
English Class-6

Chapter 1: Vocabulary (18 videos)
1.1: Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences)
  1. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 1
  2. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 2
  3. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 3
  4. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 4
  5. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 5
  6. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 6
  7. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 7
  8. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 8
  9. Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 9
1.2: Dictionary Skills
  1. Dictionary Skills
1.3: Use of Thesaurus (synonyms)
  1. Use of Thesaurus (synonyms)
1.4: Antonyms (Words and Opposite)
  1. Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc)
  2. Exercise Opposites-Join Word to Picture
  3. Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  4. More on Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  5. Describing Words-Opposites
  6. Exercise-Describing Words-Opposites (tall/short, big/small etc)
  7. Asim Wants a Cap (Story/Opposites: tall/short, big/small etc)
Chapter 2: Pronunciation and Spelling (43 videos)
2.1: Long and Short Vowel Sounds
  1. Vowels Introduction (letters a,e,i,o,u)
  2. Exercise Vowels Introduction
  3. Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  4. Exercise-Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  5. Exercise-Short and Long Vowels Combined
  6. Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
  7. More on Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
2.2: Letter Blends with Sounds (short and long vowel sounds)
  1. Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
  2. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
  3. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
  4. Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
  5. More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
  6. Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
  7. More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.3: Different Sounds of “Y”
  1. Different Sounds of “Y”
2.4: Homophones (words with same sounds but different meanings)
  1. Homophones (words with same sounds but different meanings)
2.5: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
  1. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
  2. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
  3. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
  4. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
  5. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
  6. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
2.6: Four Letter Rhyming Words (Ending with ake/ock/ook/ing)
  1. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  2. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  3. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  4. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  5. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  6. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  7. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
  8. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
  9. Rhyming Words (join pictures/match columns)
2.7: Pronunciation: Silent Letters in Words
  1. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
  2. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.8: Pronunciation and IPA Symbols
  1. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in English (Introduction)
2.9: Double Consonants
  1. Doubling Consonants
2.10: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
2.11: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc)
  1. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  2. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
2.12: Affect of Letters on Sounds of other Letters
  1. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 1
  2. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 2
  3. The sound “ul” at the End of Words Spelled “le”
  4. Words that Break the Rule of “se” Pronounced as “z” and End in “ze”
2.13: Spelling Tripple Consonants
  1. Spelling Tripple Consonant (recognizing letter patterns for spelling)
Chapter 3: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose/ Poetry) (21 videos)
3.1: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
  1. Comprehension of a Descriptive Essay Part 1
  2. Comprehension of a Descriptive Essay Part 2
  3. Comprehension of a Comparison and Contrast Essay Part 1
  4. Comprehension of a Comparison and Contrast Essay Part 2
  5. Comprehension of a Cause and Effect Essay Part 1
  6. Comprehension of a Cause and Effect Essay Part 2
  7. Comprehension of an Argumentative Essay
  8. Comprehension of a Letter Part 1
  9. Comprehension of a Letter Part 2
  10. Comprehension of a Story Part 1
  11. Comprehension of a Story Part 2
  12. Comprehension of a Play Part 1
  13. Comprehension of a Play Part 2
3.2: Reading Comprehension Skills (Poetry)
  1. Comprehension of a Poem Part 1
  2. Comprehension of a Poem Part 2
  3. Comprehension of a Poem Part 3
3.3: Analogy
  1. Analogy Part 1
  2. Analogy Part 2
  3. Analogy Part 3
  4. Analogy Part 4
  5. Analogy Part 5
Chapter 4: Grammar (117 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction)  (Practice Test)
  1. Parts of Speech (introduction)
  2. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
  8. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  9. Interjections (explanation with examples)
