
Chapter 1: Sets (108 videos)   (Practice Test)
1.1: Revision
  1. Set Definition
1.2: Some Important Sets of Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Definition & Notation of Some Important Sets
  2. Set Notation & its Characteristics
  3. Presentation of a Set
  4. Problem 1: Presentation of a Set
  5. Set Builder Notation
  6. Problem 1: Set Builder Notation
  7. Empty set and Singleton Set
  8. Problem 1: Empty Set & Singleton Set
  9. Finite & Infinite Set
  10. Problem 1: Finite & Infinite Set
  11. Equal & Equivalent Sets
  12. Problem 1: Equal & Equivalent Sets
  13. Subset Definition
  14. Problem 1: Subset Definition
  15. Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  16. Problem 1: Proper Subset & Improper Subset
  17. Properties of Subset
  18. Problem 1: Properties of Subset
  19. Power Set
  20. Problem 1: Power Set
1.3: Operations on Two Sets  (Practice Test)
  1. Union of Two Sets
  2. Problem 1: Union of Two Sets
  3. Intersection of Set
  4. Problem 1: Intersection of Set
  5. Difference of Sets
  6. Problem 1: Difference of Sets
  7. Symmetric Difference of two sets
  8. Problem 1: Symmetric Difference of two sets
  9. Universal Set
  10. Complement of a Set
  11. Problem 1: Complement of a Set
1.4: Operations of Union and Intersection on Three Sets
  1. Operations of Union and Intesection on three sets
1.5: Properties of Union and Intersection for Two or Three Sets  (Practice Test)
  1. Commutative Property of Union
  2. Associative Property of Union of Sets
  3. Problem 1: Associative Property of Union of Sets
  4. Associative Property of Intersection of Sets
  5. Problem 1: Associative Property of Intersection of Sets
  6. Distributive Property of Union Over Intersection
  7. Problem 1: Distributive Property of Union Over Intersection
  8. Distributive property of Intersection over Union
  9. Problem 1: Distributive property of Intersection over Union
1.6: De Morgans Laws  (Practice Test)
  1. Demorgan Law 1
  2. Problem 1: Demorgan Law 1
  3. Demorgan Law 2
  4. Problem 1: Demorgan Law 2
1.7: Venn Diagrams  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Venn Diagrams
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Venn Diagrams
  3. Commutative Law of Union of Sets
  4. Problem 1: Commutative Law of Union of Sets
  5. Commutative Law of Intersection of Sets
  6. Problem 1: Commutative Law of Intersection of Sets
  7. Intersection Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  8. Problem 1: Intersection Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  9. Intersection Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  10. Problem 1: Intersection Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  11. Intersection Associativity for Sets
  12. Problem 1: Intersection Associativity for Sets
  13. More on Intersection Associativity for Sets
  14. Problem 1: More on Intersection Associativity for Sets
  15. Union Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  16. Problem 1: Union Associativity for Overlapping Sets
  17. Union Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  18. Problem 1: Union Associativity for Disjoint Sets
  19. Union Associativity for Sets
  20. Problem 1: Union Associativity for Sets
  21. More on Union Associativity for Set
  22. Problem 1: More on Union Associativity for Set
  23. Distributivity of Union Over Intersection of Sets
  24. Problem 1: Distributivity of Union Over Intersection of Sets
  25. Distributivity of Intersection Over Union of Sets
  26. Problem 1: Distributivity of Intersection Over Union of Sets
  27. Difference of Sets for Overlapping Sets
  28. Problem 1: Difference of Sets for Overlapping Sets
  29. Difference of Sets for Disjoint Sets
  30. Problem 1: Difference of Sets for Disjoint Sets
  31. Difference of Sets for a Set & its Subset
  32. Problem 1: Difference of Sets for a Set & its Subset
  33. Complement of Union for Overlapping Sets
  34. Problem 1: Complement of Union for Overlapping Sets
  35. Complement of Intersection for Overlapping Sets
  36. Problem 1: Complement of Intersection for Overlapping Sets
  37. Complement of Intersection for Disjoint Sets
  38. Problem 1: Complement of Intersection for Disjoint Sets
  39. Complement of Union for Disjoint Sets
  40. Problem 1: Complement of Union for Disjoint Sets
  41. Complement of Union for Set & its Subset
  42. Problem 1: Complement of Union for Set & its Subset
  43. Complement of Intersection for Set & its Subset
  44. Problem 1: Complement of Intersection for Set & its Subset
1.8: Ordered Pairs
  1. Introduction to Ordered Pairs
1.9: Cartesian Product of Sets
  1. Cartesian Product of Sets
  2. Problem 1: Cartesian Product of Sets
1.10: Binary Relation  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Binary Relation
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Binary Relation
  3. Domain & Range of Binary Relation
  4. Problem 1: Domain & Range of Binary Relation
1.11: Functions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Function
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Function
  3. Onto Function
  4. Problem 1: Onto Function
  5. One to One Function
  6. Problem 1: One to One Function
  7. Bijective Function
  8. Problem 1: Bijective Function
1.12: Cartesian Coordinate System for Plane
  1. Cartesian Coordinate System & Cartesian Plane
  2. Problem 1: Cartesian Coordinate System & Cartesian Plane
1.13: Graphical Representation of Cartesian Product
  1. Introduction to Graphs
Chapter 2: System of Real Numbers, Exponents and Radicals (70 videos)   (Practice Test)
2.1: Properties of Rational Numbers
