (Practice Test)
  1. Average
  2. Applications of Different Averages
2.2: Arithematic Mean
  1. Arithmetic Mean for Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: A.M of Ungrouped Data by Direct Method
  3. Arithmetic Mean of Grouped Data by Direct Method
  4. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Direct Method
  5. Arithmetic Mean of Ungrouped Data using Short-cut Method
  6. Problem 1: A.M for Ungrouped Data by Short formula Method
  7. Arithmetic Mean of Grouped Data using Short-cut Method
  8. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Short formula Method
  9. Arithmetic Mean of Ungrouped Data using Coding Method
  10. Problem 1: A.M for Ungrouped Data by Coding Method
  11. Finding A.M for Grouped Data-Coding Method
  12. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Coding Method
2.3: Weighted/Combined Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Combined Arithmetic Mean
  2. Where to Use Arithmetic Mean
  3. Applications of Weighted Averages
  4. Introducing Weighted Average
  5. Problem – Weighted Average for Ungrouped Data
  6. Properties of Arithmetic Mean
  7. More on Properties of Arithmetic Mean
2.4: Median and Quantiles  (Practice Test)
  1. Median for Ungrouped Data
  2. Median of Grouped Data
  3. Quartiles for Individual Observations
  4. More on Quartiles for Individual Observations
  5. Problem-Quartiles for Individual Observations
  6. Quartiles for a Frequency Distribution
  7. Problem-Quartiles for a Frequency Distribution
  8. Estimating Quartiles for Grouped Data using Graph
  9. Quantiles from Discrete Data
  10. More on Quantiles from Discrete Data
  11. Quartiles From Grouped Data
  12. More on Quartiles From Grouped Data
  13. Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
  14. More on Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
  15. Problem – Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
  16. Problem – Deciles and Percentiles from Grouped Data
2.5: Mode
  1. The Mode
2.6: Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Geometric Mean of Ungrouped Data
  2. Geometric Mean for Grouped Data
  3. Harmonic Mean for Ungrouped Data
  4. Harmonic Mean for Grouped Data
  5. Where to Use Harmonic Mean
  6. Where to Use Geometric Mean
  7. Change in Origin and Scale
  8. Empirical Relationship Between Mean, Median and Mode
  9. Relationship Between Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic mean
Chapter 3: Measures of Dispersion (63 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Dispersion  (Practice Test)
  1. Applications of Dispersion
  2. Dispersion
3.2: Range
  1. Range of Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: Calculation of Range for Raw or Ungrouped Data
  3. Calculation of Range for Grouped Data
  4. Problem 1: Calculation of Range for Grouped Data
3.3: Mean Deviation
  1. Mean Deviation of Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem-Mean Deviation for Ungrouped Data by Mean
  3. Problem-Mean Deviation for Ungrouped Data by Median
  4. Mean Deviation of Ungrouped Data from Mode
  5. Problem-Mean Deviation for Ungrouped Data by Mode
  6. Mean Deviation of Grouped Data from Mean
  7. Problem-Mean Deviation for Grouped Data by Mean
  8. Mean Deviation of Grouped Data from Median
  9. Problem-Mean Deviation for Grouped Data by Median
  10. Calculate the Mean Deviation from the following Group Data according
  11. Problem-Mean Deviation for Grouped Data by Mode
3.4: Quartile Deviation  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Quartile Deviation
  2. Problem-Concept of Quartile Deviation
  3. Interquartile Range for Data Set Represented in Different Ways
  4. More on Interquartile Range for Data Set Represented in Different Ways
3.5: Variance and Standard Deviation  (Practice Test)
  1. Variance and Standard Deviation
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Variance & S.D
  3. Variance and Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data
  4. Calculation of the Variance and Standard Deviation by Direct Method
  5. Variance and Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data by Short Method
  6. Variance and Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data by Short-cut Method
  7. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data
  8. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data by Short Method
  9. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data by Short-cut Method
  10. Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data by Coding Method
  11. Effect of Change of Origin and Scale on S.D
  12. Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation
  13. More on Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation
  14. More on Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation
3.6: Coefficient of Dispersion  (Practice Test)
  1. Absolute and Relative Dispersion
  2. Coefficient of Dispersion and Its Measure
  3. Range Coefficient of Dispersion and its measure
  4. Problem-Range Coefficient of Dispersion and its measure
  5. Coefficient of Variation and its Measure
  6. More on Problem-Coefficient of Dispersion and Its Measure
  7. Quartile Coefficient of Relative Dispersion and its Measure
  8. Quartile Coefficient of Relative Dispersion and its Measure
  9. Mean Coefficient of Dispersion
3.7: Moments  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Moments
  2. Introducing Moments
  3. More on Introducing Moments
  4. Problem-Introducing Moments
  5. More on Problem-Introducing Moments
  6. Problem-Moments for group data
  7. Problem-Moments for group data
  8. Prob-Relation Between Mean Moments and Raw Moments
  9. More on Prob-Relation Between Mean Moments and Raw Moments
3.8: Skewed vs Unskewed Curves  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Skewness
  2. Skewed Vs Unskewed Curves
  3. More on Skewed Vs Unskewed Curves
  4. Measures of Skewness
  5. More on Measures of Skewness
  6. Problem-Measures of Skewness
3.9: Kurtosis  (Practice Test)
  1. Kurtosis and Its Measurements
  2. More on Kurtosis and Its Measurements
  3. Problem-Measures of Kurtosis
  4. More on Problem-Measures of Kurtosis
Chapter 4: Index Numbers (28 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Introduction to Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Index Number
  2. Applications of Index Numbers
  3. Death Rates and Birth Rates