4.2: Types of Nouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Masculine/Feminine (girl/boy, father/mother etc)
  2. Masculine/ Feminine (man/woman etc)(explanation/activities)
  3. Gender Nouns
  4. Proper Nouns (explanation with examples)
  5. Common Nouns (explanation with examples)
  6. Concrete Nouns (explanation with examples)
  7. Abstract Nouns (explanation with examples)
  8. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-1
  9. Exercise-Abstract Nouns-2
  10. Singular and Plural Nouns (explanation with examples)
  11. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (explanation with examples)
  12. Collective Nouns (explanation with examples)
  13. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 1
  14. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 2
  15. Exercise-Collective Nouns
  16. Compound Nouns (explanation with examples)
  17. Exercise-Nouns-Mixed
4.3: Types of Pronouns  (Practice Test)
  1. Personal Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  2. Possessive Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Relative Pronouns & antecedent(explanation with examples)
  4. More on Relative Pronouns
  5. Exercise-Relative Pronouns
  6. Pronoun and Referent
  7. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-1
  8. Kinds of Pronouns Mixed Part-2
  9. Exercise-Kinds of Pronouns Mixed
  10. Exercise-Pronoun Antecedent
4.4: Types of Prepositions  (Practice Test)
  1. Prepositions (explanation with examples & exercise)
  2. Prepositions of Place
  3. Prepositions of Time
  4. Prepositions of Reason
  5. Compound Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Compound Prepositions
  7. Confusing Prepositions (until and by)
4.5: Conjunctions  (Practice Test)
  1. Conjunctions(3 types)(explanation with examples)
4.6: Articles  (Practice Test)
  1. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Articles
4.7: Kinds of Adjectives  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Kinds of Adjectives
  3. Order of Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Order of Adjectives
  5. Degrees of Comparison (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Degrees of comparison
  7. Absolute Adjectives
  8. Possessive Adjectives
  9. Regular Adjectives
  10. Irregular Adjectives
4.8: Kinds and Positions of Adverbs in a Sentence  (Practice Test)
  1. Kinds of Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Kinds of Adverbs
  3. Position of Adverbs in a sentence (explanation with examples)
  4. Position of a Single Adverb in a Sentence
4.9: Types of Sentences  (Practice Test)
  1. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  2. Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
  3. Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
  4. Statements (explanation with examples)
  5. Imperative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  6. Excalamatory Sentences (explanation with examples)
  7. Interrogative Sentences (explanation with examples)
  8. Wh-Question Words
  9. Changing Statements into Negatives and Interrogatives
  10. Optative Sentences (explanation with examples)
4.10: Phrases and Clauses  (Practice Test)
  1. Phrase (explanation with examples)
  2. Noun, Verb, Prepositional Phrases (explanation with examples)
  3. Adjective Phrase (explanation with examples)
  4. Exercise-Adjective Phrase
4.11: Kinds of Verbs and their Forms  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  2. Intransitive Verb (explantion with examples)
  3. Auxilliary Verb (explantion with examples)
  4. Linking Verbs (explantion with examples)
  5. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
  6. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
  7. Simple Past Tense (practice)
  8. Modal Verbs (explanation with examples)
  9. More on Modal Verbs
  10. Exercise-Modal Verbs
4.12: Present Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  4. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
4.13: Past Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  3. Past Continuous Tense(Uses&Formation)
  4. Past Continuous Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
4.14: Future Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  2. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Change the Tense of a Given Sentence to Another Tense
4.15: Subject-Verb Agreement  (Practice Test)
  1. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
  3. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 5 (explanation with examples)
  6. Exercise-Subject Verb Agreement
4.16: Transitional Devices  (Practice Test)
  1. Transitional Devices (explanation with examples)
  2. More on Transitional Devices
  3. Exercise Transitional Devices
4.17: Direct/Indirect Narration  (Practice Test)
  1. Direct/Indirect Narration (explanation/change form)
4.18: Punctuation  (Practice Test)
  1. Ways to End a Sentence (full stop, comma, exclamation)
  2. Commas with Simple Series, Oxford comma and Adjectives (Rule 1 and 2)
  3. Commas with Phrases, Dates and Addresses (Rule 10 to 13)
  4. Commas with Direct Speech, Contrasting Parts and Introductory Items (
  5. Punctuating Salutations and Valedictions
  6. Punctuating Dates
  7. Punctuating Addresses
  8. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  9. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  10. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
  11. Contractions (it is/it’s, I am/I’m etc)(explanation/activities)
  12. Apostrophes with Contractions(Rule 13)
Chapter 5: Reading and Thinking Skills (3 videos)