  1. Introduction to Rational Numbers
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Rational Numbers
2.2: Decimal Fractions as Rational and Irrational Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Decimal Representation of Rational Number
  2. Problem 1: Decimal Representation of Rational Number
  3. Decimal Representation of Irrational Number
2.3: Set of Real Numbers
  1. Introduction to Real Numbers
2.4: Properties of Real Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Closure Law of Rational Numbers
  2. Problem 1: Closure Law of Rational Numbers
  3. Commutative Law
  4. Associative Law
  5. Problem 1: Associative Law
  6. Additive Identity & Additive Inverse
  7. Problem 1: Additive Identity & Additive Inverse
  8. Multiplicative Identity & Inverse
  9. Problem 1: Multiplicative Identity & Inverse
  10. Distributive Law
  11. Problem 1: Distributive Law
  12. Trichotomy Property of Inequality
  13. Problem 1: Trichotomy Property of Inequality
2.5: Properties of Equality of Real Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Reflexive And Symmetric Property of Equality
  2. Transitive Property of Equality
  3. Problem 1: Transitive Property of Equality
  4. Additive Property of Equality
  5. Multiplicative Property of Equality
  6. Cancellation Property of Equality
  7. Problem 1: Cancellation Property of Equality
2.6: Properties of Inequality of Real Numbers  (Practice Test)
  1. Archimedian Property of Inequality
  2. Transitive Property of Inequality
  3. Problem 1: Transitive Property of Inequality
  4. Additive Property of Inequality
  5. Multiplicative Property of Inequality
  6. Problem 1: Multiplicative Property of Inequality
2.7: Exponent
  1. Exponent or Index Definition
  2. Problem 1: Exponent or Index Definition
2.8: Laws of Exponents  (Practice Test)
  1. Law of Sum of Power of Exponents
  2. Problem 1: Law of Sum of Power of Exponents
  3. Law of Power of Product of Exponent
  4. Problem 1: Law of Power of Product of Exponent
  5. Law of Power of Power of Exponent
  6. Problem 1: Law of Power of Power of Exponent
  7. Law of Quotient of Power with Same Base
  8. Problem 1: Law of Quotient of Power with Same Base
  9. Law of Power of a Fraction
  10. Problem 1: Law of Power of a Fraction
2.9: Radicals and Square Root of Positive Real Number  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Radical
  2. Square Root
  3. Problem 1: Square Root
  4. Properties of Square Root
  5. Problem 1: Properties of Square Root
  6. More on Properties of Square Root
2.10: The nth Root of a Positive Real Number  (Practice Test)
  1. qth Root of x
  2. Problem 1: qth Root of x
  3. Properties of qth Root of x
  4. Problem 1: Properties of qth Root of x
2.11: Rational Exponents  (Practice Test)
  1. Rational Exponents
  2. Problem 1: Rational Exponents
  3. Properties of Rational Exponents
  4. Problem 1: Properties of Rational Exponents
2.12: Surds  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Surds
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Surds
  3. Addition & Subtraction of Surds
  4. Problem 1: Addition & Subtraction of Surds
  5. Problem 2: Addition & Subtraction of Surds
  6. Multiplication & Division of Surds
  7. Problem 1: Multiplication & Division of Surds
  8. Problem 2: Multiplication & Division of Surds
  9. Introduction to Rationalization
  10. Rationalizing Denominator & its Types
  11. Problem 1: Rationalizing Denominator & its Types
  12. Problem 2: Rationalizing Denominator & its Types
Chapter 3: Logarithms (37 videos)   (Practice Test)
3.1: Introduction
  1. Logarithm Definition
  2. Problem 1: Logarithm Definition
3.2: Secintific Notation  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Scientific Notation
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Scientific Notation
  3. Adding & Subtracting Scientific Notation
  4. Problem 1: Adding & Subtracting Scientific Notation
  5. Multiplication of Numbers in Scientific Notation
  6. Problem 1: Multiplication of Numbers in Scientific Notation
  7. Division of Numbers in Scientific Notation
  8. Problem 1: Division of Numbers in Scientific Notation
  9. Converting Scientific to Common form
  10. Problem 1: Converting Scientific to Common form
3.3: Definition of Logarithm  (Practice Test)
  1. Logarithm Definition
  2. Problem 1: Logarithm Definition
  3. Converting Log to Exponential Form
  4. Problem 1: Converting Log to Exponential Form
  5. Converting Exponential to Log Form
  6. Problem 1: Converting Exponential to Log Form
3.4: Laws of Logarithm  (Practice Test)
  1. Product Law of Logarithm
  2. Problem 1: Product Law of Logarithm
  3. Power Law of Logarithm
  4. Problem 1: Power Law of Logarithm
  5. Quotient Law of Logarithm
  6. Problem 1: Quotient Law of Logarithm
3.5: Change of Base in Logarithms
  1. Law of Change of Base of Logarithm
  2. Problem 1: Law of Change of Base of Logarithm
3.6: Common Logarithms  (Practice Test)
  1. Common Logarithm
  2. Problem 1: Common Logarithm
  3. Characteristic & Mantissa of Logarithm
  4. Problem 1: Characteristic & Mantissa of Logarithm
3.7: Antilogarithms
  1. Introduction to Anti-Logarithms
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Anti-Logarithms
3.8: Applications of Logarithms in Computation
  1. Applications of Logarithm Laws in Calculations
  2. Problem 1: Applications of Logarithm Laws in Calculations
  3. Problem 2: Applications of Logarithm Laws in Calculations
  4. Problem 3: Applications of Logarithm Laws in Calculations
  5. Problem 4: Applications of Logarithm Laws in Calculations
Chapter 4: Algebraic Expression (39 videos)   (Practice Test)