4.2: Main Steps to Construct Price Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculating Index Number By Fixed Base Method
  2. More on Calculating Index Number By Fixed Base Method
  3. Calculating Index Number By Chain Base Method
4.3: Unweighted and Weighted Price Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculation of Unweighted Index Number by Simple Aggregative Method
  2. Problem-Unweighted Index Number by Simple Aggregative Method
  3. Calculation of Unweighted Index Number by Simple Average Method
  4. Problem-Unweighted Index Number by Simple Average Method
  5. Calculation of Unweighted Index Number by Average of Relative Method
  6. Weighted Aggregative Price Index Numbers By Laspeyres Method
  7. Weighted Aggregative Price Index Numbers By Paasches Method
  8. Weighted Aggregative Price Index Numbers By Fishers Method
4.4: Quantity Index Numbers
  1. Quantity Index Number
  2. Problem – Simple Aggregative Quantity Index Number
  3. Problem – Weighted Aggregative Quantity Index Number
  4. Problem – Simple Average of Relatives Quantity Index Number
  5. Problem – Weighted Average of Relatives Quantity Index Number
4.5: Value Index
  1. Value Index Number
4.6: Theoretical Tests of Index Number
  1. Tests of Index Number
  2. More on Tests of Index Number
  3. Problem – Time Reversal Test
  4. Problem – Factor Reversal Test
4.7: Consumer Price Index Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Consumer Price Index Numbers
  2. Consumer Price Vs Wholesale Price Index Numbers
  3. Problem- Consumer Price Vs Wholesale Price Index Numbers
  4. Sensitive Price Index (SPI)
Chapter 5: Regression and Correlation Analysis (6 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Regression Analysis  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Regression
  2. Deterministic and Probabilistic Relations or Models
  3. Scatter Diagram
  4. Approximating Line by the Principle of Least Squares
5.2: Correlation  (Practice Test)
  1. Correlation
  2. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
Chapter 6: Analysis of Time Series (15 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Time Series  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Time Series
  2. Applications of Time Series
6.2: Components of Time Series  (Practice Test)
  1. Secular Trend
  2. Seasonal Variations
  3. Cyclical Fluctuations
  4. Irregular or random variations
6.3: Estimation of Secular Trend  (Practice Test)
  1. Method of Free Hand Curve
  2. Method of Semi-Averages
  3. How to Calculate Moving Averages
  4. Applications of Moving Averages
  5. Problem – Application for Moving Averages
  6. Estimating Secular Trend by Method of Least Squares
  7. Fitting a Parabola or second Degree Curve
  8. Detrending
  9. Time Series Decomposition
Chapter 7: Set Theory (21 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Set Theory
  1. Sets
  2. Types of Set
  3. Subsets
  4. Basic Operations of Sets
  5. Venn Diagram
7.2: Algebra of Sets
  1. Commutative Law of Sets
  2. Associative Laws
  3. Idempotent Laws of Sets
  4. Identity Laws of Sets
  5. Commplementation Law
  6. Law of Double Complementation
  7. Law of Empty Set and Universal Set
  8. Distributive Laws
7.3: Counting Methods  (Practice Test)
  1. A Basic Counting Procedure
  2. Introducing Factorials
  3. Problem- Introducing Factorials
  4. Introducing Permutations
  5. Problem- Introducing Permutations (Distinct Objects)
  6. Permutations When the Objects are Not Distinct
  7. Introduction to Combinations
  8. Problem1-Introducing Combinations
Chapter 8: Introduction to Probability (31 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Basic Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Probability
  2. Random Experiment
  3. Sample Space
  4. Basic Terminologies used in Probability
  5. Types of Events
  6. Probability for Multiple Event
  7. Problem – Probability for Multiple Event
  8. Mutually Vs Non-Mutually Exclusive Events
  9. Problem – Mutually Vs Non-Mutually Exclusive Events
  10. Equally Likely Vs Exhaustive Events
  11. Conditional Probability
  12. Properties of Probabilities
8.2: Addition Law for Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition Law of Probability
  2. More on Applications of Addition of Probabilities
  3. Addition Laws of Probability
  4. Problem-Addition Laws of Probability
  5. Addition of Probabilities of Overlapping Events by Venn Diagram
  6. Problem-Addition of Probabilities of Overlapping Eventsby Venn Diagram
  7. Addition of Probabilities of Disjoint Events by Venn Diagram
  8. Addition of Probabilities of Subset Events
8.3: Multiplication Law for Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiplication Law of Probability
  2. Application of Multiplication Laws of Probabalities
  3. More on Application of Multiplication Laws of Probabalities
  4. Multiplication of Probabilities of Dependent Events
  5. Problem- Multiplication of Proababilities of Dependent Events
  6. Multiplication of Proababilities of Independent Events
  7. Problem-Multiplication of Proababilities of Independent Events
8.4: Conditional Probability  (Practice Test)
  1. Conditional Probability
  2. Application of Conditional Probability
  3. Conditional Probability By Sample and Reduced Sample Space Approach
  4. Prob-Conditional Probability By Sample and Reduced Sample Space Appro
Chapter 9: Random Variables and Distributions (43 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Random Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Random Variables
  2. Discrete Vs Continuous Random Variable
9.2: Discrete Probability Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Probability Distribution
  2. Probability Mass Function
  3. Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
  4. More on Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
  5. Problem – Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
  6. Cummulative Distribution and Probability Mass Function
  7. The Expected Value of Random Variable
  8. Use of Expected Value in Decision Making
  9. More on Use of Expected Value in Decision Making
9.3: Continuous Probability Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. The PDF of Continuous Distribution
  2. More on The PDF of Continuous Distribution
  3. Finding Area Under the Curve with Trapezoidal Rule
  4. More on Finding Area Under the Curve with Trapezoidal Rule
  5. Probability Density Function using Integration Method