5.1: Differentiate Facts, Opinions & Implied Statements
  1. Differentiate Facts, Opinions & Implied statements
5.2: Explanation of Terms
  1. Explanation of Terms like Genre, Fiction, Non-fiction etc.
5.3: Types of Writing Systems in a Play
  1. Types of Writing Systems in a Play
Chapter 6: Writing Skills (41 videos)
6.1: Summary Writing
  1. Summary Writing Intro and Steps (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Summary Skills-1
  3. Exercise-Summary Skills-2
  4. Exercise-Summary Skills-3
6.2: Paraphrasing
  1. Paraphrasing Intro-Sample (writing a paraphrase of a story)
  2. More on paraphrasing Intro-Sample
  3. Paraphrasing the Stanzas of a Poem (editing/writing)
6.3: Paragaraph Writing
  1. Paragaraph Writing Intro-Outline (explanation with examples)
  2. Paragraph Writing Sample(writing of a paragraph)
6.4: Self-Created Cloze
  1. Self-Created Cloze
6.5: Free Writing (writing without stopping)
  1. Free Writing: Writing Without Stopping
6.6: Writing a Diary Entry
  1. Writing a Diary Entry
6.7: Flow Chart of a School Event
  1. Flow Chart of a School Event
6.8: Essay Writing
  1. Essay Writing -Intro with Essay Types (explanation with examples)
  2. Exercise-Essay Writing
  3. Steps for writing an Essay (explanation with examples)
  4. More on Steps for writing an Essay
6.9: Mind Mapping
  1. Mind Map (developing of a mind map)
6.10: Argumentative Essay
  1. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Argumentative Essay Sample-Part-3(writing of essay)
6.11: Narrative Essay
  1. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-1 (writing of essay)
  2. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-2 (writing of essay)
  3. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-3 (writing of essay)
  4. Narrative Essay Sample-Part-4 (writing of essay)
6.12: Character Sketch
  1. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
6.13: Descriptive Essay
  1. Descriptive Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. Character Sketch(explanation/steps to follow)
  3. More on Character Sketch
6.14: Cause and Effect Essay
  1. Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
  2. More on Cause and Effect Essay Sample (writing of essay)
6.15: Comparison and Contrast Essay
  1. Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample(writing of essay)
  2. More on Comparison and Contrast Essay Sample (writing of essay)
6.16: Letter Format & Types
  1. Letter Types and Format(explanation with examples)
6.17: Styles and Tones in letter writing
  1. Styles and Tones in Letter Writing
6.18: Formal Letter (Application)
  1. Formal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.19: Informal Letter
  1. Informal Letter Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.20: Email
  1. Email Sample (reading and discussion of sample)
6.21: Book Review
  1. Book Review Intro and Tips (explanation with examples)
  2. Book Review Sample (discussion of sample)
  3. Book Reviews on Hellen Keller’s 2 Books (explanation)

Math Class-6

Chapter 1: Sets (23 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Set  (Practice Test)
  1. Set Definition
  2. Problem-Introduction to Set
  3. Problem-Set Notations
  4. Set Notation & its Characteristics
  5. Problem-Notation for Denoting a Member of a Set
  6. Definition & Notation of Some Important Sets
  7. Problem-Some Important Sets
  8. Describing a Set
  9. Problem-Describing a Set
  10. Types of Sets
  11. Problem-Types of Sets
  12. Empty Set-Null Set-Void Set
  13. Problem-Empty Set-Null Set-Void Set
  14. Singleton Set
  15. Problem-Singleton Set
  16. Equal & Equivalent Sets
  17. Problem-Equal and Equivalent Sets
  18. Subset and Superset of a Set
  19. Problem-Subset and Superset of a Set
  20. Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  21. Problem-Proper and Improper Subset of a Set
  22. Finding Subsets of a Set
  23. Problem-Finding Subsets of a Set
Chapter 2: Whole Numbers (36 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Natural and Whole Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Numbers
  2. Natural and Whole Numbers
  3. Problem-Natural and Whole Numbers
  4. Whole Numbers and Number Line
  5. Problem-Whole Numbers and Number Line
  6. Represent Whole Numbers less or Grater than a Number
  7. Problem-Represent Whole Numbers less or Grater than a Number
  8. Represent Whole Numbers less-Greater or equal to a Number
  9. Problem-Represent Whole Numbers less-Greater or equal to a Number
  10. Represent Sum of Two Numbers on the Number Line
  11. Problem-Represent Sum of Two Numbers on the Number Line
  12. Represent Difference of Two Numbers on the Number Line
  13. Problem-Represent Difference of Two Numbers on the Number Line
2.2: Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition of Whole Numbers
  2. Problem-Addition of Whole Numbers
  3. Subtraction of Whole Numbers
  4. Commutative Law of Addition
  5. Problem-Commutative Law of Addition
  6. Associative Law of Addition
  7. Problem-Associative Law of Addition
  8. Additive Identity
  9. Problem-Additive Identity
2.3: Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiplication of Whole Numbers
  2. Problem-Multiplication of Whole Numbers
  3. Division of Whole Numbers
  4. Problem-Division of Whole Numbers
  5. Commutative law of Multiplication
  6. Problem-Commutative law of Multiplication
  7. Associative Law of Multiplication