4.1: Varibales and Constants
  1. Introducing Variable & Constant
  2. Problem 1: Introducing Variable & Constant
4.2: Coefficient
  1. Introducing Coefficient & Exponent
  2. Problem 1: Introducing Coefficient & Exponent
4.3: Algebraic Expressions
  1. Introducing Algebraic Expression
4.4: Kinds of Algebraic Expressions  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Polynomials
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Polynomials
  3. Rational & Irrational Expressions
4.5: Classification of Polynomials
  1. Polynomials w.r.t Terms & Variables
  2. Problem 1: Polynomials w.r.t Terms & Variables
4.6: Order of Algebraic Expressions
  1. Ordering of an Algebraic Expressions
4.7: Value of Algebraic Expression
  1. Value of an Algebraic Expression
  2. Problem 1: Value of an Algebraic Expression
  3. Problem 2: Value of an Algebraic Expression
4.8: Fundamental Operations on Algebraic Expressions  (Practice Test)
  1. Addition of Algebraic Expression
  2. Problem 1: Addition of Algebraic Expression
  3. Equality Property of Rational Expression
  4. Product of Algebraic Expression
  5. Problem 1: Product of Algebraic Expression
  6. Division of Algebraic Expression
  7. Problem 1: Division of Algebraic Expression
4.9: Remainder Theorem
  1. Remainder Theorem
  2. Problem 1: Remainder Theorem
4.10: Formula and their Applications  (Practice Test)
  1. Square of Sum of Two Terms
  2. Problem 1: Square of Sum of Two Terms
  3. Square of Difference of Two Terms
  4. Difference of Square of Two Terms
  5. Square of Sum of Three Terms
  6. Problem 1: Square of Sum of Three Terms
  7. Cube of Sum of Two Terms
  8. Problem 1: Cube of Sum of Two Terms
  9. Cube of Difference of Two Terms
  10. Problem 1: Cube of Difference of Two Terms
  11. Sum & Differences of Cube
  12. Problem 1: Sum & Differences of Cube
  13. Twice the Sum of Square of Two Terms
  14. Problem 1: Twice the Sum of Square of Two Termss
  15. Four Times Product of Two Terms
  16. Problem 1: Four Times Product of Two Terms
Chapter 5: Factorization, H.C.F, L.C.M, Simplification and Square Root (49 videos)   (Practice Test)
5.1: Revision  (Practice Test)
  1. Factoring Trinomial & Tetranomial of Degree One
  2. Problem 1: Factoring Trinomial & Tetranomial of Degree One
  3. Problem 2: Factoring Trinomial & Tetranomial of Degree One
  4. Factoring Square of Sum Or Difference of Two Terms
  5. Problem 1: Factoring Square of Sum Or Difference of Two Terms
5.2: Factors of Expressions Reducible to Difference of Square of Two Terms  (Practice Test)
  1. Factoring Difference of Square of Two Terms
  2. Problem 1: Factoring Difference of Square of Two Terms
  3. Problem 2: Factoring Difference of Square of Two Terms
  4. Factoring Polynomial of Degree Four
  5. Problem 1: Factoring Polynomial of Degree Four
  6. Problem 2 : Factoring Polynomial of Degree Four
5.3: Factors of the Quadratic Polynomial  (Practice Test)
  1. Factoring Quadratic Equation-Leading Coefficient-1
  2. Problem 1: Factoring Quadratic Equation-Leading Coefficient-1
  3. Factoring Quadratic Polynomial-Non-1 Leading Coefficient
  4. Problem 1: Factoring Quadratic Polynomial-Non-1 Leading Coefficient
  5. Problem 2: Factoring Quadratic Polynomial-Non-1 Leading Coefficient
5.4: Factoring Sum or Difference of Cube of Two Terms
  1. Factoring Sum or Difference of Cube of Two Terms
  2. Problem 1: Factoring Sum or Difference of Cube of Two Terms
  3. Problem 2: Factoring Sum or Difference of Cube of Two Terms
5.5: Factoring Sum of Cube of Three Terms Difference Three Times their Combined Produ
  1. Factoring sum of cube of three temrs
  2. Problem 1: Factoring sum of cube of three terms
  3. Problem 2: Factoring sum of cube of three terms
5.6: Factoring Product of Difference of Two of All Three Terms
  1. Factoring product of difference of two of all three terms
  2. Problem 1: Factoring product of difference of two of all three terms
5.7: Factorization by Using Remainder theorem
  1. Factorization by using Remainder Theorem
  2. Problem 1: Factorization by using Remainder Theorem
5.8: Highest Common Factor  (Practice Test)
  1. H.C.F or G.C.D of Algebraic Expressions
  2. Problem 1: H.C.F or G.C.D of Algebraic Expressions
  3. Problem 2: H.C.F or G.C.D of Algebraic Expressions
  4. H.C.F of Algebraic Expression by Division
  5. Problem 1: H.C.F of Algebraic Expression by Division
5.9: Least Common Multiple of Polynomials
  1. L.C.M of Algebraic Expression by Factorization
  2. Problem 1: L.C.M of Algebraic Expression by Factorization
  3. Problem 2: L.C.M of Algebraic Expression by Factorization
  4. Problem 3: L.C.M of Algebraic Expression by Factorization
  5. L.C.M of Algebraic Expression by formula
5.10: Simplification of Algebraic Fractions  (Practice Test)
  1. Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Expressions
  2. Dividing & Multiplying Algebraic Expressions
  3. Problem 1: Dividing & Multiplying Algebraic Expressions
  4. Problem 2: Dividing & Multiplying Algebraic Expressions
5.11: Simplification of Algebraic Fractions Involving Four Fundamental Operations Toge
  1. Simplication of algebraic fraction with all four operations
5.12: The Square Root of an Algebraic Expression  (Practice Test)
  1. Square Root of Algebraic Expression-Factorization
  2. Problem 1: Square Root of Algebraic Expression-Factorization
  3. Problem 2: Square Root of Algebraic Expression-Factorization
  4. Square Root of Algebraic Expression-Division
  5. Problem 1: Square Root of Algebraic Expression-Division
  6. Problem 2: Square Root of Algebraic Expression-Division