  6. Problem-Probability Density Function using Integration Method
  7. More on Problem-Probability Density Function using Integration Method
  8. Cummulative Distribution and Probability Density Function
  9. Problem-Cummulative Distribution and Probability Density Function
9.4: The Expectation of Random Variable  (Practice Test)
  1. Expectation
  2. Applications of Expectation
  3. How Probability Helps Expectations
  4. The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  5. Problem1-The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  6. Problem2-The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  7. More on Problem2-The Expectation of a Discrete Distribution
  8. Laws of Expectation
  9. More on Laws of Expectation
  10. Addition and Subtraction Laws of Expectation
  11. Multiplication Law of Expectation
  12. Problem-Laws of Expectation
9.5: Properties of Variances  (Practice Test)
  1. Properties of Variance1
  2. Properties of Variance2
  3. Properties of Variance3
  4. Properties of Variance4
  5. Problem1 – Properties of Variance
  6. Problem2 – Properties of Variance
9.6: Sum or Differences of Variances of Random Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables1
  2. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables2
  3. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables3
  4. Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables4
  5. Problem-Variance of the Sum or Difference of Two Random Variables
Chapter 10: Binomial and Hypergeometric Distributions (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: The Binomial Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. The Bernoulli Distribution
  2. The Binomial Distribution
  3. More on Binomial Distribution
  4. Visualizing Binomial Distribution
  5. Probability of Binomial Distribution – Example
  6. Binomial Distribution for All Possible Value of Random Variable
  7. More on Binomial Distribution for All Possible Value of Random Variab
  8. Problem- Probability of Binomial Distribution
  9. Binomial Frequency Distribution
  10. Mean of Binomial Distribution
  11. Variance of Binomial Distribution
10.2: The Hypergeometric Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Hypergeometric Distribution
  2. More on Hypergeometric Distribution
  3. Properties of Hypergeometric Distribution
Chapter 11: The Normal Distribution (12 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: The Normal Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Normal Distribution
  2. Cummulative Distribution Function of Normal Distribution
  3. Standard Normal Distribution
  4. Characteristics of the Normal Probability Distribution
  5. Areas under the Normal Curve
  6. Tabulated Areas of Normal Distribution
  7. More on Tabulated Areas of Normal Distribution
  8. Tabulated Areas of Normal Distribution for Centre Case
  9. Inverse Use of Table of Areas Under Normal Curve
  10. More on Inverse Use of Table of Areas Under Normal Curve1
  11. Problem- Inverse Use of Table of Areas Under Normal Curve
  12. Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution
Chapter 12: Sampling and Sampling Distributions (52 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Basic Concepts  (Practice Test)
  1. Applications of Sampling
  2. Central Limit Theorem
  3. Population Vs Sample
  4. Population and Its Kind
  5. Sample and Sampling
  6. Sampling Units and Frame
  7. Sampling Versus Census
  8. Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors
  9. Precision and accuracy
  10. Limitations of Sampling
  11. Sampling Design and Its Types
  12. A Representative Vs Biased Sample
12.2: Probability And Non-Probability sampling  (Practice Test)
  1. Probability and Non-probability Sampling
  2. Random Digits
  3. Simple Random Sampling
  4. Systematic Sampling
  5. Stratified Sampling
  6. Cluster Sampling
  7. Introducing Purposive and Quota Sampling
12.3: Errors in Sampling
  1. True Value, Accuracy, Precision and Error
  2. Prob-True Value, Accuracy, Precision and Error
  3. Prob-Simple Random Sampling and Sampling Distribution
12.4: Sampling and Sampling Distributions  (Practice Test)
  1. Sampling
  2. Sampling Distribution
  3. Sampling With Replacement and Without Replacement
  4. Sampling Distribution and Standard Error of Statistic
  5. Prob-Sampling Distribution and Standard Error of Statistic
  6. Prob-Sampling Distribution From General Populations
12.5: Sampling Distributions  (Practice Test)
  1. Sampling Distribution of Mean
  2. More on Sampling Distribution of Mean
  3. Graphical Representation of Sampling Distribution of Means
  4. Standard Deviation of the Sampling Distribution With Replacement
  5. More on Standard Deviation of the Sampling Distribution With Replacem
  6. Problem- Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution With Replacement
  7. Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution Without Replacement
  8. More on Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution Without Replaceme
  9. Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  10. Variance of Difference of Random Variables
  11. More on Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  12. More on Difference of Variance of Random Variables
  13. Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  14. More on Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  15. Further to Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  16. Further to Problem-Sampling Distribution of Difference of Means
  17. Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  18. Problem- Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  19. More on Problem- Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  20. More on Problem- Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  21. Sampling Distribution of Difference between Proportions
  22. Sampling Distribution of Variances
  23. More on Sampling Distribution of Variances
  24. Further stuff on Sampling Distribution of Variances
Chapter 13: Statistical Inference:Estimation (17 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Statistical Inference  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Statistical Inference
  2. Estimates and Estimators
  3. Statistic and Estimator
13.2: Point Estimation
  1. Introducing Point Estimation
13.3: Unbiased Estimator  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Unbiased Estimator