  8. Problem-Associative Law of Multiplication
  9. Multiplicative Identity
  10. Problem-Multiplicative Identity
2.4: Distributive Law of Whole Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Distributive Law of Multiplication Over Addition
  2. Problem-Distributive Law of Multiplication Over Addition
  3. Distributive Law of Multiplication Over Subtraction
  4. Problem-Distributive Law of Multiplication Over Subtraction
Chapter 3: Factors and Multiples (57 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Factors and Multiples  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Factorization
  2. Problem-Concept of Factors
  3. Factors and Multiples
  4. Problem-Concept of Multiples
  5. Types of Natural Numbers
  6. More on Types of Natural Numbers
  7. Problem-Types of Natural Numbers
  8. Properties of Prime Numbers
  9. Properties of Composite Numbers
3.2: Tests of Divisibility  (Practice Test)
  1. Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 2,3
  2. Problem-Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 2,3
  3. Problem-Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 4,5
  4. Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 4,5
  5. Test of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 6
  6. Problem-Test of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 6
  7. Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 8,9
  8. Problem-Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 8,9
  9. Problem-Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 10,11
  10. Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 10,11
  11. Problem-Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 12,15
  12. Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 12,15
  13. Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 25
  14. Problem-Tests of Divisibility of Number Divisible by 25
3.3: Factorization  (Practice Test)
  1. Factorization
  2. Problem-Factorization
  3. Prime Factorisation
  4. Problem-Prime Factorization
  5. Index Notation
  6. Problem-Index Notation
  7. Factorization by Tree Method
  8. Problem-Factorization by Tree Method
  9. Factorization by Division Method
  10. Problem-Factorization by Division Method
3.4: Highest Common Factors ( HCF )  (Practice Test)
  1. Highest Common Factors ( HCF )
  2. Problem-Highest Common Factors ( HCF )
  3. Find HCF of Three Numbers, Up to 2-Digits
  4. Problem-Find HCF of Three Numbers, Up to 2-Digits
  5. Finding HCF By Prime Factorization Method
  6. Problem-Finding HCF By Prime Factorization Method
  7. Finding HCF By Using Division Method
  8. Problem-Finding HCF By Using Division Method
3.5: Least Common Multiple ( LCM )  (Practice Test)
  1. Least Common Multiple (LCM)
  2. Problem-Least Common Multiple ( LCM )
  3. Find LCM of Four Numbers Up to 2-Digits
  4. Problem-Find LCM of Four Numbers Up to 2-Digits
  5. LCM by Prime Factorization Method
  6. Problem-LCM by Prime Factorization Method
  7. LCM by Short Division Method
  8. Problem-LCM by Short Division Method
  9. Relation Between HCF and LCM of Two Numbers
  10. Problem-Relation Between HCF and LCM of Two Numbers
  11. Solve the Real Life Problems Involving HCF and LCM
  12. Problem-Solve the Real Life Problems Involving HCF and LCM
3.6: Application of HCF and LCM
  1. Application of HCF Problem-1
  2. Application of HCF Problem-2
  3. Application of LCM Problem-1
  4. Application of LCM Problem-2
Chapter 4: Integers (31 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Integers
  1. Positive, Negative and Natural Integers or Directed Numbers
  2. Problem-Positive, Negative and Natural Integers or Directed Numbers
4.2: Ordering of Integers  (Practice Test)
  1. Ordering of Integers or Directed Numbers
  2. Problem-Ordering of Integers or Directed Numbers
  3. Positive, Negative and Natural Integers or Directed Numbers
  4. Problem-Representing Integers on the Number Line
  5. Problem-Comparison of a Negative Integer with a Positive Integer
4.3: Absolute or Numerical Value of an Integer
  1. Absolute or Numerical Value of an Integers or Directed Numbers
  2. Prob-Absolute or Numerical Value of an Integers or Directed Numbers
4.4: Addition of Integers  (Practice Test)
  1. Sum of Two or More Given Integers or Directed Numbers
  2. Problem-Sum of Two or More Given Integers or Directed Numbers
  3. Sum of Two Integers or Directed Numbers With Unlike Signs
  4. Problem-Sum of Two Integers or Directed Numbers With Unlike Signs
  5. Sum of Two Integers or Directed Numbers With like Signs
  6. Rule of Sum of Two Integers With like Signs
  7. Prob-Rule of Sum of Two Integers With like Signs
  8. Rule of Sum of Two Integers With Unlike Signs
  9. Prob-Rule of Sum of Two Integers With Unlike Signs
4.5: Subtraction of Integers
  1. Difference of Two Given Positive Integers or Directed Numbers
  2. Prob-Difference of Two Given Positive Integers or Directed Numbers
4.6: Multiplication of Integers  (Practice Test)
  1. Multiplication of Integers or Directed Numbers With Like Signs
  2. Prob-Multiplication of Integers or Directed Numbers With Like Signs
  3. Multiplication of Integers or Directed Numbers With Unlike Signs
  4. Prob-Multiplication of Integers or Directed Numbers With Unlike Signs
4.7: Division of Integers  (Practice Test)
  1. Division of Integers or Directed Numbers with Like Signs
  2. Problem-Division of Integers or Directed Numbers with Like Signs