  7. Square Root of Rational Expression
  8. Problem 1: Square Root of Rational Expression
Chapter 6: Algebraic Sentences (28 videos)   (Practice Test)
6.1: Solution of Simple Linear Equations in One or Two Variables  (Practice Test)
  1. Solution of Simple Linear Equations in one Variables
  2. Problem 1: Solution of Simple Linear Equations in one Variables
  3. Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations by Substitution
  4. Problem 1: Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations by Substitution
6.2: Graphical Solution of Two Simultaneous Linear Equations
  1. Graphical Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations
6.3: Solution of Equations Involving Radicals in One Variable
  1. Solving Radical Equations in One Variable
  2. Problem 1: Solving Radical Equations in One Variable
  3. Problem 1: Solving Radical Equations in One Variable
6.4: Solution of Equations in One Variable Involving Absolute Value  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to absolute value equation
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to absolute value equation
  3. Solving Absolute Valued Equations “
  4. Problem 1: Solving Absolute Valued Equations
6.5: Inequalities or Inequations  (Practice Test)
  1. Solution of Inequalities
  2. Problem 1: Solution of Inequalities
  3. Representing Solution of Inequalities on Number Line
  4. Problem 1: Representing Solution of Inequalities on Number Line
6.6: Quadratic Equations in One Variable
  1. Quadratic Equations in One Variable
  2. Problem 1: Quadratic Equations in One Variable
6.7: Solution of Quadratic Equations by Factorization
  1. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization
  2. Problem 1: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization
6.8: Solution of Quadratic Equations by Completing Squares
  1. Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Squares
  2. Problem 1: Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Squares
  3. Problem 2: Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Squares
6.9: Derivation of Quadratic Formula
  1. Derivation of Quadratic formula
  2. Problem 1: Derivation of Quadratic formula
6.10: Solution of Quadratic Equations by Quadratic Formula
  1. Solving Quadratic Equation by Quadratic formula
  2. Problem1-Solving Quadratic Equation-Quadratic Formula
  3. Problem 2: Solving Quadratic Equation by Quadratic formula
Chapter 7: Matrices (63 videos)   (Practice Test)
7.1: Introduction
  1. Introduction to Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Matrix
7.2: Notation
  1. Location of elements in Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Location of elements in Matrix
7.3: Order of Matrix
  1. Order of Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Order of Matrix
7.4: Location of Elements or Entries
  1. Location of elements in Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Location of elements in Matrix
7.5: Types of Matrices  (Practice Test)
  1. Row Matrix and Column Matrix
  2. Problem1-Singular and Non-Singular Matrix
  3. Problem 1: Row Matrix and Column Matrix
  4. Square Matrix and Rectangular Matrix
  5. Problem2-Singular and Non-Singular Matrix
  6. Problem 1: Square Matrix and Rectangular Matrix
  7. Null Matrix or Zero Matrix
  8. Problem 1: Null Matrix or Zero Matrix
  9. Negative of Matrix
  10. Problem 1: Negative of Matrix
  11. Diagonal Matrix
  12. Problem 1: Diagonal Matrix
  13. Scalar Matrix
  14. Problem 1: Scalar Matrix
  15. Identity Matrix
  16. Problem 1: Identity Matrix
7.6: Transpose of Matrix
  1. Transpose of a Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Transpose of a Matrix
7.7: Equality of Matrices
  1. Equal Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Equal Matrices
  3. Problem 2: Equal Matrices
7.8: Addition of Matrices
  1. Addition of Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Addition of Matrices
7.9: Additive Identity
  1. Additive Identity of a Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Additive Identity of a Matrix
7.10: Additive Inverse of A Matrix
  1. Additive Inverse of a Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Additive Inverse of a Matrix
7.11: Commutative Property w.r.t Addition
  1. Commutative Law under Addition for Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Commutative Law under Addition for Matrices
7.12: Associative Property w.r.t Addition
  1. Associaitve Law under Addition for Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Multiplication of Matrices
  3. Problem 1: Associaitve Law under Addition for Matrices
  4. Problem 2: Multiplication of Matrices
7.13: Subtraction of Matrices
  1. Subtraction of Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Subtraction of Matrices
7.14: Multiplication of Matrix by Real Number
  1. Multiplication of Matrix by a Real Number
  2. Problem 1: Multiplication of Matrix by a Real Number
7.15: Matrix Multiplication
  1. Multiplication of Matrices
  2. Problem 1: Multiplication of Matrices
  3. Problem 2: Multiplication of Matrices
7.16: Properties of Multiplication of Matrices  (Practice Test)
  1. Associative law under Multiplication of matrices
  2. Problem 1: Associative law under Multiplication of matrices
  3. Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition for Matrices
  4. Problem 1: Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition for Matri
7.17: Identity Matrix w.r.t Multiplication
  1. Multiplicative Identity of a Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Multiplicative Identity of a Matrix
7.18: Determinant of Matrix
  1. Determinant of 2-by-2 Matrix