  2. Unbiased Estimation of the Variance
13.4: Confidence Interval  (Practice Test)
  1. Introducing Confidence Interval
  2. Confidence Interval for Means with Large Samples
  3. Confidence Interval for Mue when Sigma Square is Unknown
  4. Confidence Interval for Differences between Means with Large Sample s
  5. Confidence Interval for Mean with Small Sample
  6. Problem-Confidence Interval Estimates of Mean From Small Samples
  7. Confidence Interval for differences between Means for small samples w
  8. Confidence Interval for Paired Observations
  9. Confidence Interval for Proportions
  10. Confidence Intervals for Difference Between Proportions
  11. Confidence Interval for Paired Observations
Chapter 14: Statistical Inference:Hypothesis Testing (27 videos)   (Practice Test)
14.1: Basic Concepts  (Practice Test)
  1. Testing hypothesis
  2. Formulation of Null and Alternative Hypothesis
  3. Prob-Formulation of Null and Alternative Hypothesis
  4. Simple and Composite Hypothesis
  5. Test-Statistics
  6. Acceptance and Rejection Regions
  7. Type 1 and 2 Errors
  8. The Significance Level
  9. One Tailed and Two Tailed Test
  10. General Procedure for Testing Hypothesis
  11. Left Tailed and Right Tailed Tests
  12. Prob-Left Tailed and Right Tailed Tests
  13. Deciding Upon an Appropriate Test
  14. Level of Significance and Level of Confidence
14.2: Testing Hypothesis about Population Mean  (Practice Test)
  1. Testing Hypothesis about Mean of a Normal population when Sigma is kn
  2. Testing Hypothesis about Mean of a Normal population when Sigma is Un
  3. The Students t Distribution
  4. Hypothesis Testing About the Mean with Unknown Variance
  5. Comparing the Mean of Two Normal Populations
  6. Comparing the Means of Two Normal Distributions with unequal Unknown
  7. The Paired t Test
14.3: Testing Hypothesis about Population Proportion  (Practice Test)
  1. Test Based on Normal Approximation
  2. Example- Test Based on Normal Approximation
  3. Test of Hypothesis About the Difference Between Two Population Propor
  4. Prob-Test of Hypothesis About the Difference Between Two Population P
  5. Testing That Difference Between Two Population Proportions Equals Som
  6. Prob-Testing That Difference Between Two Population Proportions Equal
Chapter 15: Association of Attributes (9 videos)   (Practice Test)
15.1: The Association of Attributes  (Practice Test)
  1. Variables and Attributes
  2. Classification by Attributes
  3. Independence and Criterion of Independence
  4. Association of Attributes
  5. Coefficient of Association
  6. Categorical data
  7. Contigency Tables
  8. Testing Hypothesis of Independence between Attributes
  9. Yates Correction for Continuity

Accounting Class-XI

Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting (25 videos)
1.1: Introduction to Accounting
  1. Need, Importance and Objectives of Accounting
  2. What is Accounting?
  3. Book-Keeping Versus Accounting
  4. Branches of Accounting
  5. Types and Forms of Business
  6. Accounting System
1.2: Important Accounting Terms
  1. Transaction, Goods, Stock and Account
  2. Sales, Debtors, Purchases and Creditors
  3. Discount and Commission
  4. Proprietor, Capital, Liability, Equity and Drawings
  5. Expense, Expenditure, Assets and Income
1.3: Accounting Principles
  1. Accounting Principles
1.4: Accounting Concepts
  1. Separate Entity and Going Concern Concept
  2. Accounting Period and Matching Concept
  3. Cost Concept
  4. Realization Concept
  5. Substance over Form Concept
  6. Money measurement Concept
  7. Dual Aspect Concept
1.5: Accounting Conventions
  1. Conservatism Convention
  2. Full Disclosure Convention
  3. Consistency Convention
  4. Materiality Convention
1.6: Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Accounting Information
  1. Relevance and Reliability
  2. Comparability and Understandability
Chapter 2: Transactions and Accounting Equation (4 videos)
2.1: What is an Event?
  1. Events and Transactions
  2. Classification of Transactions
2.2: The Accounting Equation
  1. Accounting Equation
  2. Accounting Equation (Problem)
Chapter 3: Analysis of Business Transactions and Double Entry System (12 videos)
3.1: Analysis of Business Transactions
  1. Analysis of Transactions
  2. More on Analysis of Transactions
3.2: Double Entry System
  1. Double Entry System
  2. Single Entry System
  3. Statement of Affairs Method
  4. Conversion Method
3.3: What is an Account?
  1. Account and its Classification
  2. Problem: Classification of Accounts
3.4: Rules For Debiting and Crediting
  1. Debit and Credit Rules of Accounting
  2. Explanation of Debit and Credit Rules of Accounting
3.5: Numericals
  1. Analysis of Business Transactions and double entry system
  2. Analysis of Business Transactions and double entry system
Chapter 4: Journal: The Original Book of Entry (11 videos)
4.1: Accounting Cycle
  1. Accounting Cycle
4.2: Journal: Book of Original Entry
  1. Journal
  2. General Journal (Problem 1)
  3. Problem 2: General Journal
  4. Problem 3: General Journal
4.3: Types of Entries
  1. Simple Entry and Compound Entry
4.4: Transactions Between Business and Its Proprietor
  1. Capital and Drawing Account
  2. Cash Discount
4.5: Numericals
  1. Journal: The original book of Entry (Numerical 1)
  2. Journal: The original book of Entry
  3. Journal: The original book of Entry (Numerical 2)
Chapter 5: Ledger: The Main Books of Account (14 videos)
5.1: Ledger: Main Book of Accounts
  1. Ledger: The Main Book of Accounts
5.2: Forms of Ledger Accounts
  1. Posting to the Ledger Account
  2. Posting to the Ledger Account: Illustration
  3. Self-Balancing Form of Ledger Account
5.3: Trial Balance
  1. Trial Balance
  2. Methods of Trial Balance
  3. More on Methods of Trial Balance
  4. Total-cum-balances Method
  5. Problem 2: Recording Transactions in Journal, Ledger & Trial Balance
  6. More on Recording Transactions in Ledger
  7. More on Recording Transactions in Trial Balance
5.4: Numericals
  1. Ledger: The Main Book of Accounts
  2. Ledger: The Main Book of Accounts
  3. Trial Balance
Chapter 6: Bills of Exchange (25 videos)
6.1: Introduction to Bills of Exchange
  1. Bills of Exchange
  2. Important Terms Used in Bills of Exchange
  3. Types and Classification of Bills of Exchange
  4. Difference between Bills of Exchange and Cheque
6.2: How Transactions Relating to Bills of Exchange are Recorded?