  3. Division of Integers or Directed Numbers with Unlike Signs
  4. Problem-Division of Integers or Directed Numbers with Unlike Signs
  5. Division of an Integers or Directed Numbers by 0 is Not Possible
  6. Problem-Division of an Integers or Directed Numbers by 0 is Not Possi
  7. Simplifying Expressions Involving Integers or Directed Numbers
Chapter 5: Simplifications (13 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Simplifications  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Four Operations
  2. Simplification the DMAS Rule
5.2: BODMAS Rule  (Practice Test)
  1. Recognize BODMAS Rule
  2. Problem-Recognize BODMAS Rule
  3. Use of Brackets in Common Fractions
  4. Problem-Use of Brackets in Common Fractions
  5. More on Problem-Use of Brackets in Common Fractions
  6. Solution of Expressions Involving Decimal Fractions and Brackets
  7. More on Solution of Expressions Involving Decimal Fractions and Brack
  8. Problem-Solution of Expressions Involving Decimal Fractions and Brack
  9. More on Problem-Solution of Expressions Involving Decimal Fractions a
  10. Solving Problem By Using BODMAS Rule
  11. Solving Word Problem By Using BODMAS Rule
Chapter 6: Ratio and Proportion (19 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Ratio  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Ratio
  2. Problem-Concept of Ratio
  3. Antecedent and Consequent
  4. Problem-Antecedent and Consequent
  5. Reduced Form of a Ratio
  6. Problem-Reduced Form of a Ratio
  7. Equivalent Ratios
  8. Problem-Equivalent Ratios
  9. Relation Between Ratio and Fraction
  10. Problem-Relation Between Ratio and Fraction
6.2: Proportion  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Proportion
  2. Problem-Concept of Proportion
  3. Types of Proportion
  4. Problem-Direct Proportion
  5. Problem-Inverse Proportion
  6. Problem-Types of Proportion
  7. Solving Problem Involving Direct Proportion
  8. Solving Problem Involving Inverse Proportion
  9. Problem-Solving Problem Involving Direct Proportion
Chapter 7: Financial Arithmetic (30 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Percentage  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Percentage
  2. Problem-Concept of Percentage
  3. Problem on Percentage by Using Unitary Method
  4. Ordering fractions using percentage
  5. Solve Real Life Problems Involving Percentages
  6. Problem-Solve Real Life Problems Involving Percentages
7.2: Profit, Loss and Discount  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Profit and Loss
  2. Introduction to Loss
  3. Problem-Concept of Profit and Loss
  4. concept of percent profit
  5. Problem- profit percentage
  6. Concept of prercent loss
  7. Problem- loss percentage
  8. Concept of Discount
  9. Problem-Concept of Discount
  10. Word Problem Related to Profit
  11. Word Problem Related to Loss
  12. Word Problem Related to Discount
  13. Concept of Profit and Loss Percent
  14. More on Concept of Profit and Loss Percent
  15. Problem-Related to Profit or Loss Percent-p1
  16. Problem-Related to Profit or Loss Percent-p2
  17. Problem-Related to Profit or Loss Percent-p3
  18. Importance of Profit and Loss Percentage
  19. Problem-Importance of Profit and Loss Percentage
  20. Finding Selling Price When Profit/Loss Percent & Cost Price are Given
  21. Finding Cost Price When Profit/Loss Percent and Selling Price are Giv
  22. Prob-Finding Cost Price When Profit/Loss Percent and Selling Price ar
  23. Discount as a Percentage of Marked Price
  24. Problem-Discount as a Percentage of Marked Price
Chapter 8: Introduction to Algebra (30 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Algebra  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Algebra
  2. Problem-Introduction to Algebra
  3. Relationship Between Arithmetic and Algebra
  4. Problem-Relationship Between Arithmetic and Algebra
  5. Concept of Sentence
  6. Problem-Concept of Sentence
  7. Concept of Statement
  8. Problem-Concept of Statement
  9. Concepts of Constant and Variables / Literals
  10. Problem-Concepts of Constant and Variables / Literals
  11. Power or Exponent or Indices of Literal Number
  12. Problem-Power or Exponent or Indices of Literal Number
8.2: Algebraic Expressions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Algebraic Expressions
  2. Problem-Introduction to Algebraic Expressions
  3. Algebraic Sentences
  4. Co-efficient and Exponents of a Variable
  5. Algebraic Terms
  6. Problem-Algebraic Terms
  7. Row-Wise Addition of Algebraic Expressions
  8. Problem-Row-Wise Addition of Algebraic Expressions
  9. Column-Wise Addition of Algebraic Expressions
  10. Problem-Column-Wise Addition of Algebraic Expressions
  11. Row-Wise Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
  12. Problem-Row-Wise Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
  13. Column-Wise Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
  14. Problem-Column-Wise Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
  15. Simplification of Algebraic Expressions
  16. Problem-Simplification of Algebraic Expressions
  17. Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions
  18. Problem-Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 9: Linear Equations (22 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Algebraic Expressions  (Practice Test)
  1. Arithmetic Equation
  2. Problem-Arithmetic Equation
  3. Algebraic Equations