7.19: Singular & Non-Singular Matrices
  1. Singular and Non-singular Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Singular and Non-singular Matrix
7.20: Adjoint of Matrix
  1. Adjoint of a Matrix
  2. Problem 1: Adjoint of a Matrix
7.21: Multiplicative Inverse of Matrix
  1. Inverse of Matrix using Adjoint
  2. Problem 1: Inverse of Matrix using Adjoint
7.22: Solution of Two Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Matrices
  1. Solving Simultaneous Equations-Inversion Method
7.23: Cramers Rule
  1. Solving Simultaneous Equations-Cramers Rule
Chapter 8: Elimination (8 videos)   (Practice Test)
8.1: Concept of Elimination
  1. Concept of Elimination
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Elimination
8.2: Elimination by Substitution Method
  1. Elimination by Substitution Method
8.3: Elimination by Comparison Method
  1. Elimination by Comparison Method
8.4: Elimination by Application of Formulae
  1. Elimination by the Application of Formulae
  2. Problem 1: Elimination by the Application of Formulae
8.5: Method of Cross-Multiplication
  1. Method of Cross-Multiplication
  2. Problem 1: Method of Cross-Multiplication
Chapter 9: Variations (38 videos)   (Practice Test)
9.1: Ratio
  1. Concept of Ratio
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Ratio
9.2: Proportion
  1. Introduction to Proportion
9.3: Continued Proportion
  1. Continued Proportional
9.4: Variation  (Practice Test)
  1. Direct Variations
  2. Problem 1: Direct Variations
  3. Problem 2: Direct Variations
  4. Inverse Variations
  5. Problem 1: Inverse Variations
  6. Problem 2: Inverse Variations
  7. Problem 3: Inverse Variations
9.5: K-Method And theorems on Proportion
  1. K-Method and Theorem 1 on Proportion
  2. Problem 1: K-Method and Theorem 1 on Proportion
  3. K-Method and Theorem 2 on Proportion
9.6: Properties of Proportion  (Practice Test)
  1. Law of Proportion
  2. Problem 1: Law of Proportion
  3. Duplicate Ratio
  4. Problem 1: Duplicate Ratio
  5. Invertendo Theorem
  6. Problem 1: Invertendo Theorem
  7. Alternando Theorem
  8. Problem 1: Alternando Theorem
  9. Componendo Theorem
  10. Problem 1: Componendo Theorem
  11. Dividendo Theorem
  12. Problem 1: Dividendo Theorem
  13. Componendo-Dividendo Theorem
  14. Transitive Property of Ratio
  15. Problem 1: Transitive Property of Ratio
9.7: Word Problems  (Practice Test)
  1. Word Problem of Ratio of Shadow & Height
  2. Problem 1: Word Problem of Ratio of Shadow & Height
  3. Word problem of Ratio between Two Numbers
  4. Problem 1: Word problem of Ratio between Two Numbers
  5. Word problem of Ratio of Sides of Polygons
  6. Problem 1: Word problem of Ratio of Sides of Polygons
  7. Word problem of Ratio of angles of Polygons
  8. Problem 1: Word problem of Ratio of angles of Polygons
  9. Word problem of Ratio of Income & Expenses
Chapter 10: Information Handling (114 videos)   (Practice Test)
10.1: Introduction
  1. Concept of Information Handling
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Information Handling
10.2: A Few Definitions  (Practice Test)
  1. Data, Collection of Data, Presentation of Data
  2. Problem 1: Data, Collection of Data, Presentation of Data
  3. Constant & Variable.
  4. Problem 1: Constant & Variable.
  5. Population
  6. Problem 1:Population
10.3: Types of Variables
  1. Types of Variables
  2. Problem 1: Types of Variables
10.4: Types of Data
  1. Types of Data
  2. Problem 1: Types of Data
10.5: Collection of Data
  1. Data, Collection of Data, Presentation of Data
  2. Problem 1: Data, Collection of Data, Presentation of Data
10.6: Presentation of Data Or Information
  1. Data, Collection of Data, Presentation of Data
  2. Problem 1: Data, Collection of Data, Presentation of Data
10.7: Classification
  1. Classification & No. of Classes
  2. Problem 1: Classification & No. of Classes
10.8: A Few Definitions  (Practice Test)
  1. Ungrouped & Grouped Data
  2. Problem 1: Ungrouped & Grouped Data
  3. Classification & No. of Classes
  4. Problem 1: Classification & No. of Classes
  5. Specification of Classes
  6. Problem 1: Specification of Classes
  7. Class interval & Class Limits
  8. Problem 1: Class interval & Class Limits
  9. Class Mark & Class Boundaries.
  10. Problem 1: Class Mark & Class Boundaries.
10.9: Tabulation  (Practice Test)
  1. One way Tabulation
  2. Problem 1: One way Tabulation
  3. Two way Tabulation
  4. Problem 1: Two way Tabulation
10.10: Frequency Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
  2. Problem 1: Construction of Continuous Frequency Table
10.11: Construction of Frequency Distribution  (Practice Test)
  1. Formation of Frequency Distribution byTally Bar Method
  2. Problem 1: Formation of Frequency Distribution by Tally Bar Method
  3. Formation of Frequency Distribution by Direct Method
  4. Problem 1: Formation of Frequency Distribution by Direct Method
10.12: Graphs
  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Graphs
  2. Problem 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Graphs
  3. Construction of Graphs
  4. Problem 1: Construction of Graphs
10.13: Histogram  (Practice Test)
  1. Graph of Frequency Distribution by Histogram
  2. Problem 1: Constructing Histogram with Equal Intervals
10.14: Frequency Polygon
  1. Construction of Frequency Polygon
  2. Problem 1: Construction of Frequency Polygon
10.15: Diagrams Representation  (Practice Test)
  1. Simple Bar Diagram
  2. Problem 1: Simple Bar Diagram
  3. Multiple Bar Diagram
  4. Problem 1: Multiple Bar Diagram
  5. Pie Diagram
  6. Problem 1: Pie Diagram