  1. Bills Receivable and Bills Payable Books
  2. Accounting Treatment For Bills Receivable and Bills Payable
  3. Recording of Transactions in the books of Drawer
  4. Recording of Transactions in the books of Drawee
6.3: Aspects of Bills of Exchange
  1. Illustration 1: Drawing, Acceptance and Payment of Bills
  2. Illustration 2: Discounting of a Bill
  3. Illustration 3: Bills for Collection
  4. Illustration 4: Endorsement of a Bill
  5. Illustration 5: Dishonour of a Bill
  6. Illustration 6: Renewal of a Bill
  7. Illustration 7: Retiring of a Bill
  8. Illustration 8: Accommodation Bills
6.4: Promissory Note
  1. Promissory Note
6.5: Numericals
  1. Bills of Exchange-Numerical 1
  2. Bills of Exchange-Numerical 1
  3. Bills of Exchange-Numerical 2
  4. Bills of Exchange-Numerical 2
  5. Bills of Exchange-Numerical 3
  6. Bills of Exchange-Numerical 3
  7. Numerical 4: Accommodation Bill
  8. Numerical 4: Accommodation Bill
Chapter 7: Special Journals (18 videos)
7.1: Introduction to Special Journal
  1. Subdivision of Journal
7.2: Business Documents
  1. Invoice
  2. Debit Note
  3. Credit Note
  4. Receipt and Statement of Account
  5. Cheque
7.3: Purchases Journal
  1. Purchases Journal
  2. Distinction between Purchases Journal and Purchases Account
  3. Purchases Returns Journal
  4. Problem: Purchases Returns Journal
7.4: Sales Journal
  1. Sales Journal
  2. Sales Returns Journal
  3. Problem: Sales Returns Journal
7.5: Numericals
  1. Numerical 1: Purchase Journal
  2. Numerical 2: Sales Journal
  3. More on Numerical 2: Posting of Sales Journal into Ledger Accounts
  4. Numerical 3: Purchases Returns Journal
  5. Numerical 4: Sales Returns Journal
Chapter 8: Cash Book and Bank Reconciliation Statement (22 videos)
8.1: Cash Book
  1. Introduction to Cash Book
8.2: Classification of Cash Book
  1. Simple Cash Book
  2. Double column Cash Book
  3. Posting from Cash Book to concerned Accounts in Ledger
  4. Three Column Cash Book
8.3: Opening an Account with a Bank
  1. Opening an Account with a Bank
  2. Accounting Treatment of Cheques
  3. Dishonour of Cheques
  4. Some Special Banking Transactions
  5. More on Some Special Banking Transactions
8.4: Bank Reconciliation Statement
  1. What is Bank Reconciliation Statement?
  2. Distinction between Cash book and Pass Book
  3. Preparation of Pass Book
8.5: Recording Transactions in Cash Book and Pass book
  1. What is Meant by ‘Rectification’?
8.6: Different causes of Disagreement
  1. Causes of Disagreement between Cash Book and Pass Book
8.7: Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement
  1. Bank Reconciliation Statement: When Cash Book Balance is given.
  2. Bank Reconciliation Statement: When Pass Book Balance is given.
  3. Bank Reconciliation Statement: When unfavourable Cash Book Balance is
  4. Bank Reconciliation Statement: When unfavourable Pass Book Balance is
8.8: The Petty Cash Book
  1. Systems of Petty Cash Accounting
  2. The Petty Cash Book
  3. Problem: Petty Cash Book
Chapter 9: Journal Proper and Summary of Book Keeping to the Trial Balance (9 videos)
9.1: Journal Proper: Divisions of Transactions in Groups
  1. Opening and Closing Entries
  2. Closing Entries
  3. Adjustment and Entries
  4. Rectifying Entries
  5. Transfer Entries
  6. Rare Transactions or Residuary Entries
9.2: Summary of Book Keeping
  1. Problem 2: Recording Transactions in Journal, Ledger & Trial Balance
  2. More on Recording Transactions in Ledger
  3. More on Recording Transactions in Trial Balance
Chapter 10: Final Accounts: The Completion of Accounting Cycle (26 videos)
10.1: Final Accounts-Different kind of Business Concerns
  1. Trading, Manufacturing and Service concerns
10.1: Final Accounts
  1. Expense
  2. Categories of Expense
  3. Revenue and Income
  4. Types and Source of Revenue
  5. Matching Revenue and Expenses
  6. Trading Account-Basic Level
  7. Different Items of Trading Account-Debit side
  8. More on Different Items of Trading Account-Debit side
  9. Different Items of Trading Account-Credit side
  10. Valuation of Closing Stock
  11. Problem 1: Trading Account
  12. Trading, Profit and Loss Account
  13. Different Items of Profit and Loss Account-Debit side
  14. More on Different Items of Profit and Loss Account-Debit side
  15. Different Items of Profit and Loss Account-Credit side
  16. Problem 2: Profit and Loss Account
  17. Problem 3: Trading, Profit and Loss Account
  18. Problem 4: Revised Trial Balance
  19. Balance Sheet-Basic Level
  20. Asset
  21. Types of Assets
  22. Liabilities
  23. Types of Liabilities
  24. Equity
  25. Problem 5: Statement of Financial Position / Balance Sheet
Chapter 11: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts (39 videos)
11.1: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
  1. Accounting System
  2. Need and Types of Adjustments
  3. Accrued Expenses or Outstanding Expenses
  4. Prepaid Expenses or Unexpired Expenses
  5. Accrued Revenue or Revenue Receivable
  6. Unearned Revenue or Revenue Received in Advance