  4. Problem-Algebraic Equations
9.2: Linear Equations  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Linear Equations
  2. Problem-Introduction to Linear Equations
  3. Formation of Linear Expressions and Equations
  4. Problem-Formation of Linear Expressions and Equations
  5. Difference Between an Equation and an Expression
  6. Problem-Difference Between an Equation and an Expression
  7. Solution of a Linear Equations
  8. Problem-Solution of a Linear Equations
  9. Solving Linear Equation Involving Fractional Coefficients
  10. Problem-Solving Linear Equation Involving Fractional Coefficients
  11. Solving Linear Equation Involving Decimal Coefficients
  12. Solving Fractional Linear Equations
  13. Problem-Solving Fractional Linear Equations
  14. Solving Linear Equation by Collecting Like Terms
  15. Solving Linear Equation by Using Distributive Law
  16. Solving Linear Equation by Clearing the Large Co-efficient
  17. Word Problem-1 of Linear Equation
  18. Word Problem-2 of Linear Equation
Chapter 10: Geometry (26 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Line Segment  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Practical Geometry
  2. Line segment ray and half line
  3. How to Draw a Line Segment
  4. Finding the Sum of Measures of Two Line Segments
  5. Finding Difference of Measures of Two Line Segments
  6. Bisection of a Line Segment
  7. Right Bisector of Line Segment & Angle
  8. Drawing of a Perpendicular to a Given Line From a Point on it
  9. Drawing of a Perpendicular to a Given Line, From a Point Outside
10.2: Construction of Angles
  1. Concept of Congruent Angles
  2. Construction of an Angle Twice in Measurement of a Given Angle
  3. Side & Angle Bisector
  4. Division of an Angle into Four Equal Angles
  5. Construction of an Angle of 60 Degree
  6. Construction of an Angle of 30 Degree
  7. To Construct a Right Angle with the Help of Protractor
  8. Construction of an Angle of 45 Degree
  9. Construction of an Angle of 22.5 Degree
  10. Construction of an Angle of 75 Degree
  11. Construction of an Angle of 67.5 Degree
  12. Construction of an Angle of 120 Degree
  13. Construction of an Angle of 135 Degree
  14. Construction of an Angle of 105 Degree
  15. Construction of an Angle of 150 and 165 Degree
10.3: Construction of a Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Constructing Triangle with Three Sides
  2. Construction of a Triangle when one angle and two sides
  3. Constructing Triangle with Side & Two Angles
  4. RHS Triangle Construction
Chapter 11: Perimeter and Area (12 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Perimeter and Area  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Perimeter and its Units
  2. Formula for Perimeter of a Square & Rectangle
  3. Formula for Area of a Square & Rectangle
  4. Concept of Altitude of a Geometrical Figures
  5. Border Area of a Rectangle or Square
  6. Word Problem of Border Area of a Rectangle
  7. Area of a Parallelogram
  8. Word Problem of Area of a Parallelogram
  9. Area of a Trapezium
  10. Word Problem of Area of a Trapezium
  11. Area of a Triangle
  12. Word Problem of Area of a Triangle
Chapter 12: Three Dimensional Solids (8 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Volume and Surface Area  (Practice Test)
  1. Shapes of Three Dimensional Solids
  2. Concept of Cube and Cuboid
  3. Surface Area of Cuboids
  4. Surface Area of Cubes
  5. Volume of Cubes
  6. Volume of Cuboids
  7. Concept of Sphere
  8. Concept of Cone
Chapter 13: Information Handling (15 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Types of Data  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Information Handling
  2. Data and its Types
  3. Problem-Data and its Types
  4. Classification of a Data
  5. Problem-Classification of a Data
13.2: Bar Graph  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Graph
  2. Draw Block or Column Graphs
  3. Block Graph
  4. Reading bar graph
  5. Problem-Vertical Bar Graph
  6. Horizontal Bar Graph
  7. Word Problem of Bar Graph-p1
  8. Word Problem of Bar Graph-p2
13.3: Pie Graph  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Pie Graph
  2. Word Problem of Pie Graph

General Science Class-6

Chapter 1: Cellular Organization of Plants and Animals (22 videos)
1.1: Cell
  1. Cells
  2. Shape and Size of Cells
1.2: Microscope
  1. Microscope
  2. Parts and use of Microscope
1.3: Animal and Plant Cells
  1. Structure of An Animal Cell
  2. Structure of A Plant Cell
  3. Difference between Animal Cell and Plant cell
1.4: Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms
  1. Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms
  2. Difference between Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms
  3. How do cells in multicellular organisms work
1.5: issues And Organs
  1. Cells form Tissues
  2. Cells form Tissues (Plants)
  3. What are organs
  4. What is a System
1.6: Introduction to Plant Systems and Major Human Systems
  1. What are the systems of a Plant
  2. Digestive system of Human
  3. Respiratory system of Human
  4. Excretory system
  5. Blood Circulatory system of Human
  6. Nervous system of Human
1.7: Cell to Organism
  1. Levels of organization in Plants
  2. Levels of organization in Animals
Chapter 2: Sense organs (10 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Sense organs
  1. Senses
2.2: Eye  (Practice Test)