10.16: Measures of Location ( Central Tendency )  (Practice Test)
  1. Measure of Location
  2. Problem 1: Measure of Location
  3. Importance of Measure of Central Tendency
  4. Problem 1: Importance of Measure of Central Tendency
10.17: Types of Measures of Central Tendency
  1. Types of Measures of Central Tendency
  2. Problem 1: Types of Measures of Central Tendency
10.18: Arithmetic Mean ( A.M )  (Practice Test)
  1. Arithmetic Mean (A.M) for Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: A.M of Ungrouped Data by Direct Method
  3. Arithmetic Mean (A.M) for Grouped Data by Direct Method
  4. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Direct Method
  5. Short formula for Computing Arithmetic Mean for Ungrouped Data
  6. Problem 1: A.M for Ungrouped Data by Short formula Method
  7. Short formula for Computing Arithmetic Mean for Grouped Data
  8. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Short formula Method
  9. Coding Method of Finding Arithmetic Mean
  10. Problem 1: A.M for Ungrouped Data by Coding Method
  11. Finding A.M for Grouped Data-Coding Method
  12. Problem 1: A.M for Grouped Data by Coding Method
10.19: Median  (Practice Test)
  1. Median for Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: Median for Ungrouped Data
  3. Median for Grouped Continuous Data
  4. Problem 1: Median for Grouped Continuous Data
10.20: Mode  (Practice Test)
  1. Mode for Ungrouped Discrete Data
  2. Problem 1: Mode for Ungrouped Discrete Data
  3. Mode for Grouped Data
  4. Problem 1: Mode for Grouped Data
10.21: Merits And Demerits of Measures of Central Tendency  (Practice Test)
  1. Properties of Arithmetic Mean
  2. Problem 1: Properties of Arithmetic Mean
  3. Merits and Demerits of Median
  4. Problem 1: Merits and Demerits of Median
  5. Merits and Demerits of Mode
  6. Problem 1: Merits and Demerits of Mode
10.22: Concept of Dispersion
  1. Concept of Dispersion
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Dispersion
10.23: Importance & Uses of Measures of Dispersion
  1. Importance & Uses of Measures of Dispersion
  2. Problem 1: Importance & Uses of Measures of Dispersion
10.24: Types of Measures of Dispersion  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculation of Range for Raw or Ungrouped Data
  2. Problem 1: Calculation of Range for Raw or Ungrouped Data
  3. Calculation of Range for Grouped Data
  4. Problem 1: Calculation of Range for Grouped Data
  5. Uses and Properties of Range
  6. Problem 1: Uses and Properties of Range
  7. Limitations or Drawbacks of Range
  8. Problem 1: Limitations or Drawbacks of Range
10.25: The Variance  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculation of Variance by Proper Mean Formula
  2. Calculation of Variance of Grouped Data by Proper Mean Formula
  3. Calculation of Variance by Short Cut Method
  4. Problem 1: Calculation of Variance by Short Cut Method
  5. Calculation of the Variance and Standard Deviation by Direct Method
  6. Problem 1: Calculation of Variance by Direct Method
10.26: Standard Deviation ( S.D )  (Practice Test)
  1. Calculation of Standard Deviation by Proper Mean Formula
  2. Problem 1: Calculation of S.D by Proper Mean formula
  3. Calculation of S.D by Short Cut Method
  4. Problem 1: Calculation of S.D by Short Cut Method
  5. Calculation of S.D by Direct Method
  6. Problem 1: Calculation of S.D by Direct Method
  7. Uses and Properties of Standard Deviation
  8. Problem 1: Uses and Properties of Standard Deviation
  9. Limitations of Variance and Standard Deviation
  10. Problem 1: Limitations of Variance and Standard Deviation
  11. Criteria for the measurement of spread of Observation
  12. Problem 1: Criteria for the measurement of spread of Observation
Chapter 11: Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (29 videos)   (Practice Test)
11.1: Inductive & Deductive Reasoning
  1. Inductive and deductive reasoning
  2. Problem 1: Inductive and deductive reasoning
11.2: Characteristics of Deductive Method
  1. Analytical and Synthesis method to Prove theorem
11.3: Basic Concepts  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Point, Line, Line-segment and Ray
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Point, Line, Line-segment and Ray
  3. Collinear and Non-collinear Points
  4. Problem 1: Collinear points and Non-collinear points
  5. Between and Beyond the line segment
  6. Problem 1: Between and Beyond the line segment
  7. Line segment ray and half line
  8. Problem 1: Line segment ray and half line
  9. Convex Set
  10. Problem 1: Convex Set
  11. Opposite Rays
  12. Problem 1: Opposite Rays
  13. Interior and exterioir of an angle
  14. Anlge Construction Postulate
  15. Problem 1: Anlge Construction Postulate
  16. Adjacent Angles
  17. Problem 1: Adjacent Angles
  18. Side & Angle Bisector
  19. Problem 1: Side and Angle Bisector
  20. Complementary and Supplementary angles
  21. Problem 1: Complementary and supplementary anlges
  22. Acute, Obtuse and Congruent Angles
  23. Problem 1: Acute, Obtuse and Congruent Angles
  24. Vertically Opposite Angles
  25. Problem 1: Vertically Opposite Angles
  26. Right Angle and Perpendicular
Chapter 12: Demonstrative Geometry (74 videos)   (Practice Test)
12.1: Theorems on Lines & Polygons  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Geometrical Theorems
  2. Elements in proving a geometrical theorem
  3. Problem 1: Elements in proving a geometrical theorem
12.2: Methods of Proof  (Practice Test)
  1. Problem 1: Analytical and Synthesis method to Prove theorem
  2. Reductio-Ad-Absurdum Method
  3. Problem 1: Reductio-Ad-Absurdum Method