  7. Depreciation of Assets
  8. Methods of Depreciation
  9. Interest on Capital and Drawings
  10. Bad Debts
  11. Doubtful Debts & Difference between Bad and Doubtful Debt
  12. Treatment of Bad debts & Provision for Doubtful Debts
  13. Illustration: Treatment of Bad debts & Provision for Doubtful Debts
  14. More on Illustration: Treatment of Bad debts & Provision for Doubtfu
  15. More on Illustration: Treatment of Bad debts & Provision for Doubtfu
  16. Problem 1: Adjustments and their Effect on Final Accounts
  17. Problem 1: More on Adjustments and their Effect on Final Accounts
  18. Problem 1: More on Adjustments and their Effect on Final Accounts (II
  19. Problem 2: Adjustments and their Effect on Final Accounts
  20. Problem 2: More on Adjustments and their Effect on Final Accounts
  21. Problem 2: More on Adjustments and their Effect on Final Accounts (II
  22. Provision for Discount on Debtors & Creditors
  23. Some Typical Problems in Final Accounts
  24. Recovery of Bad Debts
  25. Loss of Goods
  26. Closure of Abnormal Loss Account
  27. Treatment of Loan Borrowed & Lent
  28. Treatment of Depreciation and Profit or Loss on sale of Fixed Assets
  29. Interest on Loan & Income Tax
  30. Manager’s Commission and Agreement of Balance Sheet by opening Suspen
  31. Adjustments of Errors in Final Accounts
  32. Adjustments of Errors in Final Accounts(II)
  33. Adjustments of Errors in Final Accounts (III)
11.2: Numericals
  1. Numerical 1: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
  2. More on Numerical 1: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
  3. More on Numerical 1: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
  4. Numerical 2: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
  5. More on Numerical 2: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
  6. More on Numerical 2: Adjustments and their Effects on Final Accounts
Chapter 12: Work Sheet (3 videos)
12.1: Work Sheet
  1. What is Worksheet?
  2. Work Sheet
  3. More on Work Sheet
Chapter 13: Financial Statements (17 videos)
13.1: Income Statement
  1. Statement of Profit or Loss – General
  2. Manufacturing Account or Cost of Goods sold Statement
  3. Problem 1: Income Statement
13.2: Effects of Adjustment on Financial Statements
  1. Accrued Expenses or Outstanding Expenses
  2. Prepaid Expenses or Unexpired Expenses
  3. Accrued Revenue or Revenue Receivable
  4. Unearned Revenue or Revenue Received in Advance
  5. Depreciation of Assets
  6. Interest on Capital and Drawings
  7. Inventory-Opening and Closing
13.3: Balance Sheet-Advance Level
  1. Balance Sheet-Advance Level
  2. Problem 1: Balance Sheet
  3. Problem 2: Balance Sheet
13.4: Numericals
  1. Numerical 1: Statement of Profit or Loss
  2. Numerical 1: Statement of Profit or Loss
  3. Numerical 1: Statement of Profit or Loss
  4. Numerical 2: Statement of Financial Position
Chapter 14: Capital and Revenue (12 videos)
14.1: Capital and Revenue Expenditure
  1. Capital Expenditure
  2. List of Capital Expenditure
  3. List of Capital Expenditure – II
  4. Revenue Expenditure
  5. List of Revenue Expenditure
  6. Problem 1: Identification of Revenue and Capital
  7. Problem 2: Identification of Revenue and Capital
  8. Exceptions to the Revenue Expenditure
  9. Capital and Revenue Receipts and Profits
  10. Capital and Revenue Losses and Payments
14.2: Numericals
  1. Numerical 1: Capital and Revenue Expenditure
  2. Numerical 2: Capital and Revenue Expenditure
Chapter 15: Rectification of Errors (20 videos)
15.1: Rectification of Errors
  1. What is Rectification of Errors and types of Errors
  2. Book-keeping Errors
  3. More on Book-keeping Errors
  4. Trial Balance Errors
  5. Rectifying the Errors
15.2: Error causing Disagreement in Ledger and Trial Balance
  1. Problem 1: One sided Error
  2. Problem 2: Two sided Error
  3. Accounts before and after Rectification of Errors
  4. Suspense Account
  5. One-sided Errors at Different stages
  6. Two-sided Errors at Different Stages
15.3: Effect of Errors on the Final Accounts
  1. Effect of Errors on Net Profit
  2. Problem: Effects of Errors on Income Statement
  3. Effect of Errors on Balance Sheet
  4. Problem: Effect of Errors on Balance Sheet
  5. Problem: More on Effects of Errors on Balance Sheet
15.4: Numericals
  1. Numerical 1: Rectification of Errors
  2. Numerical 2: Rectification of Errors
  3. Numerical 3: Preparation of Suspense Account from Entries
  4. State the Effects of Errors on Final Accounts

Computer Science Class-XI

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Information Technology (72 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: What is Computer
  1. What is Computer
1.2: What is Computer Science and Information Technology  (Practice Test)
  1. What is Computer Science
  2. What is Information technology
1.3: Computer System
  1. Computer System and Its Components
1.4: Looking Inside a Machine
  1. Looking inside a Machine
1.5: Input Devices
  1. Keyboard
  2. Terminals I/O Devices