  1. The Structure of eye
  2. Retina
  3. How Do We See?
2.3: Ear  (Practice Test)
  1. The Structure of Ear
  2. How do we Hear?
2.4: Nose
  1. The Nose
2.5: Tongue
  1. The Structure and Function of Tongue
2.6: Skin  (Practice Test)
  1. The skin
  2. Functions of Skin
Chapter 3: Photosynthesis and Respiration in Plants (11 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Internal Structure of Leaf
  1. Structure of Leaf
3.2: Photosynthesis and its Importance  (Practice Test)
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Process of Photosynthesis
  3. Water and Stomata
  4. Importance of photosynthesis
3.3: Structure of Leaf and Photosynthesis  (Practice Test)
  1. Internal Structure of Leaf and Photosynthesis
  2. Structure of Leaf is well suited for Photosynthesis
3.4: Necessary factors for Photosynthesis
  1. Factors Affecting Photosynthesis
3.5: Respiration in Plants  (Practice Test)
  1. Respiration in Plants
  2. Importance of Respiration
  3. Comparision of Photosynthesis and Respiration
Chapter 4: Environment and Interactions (25 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Biotic components (Producers, Consumers and Decomposers)  (Practice Test)
  1. Environment
  2. Biotic components of environment
4.2: Abiotic components (Light, Air, Soil, Temperature and Water)  (Practice Test)
  1. Abiotic components of environment
  2. Soil
  3. Water
  4. Air
  5. Light
  6. Temperature
  7. Deserts
  8. Rain Forest Environment
  9. Difference Between Deserts and Rain Forest Environment
4.3: Relationship Between Biotic and Abiotic Components  (Practice Test)
  1. Dependence of organisms upon one another
  2. Types of Environment
  3. Ponds
  4. Seas
  5. Plains
  6. Abiotic Factors Affecting the Food Production Ability of Plants
  7. Effect of Human Activities on Environment
  8. Pollution
4.4: Relationship in Organisms (Predator-prey, Parasitism and Mutualism  (Practice Test)
  1. Relationship amoung organisms
  2. predation
  3. Parasitism
  4. Mutualism
  5. Food Chain
  6. Food Web
Chapter 5: Atoms, Molecules, Mixtures and Compounds (25 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Introduction to Atoms and Molecules  (Practice Test)
  1. Atoms and Molecules
  2. Fundamental Particles of an Atom
  3. Rutherford’s Atomic Model
5.2: Common Elements and Their Symbols
  1. Element, The Simplest Matter
5.3: Classification of Elements  (Practice Test)
  1. Classification of Elements
  2. Properties of Metals
  3. Properties of Non – Metals
  4. Uses of Metal
  5. Uses of Non – Metal
  6. Comparision Between Metals and Non- Metals
5.4: Compounds and Mixtures  (Practice Test)
  1. Compounds
  2. Uses of Compounds
  3. Comparison Between Elements and Compounds
  4. Mixture
  5. Uses of Mixture
  6. Air As a Mixture
5.5: Carbon Dioxide: Its Sources, Uses and Maintenance in Nature
  1. Source of Carbon Dioxide
  2. Difference Between Mixture and Compound
5.6: Seperating Mixtures  (Practice Test)
  1. Filtration
  2. Crystalization
  3. Distillation
  4. Sublimation
  5. Decantation
  6. Chromatography
  7. Properties of Matter
Chapter 6: Air (9 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Air and Its Importance  (Practice Test)
  1. Air
  2. Importance of Air
6.2: Composition of Air
  1. Composition of air
6.3: Properties and Uses of gases in Air  (Practice Test)
  1. Properties of Oxygen
  2. Uses of Oxygen
  3. Properties of Nitrogen
  4. Uses of Nitrogen
  5. Properties of Carbon dioxide
  6. Uses of Carbon dioxide
Chapter 7: Solutions And Suspensions (14 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Solution and its Components (Solute and Solvent)
  1. Solution and Its Components
7.2: Aqueous Solutions and Water As a Universal Solvent  (Practice Test)
  1. Water As a Universal Solvent
  2. Types of Solution
  3. Properties of Solution
7.3: Particle Model of Solutions
  1. Particle Model of Solutions
7.4: Dilute and Concentrated Solutions
  1. Aqueous, Dilute and Concentrated Solution
7.5: Saturated and Unsaturated Solution
  1. Saturated and Unsaturated Solution