  4. If two lines intersect each other,than vertical angles are congruent
12.3: Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Interior and exterior of triangle
  2. Problem 1: Interior and exterior of triangle
  3. Triangluar Region and Triangular Area
  4. Interior and exterior angles of traingle
  5. Included Angle and Included Side of Triangle
12.4: Kinds of Triangle
  1. Kinds of Triangle
  2. Problem 1: Kinds of Triangle
12.5: One-One Correspondence between Two Triangles & Other Polygons
  1. Congruence of Other Polygons
12.6: Congruence of Triangles
  1. Congruency of Triangles
  2. Problem 1: Congruency of Triangles
12.7: Congruence of Other Polygons
  1. Congruence of Other Polygons
  2. Problem 1: Congruence of Polygons
12.8: Postulate 14- Side Angle Side Postulate  (Practice Test)
  1. Side Angle Side Postulate
  2. Problem 1: side angle side postulate
  3. An exterior angle of a traingle is greater in measure than either of
  4. Problem 1:An exterior angle of a traingle is greater in measure than
12.9: Transversal, Interior & Exterior Angles
  1. Transversal, Interior and Exterior Angles
  2. Problem 1: Transversal, Interior and Exterior Angles
12.10: Alternate & Corresponding Angles
  1. Alternate and corresponding Angles
  2. Problem 1: Alternate and corresponding Angles
12.11: Corresponding Angles
  1. Alternate and corresponding Angles
  2. Problem 1: Alternate and corresponding Angles
12.12: Parallel Lines
  1. Parallel Lines
  2. Problem 1: Parallel Lines
12.13: Postulate 15. Parallel Lines Postulate  (Practice Test)
  1. Parallel Lines Postulate
  2. Problem 1: Parallel Lines Postulate
  3. If a transversal intersects two coplanar lines
  4. If a transversal intersects two parallel lines
  5. Problem 1: If a transversal intersects two parallel lines
12.14: Parallelogram
  1. Kinds of Parallelogram
  2. Problem 1: Kinds of Parallelogram
12.15: Trapezoid & Trapezium  (Practice Test)
  1. Trapezoid and Trapezium
  2. Problem 1: Trapezoid and Trapezium
  3. Sum of three angles of triangle is 180 degree
  4. Problem 1: Sum of three angles of triangle is 180 degree
  5. Angle opposite to equal sides are equal in triangle
  6. Angle-Side-Angle Postulate-1
  7. Side-Side-Side Postulate-3
  8. Sides Facing Equal Angles are Equal in Triangle-2
  9. Hypotenuse Side Postulate-4
  10. Diagonals of Parallelogram Bisects Each Other-1
  11. Parallelogram Opposite Sides – Congruent -Parallel-2
  12. Mid point Theorem-3
  13. All Medians of Triangle Trisect Each Other-4
  14. Proportional Segment Theorem-5
  15. Perpendicular Bisector Theorem-1
  16. Converse of Perpendicular Bisector Theorem-2
  17. Triangle Right Bisectors of Sides are Concurrent-3
  18. Angle Bisector Theorem-4
  19. Converse of Angle Bisector Theorem-5
12.16: Theorems on Inequalities  (Practice Test)
  1. Longer Side Inequality Theorem-1
  2. Converse of Longer Side Inequality Theorem-1a
  3. Problem 1: Converse of Longer Side Inequality Theorem-1a
  4. Triangle Sum of Two Sides is Greater Than Third-2
  5. Problem 2: Triangle Sum of Two Sides is Greater Than Third-3
  6. Shortest Distance from Point to a Line-3
  7. Problem 2: Shortest Distance from Point to a Line-3
12.17: Similar Figures  (Practice Test)
  1. Proportional Parts of Triangle by Side Splitter Theo-1
  2. Converse of Proportional Parts of Triangle -2
  3. Division of Opposite Side by Angle Bisector-3
  4. Proportional Parts of Similar Triangle-4
  5. Converse of Proportional parts of similar triangle
12.18: Pythagoras Theorem  (Practice Test)
  1. Pythagoras Theorem-1
  2. Problem 1: Pythagoras Theorem-1
  3. Problem 2: Pythagoras Theorem-1
  4. Converse of Pythagoras Theorem-2
  5. Problem 1: Converse of Pythagoras Theorem-2
Chapter 13: Circle (49 videos)   (Practice Test)
13.1: Circle
  1. Introduction to Circle & its Characteristics
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Circle & its Characteristics
13.2: Circumference of a Circle
  1. Chord , Diameter & Circumference of a Circle
13.3: Chord & Secant  (Practice Test)
  1. Chord , Diameter & Circumference of a Circle
  2. Problem 1: Chord , Diameter & Circumference of a Circle
  3. Concept of Secant & Tangent Line
  4. Problem 1: Concept of Secant & Tangent Line
13.4: Diameter of Circle
  1. Chord , Diameter & Circumference of a Circle
13.5: Interior & Exterior of Circle
  1. Introduction to Circle & its Characteristics
13.6: Arc of a Circle
  1. Arc of a Circle
  2. Problem 1: Arc of a Circle
13.7: Semi-Circle
  1. Arc of a Circle
13.8: Minor Arc & Major Arc
  1. Arc of a Circle
13.9: Central Angle of An Arc
  1. Concept of Central Angle of an Arc
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Central Angle of an Arc
13.10: Congruent Circles
  1. Concept of Central Angle of an Arc
13.11: Congruent Arcs
  1. Concept of Central Angle of an Arc
13.12: Inscribed Angle of an Arc
  1. Concept of Inscribed Angle of an Arc
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Inscribed Angle of an Arc
13.13: Tangent & Point of Tangency
  1. Concept of Secant & Tangent Line
13.14: Common Tangents, Common Internal Tangents And Common External Tangents to Two Ci
  1. Concentric Circles and Common Internal and External Tangents to two C
  2. Problem 1: Concentric Circles,Common Internal & External Tangents of
13.15: Sector of a Circle
  1. Segment & Sector of a Circle
  2. Problem 1: Segment & Sector of a Circle
13.16: Segment of a Circle
  1. Segment & Sector of a Circle
13.17: Circum Circle of a Triangle
  1. Concept of Circum Circle of a Triangle
13.18: Inscribed Circle of a Triangle