  3. Barcode and QR readers
  4. Optical Mark Recognition
  5. Megnetic ink character recognition System : MICR
  6. Scanners
  7. More on Scanners
  8. Video Input Devices
  9. Microphone
  10. Mouse
  11. Joy Stick
  12. Touch screen
  13. Light Pen
  14. Graphic Tablet
  15. What is Computer Hardware
1.6: Processing Hardware
  1. Central Processing Unit : ALU , Control Unit
1.7: Main Memory
  1. Main Memory : Primary Memory
1.8: How Data and Programs are Represented in the Computer  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Data Representation
  2. Memory terminologies : Memory Cell , Memory Word , Byte
1.9: Binary Coding Schemes  (Practice Test)
  1. Coding Scheme
  2. ASCII Code
  3. Uni Code
  4. A Brief Description of Binary Coded Decimal
1.10: The Parity Bit : Check for Errors
  1. The Parity Bit : Check for Errors
  2. A System Unit : Desktop and Tower Casing
1.11: The System Unit of a Microcomputer
  1. Power Supply
  2. Mother board
  3. More on Mother board
  4. Internal Processor Memory : Registers
  5. Bus and Types of Buses
  6. CPU Clock and Co-processor
  7. RAM : Random Access Memory
  8. Cache and its Types
  9. Virtual Memory
  10. Chip Memory
  11. Flash Memory Cards
  12. ROM : Read Only Memory
  13. Expansion Slots Types
  14. Types of Expansion Cards
  15. Ports and Types
  16. Types of Ports : Serial and Parallel Ports
1.12: Output Devices
  1. Difference between Soft copy and Hard Copy
  2. Monitors
  3. More on Monitor
  4. Screen resolution
  5. Monochrome and Color Screens
  6. Speakers
  7. Printers and Its types
  8. Plotter
  9. Computer Output Microfilm (COM) System
1.13: Storage Hardware
  1. Storage Hardware : Memory
  2. Magnetic Tapes
  3. Floppy Disks and Zip Disks
  4. Hard Disk
  5. CD ( Compact Disk)
  6. Properties of Optical Disc
1.14: Software
  1. Types of Software
  2. The Concept of Operating System
  3. What is DOS
  4. UNIX and LINUX
  5. Windows
  6. Objectives of Operating System
  7. Functions of Operating System
1.15: Programming Languages  (Practice Test)
  1. Programming Langauges : An Overview
  2. Machine Language
  3. Assembly Language
  4. High Level Langauge
  5. Generations on Computer Languages
Chapter 2: Information Networks (23 videos)
2.1: Network and Its Advantages
  1. What is Computer Network
  2. Uses of Network
2.2: Various Types of Network
  1. Types of Networking w.r.t Area: LAN, WAN, MAN
2.3: Topology of LAN
  1. What is Network Topology
  2. Network Topology : Advantages and Disadvantages
  3. More on Network Topology : Advantages and Disadvantages
2.4: LAN Models
  1. Difference between Client and Server
  2. Client Server Network
  3. Peer to Peer to Network
2.5: Components of a LAN  (Practice Test)
  1. Networking Devices : Switch
  2. Router
  3. Gateway
  4. Network Interface Card
  5. Dial-Up Modem
  6. Networking Hardware
  7. Networking Software
2.6: GAN ( Global Area Network) or Internet
  1. What is Internet
  2. WWW : World Wide Web
2.7: Major Features of Internet
  1. Terminologies related to Internet
2.8: Email
  1. Working with Email
  2. More on Working with Emails
2.9: File Transfer Protocol
  1. File Transfer Protocol
2.10: World Wide Web
  1. WWW : World Wide Web
2.11: Getting information on the Internet
  1. Searching for Sites
  2. How the Internet Works
2.12: Desktop Tools for Accessing the Internet
  1. Browser
  2. Working with Browser
  3. More on Working with Browser
Chapter 3: Data Communication (30 videos)
3.1: Data Communication and Its Components
  1. What is data communication
  2. compoents of communication System
3.2: Data
  1. Types of Data
3.4: Characteristics of Data Transmission
  1. Properties of Good communication System
3.5: Analogue and Digital Signals
  1. Signal
  2. Synchoronous and Asynchoronous Transmission
3.6: Direction of Transmission
  1. Transmission modes of Computer Network
3.7: Data Communication Speed and Media
  1. What is Bandwidth
  2. Data Rate , Baud Rate
3.8: Twisted Pair Cable
  1. STP : Ethernet : Twisted Pair Cable
3.9: Coaxial Cable
  1. Co-axial Cable
3.10: Fiber Optic Cable
  1. Optical Fibers
3.11: Microwave Transmission
  1. Wireless media : Microwave Transmission
3.12: Satellite Transmission
  1. Satellite Communication
  2. Dial-Up Modem
3.13: Communication Hardware : Modem
  1. Types of Modems
3.15: Ethernet
  1. STP : Ethernet : Twisted Pair Cable
  2. Token Ring
3.16: Communication Protocols
  1. LAN’s Protocol
  2. Internet Protocol Address
3.17: The OSI Model
  1. What is OSI Model : Over view
  2. Physical Layer
  3. Data Link Layer
  4. Network Layer
  5. Transport Layer
  6. Session Layer
  7. Presentation Layer
  8. Application Layer
  9. Seven Layers of OSI Model
  10. More on OSI Model
Chapter 4: Applications and Use of Computer (5 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Capabilities of Computer
  1. Capabilities of Computer
4.2: How Computers are Used  (Practice Test)
  1. Applications of Computers in Education
  2. Applications of Computers in Health