7.6: Solubility and Effect of Temperature on Solubility  (Practice Test)
  1. Solubility
  2. Effect of Temperature on Solubility
7.7: Solutions and Suspentions and Their uses  (Practice Test)
  1. Uses of Solutions
  2. Suspensions
  3. Uses of Suspensions
  4. Difference Between Solutions and Suspensions
  5. Soluble and Insoluble substances
Chapter 8: Energy and Its Forms (18 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Energy  (Practice Test)
  1. Energy
  2. Forms of Energy
  3. Heat Energy
  4. Sound Energy
  5. Electrical Energy
  6. Kinetic Energy
  7. Potential Energy
  8. Conversion of Kinetic and Potential Energy
  9. Difference Between Kinetic and Potential Energy
8.2: Conversion of Different Forms of Energy
  1. Conversion of Different forms of energy
8.3: Transfer of Energy to the Environment
  1. Desipation of Energy
  2. Energy Transfer in an Environment
8.4: Conservation of Energy
  1. Law of Conservation of Energy
8.5: Energy Converters
  1. Energy Converters
8.6: Renewable Energy Resource  (Practice Test)
  1. Renewable and non Renewable Energy Resources
  2. Avantages of Reneable Energy Resources
8.7: Energy in Our Lives
  1. Energy Improving The Quality of Life
8.8: Energy Stored in Human Body
  1. Energy Source For Our Life
Chapter 9: Forces and Machines (15 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Wheel and Axle  (Practice Test)
  1. Simple Machines
  2. Wheel and Axile
  3. Uses of Wheel and Axile
9.2: Pulleys  (Practice Test)
  1. Pulley
  2. Uses of Pulley
  3. Fixed Pulley
  4. Moveable Pulley
  5. Pulley System
9.3: Gears  (Practice Test)
  1. Gears
  2. Gear Train
  3. Uses of Gears in Our Daily Life
  4. The Crane
  5. Transfer of Motion From One Pulley Or Gear System to Another
9.4: Bicycle
  1. Bicycle
  2. Functions of Bicycle
Chapter 10: Properties of Light (19 videos)
10.1: Transmission, Absorbtion and Reflection of light
  1. light
  2. Transmission of light
  3. Absorption of Light
  4. Reflection of light
10.2: Law of Reflection
  1. Law of Reflection
10.3: Types of Reflecting surfaces
  1. Types of Reflection
  2. Types of Reflecting Surfaces
10.4: Applications of Regular and Diffused Reflection
  1. Application of Reflecting Surfaces in Every Day Life
10.5: Images Formed By a Plane Mirror
  1. Images Formed By a plane Mirror
10.6: Comparison of Image Formed By Plane Mirror and Pinhole Camera
  1. Image Formation by Pin Hole Camera
  2. Comparision of Images Formed By a Plane Mirror And Pin Hole Camera
  3. Pin Hole Camera
  4. Microscope
  5. Parioscope
10.7: Kaleidoscope
  1. Kalaidioscope
10.8: Concave and Convex Mirros
  1. Image formation in convex mirrors
  2. Image formation in Concave mirrors
  3. Usage of Concave Mirror
  4. Usage of Convex Mirror
Chapter 11: Investigating Sounds (14 videos)
11.1: What is a Sound
  1. Sound
  2. Sound as a form of energy
  3. How does sound produced?
  4. How does sound travel?
  5. Sound Waves are Longitudinal Waves
11.2: How Does Sound Travel In Different Mediums?
  1. Sound Needs a Medium to Travel
  2. Speed of sound in Solid, Liquid And Gases
  3. Speed of Sound in Different Materials
11.3: How Do We Hear?
  1. How do we Hear?
  2. The Structure of Ear
  3. Pleasant and Unpleasant Sounds
  4. Noise Pollution
  5. Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution
  6. Sound cannot Travel Through Vacuum
Chapter 12: Space and Satellites (16 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Introduction to Space and Satellites  (Practice Test)
  1. Universe and Space
  2. Satellites
  3. Natural Satellites
  4. More on Natural Satellites
  5. Artificial Satellites
12.2: Asteroids  (Practice Test)
  1. Kuiper and Asteroid Belts
  2. Comets
  3. Halley’s Comets
12.3: Meteoroid  (Practice Test)
  1. Meteoroid
  2. Kinds of Meteors
12.4: Artificial Satellites  (Practice Test)
  1. Launching of a satellite into a space
  2. Kinds of Artificial Satellite
  3. Geostationary, Polar Satellite
  4. Communication satellite
  5. Uses of satellites
12.5: Global Positioning System (GPS)
  1. Global Positioning System (GPS)