  1. Concept of Inscribed Circle of a Triangle
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Inscribed Circle of a Triangle
13.19: Escribed Circle of a Triangle
  1. Concept of Escribed Circle of a Triangle
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Escribed Circle of a Triangle
13.20: Theorems on Circle  (Practice Test)
  1. Perpendicular Radius Bisects Chord-3
  2. Perpendicular Bisector to a Chord Circle-2
  3. The perpendicular bisector of chord of circle passes through centre o
  4. Congruent Chords Equidistance from Circle-4
  5. Problem 2: Congruent Chords Equidistance from Circle-4
  6. Chords Equidistance of Circle are Congruent-5
  7. Problem 1: Chords Equidistance of Circle are Congruent-5
  8. Three Non-Collinear Points Form a Circle-1
  9. Problem 1: Three Non-Collinear Points Form a Circle-1
  10. Central angle theorem
  11. Problem 1: Central angle theorem
  12. Tangent to Circle-1
  13. Problem 1: Tangent to Circle-1
  14. Converse of Tangent to Circle-2
  15. Problem 1: Converse of Tangent to Circle-2
  16. Tangent and radial lines are perpendicular to each other
  17. Equal Tangent Segments from a Point to a Circle-3
  18. Distance of Centers of Externally Tangent Circles-4a
  19. Distance of Centers of internally Tangent Circles-4b
Chapter 14: Practical Geometry (23 videos)   (Practice Test)
14.1: Revision  (Practice Test)
  1. Introduction to Practical Geometry
  2. Problem 1: Introduction to Practical Geometry
  3. Constructing Triangle with Three Sides
  4. Problem 1: Constructing Triangle with Three Sides
  5. Construction of a Triangle when one angle and two sides
  6. Constructing Triangle with Side & Two Angles
  7. Problem 1: Constructing Triangle with Side & Two Angles
14.2: The Ambiguous Case
  1. Constructing Triangle-Ambiguous Case
14.3: Concurrent Lines with Reference to a Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. Constructing Angler Bisectors of Triangle
  2. Constructing Perpendicular Bisectors of Triangle
  3. Constructing Medians of Triangle
  4. Constructing Altitudes of Triangle
14.4: To Draw the Circum-Circle of a Triangle
  1. Circumscribe a Circle About a Given Triangle
  2. Problem 1: Circumscribe a Circle About a Given Triangle
14.5: To Draw Incircle of a Triangle
  1. Inscribe a Circle in a Given Triangle
  2. Problem 1: Inscribe a Circle in a Given Triangle
14.6: To Draw Escribed Circle Opposite To a Vertex of a Triangle
  1. Escribe a Circle to a Given Triangle
14.7: To Draw the Tangent to a Circle at a Given Point on the Circle
  1. To Draw the Tangent to a Circle at a Given point on the Circle
14.8: To Draw Two Tangents to a Circle From a Point Outside the Circle
  1. Tangent from a Point Outside a Circle
14.9: To Draw the Direct Common Tangents to the Two Given Circles.  (Practice Test)
  1. Direct Common Tangents to Circles
  2. Direct Common Tangents to circles by Method 2
  3. Direct Common Tangents of Circles with Same Radii
14.10: To Draw the Transverse Common Tangents to the Two Given Circles.
  1. Transverse Common Tangents to Circles1
Chapter 15: Trigonometry (36 videos)   (Practice Test)
15.1: Introduction
  1. Meaning and Importance of Trigonometry
  2. Problem 1: Meaning and Importance of Trigonometry
15.2: Trigonometric Ratios of Acute Angles
  1. Trigonometric Ratios of an Acute Angle
  2. Problem 1: Trigonometric Ratios of an Acute Angle
15.3: Values of Trigonometric Ratios of Angles of 45, 30 And 60 Degree.  (Practice Test)
  1. Trigonometric ratios of 45 degree
  2. Problem 1: Trigonometric ratios of 45 degree
  3. Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
  4. Problem 1: Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
  5. Problem 2: Trigonometric ratios of 30 degree and 60 degree
15.4: Relations Between Trigonometric Ratios of the Complementary Angles.
  1. Trigonometric Ratios of an Complementary Angles
  2. Problem 1: Trigonometric Ratios of an Complementary Angles
15.5: Fundamental Trigonometric Identities  (Practice Test)
  1. Proof of Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  2. Problem 1: Proof of Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  3. More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  4. Problem 2: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  5. Problem 3: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  6. Problem 4: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
  7. Problem 1: More on Fundamental Trigonometric Identity
15.6: Solution of Right Triangle  (Practice Test)
  1. When measures of one side and one angle are given
  2. Problem 1: When measures of one side and one angle are given
  3. when measures of hypotenuse and one Acute angle are given
  4. Problem 1: when measures of hypotenuse and one angle are given
  5. When measures of two sides are given
  6. Problem 1: When measures of two sides are given
  7. When measures of hypotenuse and one side are given
  8. Problem 1: When measures of hypotenuse and one side are given
15.7: Finding Heights and Distances by Using Trigonometric Ratios  (Practice Test)
  1. Concept of Angle of Elevation & Depression
  2. Problem 1: Concept of Angle of Elevation & Depression
  3. when one Side & Angle of Elevation are Given
  4. Problem 1: when one Side & Angle of Elevation are Given
  5. when One Side & Angle of Depression are Given
  6. Problem 1: when One Side & Angle of Depression are Given
  7. when Hypotenuse & Angle of Elevation are Given
  8. Problem 1: when Hypotenuse & Angle of Elevation are Given
  9. when Given Sides-Angle of Elevation-Depression
  10. Problem 1: when Given Sides-Angle of Elevation-Depression