  3. Applications of Computers in Business
4.3: The Impact of Computers on People
  1. Effects of Computer on Society : Positive aspects
Chapter 5: Computer Architecture (11 videos)
5.1: Introduction to Computer Architecture
  1. Introduction to Computer Architecture
5.2: Components of Digital Computer
  1. Components of Digital Computer
5.3: Addressing of Memory Locations
  1. Addressing of a Memory Locations
5.4: Computer Registers
  1. Internal Processor Memory : Registers
  2. General Purpose Registers
5.5: Buses
  1. Bus and Types of Buses
5.6: Instructions
  1. Instruction Code
  2. Instruction Format
5.7: Stack Organized CPU
  1. How Push and Pop Functions are performed in Stack
5.8: How to Convert Infix Expression into Postfix Expression
  1. How to Convert Infix Expression into Postfix Expression
5.9: Internal Working of CPU
  1. Instruction cycle
Chapter 6: Security , Copyright and the Law (15 videos)
6.1: Computer Crime
  1. Computer Crime
6.2: Computer Viruses
  1. Computer Virus : What is Virus and How it Spread
  2. Worm , Adware , Spyware , Malware
  3. Types of Virus
  4. How to Protect from Viruses
  5. Downloading and Installation of Antivrus
6.3: Computer Security : Reducing Risks
  1. Passwords
  2. Authorized access and Unauthorized Access
  3. Difference between Authorization and Aunthentication
  4. Authentication Methodologies : Password and Pin Number
  5. Access Card and Biometrics
  6. Multi Model Aunthentication
  7. Firewalls , Encryption and Audits
  8. Data Backup
6.4: Privacy Issues
  1. Privacy issues
Chapter 7: Operating System (Windows) (19 videos)
7.1: Introduction to Operating Systems / System Software
  1. The Concept of Operating System
  2. Objectives of Operating System
7.2: What is a User Interface
  1. What is User System Interface
  2. Graphical User Interface
7.3: Windows
  1. The Desktop
  2. Taskbar and Start Button
  3. Menu Bar
7.4: Icons
  1. Familiarization with Windows icons
7.5: File Management
  1. Rules for Files and Folders Name
  2. Find Your File
  3. Renaming Files amd Folders
  4. Deleting Files
  5. Cut, Copy and Paste File
  6. Dealing with Disks in Windows
  7. Exploring Windows Explorer
  8. Getting Help
  9. Customizing Windows
7.6: Using the Printers Folder
  1. Using Printers in Windows
  2. Ease of Access Center in Windows
Chapter 8: Word Processing (32 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Word Processing
  1. What is Word Processing
8.2: Basic Word Processing Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Word Window overview
  2. Manage a word document
  3. Editing text: Inserting and selecting
  4. Editing text: Cut, Copy, paste and delete
  5. Searching for and Replacing Characters
  6. Foot Notes and End Notes in MS Word
  7. Spell checking and thesauras
8.3: Formatting Word Document  (Practice Test)
  1. Text Formatting: Font size, style and color
  2. Text Formatting: Modify text and text case
  3. Paragraph Formatting: Alignment and indent
  4. Paragraph Formatting: Border, Shading and spacing
  5. Page Formatting: Orientation, size and columns
  6. Page Formatting: Border and color
  7. Page Formatting: Insert cover and blank page
  8. Insert page break and section break
  9. Insert header, footer and page number
8.4: Enhancing a Word Document  (Practice Test)
  1. Insert/Position image and clip art
  2. Insert and delete word art
  3. Insert table, add/delete row and column
  4. Resize rows and columns
  5. Border settings in tables
  6. Shading settings in tables
  7. Merge and split cells in tables
8.5: Advanced Operations  (Practice Test)
  1. Table of Contents and Index Generation
  2. Inserting symbols in a document
  3. Use of Equation Editor: Write equation
  4. Mail Merge
  5. Macros
  6. Desktop Publishing in MS word
  7. printing the document
  8. Popular Word Processing Packages
Chapter 9: Spread Sheet (17 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Spread Sheet  (Practice Test)
  1. Basics of Spreadsheet
  2. Excel window
  3. Microsoft Excel terminology
  4. Creating workbook, naming and working with cells and sheets
  5. Addressing cells
  6. Paste cell content
  7. Working with formulas
  8. Working with functions
  9. More on working with fuctions
9.2: Entering and Editing data  (Practice Test)
  1. Filling columns and rows
  2. Moving the Cell Pointer in MS Excel
9.3: Formatting Data
  1. Format data: Conditional formatting
9.4: Printing
  1. Printing Worksheets and Charts
9.5: Additional Spreadsheet Features  (Practice Test)
  1. Additional Spreadsheet Features
  2. Linking WorkSheets in MS Excel
  3. Three Dimentional SpreadSheets
  4. Popular Spread Sheet Programs
Chapter 10: Internet browsing and Using E-Mail (6 videos)
10.1: Browsing the Web
  1. Browser
10.2: Downloading a File
  1. How to Download and Install Software
10.3: Searching the Web
  1. Searching for Sites
  2. How the Internet Works
  3. Search Engine
10.4: Understanding E-Mail
  1. Working with Email
  2. More on Working with Emails
10.4: Understanding Newsgroups
  1. News Groups